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Clothing is not just a piece of fabric wrapped around a body. Clothing has details

that make the fabric fit and compliment your body. Learn to perfect the details and the

garment will come together.

If you are intimidated, start with a simple garment such as pajama pants and work

your way to more elaborate garments. Take the time to practice the parts of a garment and

make a notebook of your practice sample to refer back to when you feel stumped.

Sewing is the craft of fastening or attaching objects using stitches made with a

needle and thread. Sewing is one of the oldest of the textile arts, arising in the Paleolithic

era. Before the invention of spinning yarn or weaving fabric, archaeologists believe Stone

Age people across Europe and Asia sewed fur and skin clothing using bone, antler or ivory

needles and "thread" made of various animal body parts including sinew, catgut, and veins.

For thousands of years, all sewing was done by hand. The invention of the sewing

machine in the 19th century and the rise of computerization in the 20th century led to mass

production and export of sewn objects, but hand sewing is still practiced around the world.

Fine hand sewing is a characteristic of high-quality tailoring, haute couture fashion, and

custom dressmaking, and is pursued by both textile artists and hobbyists as a means of

creative expression.

Sewing Tools and Materials

Sewing is made easy and fast when good quality tools are on hand. High quality

tools will ensure a more professional look to the sewn projects and will make the job

easier and more pleasant.

Sewing tools and materials are classified according to their functions such as

sewing tools, sewing equipment, and materials and supplies.

Sewing Tools

These tools are grouped according to their uses and should be used only for their

intended purposes.

1. Measuring Tools. The measuring tool are the tape measure, yardstick or meter stick,

and ruler. The length of fabrics and sizes of stuff are accurately chosen with

Tape measure

Meter stick

2. Marking Tools. Tracing wheel, tailors’ chalk, carbon paper, and marking pencils are

needed to transfer pattern marks to the fabrics.

tracing wheel

tailor’s chalk

marking pencils
3. Cutting Devices. Shears and scissors come in different sizes. Shears have their handles

shaped differently while scissors have the same handle sizes. Shears have longer blades

ideal for cutting fabrics while scissors are used for cutting threads. Un-picker or ripper is

used for picking and cutting unwanted stiches.

Sewing Equipment

Sewing equipment refers to the different types of sewing machines. These are as


1. Treadle sewing machine – a sewing machine that is manually operated by treadling

and hand dial control.

2. Electric sewing machine – a sewing machine mechanically operated through an

electronic foot control and push button dials.

3. Industrial sewing machine – a highly technical, electrically operated machines used by

skilled sewers. Examples of these are embroidery and straight edge, over locker,

overedger, and computerized sewing machine.

embroidery and straight edge



computerized sewing machine

Materials and Supplies

Sewing materials and supplies include the following:

1. sewing threads, needles for hand and machine sewing, pins, pincushions, and emery


2. fabrics or clothing, and textiles or products made from fabrics such as cotton, linen,

silk nylon, rayon.

Identifying the sewing tools, equipment, supplies, and materials, and being

familiar with how these are used in sewing household linens is the first step to gaining

skills in your sewing projects.

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