C Language AU

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Introduction to C Program.

 C language was discovered by Dennis Ritchie in the year 1972 in Bell laboratories.
 Set of blocks make Program up a huge C program
 B language was invented by ken Thompson
 C language has Become Standardized ANSI C in the year 1989.
 Set of Programs is called Software
 Compiler is the unit which convert C Program into 0 and 1(Binary) object code which will be understudied by


Evolution of C in UNIX

UNIX was originally written in assembly language by ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie. After the initial Success of UNIX,
Ken Thompson Set out to write a Fortran Compiler for it instead he came up with a language called B Influenced by an
earlier language called BCPL (Basic Combined Programming language) B was implemented as an interpreter Dermis
Ritchie implemented it as a Compiler allowing the generation of machine code, Declaration of data types and definition
of Data Structures and called it as C. In 1973 UNIX was rewritten as in C.

Features of C language

It was mainly developed as system programming language to write an operating system

Features of C language

 Procedural language
 fast and efficient
 Modularity
 statically type
 General Purpose Language
 Rich set of built in operators
 Libraries with rich functions
 Portability middle level language
 Easy to extend

Procedural language

In a Procedural language like c step by step pre-defined instructions are carried out, C program may contain one or more
function to perform a Particular task.

Fast and efficient

New languages like Python, java offer more features Than c Programming languages, But due to additional Processing in
These languages, Their Performance rate gets down effectively, C Programming language is a middle level language, It
Provides Programmers access to direct manipulation with computer hardware, But higher level languages do not allow

The concept of storing C Programming. Language code in the form of library for further future uses is known as modularity.
C language has own library to Solve its common problems like in this We can use a function Particular By using a header
file stored in its library.

Statically type

C Programming language is a statically type language meaning, the type of at the variable is checked at time of compilation
But not at run time.

General Purpose language

From system programing to photo editing Software, The C Programming is used in various applications

Some of the application are:

o Oracle
o Android
o SQL Server ,ETC…

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