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structural irregularities in plant

Irregularity type and description Section of reference application of category of

seismic performance
1. torsional irregularity D and E C,D and E
2. reentrant corners D and E
3. diaphragm discontinuity D and E
4. move off centre outside plan D and E
5. nonparallel systems C,D and E


1. The torsional irregularity occurs where the maximum horizontal displacement between plants,
including the accidental torsion, in an end of the transversal structure to an axis is more than 1.2 times
the average value of the horizontal displacements between plants in both ends of the building. The
requirements of torsional irregularity in the reference sections apply only to buildings in which the
diaphragms are rigid in relation to the vertical structural elements that resist to the seismic forces.
2. Configurations in plant of a structure and its resistant system to lateral forces contain re-entrant
corners where both projections of the structure outside the re-entrant corner are greater than 15% of
the dimension in plant of the structure in a given direction.
3. Diaphragms with discontinuities or variations of abrupt rigidity, including areas trimmed or opened
50% greater than the raw area locked up by the diaphragm, or changes in the effective rigidity of the
diaphragm of more than 50% of a floor to the following one.
4. Discontinuities in the trajectory of the resistance to lateral forces, such as move off centre outside
plan of the vertical elements
5. The vertical elements of the resistant system to lateral forces are neither parallel to nor symmetrical
with respect to the main orthogonal axes of the resistant system to lateral forces.

Vertical structural irregularities
Irregularity type and description Section of reference application of category of
seismic performance

1. rigidity irregularity: smooth floor D and E

2. mass irregularity D and E

3. vertical geometric irregularity D and E

4. discontinuity within the plan in the D and E

elements of the resistant vertical
system to lateral forces

5. discontinuity of lateral resistance: B, C, D and E

Weak floor


6. A smooth floor is one in which the lateral rigidity is less than 70% of the lateral rigidity of the floor
above or less than 80% of the average rigidity of the three above floors .
7. Mass irregularity exists where the effective mass of any floor is more than 150% of the effective
mass of an adjacent floor. It is not necessary to consider a ceiling when it is lighter than the floor
immediately underneath.
8. Vertical geometric irregularity exists where the horizontal dimension of the resistant system to
lateral forces in any floor is more than 130% than the one of any adjacent floor.
9. A move off centre within the plan of the resistant elements to lateral forces greater than the length
of those elements.
10. A weak floor is one for which the lateral resistance of the floor is minor than 80% than the one of
the above floor. The resistance of the floor is the total resistance of all the resistant elements to
earthquake that share the shearing stress between floors in the direction under consideration.

procedures of analysis for categories D and E of seismic performance
description of the building reference and procedures
regular buildings until 75m Section 4.2.3
buildings with only vertical structural Section 4.2.4
irregularities of Type 1, 2, or 3 in Table
and with a height of more than five floors or 20m
and all building of more than 75m of height.
All the other buildings with irregularities in plant Section 4.2.3 plus the effect of the irregularity in
or vertical the dynamic response

Buildings in category III or IV of Table 4.1.4 in A specific to a site response spectrum will be
areas with Aa greater than 0.40 within 10 km of used, but the shearing stress in the design base
faults that have the capacity to generate won’t be minor than the one that is determined in
earthquakes of magnitude 7 or more. Section

Buildings in areas with Av of 0.2 greater with a A specific to a site response spectrum will be
period of 0.7 sec or more located in sites of Type used, but the shearing stress in the design base
E of Soil Profile won’t be minor than the one that is determined in

horizontal displacements between permissible floors,

Building Category of Table 4.1.4

Buildings, excluding those with shearing
walls of masonry or frames of masonry,
four floors or less, with internal walls,
partitions, ceilings, and systems of outer
wall designed to accommodate the
horizontal displacement between floors

All other buildings

is the height of the floor under the Level x

There will be no limitation of the horizontal displacement between floors for buildings of a plant
with inner walls, partitions, ceilings, and systems of outer wall designed to accommodate the
horizontal displacement between floors. It will have to satisfy the requirement of separation of the
building of Section


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