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COVID-19 Be Hygienic

What is the corona virus ? COVID-19 can be transmitted through

and what are the person-to-person contract or to things so
symptoms ? we must keep a Social Distance and we
should wash our hands thoroughly and
Most people who fall sick with COVID-19
regularly. We
will experience mild to moderate symptoms
Ought to sanitize our hands. And we have to
and recover without special treatment.
keep our house clean. You should not touch
However, some will become seriously ill and
your face since the virus can be transmitted
require medical attention.
in there. And lastly you should keep healthy
The symptoms include a combination of
for yourselves.
fever, caught, difficulty breathing, muscle
pain and Tiredness.

Tips to avoid Observe

COVID-19 Social Distancing
Wear Face Mask Social Distancing, also called Physical
Distancing, means keeping a safe space
Face Mask is one of the important thinks. between yourself and other people who are
Wear the most protective mask you can that not from your house hold practice Social or
fits well and that you will wear consistently. Physical Distancing, stay at least 6 feet
You must have Face Mask during this (about 2 arm’s length) from other people
pandemic to avoid affected of the virus. who are not from your household on both
You ought to wear a Face Mask and should indoor or outdoor space. We must keep a
be wear in going outside of your house to Social Distance and we should keep
avoid getting infected. ourselves healthy.


In this time of pandemic everyone must AND
Stay at home. We must focusing our home KEEP SAFE
and our health. To keep safe away from the
virus we ought to stay at home and not to
go outside. We need to help to fight the
COVID-19 by following the Community

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