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Activity 1: Running Scan Disk

1. Double click on my computer on your desktop

 My Computer

2. Right click on the hard drive, and select “Properties”

 Accessing hard drive properties

3. In Windows XP, under “Tools”, select “Check Now…” under “Error-checking”

 Starting Scan Disk – Windows XP

4. In Windows XP, check off “Automatically fix file system errors” and “Scan for and
attempt recovery of bad sectors”. Click “Start”

 Checking the hard disk – Windows XP

5. Windows XP will state that it will need to restart Windows and will run the check next
time it starts up. Click “Yes” and restart Windows

 Scheduling Scan Disk – Windows XP

6. In Windows 95/98/ME, under “Tools”, select “Check Now…” under “Error-checking


 Starting Scan Disk – Windows 95/98/ME

7. In Windows 95/98/ME, select the drive you wish to check, under “Type of test”, keep
“Standard” selected unless you feel that you may have problems with the hard drive’s
surface; if so, select “Thorough”. Check off “Automatically fix errors” and then click
 Scan Disk – Windows 95/98/ME

8. Scan Disk will take from 10 minutes to a few hours, depending on the type of test, amount of
errors was in the hard drive and/or the size of the hard drive

9. Once Scan Disk is finished in Windows 95/98/ME, there will be a brief summary of the
results. Click “Close” to end Scan Disk

 Scan Disk results – Windows 95/98/ME

Activity 2: Running Disk Defragmenter
1. Double click on my computer on your desktop

 My Computer

2. Right click on the hard drive, and select “Properties”

 Accessing hard drive properties

3. Now, select “Tools” and select “Defragment Now…”

 Accessing Defragmentation – Windows XP

a. In Windows 95/98/ME, under “Defragmentation status”, it will tell you when

the last time you have defragmented the drive. Click “Defragment Now…” to
start Disk Defragmenter.

 Accessing Defragmentation – Windows 95/98/ME

4. Now in Windows XP, click on “Defragment”

 Starting Disk Defragmenter – Windows XP

5. Windows 95/98/ME, Disk Defragmenter should already be running

 Disk Defragmenter running – Windows 95/98/ME

6. Disk Defragmenter is now running. Depending on the size of your hard drive and/or how
fragmented the drive was, it may take anywhere from 15 minutes to a few hours to be

 Disk Defragmenter running – Windows XP

Activity 3: Running Spybot – Search & Destroy
1. First, go to

2. Under the “Download” heading, click on the Spybot - Search & Destroy 1.3 link

3. Click on a mirror site to download Spybot – Search & Destroy.

4. Once downloaded, double click the file to start the installation process. Agree to the License
Agreement to start installing. Keep the default install options to install Spybot – Search &

5. Check off the “Don’t show this message again.” under Legal Stuff (besides, programs that
need advertisement robots to run are spy-ware/adware), and click “OK”

 Legal Stuff

6. Spybot will ask you if you wish to create a registry back up. This is a good idea to do just in
case something goes wrong with the registry. When done, click “Next”
 Spybot-S&D Wizard – Registry Backup

7. Since we will be updating Spybot anyways, we can skip the “Search for updates”. Click

 Spybot-S&D Wizard – Updates

8. After we download the latest database for spyware and adware, we will immunize the
computer, so skip the immunize and click “Next”
 Spybot-S&D Wizard – Immunize

9. Now, click on “Start using the program”

 Spybot-S&D Wizard – Starting the program

10. Now, we must download and install the latest updates. Click on “Search for Updates”
 Search for Updates

11. Spybot will now search the update server for the latest updates for Spybot

 Update progress

12. Check off the items you wish to update, and click on “Download Updates”
 Downloading and installing updates

13. During the install process, a DOS window may open and Spybot will restart.

14. Now, click on “Check for problems” in order to see if there is spyware and adware on your
 Checking for problems (spyware, adware, etc.)

15. Now Spybot is checking your computer for spyware and adware.

 Running spyware and adware check

16. Whatever spyware and adware Spybot finds, it will list them. You can read up on the selected
problems to see what they do if you wish. Once done, click on “Fix selected problems”

 Removing spyware and adware

17. To use the Immunize feature of Spybot, click on the “Immunize” button on the side menu. A
pop-up window will appear stating how many threats your system is vulnerable. Click “OK”.
Now, click on the green cross Immunize button to immunize your computer.

 Immunizing your computer

Activity 4: Steps to Updating Windows

1. Open up Internet Explorer and click on “Tools”“Windows Update”. If this is not

working, you can visit Microsoft Windows Update directly at:

 Accessing Windows Update in Internet Explorer

2. Or on Windows 98 and up, Windows Update can be accessed through

“Start””Windows Update” or “Start””All Programs””Windows Update”
 Accessing Windows Update – Windows XP

3. If Windows has not been updated in a while, you may need to download and install the latest
Windows Update software. Press “Install Now”
 Getting the latest Windows Update software – Windows Update

4. After some time, you will see two options, “Express Install (Recommended):” and
“Custom Install”. Click on “Express Install (Recommended):” to start downloading and
installing the Windows Updates

 Choosing the Install method – Windows Update

5. Review the updates to install and press “Install…”

 Installing the Updates – Windows Update

6. The computer may ask for a restart after the updates. Restart the computer when prompted

7. Repeat the above steps until you get the screen below stating that there are no critical updates
to be installed
Activity 5: Windows XP Professional Edition Backup
The backup utility can be found in Start-All Programs-Accessories-System Tools. The figure
below shows the window that first opens. In this dialog box, you have a choice between
Microsoft's step-by-step "Wizards".

The next window appears if you are making a new backup. It gives you a choice of what to back
up. You may wish to back up everything or just certain folders and/or files. Here we will pick
"Let me choose what to back up". Click "Next".

A dialog box will open listing the contents of your computer. Select the particular folders and
files that you want to back up. Click "Next".
Now choose where you want to put the backup and what you want to call it. If you are backing
up the entire system, make sure that the backup medium has enough space. When you have
chosen the destination, click "Next".

A point to remember is that the backup will be a single file and that FAT32 files cannot exceed 4
GB. If you have a larger amount even after compression, any backup drives should be formatted
with NTFS. Also note that the utility cannot do a direct backup to a CD-R. Either you have to
back up to a folder on a hard drive and then copy to a CD or you need packet-writing software
and a CD-RW. The same holds for DVDs.
The next dialog box shows the settings that you have chosen. If they are correct, click "Finish" to
create the backup. If you wish, there are also some advanced settings that can be used to modify
the backup procedure. They can be accessed by clicking the "Advanced' button before
proceeding to "Finish".

When the backup is finished, you will get the window shown below
Activity 6: Create a Windows Restore Point
Windows Vista and Windows 7
To create a restore point in Windows Vista and Windows 7, follow the below steps

1. On the Windows desktop, click START, find Computer (or My Computer) in the Start Menu,
right-click with your mouse and select Properties.

2. A new window will open. On the left side, click on the System protection option. This will
open the System Properties window, with the System Protection tab selected. (If the System
Protection tab is not selected, click on that tab to select it.)

3. Near the bottom on the System Protection tab, click the Create button.
4. Another small window will open. Enter a description for the restore point in the text field and
click the Create button. It's generally a good idea to describe what you are planning on doing to
the computer after the restore point has been created. For example, we're creating a restore point
called "installed Microsoft Office" with the intentions of installing Office after the restore point
has been created.

The restore point will be created and available to rollback to if ever needed.

If you ever need to rollback Windows Vista or Windows 7 to an earlier time, on the System
Protection tab, click the System Restore button and follow the prompts to select a restore point
and initiate the rollback.
Windows XP users
To create a restore point in Windows XP, follow the below steps

1. Click Start, All Programs, Accessories, System Tools, and then System Restore.

2. The System Restore window will open. Select the Create a restore point option and click the
Next button.

3. Enter a description for the restore point in the Restore point description text field and click the
Create button.

The restore point will be created and available to rollback to if ever needed.

If you ever need to rollback Windows XP to an earlier time, on the first screen of the System
Restore window, select the Restore my computer to an earlier time option and follow the
prompts to select a restore point and initiate the rollback.

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