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Guideline for PPS Payment via CUSIS

Please login, click “CUSIS” tile, “Financial Account” tile

and then “Make a payment”.
Guideline for PPS Payment via CUSIS

Select Payment Method

Select payment method “PPS (Shop and Buy)”, click “Confirm” and “Next”.
Guideline for PPS Payment via CUSIS
Specify Payment Amount
You may choose “Pay All Charges” to settle full amount. To make partial payment, please choose
“Clear All” and adjust the amount in the “Payment Amount” box.
Guideline for PPS Payment via CUSIS
Check Payment Amount
Check the payment amount and click “Confirm”, “OK” and “Next” to process the payment.
Guideline for PPS Payment via CUSIS
Confirm Payment Amount
Click “Confirm” and “Next” to confirm the payment amount.
Guideline for PPS Payment via CUSIS
Payment Platform
After the amount is confirmed, you will be re-directed to the PPS payment platform. Please input your 8-digit PPS Account Number or
PPS Account Name and PPS Internet Password.
Guideline for PPS Payment via CUSIS
Payment Result
After making payment in PPS, there will be a confirmation message in CUSIS showing the payment result. You may save the
record as the payment evidence.

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