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“We realized that the

transaction-based model
was actually sensible, and
that its profitability would be
higher compared to ordinary
box sales.”

HIS IS do-or-die.
It’s hard to be certain if
that’s exactly what was going
through Samir Dhingra’s mind,
but it wouldn’t be too far off the mark.
It was 2002, and as the managing
director of a start-up, Dhingra had just
pitched a OCR software and scanners’
solution at the Reserve Bank of India—
and he needed it to work. The problem
was that the deal wasn’t exactly going
his way. The RBI wanted this solution
but didn’t want to dole out the capex
necessary for the project.
It did, however, offer Dhingra the
deal if he was willing to take an unusu-
al route: A transaction-based model.
At that point, such a model was
unheard of, says Dhingra, who remem-
bers having to mull of the approach.
“It would mean that we would own the
solution and the customer would only
pay to use it. We realized that the mod-
el was actually sensible, and that its
profitability would be higher compared
to ordinary box sales,” he says.
Part of Dhingra’s decision might

have had something to do with the

need to keep his company solvent. But
whatever his primary motive was, one
thing is clear: The transaction model
has since made his company, Netspider
Infotech, a lot of money.

Living on a
Today, Netspider Infotech is one of
the largest system integrators to offer
transaction-based digitization solu-
tions to government departments.

Much of its success came after Dhingra
took the formula he worked out with
the RBI and offered it to other govern-

A transaction-based model calls for sizeable ment departments.

“In 2005, we saw a major break-
investments for partners. But as Netspider Infotech through when the government of Odi-
sha decided to collect student data for
shows, it’s a profitable business. state fund allocation on a transaction-



based model. This ‘e-shishu’ project which it hosts the document manage-
received the Prime Minister’s Award ment system—and a huge number of
in 2006-07. In 2007, the Ministry of
Defence awarded us with a huge digi-
WHAT TO EXPECT scanners and specialized equipment,
as it has to address various customer
tization project. It required handing If you want to offer requirements.
about 20 crore documents for provi- transaction-based services you In addition, because most manufac-
dent fund and pension disbursement should be prepared… turers only provide standard support,
across India. Post 2007, a number of Dhingra says that Netspider Infotech
customers including the Controller v For High investments. You’ll has had to invest significantly in
need to find the capital to
General of Accounts, the government skilled manpower as well. Besides that,
fund the infrastructure that
of Rajasthan, the Ministry of Minor- your customer doesn’t want there are on-going investments needed
ity Affairs, the NIC, and Sahara India to buy. Also, be prepared for to manage the infrastructure. It’s
have all engaged us to digitize their the cost of refreshes. also important to note that Netspider
documents using a transaction-based Infotech chooses to invest in equip-
model,” says Dhingra. v To be Patient. A transaction- ment that are long-lasting, giving it a
In the last year alone, Netspider In- based model like the sizeable window before it undergoes a
fotech, which has over 45 government one Netspider Infotech hardware refresh.
departments on its customer-list, has uses is popular with the The investments it has made into the
quadrupled its customer base, and it’s government. But payments business have been worthwhile, go-
could often be delayed.
also doubled its revenues every year. ing by the company’s healthy revenue
v Build expertise. In a growth. “We are recovering the in-
WHAT MAKES IT CLICK? transaction-based model, vestments we made in equipment and
Would you buy an entire five-star hotel the customer not only software. We have, in fact, recovered
just to enjoy the luxuries it provides? passes the risk of owning the cost of critical equipment,” says
Or would you pay for a room and get a solution to you, but also Dhingra. “Initially, profits were quite
the same experience? That’s the logic the job of finding and high. Currently, though the profit per-
Dhingra gives his potential custom- maintaining the skills centage is not very high, the volumes
ers. In addition, he points out to them needed to run the solution. are huge.”
Understand that you need
that the service he offers allows his Competition, be it from traditional
to create attractive, but
customers to capitalize on Netspider simple, pricing models. resellers or players with similar model,
Infotech’s expertise, something they is tolerable, he says. Dhingra says he of-
would have to build—and maintain—if v Create mature and standard ten stumbles upon traditional resellers
they were to go on their own. processes. Like any paid-for who propose on-premise solutions. But
“In most cases, the customer is not offering, customers expect it isn’t a struggle to convince customers
an expert in managing large-volume high levels of service. of the advantages of an opex model.
scanning. The opex model could be a Netspider Infotech, for Principals that Netspider Infotech
little expensive for them in the long instance, got its process ISO works with are also bullish on the
run, but if you consider the discomfort certified. model. In the last few years, they
customers have to go through if they have been very diligently promoting
used a capex model, it’s actually cheap- an opex-based model, Dhingra says,
er,” he says. “Our logic is: If a customer scanning projects, where the volumes through their Indian service providers.
has got a very expensive car, but one are very high. Over the years, it has Another thing that works for Netspi-
he doesn’t know how to drive, he could achieved a high level of expertise, and der Infotech are the government rate
crash it.” customers trust the company enough for contracts that it signed up for. These,
For customers, the transaction-based them to outsource all their digitization says Dhingra, allows it to work with
model eliminates a lot of the baggage requirements, says Dhingra. Netspider government sector customers without
that a traditional on-premise model Infotech scans its customers’ documents getting into tenders.
comes with. With an on-premise model, and hosts it as a Web-based document Dhingra believes the government
the customer tends to face a lot of chal- and content management system, pro- sector is a literal gold mine of digitiza-
lenges with respect to troubleshooting. viding customers with a single solution tion opportunities. “The large digitali-
It also calls for a lot of involvement and for all their digitization needs. zation projects, which are our core fo-
know-how. “On the other hand,” says cus, come mainly from the government
Dhingra, “the subscription model gives GROWING BUSINESS sector. We are planning to stay put, as
more customer satisfaction. Addition- For those who want to follow in our money is safe, though delayed, with
ally, all our processes are quite mature Netspider Infotech’s footsteps, it’s government sector customers. Besides,
and ISO-certified.” important to be aware that a transac- digitization processes in the govern-
The governments sector forms a tion-based model calls for a lot of in- ment vertical is never-ending. It gives
big part of Netspider Infotech’s busi- vestment initially. Netspider Infotech us constant business,” he says.
ness and it also focuses on large-scale invested in infrastructure—servers on Do-or-die? More like wager-and-win. n


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