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Platform Technologies

Name:Jeremy Dazanlan
Program/Course:PT101 BSIT -2A

Guide Question/s

1. Go to a process and set its priority to “high”. Take screenshot.


2. What Level of threads is better? Why?

User - Level Thread
User-level threads are implemented by users and the kernel is
unaware of the existence of these threads. It treats them as if
they were single-threaded processes. User-level threads are small
and much faster than kernel-level threads. They are represented
by a program counter (PC), stack, registers, and a small process
control block. Additionally, there is no kernel involvement in
synchronization for user-level threads.
Advantages of user-level threads
Some of the benefits of user-level threads are
User-level threads are easier and faster to create than kernel-
level threads. They can also be managed more easily.
User-level threads can run on any operating system.
Thread switching in user-level threads does not require kernel-
mode privileges.
Disadvantages of user-level threads
Some of the disadvantages of user-level threads are that
multithreaded applications in user-level threads cannot take
advantage of multiprocessing. The whole process is blocked when a
user-level thread performs a blocking operation.

3. What is the best mode for data communication? Why?

Full-Duplex is the data transfer mode where data can flow in both
directions at the same time. It is bidirectional in nature. It is
a two-way communication where both stations can send and receive
data at the same time.
The full duplex mode has double the bandwidth of half duplex. The
channel capacity is split between the two communication
directions. This mode is used when full-duplex communication is
the benefits of using a full-duplex transmission method
Two-way communication can be carried out in both directions at
the same time.
It is the fastest way of communication between devices.
the disadvantages of using a half-duplex transmission mode
The capacity of the communication channel is divided into two
parts. Also, there is no dedicated path for data transfer. It is
misusing the channel bandwidth because there are two separate
paths for two communicating devices.

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