(CBDRM) -Thư ngỏ

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, LTD Socialist Republic of Vietnam

VIETNAM BEVERAGE Poison Lap - Freedom - Happiness happy

Number : 02/VB River Interior , day month year 2022

Vv : Topic proposal fit works in
attend sentence manager physical
disaster based _ enter add copper
area area domain Central

Glasses send : Rescue Department Help Central Omg

Central Committee _ Omg Face Battle Nest Country
Vietnam _

Word head first , instead face Vietnam Beverage Company Limited (“

VietBev ” ), I ask for cherish important to send to the Rescue Department Help
Central Cuong – Central Committee _ Omg Face Battle Nest Country Vietnam
(“ quarter ” Muscle mandarin ") words Hi and word wish strength healthy .
With ceramic fate close contribute enter events play develop of the add
dong , Vietnam Beverage Company ( VietBev ) always put pros fairy give the
attend sentence support support the area area bear image enjoy of the carpet
disaster disaster . In 2020 and 2021, coordinate fit with Face Committee _
battle Nest country , VietBev , Thailand Beverage Public Company Limited (“
ThaiBev ”), C asean and fund Sirivadhanabhakdi already real presently two
attend sentence handed out donate gift and money face give young you the
chief central learn and pee learn the grant in in Quang Binh , Quang Ngai , Ha
Static , ba conscious bear Queen fruit heavy masonry are from storm , rain
flood .
In 2023, to next connect the Hentai dynamic meaningful _ _ in room
prevent and reduce minimum risk ro really harmful Sky in already real show ,
they I expect would like take Okay events mix fit of the Precious Muscle
mandarin in attend project “ Lifting ” high take awake add copper about room
avoid and reduce light risk ro are from storm , rain flood ” (“ CBDRR ”).
Attend sentence this practice central enter job spear sex young you about
the ants awake and carefully power standard bag and mix fit with team sleep
prize assist geography direction when the yes storm , rain flood . Total terrible
fee of the attend sentence of 1,500,000,000 BAHT is close contribute are from
VietBev company _ and ThaiBev company . _ In in 2023, we I expect would
like develop declare attend sentence in Son Secondary School Trach ,
commune Paint Trach , district Father Trach , province Quang Binh .
Through writing _ copy this VietBev glasses topic proposal events support
support are from Precious Internal organs _ the question topic after :
- Gender introduce they I next the Muscle mandarin , team position in
conscious Quang Jar mandarin heart and expect would like fit works
together they I to together real presently shared the Hentai dynamic in
attend project “ Lifting ” high take awake add copper about room avoid
and reduce light risk ro are from storm , rain flood ".

They I enter together cherish important events support support and fit
works of the Precious Agency . They I expect would like take Okay counter
anise are from Precious Internal organs _ time time Soon best to yes can keep
time help help the area area bag image enjoy in the domain Middle . To know
more details , fun _ _ heart contact system :
1. Grandma Tran Kim Nga – General Giam governor follow number
electricity Phone 0913 806 820, email: nga.t@vietnambeverage.com.vn
2. He Nguyen Sea Paint – Help physical thing , email:

Place receive : GENERAL MANAGER

- Like on ;
- Total Department Room Anti
Disaster - Literature Department
of Instruction Dao Central Omg
About Room Anti Natural
Disaster Tran Kim Nga

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