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5.5: Genetics of Homosexuality, Transgender and Intersex

Last updated: Sep 24, 2020
&5.4: Sex and Gender 5.6: Human Growth and Development - What Can Bo… ' ! ( Readability ) Cite this page Donate

Scientists have wondered what biologically makes someone not binary in terms of sexual orientation or gender. The + Table of contents
binary system is a culturally-created system that the U.S. and many other cultures uses to identify people. This
traditionally means a person is male or female; a man or a woman; and attracted to the opposite sex. However, science is discovering that
humans have way more variation than these two option, and that identity and orientation do not always match up. If your sex, gender, and

orientation match what society expects, this is called being cisgendered. However, someone can be homosexual (attracted to the same sex),
bisexual (attracted to either sex); they can be transgendered (biologically one sex but the gender of the opposite sex), intersex (having aspects
and identities of both sexes), etc.

There is evidence that a person’s identity and orientation are products of their genetics, hormones, environment and personal history. Here are
some examples of this:

“Gay gene:” this is controversial, but if this is inherited, it would show up in identical twins more often than in fraternal twins.
A study by J. Michael Bailey showed homosexuality in 52% of identical twins and 22% in fraternal twins. This is more than twice the
A study by Dean Hamer showed twice the rate of homosexuality in identical vs. non-identical twins
There is a segment of the X chromosome (segment Xq28) that correlates to this and is passed down from mothers to sons
SRY gene: found on the Y chromosome; it determines the sex of an individual
A fetus is female until hormones turn this gene “on,” which then lets the body develop into a male form
When SRY genes are inserted into female mice they give birth to mice with XX chromosomes (so genetically female) but with male
genitalia and male behaviors (including mating behaviors)
If this gene malfunctions or does not fully function, a person will not be “completely” male or female
DMRT 1 and FOXL2 genes: also help determine male sex and the development of sperm and testes
When these are removed from adult mice, the mice started growing female cells à the cells changed sex chromosomally
Males will develop ovaries
In an embryo, the sex is neutral until 6 weeks. Then, if the SRY gene turns on, the fetus will develop male. But, the DMRT1 gene keeps
the fetus male. If this gene does not work, the FOXL2 gene will take over and make the body female
This is how people are intersex (they have biology of both sexes)
DHT and 5-alpha reductase: help a fetus develop into a female
To become female, since the fetus begins as female, it will just continue to develop naturally
For males, in addition to the genes we’ve discussed, it also needs the hormone testosterone and an enzyme called 5-alspha reductase
In a Dominican Republic village in the 1970s, researchers found “guevedoces,” which means “penis at 12.” Children who were female
suddenly turned into males around puberty (aged 12). The reason is that they had the SRY gene and a Y chromosome, but they did not
have enough of the DHT and 5-alpha reductase to make them develop as male until they received another surge of testosterone around
Incredibly, about 95% of the children transitioned to being male with no problems. They fully embraced their new sex and gender

What these cases show is that a person’s sex and gender identity are much more complicated than we once thought. While someone may
choose to change his or her gender or sex, this is not so much a choice but rather them trying to align what their body and mind are telling
them. Genetics, hormones, and enzymes play a huge role in shaping a person’s sex and gender. Additionally, we are finding many more options
than the binary system mentioned above.

Mukherjee, Siddhartha. The Gene: An Intimate History. (2016)

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