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State Engineering Services Exam - 2017
(Model Answer Key)

Electrical Engineering

Q1 : Find the value of 'R' ( in ohms ) required for maximum power transfer in the network Shown in figure

A 2

B 4


D 16
Answer Key: C

Q2 : A 10 resistor, a 1 H inductor and 1 F capacitor are connected in parallel . The combination is driven by a unit step current.
Under steady state conditions , the source current flows through

A the resistor

B the inductor

C the capacitor

D all the three elements

Answer Key: B

Q3 : Norton's theorem states that a complex network conncected to a load can be replaced with an equivalent impedance

A in series with a current source

B in parallel with a voltage source

C in series with a voltage source

D in parallel with a current source

Answer Key: D

Q4 : The condition AD - BC = 1 for a two port network implies that the network is a

A reciprocal network

B lumped element network

C lossless network

D unilateral element network

Answer Key: A
Q5 : For the circuit shown in figure quality factor Q is 25 and resonant frequency o is 50 k rad/s. Then the bandwidth B of the
circuit is


A 4 k rad /s

B 2 k rad /s

C 4.5 k rad /s

D 3 k rad /s
Answer Key: B

Q6 : Given that , then f(t) is

Answer Key: B

Q7 : For the circuit shown in figure, the hybrid parameter h21 is given as

A -2/3

B 2/3

C -1/9

D 1/9
Answer Key: A

Q8 : For which of the following materials, the relative permeability is much greater than unity ?

A Diamagnetic materials

B Paramagnetic materials

C Ferromagnetic materials WWW.ALLEXAMREVIEW.COM

D None of the above

Answer Key: C
Q9 : Dielectric materials are essentially

A Insulating materials

B Conducting materials

C Semi conducting materials

D Ferro electric materials

Answer Key: A

Q10 Super conductors are becoming popular for use in


A Manufacturing of memories

B Generating a very strong magnetic field

C Generating a very strong electrostatic field

D Generating regions free from magnetic field

Answer Key: A

Q11 Power consumed by a simple dc circuit can be measured with the help of a single ammeter if
A the load resistance is known

B the supply voltage is known

C the supply current is known WWW.ALLEXAMREVIEW.COM

D cannot be measured
Answer Key: A

Q12 Harmonic distortions in power supply does not affect the performance of Maxwell's bridge since

A Filters are used to remove harmonics

B Final expression for unknown inductance contains only fundamental frequency

C Mechanical resonance frequency of null detectors are beyond the range of harmonic frequencies

D Final expression for unknown inductance is independent of frequency

Answer Key: D

Q13 A meggar is used for measurement of

A low value resistance

B medium value resistance

C high value particularly insulation resistance

D All of the above

Answer Key: C
Q14 Purely mechanical instruments cannot be used for dynamic measurements because they have
A Large time constant

B Higher response time

C High inertia

D All of the above

Answer Key: D

Q15 The time base signal in a CRO is

A a sinusoidal signal

B a sawtooth signal

C a square wave signal

D a triangular wave signal

Answer Key: B

Q16 Line regulation is determined by

A load current

B zener current and load current

C changes in load resistance and output voltage

D changes in output voltage and input voltage

Answer Key: D

Q17 To saturate a BJT,


A IB = IC(sat)

B IB > IC(sat)/ dc

C Vcc must be at least 10 V

D The emitter must be grounded

Answer Key: B

Q18 Collector - feedback bias is


A based on the principle of positive feedback

B based on the beta multiplication

C based on the principle of negative feedback

D not very stable

Answer Key: C

Q19 A single phase fully controlled thyristor bridge rectifier is fed from a 230 V, 50 Hz single phase AC mains. If it is delivering a
: constant DC current of 10 A at a firing angle of 30o, then the value of power factor at AC mains is

A 0.87

B 0.9


D 0.45
Answer Key: C

Q20 The constant current region of a JFET lies between

A cutoff and saturation

B cutoff and pinch off

C 0 & IDSS

D pinch off and break down

Answer Key: D

Q21 A single phase full bridge voltage source inverter (VSI) is fed from a 300 V battery. A pulse of 120o duration is used to trigger
: the appropriate devices in each half cycle. The rms value of the fundamental component of the output voltage in volts is

A 234

B 245

C 300

D 331
Answer Key: A

Q22 In an 8085 microprocessor system with memory mapped I/O,

A I/O devices have 16-bit addresses

B I/O devices are accessed using IN and OUT instructions

C there can be a maximum of 256 input devices and 256 output devices

D I/O devices have 8-bit addresses


Q23 The device used to convert a binary number to a 7-segment display format is the
A Multiplexer

B Encoder

C Decoder
D Register

Answer Key: C

Q24 In a microprocessor, when a CPU is interrupted, it

A Stops execution of instructions

B Acknowledges interrupt and branches to subroutine

C Acknowledges interrupt and continue WWW.ALLEXAMREVIEW.COM

D Acknowledges interrupt and waits for the next instruction from the interrupting device
Answer Key: D

Q25 An I/O processor controls the flow of information between

A cache memory and I/O devices

B main memory and I/O devices

C two I/O devices

D cache and main memories

Answer Key: B

Q26 A 4-bit parallel adder can add

A two 4-bit binary numbers

B two 2-bit binary numbers

C four bits at a time

D four bits in a sequence

Answer Key: A

Q27 The number of hard ware interrupts present in 8085 microprocessor are
A 1

B 4

C 5

D 13
Answer Key: C

Q28 An asynchronous counter differs from a synchronous counter in

A the number of states in its sequence

B the method of clocking

the type of flip-flops used
D the value of the modules
Answer Key: B

Q29 A modulus -10 ring counter require a minimum of


A ten flip-flops

B five flip-flops

C four flip-flops

D twelve flip-flops
Answer Key: A

Q30 A ROM is a

A nonvolatile memory

B volatile memory

C read / write memory

D byte - organized memory

Answer Key: A

Q31 The phenomenon of overlap in converter operation occurs due to

A source resistance

B source inductance

C both source resistance and source inductance

D high value of firing angle

Answer Key: B

Q32 The average load current supplied by a thyristor depends on


A firing angle

B firing frequency

C magnitude of gate current

D all of the above

Answer Key: A

Q33 In register index addressing mode, the effective address is given by

A the index register value
B the sum of the index register value and the operand
C the operand

D the difference of the index register value and the operand


Q34 The characteristic equation of a feed back control system is given by 3s4 + 10s3 + 5s2 + 5s + 2 = 0. The number of roots in the
: RHP of the s-plane are

A zero

B 1

C 2

D 3
Answer Key: C

Q35 A unity feedback system has open loop transfer function . The peak overshoot in the step input response of the
system is approximately equal to

A 5%

B 10%

C 15%

D 20%
Answer Key: B

Q36 Consider the root locus plot of a unity feedback system with open loop transfer function.
: .
The meeting point of the asymptotes on the real axis occurs at

A -1.2

B -0.85

C -1.05

D -0.75
Answer Key: D

Q37 In a constant v/f induction motor drive, the slip at the maximum torque

A is directly proportional to the synchronous speed

B remains constant with respect to the synchronous speed

C has an inverse relation with the synchronous speed

D has no relation with the synchronous speed

Answer Key: C

Q38 No load current in a transformer

A lags the applied voltage by 90
B lags the applied voltage by somewhat less than 90
C leads the applied voltage by 90
D leads the applied voltage by somewhat less than 90
Answer Key: B

Q39 On the two sides of a star/delta transformer


A the voltages and currents are both in phase

B the voltages and currents both differ in phase by 30
C the voltages differ in phase by 30 but currents are in phase
D the currents differ in phase by 30 but voltages are in phase
Answer Key: B

Q40 Short - pitching armature winding in an AC machine

A increase phase voltage but reduces its harmonic content

B increase phase voltage and its harmonic content

C reduces phase voltage and its harmonic content

D reduces phase voltage but increase its harmonic content

Answer Key: C

Q41 Field control of a DC shunt motor gives

A constant torque drive

B constant power drive

C constant speed drive

D variable load speed drive

Answer Key: B

Q42 In a synchronous machine, the voltage induced by armature reaction flux acts like
A The voltage drop in inductive reactance

B The voltage drop in resistance

C The voltage drop in capacitive reactance

D None of the above

Answer Key: A
Q43 Given Xd = d - axis synchronous reactance,
: Xq = q - axis synchronous reactance. WWW.ALLEXAMREVIEW.COM
In a salient pole synchronous machine

A Xq > Xd

B Xq = Xd

C Xq < Xd

D Xq = 0
Answer Key: C

Q44 By adding a resistance in the rotor circuit of a slip ring induction motor
A The starting current and torque both reduce (compared to DOL start)

B The starting current and torque both increase

C The starting current reduces but starting torque increases

D The starting current increases but starting torque decreases

Answer Key: C

Q45 A capacitor start single phase induction motor is used


A For easy to start loads

B For medium start loads

C For hard to start loads

D For any type of start loads

Answer Key: C

Q46 If the length of a cable is doubled, its capacitance

A Becomes one-fourth

B Becomes one-half

C Becomes double

D Remaines unchanged
Answer Key: C

Q47 The arc voltage produced in AC circuit breaker is always

A In phase with the arc current
B Lagging the arc current by 90
C Leading the arc current by 90

D None of the above

Answer Key: A

Q48 Burden of a protective relay is the power


A required to operate the circuit breaker

B absorbed by the circuit of relay

C developed by the relay circuit

D None of the above

Answer Key: B

Q49 A synchronous condenser is

A an induction motor

B under excited synchronous motor

C over excited synchronous motor

D DC generator
Answer Key: C

Q50 The FACTS device which uses voltage source converter in it is




Answer Key: D

Q51 The sinusoidal signal x(t) = 2 cos( t) can be expressed as follows:

j t + e-j t
A e
j t - e-j t
B e
j t - e-j t)/j
C (e
j t + e-j t)/j
D (e
Answer Key: A

Q52 The Laplace transform of integral of u(t-6) is given by (Here u(t) is an unit step function) :
A e /s
B e
C e /s
D -e /s
Answer Key: A

Q53 The signal x(t) = Acos( t + ) is: WWW.ALLEXAMREVIEW.COM

A Energy signal

B Power signal

C Energy and power signed

D None of the above

Answer Key: B

Q54 If X(s) is the one-sided Laplace transform of x(t), then, the Laplace transform of is given by
A (X(s) - x(0))/s

B X(s)

C X(s)/s

D sX(s) - x(0)
Answer Key: C

Q55 The condition for a stable system in z - domain can be given as

A |z| > 1

B |z| < 1

C |z| = 1

D |z| 1

Answer Key: B

Q56 If impulse response for a linear time invariant system is , then what will be the output of this system when
: input signal to this system is u[n]?

Answer Key: A

Q57 The autocorrelation function of the signal x(t) denoted by follows the following property:


Answer Key: B

Q58 The other name of common collector amplifier is

A Source follower

B Collector follower

C Emitter follower

D Base follower
Answer Key: C

Q59 A low pass filter can behave as follows:

A Differentiator

B Integrator

C Differentiator and integrator

D Neither Differentiator nor integrator

Answer Key: B

Q60 Common mode rejection ratio (CMRR) for an operational amplifier should have value
A Equal to 1

B Near to 1

C Very less

D As maximum as possible
Answer Key: D

Q61 In operational amplifier circuit, suppose we ground non-inverting input, in that case the inverting input

A Becomes zero

B Behaves like a virtual ground

C Becomes very high

D None of the above

Answer Key: B

Q62 In a 100 bus power system ,there are 10 generators. In Particular iteration of Newton Raphson load flow technique (in polar co-
: ordinates), two of the PV buses are converted to PQ type. In this iteration ,
A The number of unknown voltage angles increases by two and the number of unknown voltage magnitudes increases by two

B the number of unknown voltage angles remains unchanged and the number of unknown voltage magnitudes increases by two

C The number of unknown voltage angles increases by two and the number of unknown voltage magnitudes decreases by two

D the number of unknown voltage angles remains unchanged and the number of unknown voltage magnitudes decreases by two

Q63 The Poynting vector in terms of electric field vector and magnetic field vector is given by

Answer Key: D

Q64 Maxwell's equation in free space can be given as:


Answer Key: C

Q65 If two sinusoidal vectors with different amplitudes and phases are added together, then the resulting vector is polarized

A Linearly

B Elliptically

C Circularly

D None of the above

Answer Key: B

Q66 The Boolean expression given by is equivalent to the following




Answer Key: A

Q67 The Boolean expression A = Z(Y+Z) (X+Y+Z) can be simplified to




Answer Key: C

Q68 In JK flip flop, the race round condition takes place when,
A J=0,K=0

B J=0,K=1


D J=1,K=1
Answer Key: D

Q69 The half adder circuit has the following number of inputs and outputs respectively
A 1,2

B 2,1

C 2,2

D 2,3
Answer Key: C

Q70 Consider a system consisting of a synchronous generator working at a lagging power factor, a synchronous motor working at an
: over excited condition and a directly grid connected induction generator. Consider capacitive VAr to be source and inductive VAr
to be sink of reactive power. Which one of the following statement is true ?

A Synchronous motor and synchronous generators are sources and induction generator is a sink of reactive power

B Synchronous motor and induction generator are sources and synchronous generator is a sink of reactive power.

C Synchronous motor is a source and induction generator and synchronous generator are sinks of reactive power

D All are sources of reactive power

Answer Key: A

Q71 The lag compensator can be considered as:

A A low pass filter

B A high pass filter

C A band pass filter

D A band stop filter

Answer Key: A

Q72 Transducer is a device which is

A Useful for converting power from one form to other form

B Useful for converting energy from one form to other form

C Useful in measurement of electrical signals

D Useful in amplification of the signals WWW.ALLEXAMREVIEW.COM

Answer Key: B

Q73 In an ideal Ammeter, the internal resistance should be

A Infinite

B High value

C Zero

D Medium
Answer Key: C

Q74 The following bridge can be used for measuring the dielectric loss of the capacitor
A Owen bridge

B Wien bridge

C Schering bridge

D Maxwell bridge
Answer Key: C

Q75 Q-meter works on the following principle:


A Parallel resonance circuit

B Series resonance circuit

C Mutual inductance

D Self inductance
Answer Key: B

Q76 If two signals denote by x1(t) and x2(t) are orthogonal then the following condition is satisfied:


Answer Key: A

Q77 Pre emphasis in frequency modulated (FM) communication system is generally used for
A Amplifying low-frequency components

B Amplifying high-frequency components

C Amplifying low and high frequency components

D Amplifying DC component
Answer Key: B

Q78 A linear discrete time system has the characteristic equation, z3-0.81z = 0. The system is
A Stable

B Marginally Stable

C Unstable

D Stability cannot be assessed from the given information

Answer Key: A

Q79 The following modulation system requires minimum channel bandwidth:

A Vestigial side band (VSB)

B Double side band suppressed carrier (DSB-SC)

C Single side band (SSB)

D Amplitude modulation (AM)

Answer Key: C

Q80 In television system, the following modulation schemes are used for picture and sound respectively
A Frequency modulation, Amplitude modulation

B Amplitude modulation , Frequency modulation

C Amplitude modulation, Amplitude modulation

D Frequency modulation, Frequency modulation

Answer Key: B
Q81 The following type of system can be represented in unique way with the help of transfer function:
A Linear time - variant systems WWW.ALLEXAMREVIEW.COM

B Non linear time - variant systems

C Non linear time - invariant systems

D Linear time - invariant systems

Answer Key: D

Q82 The transfer function of a system is given by . What will be the gain for frequency =6,

A 1

B 2

C 3

D 4
Answer Key: B

Q83 The phase cross over frequency is derived where the phase angle has following value:

A - radian

B radian

C /2 radian

D 0
Answer Key: B

Q84 The phase margin of a stable feedback system is

A Always negative

B Always positive

C May be positive or negative

D None of the above

Answer Key: B

Q85 The following type of systems has tendency to generate oscillations:

A Closed loop system

B Open loop system

C Open and closed loop system

D None of the above

Answer Key: A

Q86 In Amplitude Modulation (AM) communication systems, the oscillator frequency in receiver is as:
A Always 455 Hz

B More than signal frequency

C Less than signal frequency

D Same as signal frequency

Answer Key: B

Q87 Quantization error takes place in the following process:

A Pulse width modulation

B Pulse code modulation

C Frequency division multiplexing

D Time division multiplexing

Answer Key: B

Q88 The Quantization noise can be reduced by

A Using radio frequency amplifier in the receiver

B Increasing number of quantization levels

C Sending sloping pulses

D Applying de-emphasis circuit

Answer Key: B

Q89 In Amplitude modulation (AM) system, a carrier is modulated by two sinusoidal message signals with modulation index of 0.6
: and 0.8 respectively. Then, the resulting modulation index will be as:

A 1.4

B 0.8


D 0.2
Answer Key: C

Q90 In the amplitude modulation (AM) communication system, the modulation index should be in the following range:

A 0 to 1

B -1 to 1

C 1 to 2
-1 to 0
Answer Key: A

Q91 For a narrow-band frequency modulated (FM) signal, the generated bandwidth for 5 KHz audio signal will be

A 5 KHz


C 20 KHz

D 30 KHz
Answer Key: B

Q92 If signal energy (E) satisfies the following condition 0 < E < , then this signal will be called as:
A Energy signal

B Power signal

C Stationary signal

D Non-stationary signal
Answer Key: A

Q93 For two events A and B that are independent and mutually exclusive then the probability P(AB) will be
A 1

B 0

D 0.5
Answer Key: B

Q94 The mean of the random process

: Z(t)= Y(t)- Y(t-T)
can be given as

A 1

B 0


D 2T
Answer Key: B

Q95 The following statement is true:

A JFET can be represented as a current controlled current source

B JFET can be represented as a current controlled voltage source

C JFET can be represented as a voltage controlled voltage source

D JFET can be represented as a voltage controlled current source


Q96 Nyquist rate (NR) of the signal and maximum frequency (MF) are related as:

B NR = 2MF

C NR = 1/MF

D NR = MF/2
Answer Key: B

Q97 Ripple factor is defined as:

A RMS Value / Peak value

B Peak value / RMS value

C Peak Value / DC value

D RMS Value / DC value

Answer Key: D

Q98 Diffraction in electromagnetic waves takes place due to

A Spherical waveforms

B Edge of a sharp obstacle

C Waves pass through a large slot

D Reflections from the ground

Answer Key: B

Q99 In parabolic reflector, the Cassegrain feed is used for the following purpose:
A In order to make high gain of the system

B In order to make higher bandwidth of the system

C In order to decrease size of the main reflector

D In order to place the feed at a convenient point

Answer Key: D

Q100 A PIN diode finds application as

A Microwave switch
B Microwave detector WWW.ALLEXAMREVIEW.IN

C Microwave mixer diode

D Metal semiconductor point-contact diode

Answer Key: A

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