Student Graduation Using DataMining

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Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements

for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy
in the Department of Educational Studies
in Psychology, Research Methodology,
and Counseling in the Graduate School of
The University of Alabama


Copyright Dheeraj Raju 2012

Predictive modeling using data mining methods for early identification of students at risk

can be very beneficial in improving student graduation rates. The data driven decision planning

using data mining techniques is an innovative methodology that can be utilized by universities.

The goal of this research study was to compare data mining techniques in assessing student

graduation rates at The University of Alabama.

Data analyses were performed using two different datasets. The first dataset included pre-

college variables and the second dataset included pre-college variables along with college (end

of first semester) variables. Both pre-college and college datasets after performing a 10-fold

cross-validation indicated no difference in misclassification rates between logistic regression,

decision tree, neural network, and random forest models. The misclassification rate indicates the

error in predicting the actual number who graduated. The model misclassification rates for the

college dataset were around 7% lower than the model misclassification rates for the pre-college

dataset. The decision tree model was chosen as the best data mining model based on its

advantages over the other data mining models due to ease of interpretation and handling of

missing data.

Although pre-college variables provide good information about student graduation,

adding first semester information to pre-college variables provided better prediction of student

graduation. The decision tree model for the college dataset indicated first semester GPA, status,

earned hours, and high school GPA as the most important variables. Of the 22,099 students who

were full-time, first time entering freshmen from 1995 to 2005, 7,293 did not graduate (33%).

Of the 7,293 who did not graduate, 2,845 students (39%) had first semester GPA < 2.25 with less

than 12 earned hours.

This study found that institutions can use historical high school pre-college information

and end of first semester data to build decision tree models that find significant variables which

predict student graduation. Students at risk can be predicted at the end of the first semester

instead of waiting until the end of the first year of school. The results from data mining analyses

can be used to develop intervention programs to help students succeed in college and graduate.


I would like to dedicate this study to my parents. I would also like to thank my family

and friends for supporting me during the course of this study. To my mother - So many years ago

your advice helped me begin this journey. To my dearest friends in Tuscaloosa – Thank you,

Words cannot express my gratitude.


N Number of observations

π (x) Expected value of logistic regression

E(Y|x) Expected value of Y given x

β Model parameters

% Percentage

ε Error term

µ Mean

bag Bagged estimates

g(x) logit transformation

Estimated logit function

λ* Wald statistic

∑ Summation

Wij Weights in neural network model

H0 Null Hypothesis

HA Alternative Hypothesis

Tanh Hyperbolic Tangent function

Tanh-1 Inverse Hyperbolic Tangent function

Log Logarithm

< Less than

= Equal to

≠ Not equal to

> Greater than

≤ Less than or equal to

≥ Greater than or equal to

D Deviance statistic

SE Standard error of the coefficient estimate

ROC Receiver operating characteristics

UA University of Alabama

GPA Grade point average

AUC Area under curve

CHAID Chi-square automatic interaction detection

CART Classification and regression trees

VIF Variance inflation factor


I am grateful to my advisor and chair, Dr. Randall Schumacker, for everything he has

done for me over the course of my PhD and my life here at The University of Alabama. He has

been a great mentor, friend and family that has cheered me on during my successes and helped

me be the person I am. I would not be the same person without his supervision, Thank You Dr.


I would like to thank Mr. Lorne Kuffel for his guidance, suggestions, and helpful

planning to take on a topic that I wanted to pursue. I am indebted to him for all his expert advice

on the topic and giving me an opportunity to get hands-on experience at the office of Institutional

Research. This would not have been possible without his supervision, Thank you Mr. Kuffel

I would like to thank Dr. James McLean for his guidance and support. He was the one

who encouraged me to enroll in this PhD program. Thank you, Dr. McLean.

I am extremely grateful to Dr. Brian Gray for his statistical guidance. He mentored me all

along this study and taught me everything I needed to learn. I thank him for taking the time to

meet with me whenever I needed any help. Thank you, Dr. Gray

I would like to thank Dr. Michael Conerly, for taking the time to serve on my committee

and supervise me. He has been my guiding light since my master’s program in statistics and also

my first teacher to teach me data mining. Thank you, Dr. Conerly


ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................ ………………ii

DEDICATION ............................................................................................................................... iv

LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AND SYMBOLS ............................................................................v

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ............................................................................................................ vii

LIST OF TABLES ....................................................................................................................... xiii

LIST OF FIGURES ..................................................................................................................... xvi

CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION .....................................................................................................1

Problem Statement ...............................................................................................................1

Purpose of the Study ............................................................................................................4

Significance of the Study .....................................................................................................6

Limitations and Delimitations..............................................................................................8

Definition of Terms..............................................................................................................9

Summary ............................................................................................................................10

CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF LITERATURE ................................................................................12

Student Graduation ............................................................................................................12

Data Mining Techniques ....................................................................................................24

Data Mining Applications in Higher Education ................................................................27


Student Success and Graduation ............................................................................30

Research Questions ............................................................................................................37

CHAPTER III: METHODS AND PROCEDURES .....................................................................38

Data Source ........................................................................................................................38


Sampling Technique ..............................................................................................40

Missing Values.......................................................................................................41

Variables ............................................................................................................................41

Research Design.................................................................................................................44

Research Procedure ............................................................................................................47

Software .................................................................................................................51

Model Comparison Techniques .............................................................................51

Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC) .................................................51

Misclassification Rate .................................................................................54

Data Mining Models ..........................................................................................................56

Logistic Regression ................................................................................................56

Variable Selection Methods ........................................................................60

Multicollinearity ........................................................................................62

Decision Trees .......................................................................................................63

Pruning ........................................................................................................69

Random Forests .....................................................................................................69

Neural Networks ................................................................................................................72

Research Questions ............................................................................................................77

CHAPTER IV: RESULTS .............................................................................................................78

Exploratory Data Analysis .................................................................................................79

Graduation Rate by Freshmen Enrollment ............................................................79

Graduation Rate by Freshmen Gender…………………………………...………81

Graduation Rate by Ethnicity.................................................................................84

Graduation Rate by Home Distance ......................................................................86

Graduation Rate by Residency Status ....................................................................88

Graduation Rate by Enrollment Status ..................................................................89

Graduation Rate by First College Choice ..............................................................91

Graduation Rate by Work Information Choice ......................................................92

Graduation Rate by Advanced Placement Credit ..................................................94

Graduation Rate by High School Grade Point Average ........................................95

Graduation Rate by ACT score ..............................................................................97

Graduation Rate by First Semester GPA and Earned Hours .................................98


Outliers and Missing Values ............................................................................................100

Research Question One ....................................................................................................101

Analyses of Pre-college Dataset ..........................................................................102

Forward Regression Results .....................................................................103

Backward Regression Results ...................................................................105

Stepwise Regression Results ....................................................................107

Neural Network Results .............................................................................109

Decision Tree Results ................................................................................114

Summary – Pre-College Dataset Analysis .................................................119

Misclassification Rates ...................................................................121

Analyses of College Dataset ................................................................................122

Forward Regression Results .....................................................................123

Backward Regression Results ...................................................................125

Stepwise Regression Results ....................................................................128

Neural Network Results ............................................................................130

Decision Tree Results ...............................................................................135

Summary – College Dataset Analysis.......................................................141

Misclassification Rates ..................................................................141

Research Question Two ...................................................................................................142

Analyses of Pre-college Dataset ..........................................................................143

Decision Tree Results ...............................................................................144

Neural Network Results ............................................................................145

Random Forest Results .............................................................................146

Logistic Regression Results ......................................................................147

Summary – Pre-College Dataset Analysis……………………………....148

Analyses of College Dataset ................................................................................149

Decision Tree Results ...............................................................................152

Neural Network Results ...........................................................................153

Random Forest Results ............................................................................154

Logistic Regression Results .................................................................…155

Summary – College Dataset Analysis ………………………………….156

Research Question Three……………………………………………………………….156


Introduction ......................................................................................................................159

Summary of Findings .......................................................................................................160

Exploratory Data Analysis ...................................................................................160

Demographic Variables ............................................................................160

High School Variables ..............................................................................161

ACT Variables ..........................................................................................161

College Variables ......................................................................................162

Research Question One ........................................................................................162

Pre-College Dataset ..................................................................................162

College Dataset .........................................................................................163

Research Question Two ........................................................................................163

Pre-College Dataset ..................................................................................163

College Dataset .........................................................................................164

Research Question Three .....................................................................................164

Conclusions ......................................................................................................................164

Practical Application ........................................................................................................166

Recommendations ............................................................................................................170

REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................173

APPENDICES .............................................................................................................................182


3.1 List of Variables ....................................................................................................................44

3.2 ROC Table ............................................................................................................................54

3.3 Misclassification Table .........................................................................................................55

4.1 Variables in Datasets.............................................................................................................78

4.2 Graduation Rates for First-time Freshmen by Enrollment Year ...........................................79

4.3 Graduation Rate for First-time Freshmen by Gender ...........................................................81

4.4 Graduation Rate for First-time Freshmen by Ethnicity ........................................................83

4.5 Graduation Rate for First-time Freshmen by Distance from Home .....................................86

4.6 Graduation Rate by Residency Status ...................................................................................88

4.7 Graduation Rate for First-time Freshmen by Enrollment Status ..........................................89

4.8 Graduation Rate for First-time Freshmen by First College Choice ......................................91

4.9 Graduation Rate for First-time Freshmen by Work Information ..........................................92

4.10 Graduation Rate for First-time Freshmen by Advanced Placement Credit ..........................94

4.11 Graduation Rate for First-time Freshmen by High School English GPA .............................95

4.12 Graduation Rate for First-time Freshmen by ACT score......................................................97

4.13 Graduation Rate for Freshmen by First Semester GPA and Earned Hours ..........................98

4.14 Forward Selection Regression Significant Variables .........................................................104

4.15 Forward Selection Regression Misclassification Table ......................................................104

4.16 Backward Selection Logistic Regression Significant Variables .........................................106

4.17 Backward Selection Regression Misclassification Table ...................................................106

4.18 Stepwise Selection Logistic Regression Significant Variables ..........................................108

4.19 Stepwise Selection Misclassification Table ........................................................................108

4.20 Neural Network Optimization Results ................................................................................112

4.21 Neural Network Model Misclassification Table .................................................................113

4.22 Decision Tree Variable Importance Output ........................................................................118

4.23 Decision Tree Model Misclassification Table ....................................................................118

4.24 Area Under Curve (AUC) Values for Five Models ............................................................121

4.25 Misclassification Rates for Five Models.............................................................................121

4.26 Forward Selection Regression Significant Variables .........................................................124

4.27 Forward Selection Misclassification Table .........................................................................124

4.28 Backward Selection Logistic Regression Significant Variables .........................................126

4.29 Backward Selection Misclassification Table ......................................................................127

4.30 Stepwise Selection Logistic Regression Significant Variables ..........................................129

4.31 Stepwise Selection Misclassification Table ........................................................................130

4.32 Neural Network Optimization Results ................................................................................133

4.33 Neural Network Model Misclassification Table .................................................................134

4.34 Decision Tree Variable Importance Output ........................................................................138

4.35 Decision Tree Model Misclassification Table ....................................................................138

4.36 Area Under Curve (AUC) Values for Five Models ............................................................141

4.37 Misclassification Rates for Five Models.............................................................................141

4.38 Decision Tree Model Results ..............................................................................................144

4.39 Neural Network Model Results ..........................................................................................145

4.40 Neural Network Model Results ..........................................................................................146

4.41 Logistic Regression Model Results ....................................................................................147

4.42 Misclassification Rates for Four Models ............................................................................148

4.43 Decision Tree Model Results ..............................................................................................152

4.44 Neural Network Model Results ..........................................................................................153

4.45 Random Forests Model Results ..........................................................................................154

4.46 Logistic Regression Model Results ....................................................................................155

4.47 Misclassification Rates for Four Models ............................................................................156

4.48 Graduation Rates in Terms of First-semester GPA and Earned Hours ..............................157

4.49 High School GPA for Leaving Students with First-semester GPA less than 2.99
and less than 12 Earned Hours ............................................................................................158

4.50 Advanced Placement Credit for Leaving Students with First-semester GPA less than
2.99 and less than 12 Earned Hours ...................................................................................158

5.1 Misclassification Rates for Pre-college and College Datasets ............................................164

5.2 High School GPA Breakdown for Graduated First-time Freshmen ..................................166

5.3 First-Semester GPA Breakdown for Graduated First-time Freshmen ...............................168

5.4 First-semester Earned Hours for Graduated First-time Freshmen .....................................169


1.1 BA Degree Completion Rates from 1880 to 1980 ..................................................................2

1.2 Percentage of four-year college students who earn a degree within five years of entry ........3

1.3 Percentage of first year students at four-year colleges who return for second year. ..............4

2.1 Tinto’s (1975) Theoretical Model of College Withdrawal ...................................................16

2.2 Tinto’s 13 Primary Propositions ...........................................................................................18

2.3 Bean’s Student Attrition Model ............................................................................................20

2.4 Relationship between Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery ...........................................26

3.1 Phases of the CRISP-DM Process ........................................................................................47

3.2 Example ROC Curve ............................................................................................................54

3.3 A Simple Decision Tree ........................................................................................................65

3.4 Example Decision Tree .........................................................................................................66

3.5 Simple Neural Network ........................................................................................................72

3.6 Neural Networks Architecture ..............................................................................................73

3.7 Example Feed-Forward Neural Networks ............................................................................74

4.1 Overall First-time Freshmen Graduation Rate by Year ........................................................80

4.2 Outlier Analysis JMP Output ..............................................................................................101

4.3. SAS® Enterprise Miner Data Analysis Diagram ...............................................................102

4.4. Enterprise Miner Forward Regression Options ..................................................................103

4.5. Enterprise Miner Backward Regression Options ................................................................105

4.6. SAS® Enterprise Miner Stepwise Regression Options ......................................................107

4.7. SAS® Enterprise Miner Neural Networks Options ............................................................109

4.8. SAS® Enterprise Miner Neural Network Network Options ..............................................110

4.9. SAS® Enterprise Miner Neural Network Optimization Options .......................................110

4.10 SAS® Enterprise Miner Decision Tree Options Screenshot ..............................................114

4.11 Decision Tree Model...........................................................................................................116

4.12 SAS® Enterprise Miner Model Comparison Option Screenshot ......................................119

4.13 SAS® Enterprise Miner ROC Curve Screenshot ...............................................................120

4.14 SAS® Enterprise Miner Data Analysis Diagram ...............................................................122

4.15 Enterprise Miner Forward Regression Options ..................................................................123

4.16 Enterprise Miner Backward Regression Options ................................................................125

4.17 SAS® Enterprise Miner Stepwise Regression Options ......................................................128

4.18 SAS® Enterprise Miner Neural Networks Options ............................................................130

4.19 SAS® Enterprise Miner Neural Network Network Options ..............................................131

4.20 SAS® Enterprise Miner Neural Network Optimization Options .......................................132

4.21 SAS® Enterprise Miner Decision Tree Options Screenshot ..............................................135

4.22 Decision Tree Model...........................................................................................................136

4.23 SAS® Enterprise Miner Model comparison Option Screenshot .......................................139

4.24 SAS® Enterprise Miner ROC Curve Screenshot ...............................................................140

4.25 R Data Summary Snapshot .................................................................................................143

4.26 Data Summary After Stratification Sampling Snapshot .....................................................144

4.27 R Data Summary Snapshot .................................................................................................150

4.28 Data Summary After Stratification Sampling Snapshot ......................................................151

5.1 High School GPA Breakdown for Graduated First-time Freshmen ...................................167

5.2 First-semester GPA Breakdown for Graduated First-time Freshmen.................................168

5.3 First-semester Earned Hours for Graduated First-time Freshmen .....................................170



Problem Statement

High school graduates enroll in colleges to earn a college degree; however, some students

do not graduate. An institution fails to retain its student if the student does not graduate from

where they started. Seidman (2005) defines student retention as the “ability of a particular

college or university to successfully graduate the students that initially enroll at that institution”

(p.3). Most freshmen are not prepared to make a successful shift from high school to college and

also may be underprepared to face several challenges in college transition, which can be very

stressful (Lu, 1994). Universities with high leaver rates go through loss of fees, tuition, and

potential alumni contributors (DeBerrad, Spielmans, & Julka, 2004). Federal and state

governments across the United States realize the importance of higher education in achieving a

better economy and have been offering several programs for all kinds of students to improve

graduation. Also, universities have developed several intervention programs to reduce the

number of leavers (Siedman, 2005). Regardless of these intensive efforts to improve student

graduation, leaver rates are high across the United States (Yu, DiGangi, Jannasch-Pennell, &

Kaprolet, 2010). The U.S. Department of Education’s Center for Educational Statistics reported

that only 50% of those who enroll in college earn a degree (Siedman, 2005). Noel and Levitz

(2004) indicated that both private and public institutions have experienced escalating challenges

associated with enrollment related issues in recent years. Student graduation is a very important

display of academic performance and enrollment management to any university.

Tinto (1982) aggregated BA graduation data for degree completion in postsecondary

schooling in America from 1880 to 1980. Tinto calculated percent completion by the ratio of the

number of first professional degrees given in any year to the number of first-time degree

enrollments four years earlier. Figure 1.1 shows that college leavers rates from 1880 – 1980 were

constant around 52%. This clearly indicates that graduation was already a problem in the 19th


Figure 1.1. BA Degree Completion Rates from 1880 to 1980. X axis shows the years and y axis
shows the degree percent completion. Adapted from Tinto, V. (1982).

Figure 1.2. Percentage of four-year college students who earn a degree within five years of entry.

Adapted from ACT (2011).

The latest percent student graduation within five years in 2010 is around 52.3% (see

Figure 1.2). The overall student graduation for all institutions decreased from 55.1% to around

50.9% from 1989 until 2002. These numbers signify that student graduation rates had not

improved for over a decade.

Figure 1.3. Percentage of first-year students at four-year colleges who return for second year.
Adapted from ACT. (2011). 2010 Retention/Completion Summary Tables. Iowa City: ACT.

Freshmen persistence to sophomore year can also be an important measure of students “at

risk” because universities can respond to these students through intervention programs. Figure

1.3 shows the percent of first-year students returning to second year of college. The overall trend

shows that there has been a decrease from 1989 to 2010 in freshmen persistence to sophomore

year. For the same reason, undergraduate student retention problems have been researched

extensively to realize individual and institutional factors over the past 75 years that impact

student retention and graduation rates (Braxton, Hirschy, & McClendon, 2004).

Purpose of the Study

Founded in 1831 as Alabama's first public college, The University of Alabama is

dedicated to excellence in teaching, research, and service. The University of Alabama seeks to

provide a creative, nurturing campus environment where students can become the best

individuals possible, can learn from the best and brightest faculty, and can make a positive

difference in the community, the state, and the world.

One of the current concerns for the university and its administration is the growth of the

student population. Although the President of the university has set an aggressive goal for

enrollment growth, there is still an underlying student graduation focus that the university is

keeping in mind. That focus involves the ability of each student enrolled at the university to

receive optimal educational opportunities and tools, leading to student graduation. An

institutions quality is assessed by its national ranking that consists of some factors like students

with best grades, scholarships, students who do not leave and students who graduate.

With a record student enrollment of 30,232 in the fall 2010, The University of Alabama

continues to be the state’s largest university. Enrollment increased by 1,425 students, or about

5%, over fall 2009. Enrollment at UA is up 48% since fall 2002. The graduation rate at The

University of Alabama remains at around 65%, which means that about 35% of entering

Freshmen do not graduate.

The key to effectively understanding this complex balance between enrollment and

graduation is in the application of optimization algorithms or procedures such as data mining and

predictive modeling. Admissions personnel and management must be able to predict future

criteria for a student who graduates or who does not graduate and be able to help students who

will not graduate. Having such accurate predictions will greatly aid in the ability of the

administration of a university to keep this positive balance between growth, quality, retention,

and graduation.

Understanding student success behavior is an essential focus of institutional researchers

at The University of Alabama. Institutional managers are always interested in answers to certain

questions: why do students not graduate? Why do students transfer to another university? Why

do some students graduate before others? Why do some students take longer than other students

to graduate? Who are the students at risk? Answers to these questions will help enrollment

managers to take appropriate measures to improve enrollment and graduation rates, e.g. develop

effective intervention programs.

The purpose of this research study is to compare different data mining techniques as

predictive models of student graduation at The University of Alabama. This research will build

and compare the statistical predictive data mining models like logistic regression with four

different variable selection methods, decision tree, random forests and neural networks. Each of

these models will be optimized to fit the student retention data and then evaluated to determine

the best data mining model. This research study will also find important characteristics of

students who graduate versus students who do not graduate. Finally, this study will contribute to

the meager research in effectiveness of data mining techniques applied in higher education and

also help educational institutions better use data mining techniques to inform student graduation


Significance of Study

Family conditions and better transition from high school to college are important factors

that help students graduate. Research studies show that early identification of leaver students and

intervention programs are key aspects that can lead to student graduation. Boyer (2001) argued

that a good institution should be able to hold on to its students even if it requires as much effort

as it does at getting them to campus. One of the major concerns for institutional managers is the

capability to predict potential student leavers. Predictive modeling for early identification of

students at risk could be very beneficial in improving student graduation. Predictive models use

data stored in institution databases that consist of student’s financial, demographical, and

academic information. Predictive data mining therefore use large datasets to analyze student

graduation problems. The predictive data mining decision planning is an innovative methodology

that should be employed by universities.

Research suggests some important data associated with four-year degree completion

(Cabrera, Burkum, & La Nasa, 2005). They include the following:

1. Background characteristics;

2. Support in high school;

3. College planning;

4. Degree ambition;

5. College path;

6. Academic involvement;

7. College experiences and curriculum;

8. Financial aid; and

9. Parental conscientiousness.

Braxton et al. (1997) suggested that understanding this type of data that leads to student

leavers is a complicated problem, even though there is plenty of research implying some

common variables related to student graduation. The complexity of understanding factors

affecting student graduation at over 3,600 universities in the United States is due to differences

in location, student demographics, and funding.

Most research-based data mining applications in higher education consider retention from

freshmen to sophomore year. There have also been research studies on predicting enrollment,

where statistical models have been used to predict the enrollment size or student acceptance.

Herzog (2006) used decision trees and neural networks to compare it with regression in

estimating student retention and degree completion time. Herzog used sophomore year data for

retention analysis. Sujitparapitaya (2006) observed significant predictors that influence decisions

of first-time freshmen on their first-year completion. Ho Yu et al. (2010) used data mining

techniques for identifying predictors of student retention from sophomore to junior year. Prior

research has used neural networks, classification tress, and multivariate adaptive regression

splines (MARS) to predict student characteristics. Nara et al. (2005) suggested a major gap in

literature on retaining students past their Freshmen year. Although freshmen to sophomore year

or sophomore to senior year is an important indicator of student success towards graduation, this

year alone does not completely explain student graduation success. Therefore, it is important to

identify associated variables from freshmen year leading to student graduation. This research

will consider student graduation as student success rather than completion of any transition year.

This study also used an ensemble classifier data mining technique called random forests that

consists of many decision trees. Random forests have a very high accuracy in large datasets

(Breiman, 2001), which has been hardly used in higher education data mining research. The

significance of this study is in the comparison of several data mining techniques and their

classification accuracy using important indicator variables of student graduation.

Limitations and Delimitations

Results of this research study are applicable only to the University of Alabama and

cannot be generalized to any other universities in the United States. Nevertheless, the statistical

data mining techniques used in this research can be applicable to other universities in analyzing

their respective student graduation data and in the field of higher education institutional research.

The data for this study was delimited to first-time Freshmen students from 1995 to 2005. This

research study will also be delimited to student graduation within six years from their initial

student enrollment.

Definition of Terms

At risk students. At risk students are defined as students who have a higher probability of

not graduating from the institution.

Attribute. An attribute in this research is referred to as a single variable, such as race or

gender. Attributes are used to build statistical models. Variable is another equivalent term for


Cohort. Cohort refers to a group of students who have shared a particular time. For

example, freshmen students entering fall 2010 are considered to be 2010 cohort students.

Data. Oxford dictionary’s definition of data as “facts and statistics collected together for

reference and analysis” will be used in this research.

Data Mining. Frawley et al. (1991) defined data mining as the non trivial extraction of

implicit, previously unknown, and potentially useful information from data.

Decision Trees. Decision trees are ordered as a sequence of simple questions. The

answers to these simple questions conclude what might be the next question. The decision

outcomes result in a network of links that forms a tree-like structure.

Graduation. Graduation is defined as a first-time entering Freshmen student who

eventually graduates within six years of enrollment.

Leavers. Left school for any number of reasons, financial, grades, hardship, etc.

Logistic Regression. Logistic regression is a predictive modeling technique that finds an

association between the independent variables and the logarithm of the odds of a categorical

response variable.

Modeling. Modeling in this study refers to the act of building equations that use observed

data in order to predict future instances with future unobserved data.

Neural Networks. Artificial neural network models are learning algorithms that analyze

any given classification problem. Interconnected “neurons” help in all mathematical operations

in transforming inputs to outputs (Abu-Mostafa, 1996).

Random Forests. Random forests is a predictive modeling algorithm that builds a series

of de-correlated decision trees and then averages them. An Ensemble decision tree model is built

based on multi classifier’s decision.

Retention. Retention is referred to as first-time student freshmen who gradually progress

and graduate within six years of enrollment.

Student success. Student success is defined based on student graduation. A successful

student gradually progresses through his/her degree and eventually graduates within six years of


Variable. Variable is defined as the characteristic or attribute of a student. For example,

gender, age, and GPA are variables.

Misclassification Rates. The misclassification rate indicates the error in predicting the

actual number who graduated.

Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC). ROC curve illustrates a graphical display that

evaluates the forecasting precision of a predictive model.


The purpose of this research study is to compare data mining techniques in analysis of

student variables leading to student graduation at The University of Alabama. This study will

contribute to the meager research in effectiveness of data mining techniques applied in higher

education and also help educational institutions better use data mining techniques to inform

student graduation strategies. From an institutions perspective, enhanced student retention

leading to graduation improves enrollment management, cuts down on recruiting costs, and also

improves the university standing. From a student’s perspective, student retention leading to

graduation has societal, personal and economic implications.



Student Graduation

Literature defines student graduation or student success in terms of retention rates.

Hagedorn (2005) defines retention rate as first-time Freshmen students who graduate within six

years of their original enrollment date. Druzdel and Glymour (1999) define “student retention

rate” as the percent of entering Freshmen who eventually graduate from the university where

they enrolled as a Freshmen. Kramer (2007) suggested an uncomplicated definition of retention

as an “individual who enrolls in college and remains enrolled until the completion of a degree.”

Freshmen persistence is usually defined in terms of returning students who re-enroll after their

first-year for the sophomore semester (Mallinckrodt & Sedlacek, 1987).

Student retention leading to graduation has been extensively researched in higher

education over the past thirty years. The earliest student success studies in higher education dates

back to the 1930s. These early studies were referred to as student mortality. A large student

leaver’s problem became a widespread concern among colleges throughout the Unites States in

the 1970s. As a result, there was a number of student success theories published at this time

which later lead to further research, currently resulting in thousands of studies (Seidman, 2005).

Seidman (2005) summarized some of the important theory related concepts discussed in student

graduation research over the years. They include

1. Attrition: Students who do not register in successive semesters;

2. Dropout: Students who did not complete their degree;

3. Dismissal: Students who were not authorized to enroll by the school;

4. Mortality: Students who did not persist until graduation;

5. Persistence: Students who stay in college and complete their degree;

6. Retention: Capability of the college to retain a student until graduation;

7. Stopout: Students who briefly depart from a college; and

8. Withdrawal: Students who exit from a college.

Most of the early student success studies concentrated on psychological approaches and

demographic attributes that tried to analyze student patterns in attrition. Psychological analysis

included personality characteristics like motivation, maturity, and temperament as some of the

causes for students to stay in college to complete their degree (Summerskill, 1962). Summerskill

published one of the earliest studies that analyzed college student departure where he reported

student retention statistics from the first half of the 20th century. Spady, in 1971, published one of

the earliest longitudinal data analyses completed at the University of Chicago which explained

the undergraduate student leaving process. Spady noted that there were six key types of studies

published from the 1950s to 1960s. They include the following:

1. Philosophical studies: Theoretical studies frequently dealing with dropouts in

college and avoiding attrition;

2. Autopsy: Studies accounted for information on causes of student dropout;

3. Census: Studies tried to illustrate dropouts and attrition within and across schools;

4. Case studies: Case studies followed students recognized as potential dropouts to

verify their success/failure to graduate from college;

5. Descriptive: Descriptive studies presented attributes of students who dropped out;


6. Predictive: Predictive studies tried to recognize some of the admissions criteria

that could be used to predict student success.

Durkheim (1961) proposed the theory of suicide to elucidate student attrition. He found

that people committed suicide because they could not integrate with the social system. His theory

explained that egotistical suicide could happen with individuals if they became secluded from

communities because of inability to institute association. The model discussed two different

types of association. The first form was the social associations, which took place through

interaction with other people in the society which led to a development of social connections.

The second form was the intellectual associations, which took place where there was universal

agreement in values and beliefs.

Spady (1971) employed the suicide theory where he saw a similarity between people

committing suicide and people dropping out of school. In both cases people left the social

system. His model accentuated the communication between individual student attributes and

some of the key aspects of college atmosphere. The sociological model explained student

departure or leaving relating to interaction between student and the social (college) environment.

This model emphasized that some of the student attributes such as values, interest, ability, and

attitudes are exposed to college atmosphere like faculty, classrooms, and peers. Any student is

more likely to drop out of college if the college environment is not harmonious with student


Furthermore, around the 1970s, institutions were facing extreme enrollment shortages

because the population of 18-year olds was dropping. Educational experts predicted that about

30% of colleges would have to close (Harrington & Sum, 1988). Ironically, enrollments actually

increased twice the prediction because of developing new markets, improving retention rates and

attending new students.

Tinto (1975) developed Spady’s theory by concentrating more on the interactions

between academic and social systems of higher education. Tinto’s student integration model is

one of the finest and frequently cited theories in student retention (Seidman, 2005). Tinto’s

Interactionlist theory highlighted that fact that there was a very strong positive relationship with

student’s level of academic and social integration and their persistence in college. In other words,

students with higher levels of academic and social integration were believed to persist in college

and graduate. Tinto’s model identified some relationship between before entry college

characteristics, institutional incidents, institutional and social integration with goals and

outcomes. Pre-college entry characteristics included family background, abilities, and former

schooling, etc. Institutional incidents included faculty interactions, on campus activities, and peer

interactions. Goals and outcomes included institutional commitment and departure respectively

(Tinto, 1987). Figure 2.1 shows Tinto’s theoretical model. In summary there were five elements

in Tinto’s theoretical model. They include

1. Individual Characteristics: Included family background characteristics, socio-

economic status, academic ability, race and gender;

2. Pre-college schooling: Characteristics of student’s secondary school, high school

and social attachments;

3. Academic integration: Included structural and normative dimensions. Structural

dimensions included meeting standards of college and normative dimension

included students identification with the structure of academic system;

4. Social integration: Amount of equivalence between student and the social system

of a college; and

5. Commitments: included goal to stay and graduate.

Figure 2.1. Tinto’s (1975) Theoretical Model of College Withdrawal. Adapted from Tinto, V.
(1975). Leavers from higher education: A theoretical synthesis of the recent research. A Review
of Educational Research, 45, 89-125.
Braxton et al. (1997) summarized Tinto’s model into 15 testable propositions. They are

as follows:

1. The intensity of preliminary commitment to the college can be directly related to

a student's entrance attributes;

2. A student's entrance attributes can affect their commitment towards the goal of
graduation from college;

3. A student's level of perseverance and determination in their studies can be

reflective of their entrance attributes;

4. A preliminary commitment to the goal of graduation can affect a student's level of

integration into academia;
5. The student's level of social integration can be greater if there is a high
commitment towards the goal of graduation;

6. Preliminary commitment to the institution affects the level of social integration;

7. A student's commitment to their institution can also affect their academic and
social integration;

8. If a student has a successful level of integration into their academic studies, their
commitment towards graduating from college will be higher;

9. The level of commitment a student shows towards their institution can be greater
if the student has achieved a high level of social integration;

10. A preliminary and subsequent level of institutional commitment is directly


11. If a student enters with a high level of commitment towards the goal of
graduation, the subsequent level of commitment after entering college should be
the same or higher;

12. A student with a higher commitment to graduate will usually be more consistent
in their studies than a student with a lower commitment;

13. A student's persistence in college studies can be directly related to the level of
commitment to their institution;

14. A high level of commitment towards graduation can compensate for a low level
of commitment towards the institution, and vice versa; therefore, this balance can
affect a student's academic performance; and

15. A student's level of academic integration can compensate for a lack of social
integration, or vice versa, and can be influential in their academic performance.


Initial Commitment
Social Integration Commitment to
to Institution
5 9
Student Entry Likelihood to
Characteristics persist

2 Initial Commitment to 12
goal of graduation
Academic Commitment to
Integration goal of Institution
4 8


Figure 2.2. Tinto’s 13 Primary Propositions (Braxton et al., 1997).

Braxton et al., (1997) showed Tinto’s 13 primary propositions in longitudinal space (see

Figure 2.2). They also discussed that Tinto added two additional propositions which are not

fundamental to the longitudinal sequence of 13 propositions. They discussed that the two

propositions are related to interactions between constructs. Their experiential research showed

that for each of these 13 propositions that 1, 9, 10, 11 and 13 received strong results. They also

found a strong experimental support within residential universities for propositions 5, 9, 10, 11,

and 13. They found no evidence at liberal arts colleges and found strong evidence of only

proposition 1 at two-year colleges.

Astin (1977) developed the theory of student involvement using hundreds of colleges and

university data. The student involvement theory defined involvement as “the amount of physical

and psychological energy that the student devotes to academic experience.” This theory focused

on predicting retention using relationships between student demographics like age, race, and

gender, etc., and institutional characteristics like location, size with the level of academic and

social involvement (Astin, 1977; Astin 1985). Astin (1985) explained that student involvement

refers to student behaviors, implying student actions rather than student’s thoughts. The theory of

student involvement can be summarized into the five following postulates:

1. “Involvement refers to the investment of physical and psychological energy in

various objects.” An object can refer to any student experience activities or tasks;

2. “Regardless of the object, involvement occurs along a continuum.” Diverse

students devote more energy than other students;

3. “Involvement has both quantitative and qualitative features”. Quantitative features

of involvement comprises of amount of time devoted to any activity. Qualitative

features of involvement might include severity of approach with which the object

is dealt;

4. “The amount of student learning and personal development associated with any

educational program is directly proportional to the quality and quantity of student

involvement in that program;”

5. “The effectiveness of any educational policy or practice is directly related to the

capacity of the policy or practice to increase student involvement.”

Astin argued that students who actively engaged in their social environment had better

learning/growth and educators needed to create more prospects for in and out of classroom


Bean (1980) developed the student attrition model (see Figure 2.3). The student attrition

model stresses the fact that a student’s experience at their college plays a big role in their

decision to stay or leave. This model is based on the communications of student attitudes and

their behaviors that affect their satisfaction in college. Beans model takes into account all the

external factors in shaping perceptions and commitments, whereas Tinto’s model does not.

Bean’s attrition model considers grades as an academic achievement measure. On the other hand,

Tinto’s model considers integration as an academic achievement indicator (Heywood, 2000).

The theory concludes that student satisfaction is weighted by factors like campus life, clubs

affiliation, grades, values, parental influence, peer support, rewards and penalty (Ishitani &

DesJardins, 2002).

Courses Institutional Fit

and Quality

Intent to
Absenteeism persist


Encouragement of GPA

Opportunity to

Figure 2.3. Bean’s Student Attrition Model.

A more recent study by Pintrich (2000) showed a conceptual framework for assessing

student motivation and self- regulated learning in college. The model is based on a self-

regulatory (SRL) perspective on student motivation and learning. The assumptions related to the

SRL model are as follows:

1. “The active, constructive assumption” – Learners are dynamic constructive


2. “The potential for control assumption” – Learners can monitor, control and

regulate certain aspects in their own cognition, motivation, and behavior;

3. “The goal, criterion, or standard assumption” – There is some criterion by which

to determine whether the learning process should continue or if some type of

change is necessary; and

4. “The mediation assumption” – Learners activities are mediators between personal

characteristics and authentic performance.

Twenty-first century ended with student retention efforts well established at universities

across the Unites States. There has been several thousands of research studies published on

student retention leading to graduation. A journal, Journal of College Retention: Research,

Theory and Practice, was created to disseminate these research findings.

There have also been numerous studies supporting academic ability as an exceedingly

important variable leading to student graduation. A student graduation research study from a

vocational study program at the Woodrow Wilson Rehabilitation Center found that prior

education is a good predictor of student graduation (Reason, 2003).. Variables like college

admission test scores, high school grade point average, race and gender are regularly used as

important retention predictors leading to graduation .A study at the Terry campus of Delaware

Technical and community college showed that students who lacked academic ability were most

likely to drop out of college (Falatek, 1993). College GPA was also a significant variable that

related to leavers past their first-year, which impacted student graduation rates.

Summers (2000) identified some other variables like socio-economic status, employment

status, motivation, social integration, satisfaction, parent’s education level, dedication,

interaction with faculty, and age, etc to be significant contributors to graduation rates. Some of

these variables agreed with Tinto’s and Astin’s theories.

Student ethnicity is also shown to be an extremely significant factor in student retention

leading to graduation. University of Milwaukee saw white students graduating at significantly

higher rates than other races (Boykin, 1983). University of Southwestern Louisiana saw white

students graduating at a higher rate than African American students (Dial, 1987). A longitudinal

survey of more than 50,000 students from 1965-2001 conducted by the National Center of

Educational Statistics (NCES) revealed that African American and Hispanic students had lower

graduation rates than Asian and Caucasian. While African American and Hispanic survey

responses were combined, the study showed a completion rate of 47% when compared to Asian

and Caucasians with a completion rate of 67% (Berkner, He, & Cataldi, 2002). Other variables

related academic goal such as cumulative grade point average, credit hours attempted, academic

standing situation, and how students enrolled were found to be good predictors of graduation.

Cumulative hours taken in the first year of college was found to be a significant predictor of

college student’s persistence from Freshmen to sophomore year (Kiser & Price, 2008), which

would lead to student success or graduation.

The primary cause of students leaving college (not graduating) is because of financial

difficulty (ACT, 2010). Financial status situation in terms of tuition grants, student loans, work

study, and all costs related to college plays a very significant role in college retention (Wetzel,

O'Toole, & Peterson, 199). A survey given to friends of students who dropped out of college

revealed three primary issues such as financial problems, academic problems and clashing

schedules to be some of the causes for student leaving (Mayo, Helms, & Codjoe, 2004).

Financial aid has been a very important factor in helping students graduate. Students with

some kind of financial aid graduated at higher rates than those who did not receive financial aid.

Students with financial aid graduated in higher rates with a baccalaureate degree within a six

year graduation period than students with no financial aid (Walsh, 1997). Students with higher

socio economic status graduated in higher numbers than students with lower socio economic


Walsh (1997) also reported that the past 50 years of studies in student retention identified socio

economic status to be a very important factor in graduation rates.

High school GPA was found to have a significant correlation with persistence. All though

high school GPA was found to be correlated with retention it was not a good predictor (Seidman,

2005). Additionally, a national research study with a sample of nearly 20,000 first-year students

on how student experiences and campus programs affect key academic outcomes of the first

year, showed that pre-college grades and ‘perceptions of academic ability’ were directly

correlated to decreases in first students GPA from high school to college. Research found that the

most compelling indicator of drop in GPA was due to academic disengagement (Keup, 2006).

Higher education literature also advocates distance to hometown and social connections

made during the first six weeks as important variables in student retention, thus graduation. A

student retention study conducted at The University of Alabama for entering Freshmen from

1999-2001 showed distances from university to home as one of the important indicators to

student leavers. The study further found English course grade, and math course grade as other

significant variables (Davis, Hardin, Bohannon, & Oglesby, 2007). The highest level of

mathematics completed in high school is a very strong factor in student degree completion

(Adelman, 1999). Seidman (2005) also showed that almost 40% of students who took a remedial

English course in their Freshmen year graduated within the first six years.

A data mining approach for identifying important predictors of student retention from

sophomore year to junior year found transferred hours and residency as some of the important

predictors. Transferred hours are credit hours taken by the student in high school that counts

towards college credit hours, which suggested that students who took college level classes in

high school were better prepared for college. The study also suggested that the residency or

geographical information indicated that non-residents from the east coast tended to be more

persistent in enrollment than their west coast schoolmates (Ho Yu, DiGangi, Jannasch-Pennell,

& Kaprolet, 2010). Siedman (2005) discovered that living on-campus during the Freshmen year

helped them graduate from college.

Parent’s education level was also found to be a very significant contributor of student’s

graduation. Seidman (2005) indicated that educated parents influence their child’s expectations

about attending college and graduating. He also found that father’s education level predicted

student graduation. A research study discovered that students from low-income families were

57% more likely to persist from their sophomore year to junior year if their mothers attained a

college degree (Ishitani & DesJardins, 2002).

Data Mining Techniques

Finding patterns in data dates back to 6th century BC succeeding the invention of the

abacus made of bamboo rod in ancient China. Ancient China and Greece used statistics to help

administrators govern monetary and military matters (Goodman, 1968). In the eighteenth

century, two branches of statistics evolved. The two branches were classical statistics and

Bayesian statistics. Classical statistics was inspired from mathematical works of Laplace and

Gauss, which considered the joint probability. Bayesian statistics, on the other hand, considered

the probability of an event occurring will be equal to the probability of its past occurrence

multiplied by the likelihood of its future occurrence (Nisbet, Elder, & Miner, 2009). Data mining

techniques use either approach.

Data mining is a comparatively new field in statistics. One of the early definitions of data

mining from Frawley et al. (1991) defined data mining as the non trivial extraction of implicit,

previously unknown, and potentially useful information from data. John (1997) explained data

mining as a new name for a previous process of finding patterns in data. John clarifies that the

search for patterns in data has been going on in different fields for a long time, but a common

name like data mining brought all these different fields together to focus on universal


Knowledge discovery and data mining are very closely related. “Knowledge discovery in

databases is the non-trivial process of identifying valid, novel, potential useful, and ultimately

understandable patterns in data” (Fayyad, Piatetsky-Shapiro, Smyth, & Uthurusamy, 1996). The

relationship between knowledge discovery in databases (KDD) and data mining is shown in

Figure 2.4.

Figure 2.4. Relationship between data mining and knowledge discovery (Nisbet, Elder, & Miner,


Most definitions of data mining focus on finding patterns in the data and model building.

Initial definitions of data mining was confined to the process of model building but was later

extended to model evaluation. Finding patterns in data is a complicated process that can be

accomplished by statistical algorithms that can also evaluate variable relationships. The modern

knowledge discovery process combines the algorithms to find patterns and also evaluates the

entire process of building and evaluating models (see Figure 2.4) (Nisbet, Elder, & Miner, 2009).

Data mining techniques are often used in diverse disciplines with different names. Hand

et al. (2001) explained that “It is difficult to define sharp boundaries between these disciplines,

so it is difficult to define sharp boundaries between each of them and data mining. At the

boundaries, one person’s data mining is another’s statistics, database, or machine learning

problem” (p.4).

Data mining techniques allow researchers to build models from data repositories

(databases). These data mining techniques have the ability to analyze the entire database without

prior assumptions about any relevant linkages in the data. This kind of analysis does not involve

any statistician’s presumption about outcomes, which yields better results in finding patterns in

the data (Chopoorian, Witherell, Khalil, & Ahmed, 2001).

Hand et al. (2000) summarized some of the major data mining activities as follows:

1. Exploratory data analysis: includes techniques that help in inspecting a data set

using graphical charts and descriptive statistics;

2. Descriptive modeling: includes finding probability distributions, finding

relationships between models, and partitioning the data into groups;

3. Predictive modeling: includes building a statistical model to predict one variable

using another variable;

4. Discovering patterns and rules: includes activities from finding combinations of

items that occur frequently in transaction databases; and

5. Retrieval by content: includes activities of finding patterns in a new data set

similar to some know pattern of interest.

Data Mining Applications in Higher Education

Data mining techniques are extensively used in business applications. Nearly all data

mining techniques used in business applications can be applied in solving higher education

problems. Luan (2002) clarifies some data mining questions in the business sector and their

equivalent in higher education:

1. Business question: Who are my most profitable customers? (Equivalent in higher

education: Who are the students taking more credit hours?);

2. Business question: Who are my repeat website visitors? (Equivalent in higher

education: Which students are likely to return for more classes?);

3. Business question: who are my loyal customers? (Equivalent question in higher

education: Which students persist and graduate?);

4. Business question: who is likely to increase their purchase? (Equivalent in higher

education: Which alumni are likely to donate?); and

5. What clients are likely to defect to my rivals? (Equivalent in higher education:

what type of courses can we offer to keep our students?)

Data mining applications as they relate to enrollment, retention, and graduation are

discussed next.


Gonzalez and DesJardins (2002) tested how predictive modeling can be used to study

enrollment behavior. Authors used artificial neural networks to help predict which students are

more likely to apply to a large research based university in the mid-west. The neural network

model was compared with a logistic regression model, where the neural network model yielded a

misclassification rate of around 80% compared to a logistic regression model, which yielded a

misclassification rate of around 78%.

Chang (2006) used data mining predictive modeling to augment the prediction of

enrollment behaviors of admitted applicants at a large state university. Chang used classification

and regression trees (CART), logistic regression and artificial neural networks in predicting

admissions. CART yielded 74% classification rate, neural network with 75% classification rate,

and logistic regression with 64% classification rate.

In a similar study by Antons & Maltz (2006), they compared logistic regression, decision

trees, and neural networks in enrollment management through a partnership between the

admissions office, a business administration master's-degree program, and the institutional

research office at Willamette University, Oregon. Logistic regression classified 49% of the

enrollees and 78% of the non-enrollees.

In a research study at a California state university, researchers used support vector

machines and rule based predictive models to predict total enrollment headcount of students. The

total headcount consisted of Freshmen, transfer, continuing and returned students. This data

mining approach built predictive models for new, continued and returned students, respectively

first, and then aggregated their predictive results from which the model for the total headcount

was generated (Aksenova & Meiliu Lu, 2006).

Nandeshwar and Chaudhari (2009) used ensemble models to find causes of student

enrollment using admissions data. They used West Virginia University’s data warehouse to build

data mining models to predict student enrollment. They evaluated the model using cross-

validation, win-loss tables and quartile charts. The authors also used subset selection and

discretization techniques to reduce 287 variables to one and explained student enrollment

decision using rule based models. The model accuracy was around 83%.

Kovaic (2010) at Open Polytechnic of New Zealand examined variables in pre-

identifying successful and unsuccessful students. He found that classification and regression

trees (CART) were the best data mining models with an overall classification of 60.5%. They

also found that ethnicity, course program and course block to be some of the variables that

separated successful students from unsuccessful students.

Student Success and Graduation

One of the earliest studies of data mining application in student graduation used TETRAD

II2, a program developed in Carnegie Mellon University’s Department of Philosophy.

Researchers used this program with a database containing information of around 200 U.S.

Colleges, collected by the US News and World Report magazine. Average test score was found

to be one of the major factors affecting graduation. Researchers used ordinary least squares

multiple regression to find that test scores explained about 50% of variance in freshmen retention

rate and about 62% of the variance in graduation rate. They also applied regression to a group of

41 top ranking colleges and found about 68% of variance in Freshmen retention rate and 77% of

variance in graduation rate could be explained (Druzdzel & Glymour, 1994).

Hardgrave et al. (1994) compared neural networks and traditional techniques in

predicting graduate student success in a MBA program. Authors showed that traditional

techniques like regression analysis are not effective in predicting success or failure of graduate

students. They found that non- parametric procedures such as neural networks performed at least

or better than traditional methods.

Sanjeev and Zytkow (1995) used data mining applications in understanding university

enrollment to find ways to increase it. Authors used 49er, a software program developed by

Zytkow and Zembowicz (1993), which discovers knowledge in the form of regularities,

statements of the form “Pattern P holds for data in range R.” They found that “good high

school” students had the highest credit hours, financial aid had a huge impact on retention, and

remedial teaching did not help retain academically under prepared students.

Cripps (1996) used data mining techniques with admissions data for students who did not

meet entrance requirements. Cripps used feed forward neural network architecture with a back

propagation learning function and the logistic activation functions. This neural network model

was applied to around 17,500 student transcripts. The neural networks model showed that age,

gender, race, ACT scores, and reading level were significant predictors of graduation, earned

hours, and GPA.

Hunt (2000) compared neural networks with back-propagation and stepwise logistic

regression models in predicting student success. Hunt used data from two Freshmen cohorts with

enrollment variables available during admissions process and found that stepwise logistic

regression did a better job than neural networks in predicting persistence and graduation. Hunt

found that high school GPA, high school rank, financial need, and number of placement courses

were statistically significant predictors.

Massa and Puliafito (1999) used a new data mining application based on Markov chains

to find patterns in university leavers. Researchers used data from 1978-1998 and observed

samples of 15,000 students at the University of Genoa, Italy. They found patterns in data for the

high-risk population in order to design policies to reduce student leaving rates.

Stewart and Levin (2001) used predictive models to identify student characteristics

associated with persistence and success in the administration of justice (ADJ) program at Blue

Ridge Community College, Virginia. They used CLEMENTINE, a SPSS data mining package to

discover patters and relationships in students from the ADJ program and transfer students. The

authors found that GPA, cumulative hours attempted and cumulative hours completed without

the ADJ courses were significant variables. Additionally, the neural network model showed that

age, race, financial aid awards, and participation in developmental educational programs were

significant predictors of student characteristics.

Luan (2002) examined the theoretical basis for data mining techniques using a case study

to predict whether enrolled community college students would transfer to a four-year institution.

The data mining model created a profile of the transferred students predicting which student

currently enrolled in a community college will transfer so that the college can use intervention

programs for students who need assistance. Luan used two rule induction algorithms, neural

networks, C5.0, and a version of classification and regression trees known as C&RT in SPSS.

C&RT algorithm had the best classification rate compared to all other models.

Veitch (2004) investigated correlates of high school dropping out using chi-squared

automated interaction detector (CHAID), a decision tree data mining technique. Veitch used a k-

fold cross validation technique with k = 25, which showed that around 11% of students who did

not leave out were classified as non-leavers and GPA was the most significant variable.

Researchers at Industrial University of Santander, Colombia used a C-mean algorithm

and C4.5 algorithm to study academic achievement success and failure. They applied the C-mean

algorithm on statistically homogenous data subsets generating a group of qualitatively defined

clusters and then used the selected clusters were used in the C4.5 algorithm. Researchers found

that high scores on pre-university tests and students who were younger had a higher probability

of academic performance (Salazar, Gosalbez, Bosch, Miralles, & Vergara, 2004).

Barker et al. (2004) at University of Oklahoma used nonlinear discriminant methods like

neural networks and support vector machines for classifying student graduation behavior from

diverse student variables. Principal component method was used to reduce the number of

variables. The authors partitioned data into different ways for analysis, the first method involved

data for all three cohorts combined into a larger pool of students, the second method involved

using training data with all the students in a given year and testing the following year, and the

third method included training and testing within each cohort. Barker et al. (2004) found that the

overall misclassification rate was around 33% and reduced variable datasets had much higher

misclassification than complete datasets.

Superby et al. (2006) at Catholic University of Mons, Belgium used discriminant

analysis, random forests, decision trees, and neural networks to determine factors influencing

student achievement of first-year university students. Authors used a survey administered to 533

first-year university students and then constructed a database in which each student was

described based on attributes such as age, parent’s education level, and student’s university

perceptions. Data mining techniques were used to classify high risk, medium risk, and low risk

and found that scholastic history and socio-economic background were the most significant


Herzog (2006) used student demographic, academic, residential, financial information,

American College Test’s (ACT), parent’s data and NSC data for identifying transfer students to

predict retention. The author used neural networks, logistic regression, and decision trees with

forty predictor variables to estimate retention and 79 variables to forecast time to degree (TTD).

Decision trees with C5.0 algorithm was the best model with 85% classification rate, 83% correct

classification rate for degree completion for three year or less, and 93% correct classification for

degree completion time in six years or more. Herzog concluded that decision trees and neural

networks performed as well as regression models.

Sujitparapitaya (2006) used National Student Clearinghouse data to describe how data

mining techniques were applied to examine critical predictors influencing decisions of first-time

freshmen on their one-year retention. There were three options for target variables 1) remaining

at their current institution; 2) transferring to another institution; and 3) dropping out from

college. Sujitparapitaya used three different data mining techniques like multinomial regression,

C5.0 rule induction, and neural networks and found first-year college GPA to be one of the

significant variables.

Researchers at University of Central Florida used student survey and demographic data to

predict student development and retention. They used 285 variables to build decision tree and

logistic regression models. Three different decision trees using entropy, chi-square, and gini

index split criterion and stepwise logistic regression models was built. The authors found that

decision trees with entropy split criterion was the best model with 90% classification on the

validation data and 88% on testing data (Atwell, Ding, Ehasz, Johnson, & Wang, 2006).

Davis et al. (2007) at The University of Alabama used logistic regression, decision trees

and neural network data mining techniques to find important variables predicting student

retention. The retention model predicted around 200 freshmen as being at risk to leave the

institution after their first year of college. The authors sent at risk student profile information to

their respective advisors for early intervention.

Campbell (2008) used four different data mining techniques: logistic regression,

automatic cluster detection, decision trees, and neural networks, at Northern Arizona University

to predict student retention. Campbell indicated that predicting a six year graduation rate would

require longitudinal data of at least nine years and to implement a three-year graduation model

requires about three years of training data, six years to collect data, and six years to validate the

model, thus adding up to fifteen years of data. Campbell found high school grade point average,

English placement exam, parent’s income, loan burden, and college grade point average as some

of the important predictors of six-year student graduation.

Pittman (2008) at Nova Southeastern University applied data mining techniques to

student demographic and behavioral data for both full and part-time students. Pittman used

neural networks, Bayesian classification, decision trees and logistic regression in predicting

student retention. Pittman found that neural networks, Bayesian classification, and decision tree

induction are comparable to logistic regression. Pittman segmented data into several

homogenous groups and concluded that the data mining approach could be used to isolate

student persistence differently for different groups of data.

Radney (2009) at California State University, Bakersfield, created a linear discriminant

function to predict an extensive range of persistence levels of first-time Freshmen students, by

identifying pre and early student variables. Radney used 17 predictor variables that included

personal, external, and institutional aspects. He found that high school GPA and first-year GPA

to be some of the most significant variables to student retention.

Lin et al. (2009) evaluated different student retention models and tested their impact on

prediction results. The authors developed 20 retention modeling systems based on a combination

of four retention modeling methodologies (neural networks, logistic regression, discriminant

analyses and structural equation modeling). The input variables ranged from 9 to 71 different

variables and contained cognitive and/or non-cognitive factors. The authors found that the neural

network method produced the best prediction results and models that combined both cognitive

and non-cognitive data performed better than just cognitive or non-cognitive models.

Hendricks (2000) at Baylor University used data mining techniques to investigate student

variables that were related to graduation status of students of some Texas public technical

colleges. Graduation status of a student was defined as three years after initial enrollment. Some

of the important variables related to graduation were Texas Academic Skills program (TASP)

test exemption status, TASP test passage status and economic-disadvantaged classification

of students. Other significant variables identified included designation in special populations,

limited English proficiency, displaced homemaker, and single parent.

Bailey (2006) used the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS)

to develop a model to predict student graduation rates. IPEDS is a database system that holds

information from most higher education institutions. Bailey collected data for over 5,000

institutions and used classification and regression trees (CART) to find out some of the important

characteristics that impacted graduation rates.

Eykamp (2006) used multiple approaches including data mining techniques to examine

how time to graduation is associated with varying numbers of advanced placement units.

Yingkuachat et al. (2007) used the Bayesian belief network (Bayesnet) to analyze the predictor

variables that impacted vocational, undergraduate, and graduate student’s education

accomplishment. Results showed that GPA, parents career, family income, and high school GPA

were some of the important predictors.

The review of literature for data mining studies related to enrollment, retention, and

graduation indicated that the following data mining techniques proved to be the most useful:

logistics regression, decision trees, and neural networks. Research also indicated random forests,

a relatively newer data mining technique was one of the most accurate learning algorithms.

Therefore this study focused on comparing these four data mining techniques. A comparison

was made to determine which model was more effective in identifying characteristics of at risk

students and students themselves. Once at risk students are successfully identified it is paramount

that effective interventions programs be developed, administered, and examined for their utility.

Research Questions

1. What are some of the most important characteristics of first-time Freshmen students

who graduate from The University of Alabama?

2. Which of the data mining techniques: logistic regression, decision tree, random

forests, and artificial neural networks provide a better classification result in

predicting student graduation at The University of Alabama?

3. What characteristics identify first-time Freshmen students who might not graduate

from The University of Alabama?



Data Source

The data analyzed in this research was obtained from the Office of Institutional Research

and Assessment (OIRA) at The University of Alabama. Data was analyzed for first-time

Freshmen students entering The University of Alabama from the fall semester of 1995 until the

fall semester of 2005. The dataset included only first-time entering undergraduates that begin the

first fall term of their academic career as full time (12 or more credits) students. Those who start

as ‘part-time’ students were not included in the dataset. Although OIRA’s databases have student

retention data until fall 2010, fall 2005 was chosen as the last year for analyses since students

graduated within six years from their enrollment. Also, there was not any graduation information

about students who started after fall 2005.

The data was downloaded from the OIRA datamart, which serves as the institution’s

official source of data for internal analyses as well as state and federal mandatory reporting on

student enrollment, student credit hour production, course-section instructional loads, student

persistence and graduation, and faculty and professional staff headcounts and salaries. The data

was extracted primarily from the University’s enterprise resource planning system (ERP), which

is a SunGard Banner ERP and provides transactional data for the day-to-day operations of the

institution. Official reporting data are extracted from the ERP at specified dates during the

academic year, known as official reporting dates (ORD). SAS programs were used to extract the

data from the ERP and load them into the OIRA datamart. Both data sources are Oracle

databases, so the data transfer was from Oracle to Oracle.

The data for this research was extracted from the OIRA datamart by a SAS program and

provided as a SAS dataset. The data included demographic and academic information entering

first-time Freshmen cohorts that entered the University from 1995 to 2005. In accordance with

the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), the confidentially of all the students

with data in this dataset was protected by deleting from the dataset all personal identifying data

including student name, social security number, student campus identification number, and date

of birth. A dummy student record identifier was created so that students could be tracked over

time in the dataset without externally identifying the individual. A workspace directory was

created on the OIRA local network to house this dataset and all programs and data files

associated with this research. All additional data file cleaning and manipulation was done using

SAS®. Additionally ACT student data was also used to include more relevant variables. Data

integration was performed using SAS programs by merging ACT data with University of

Alabama student data with respect to unique student record identifiers.


It was assumed that the student data in the Office of Institutional Research and

Assessment database was accurate. The following assumption is rational for the reason that the

data was utilized frequently by OIRA in student data analyses for generating reports and results

at The University of Alabama. Also, any errors and corrections were assumed to be minor and

will not have any significant effect on the results of this research. Missing data was assumed to

be missing completely at random. Data missing completely at random is explained as the

probability that an observation is missing does not depend on the value it would have assumed

(Rubin, 1976), which means the probability of the missing values in one of the variables is

dissimilar to the value of the variable itself or to values of any other variables. The data was

assumed to be completely independent, which means that the effect of each variable on the target

variable (graduation) is not affected by the effect of any other variable.

Sampling Technique

The usual practice for cross-validating models is to split the data randomly into 70%-80%

to build the model and then use the rest 20%-30% for model evaluation. The random sample

used for training or evaluation might not be a good representation of the population. This

method of splitting the data had reliability problems and did not produce good results and

accuracy rate varied among similar datasets (Witten & Frank, 2005). Stratification method of

sampling ensures that each class is appropriately represented in training and evaluation datasets.

Also, the most excellent technique is to split the data multiple times and then evaluate the

original number. Data can be split ‘v’ different times so that each case is in the test data once,

this method is known as v-fold cross-validation (Nisbet, Elder, & Miner, 2009). When ‘v ‘is

equal to 10, the method is known as ten-fold cross validation.

Ten-fold cross-validation uses a stratified random sample technique to divide the entire

dataset into ten mutually exclusive sets. Stratification sampling divides the entire dataset into ten

different parts with equal proportions of students who graduated and students who did not

graduate in each set. Nine out of 10 sets are used as training data to build models and the data is

run through the remaining one dataset. A classification error rate is calculated for the model and

stored as an independent test error rate for the first model. Next, a second model is constructed

with a different set of nine samples and then a test error rate is calculated. The same process is

repeated ten times resulting in ten individual models. The classification error rates for all ten

models are then averaged. The optimum design parameters were chosen to minimize the error.

The cross-validation method gives better accuracy because the mean is more accurate

than a single experiment (Nisbet, Elder, & Miner, 2009). Logistic regression, Decision tree,

Random forests, and neural network models were built using the ten-fold cross-validation

method. The models were compared using receiver operating characteristic curves and

misclassification rates.

Missing Values

Logistic regression and neural networks necessitate complete observations; otherwise if

any portion of the observation is missing then both models completely ignore the entire row for

model building. Also, decision trees and random forests can model missing data as a genuine

value, distribute missing values to a node, and also distribute missing values over all the

branches. Although there are several statistical procedures for imputing/replacing missing values,

a list-wise deletion method was adopted in this research. A list-wise deletion method deletes the

entire record from the analysis if any variable in the model has a missing value. This technique is

secured when the data are missing completely at random and completely independent (Nisbet,

Elder, & Miner, 2009), which are the assumptions in this research. Moreover, the data set in data

mining analyses are usually enormous and therefore deleting a few observations will not impede

results of the model.


The dataset was compiled by tracking first-time Freshmen students entering in the fall

semester at The University of Alabama (UA) starting from 1995 through 2005. The variables

included in the study were associated with student characteristics. The dependent or target

variable was a binary variable, graduation. Graduation in this research is defined as a first-time

Freshmen student entering in the fall semester who graduates with an undergraduate degree from

The University of Alabama within the first six years of enrollment. The set of potential

predictors included the following:

1. Demographics: This set of predictors included gender, ethnicity, residency status

(in state or out of state), and distance from home. Residency status of students at

the University of Alabama is established based on the Alabama code 16-64. Also,

Alabama residents for tuition purposes are defined by the Alabama code and the

University Of Alabama Board Of Trustees rule. Distance from home was

calculated based on distance from University of Alabama to students’ hometown;

2. High School Information: The predictors included overall average High school

Grade Point Average (GPA), High school English GPA, High School Math GPA,

and Advanced Placement (AP) credit. Advanced Placement (AP) credits are

course credit hours earned by a high school student on standardized courses

offered in high school that are equivalent to undergraduate courses;

3. College characteristics: These variables included first semester GPA, and first

semester Earned Hours, and status. First semester GPA is the average GPA of a

student of all first semester courses. Total earned hours are the total number of

credit hours earned at the end of semester. Graduation was the target variable

showing if the student graduated from The University of Alabama or not. Status -

students with less than 12 earned credit hours were classified as part-time students

and students greater than 12 earned credit hours were classified as full-time

students; and

4. ACT information: ACT student profile included work ACT score, work

information, and college choice. The SAT and the ACT scores are standardized

tests for high school achievements and college admissions. The University of

Alabama accepts both SAT and ACT scores; therefore, all applicants at the

University of Alabama must take either SAT or ACT exams in order to apply for

admission. Some students take either SAT or ACT and sometimes both;

therefore, there might be missing values for some students in both SAT or ACT

scores. The concordance table published by the ACT uses a formula to convert

SAT combined scores to ACT composite scores (see Appendix A). For students

with SAT scores, their SAT scores were converted to composite ACT scores. For

students who took both SAT and ACT only their ACT score was considered.

5. Work information variable indicated if the student wanted to work while in

college and college choice indicated if the student chose The University of

Alabama as first choice of college. Table 3.1 gives a complete description of all

the variables.

Table 3.1

List of Variables

Name Type Description

OKSEX Binary Student Gender

OKRACE Categorical Student Ethnicity
OKRES Binary Residency Status (In state/Out of State
Home_Distance Categorical Distance from home to UA
H_GPA Continuous Cumulative High School GPA
HSENG Continuous Cumulative Math High School GPA
HSMATH Continuous Cumulative English High School GPA
Co_ACT Continuous ACT score or Converted SAT
College_choice Binary First Choice Alabama or other
Work_info Binary Part time while in college or not
Advanced Placement Credit (Yes or
Apcredit Binary No)
FirstGPA Continuous Average first semester GPA
Earned_Hours Continuous UA first semester total Hours Earned
Status Binary Full Time or Part Time
Graduation Binary Graduated or Not

Research Design

Berry and Linoff (1997) defined data mining as “the exploration and analysis, by

automatic or semiautomatic means of large quantities of data in order to discover meaningful

patterns and rules” (pp.5). Data mining can be defined as a mining or drawing out or digging

knowledge or useful information from large deposits of data. Some researchers also label data

mining as knowledge discovery from data (KDD), knowledge mining from data, knowledge

extraction, and data archeology. Applied in almost all areas of research, data mining can be

useful to extract and to reveal patterns in data. The patterns obtained can be used as useful

information to increase income, cuts expenses, and any other kinds of benefits for any

organization. Data mining is usually done using business intelligence software that uses a

number of analytical tools for analyzing data. With the help of this software data miners analyze

data from many different aspects, sort out data, and summarize the relationships identified.

Finding correlations or patterns among dozens of fields in large databases, data mining is an

interdisciplinary exercise in which statistical analytical tools play a vital role. Disciplines like

database technology, artificial intelligence, and pattern recognition routinely use data mining


Some of the major data mining activities include Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA). John

Tukey’s (1977) article was one of the most influential works in EDA. The data exploration

actions include visual techniques that help analysts view a dataset in terms of summary. This

helps in getting a feel of trends and pattern analysis (Tukey, 1977). Exploratory Data Analysis is

a philosophy detailing with how to dissect a dataset, discover, inquire, and finally make

interpretations. Some of the basic statistical exploratory methods include examining distribution

of variables to check for patterns, reviewing large correlation matrices for coefficients that meet

certain thresholds, or examining multi-way frequency tables. EDA can also include multivariate

exploratory techniques, which are designed specifically to identify patterns in multivariate data

sets. Some of the techniques include factor analysis, cluster analysis, canonical correlation,

decision trees, and neural networks.

While approaching a statistical problem an analyst may have some prior hypotheses that

need to be tested. For example, if educational researchers in a university are interested in

whether a recent increase in the fee structure has led to a decrease in student enrollment, the

analysts would test the hypothesis that the enrollment has decreased and would use hypothesis

testing procedures. Some methods in classical hypothesis testing includes: Z-test, t-test, or F-test,

so there are a number of hypothesis tests throughout the statistical literature, including time

series analysis and non-parametric tests.

When using data mining procedures, analysts do not always have prior notions of the

expected relationships among the variables or have any notions about any expected outcomes

from the dataset; therefore data mining techniques do not necessarily have a priori hypotheses.

Since data mining datasets are usually very large, analysts often prefer to use exploratory data

analysis. This method allows the analysts to

1. Delve into the dataset;

2. Examine the interrelationships among the attributes;

3. Identify interesting subsets of the observations; and

4. Develop an initial idea of possible associations between the attributes and the

target variable.

Data mining techniques can find patterns that are present but are hidden in large

institutional datasets. This methodology merges statistical techniques, machine learning

algorithms, and visual illustration techniques to discover patterns in institutional data. In order to

assess the significant variables contributing to student graduation, this research used four

different data mining predictive models: logistic regression, decision trees, random forests, and

neural networks. These four predictive models can identify the most significant variables

impacting student graduation and also predict the percentage of students who do not graduate.

This study also tested the accuracy of the four data mining models, which can provide additional

information and insights about what kind of data mining models work best in higher education

data mining analyses.

Research Procedure

Data mining in this research is described in terms of the CRISP-DM format. CRISP is an

acronym for Cross-Industry Standard Process for data mining which was proposed in the mid-

1990s by a European consortium consisting of NCR, SPSS, and Daimler-Benz companies to

serve as a non-proprietary standard process model for data mining (Nisbet, Elder, & Miner,


The usual life cycle of a data mining project as defined by CRISP-DM format consists of

six phases (see Figure 3.1). Although, the sequence of the phases is not strict, it might be

necessary to move back and forth between different phases. It depends on the outcome of each

phase , or which particular task of a phase needs to be performed next. The arrows indicate the

most important and frequent dependencies between phases. The outer circle in the figure

denotes the cyclic nature of data mining.

Figure 3.1. Phases of the CRISP-DM Process (Chapman, Clinton, Kerber, Khabaza, Reinartz, &

Shearer, 2000)

Figure 3.1 shows the CRISP-DM process for data mining. The process is described as


1. Business Understanding: The first stage in data mining emphasizes the

understanding of project objectives and then translates those objectives to a data

mining problem definition. This stage may include defining clear business

objectives, evaluating the business environment, and preparing clear goals and

objectives. Some of the activities in the initial stage might include identifying the

target variable, listing all the important predictor variables, acquiring the suitable

institutional dataset for analyses and modeling, generating descriptive statistics

for some variables, etc.

2. Data Understanding: This stage starts with data collection and getting used to the

data to identify potential patterns in the data. The second stage involves activities

like data acquirement, data integration, initial data description, and data quality

assessment activities. Data has to be acquired before it can be used. Although

this stage appears to be obvious, it is very important to identify various data

resources available. It is usual for multi-national companies to have their data

stored in data repositories; for other situations like a university setting it might be

different. Therefore it is very important for the data miner to use or acquire

accurate data to address the business problem. It is also important to integrate

different datasets together so that it can be exploited. Data might exist in different

formats like in spreadsheets, csv, word, etc.; therefore, it is imperative to build a

road map to integrate everything to a common format. All the necessary data at

this stage is merged to form a single dataset containing all variables. After

merging, data might be in different formats or variables represented in different

forms and will have to be formatted accordingly. To maintain consistency, data

mining tools like SAS enterprise miner can import any kind of format and convert

it to a SAS data file. Finally, in this stage it is important to describe the data to

understand and make sure the data is a good fit for answering all the objectives.

3. Data Preparation: As the name implies, the third stage involves preparing the data

for analyses. This stage might involve transforming variables and creating proper

formats to fit the data mining software. Some of the important activities in the

data preparation stage is data cleaning, transformation (if necessary), and handling

missing values. An overall summary of activities in the initial exploration are:

(Han & Kamber, 2006)

 Data Cleansing

 Data Transformation

 Data Imputation

 Data Filtering

 Data Abstraction

 Data Reduction

 Data Sampling

 Dimensionality Reduction

 Data Derivation

4. Modeling: The fourth stage in data mining involves building and selecting

models. The usual practice is to create a series of models using different statistical

algorithms or data mining techniques, also known as ensemble models. Another

technique is to create samples of data and compare or combine results. Bootstrap,

jackknife resampling, and V-fold cross validation are some techniques which use

sample data. (Nisbet, Elder, & Miner, Handbook of Statistical Analysis & Data

Mining Applications, 2009). In most of the data mining software, after specifying

important model assumptions, it is important to set parameters because sometimes

the options in the algorithm are default. Many modeling algorithms like neural

networks, decision trees, and logistic regressions start with various default

settings. Data mining software like Enterprise miner has an options tab to set

parameter values.

5. Evaluation: This stage involves evaluating the models built in the model building

stage. The most common way to evaluate models is to verify their performances

on the test datasets. Some very effective techniques for doing this, using various

tables and graphs, are coincidence tables, lift charts, ROI curves, normal

probability charts etc. Also an easy evaluation of all the models is to observe the

number of correct predictions compared to the total number of predictions. If that

percentage is relatively high, we might conclude that the model was a success.

6. Deployment: The final stage involves using the model selected in the previous

stage and applying it to new/future data in order to generate predictions or

estimates of the expected outcome. As shown in Figure 3.1, feedback of model

deployment results to the database and feedback of model deployment results to

the business understanding phase.


This research used data mining software to investigate the most important variables that

are associated with graduation and also to answer specific research questions. SAS enterprise

Miner from SAS Inc. and R programming language were used as the data mining software for all

the analyses. SAS Enterprise Miner facilitated data mining analyses to generate very high

accurate predictive models based on all the data available from across the University of Alabama

campus. For all other data cleaning, data merging, and exploration SAS 9.2® was used. In

mining the data, the target variable was graduation and all other variables will be used as


Model Comparison Techniques

Model comparison techniques illustrate the accuracy of a model. Model evaluation is an

iterative process in which all competing models are evaluated based on accuracy. If accuracy of

the model is too low, the model is underfit and when the accuracy is too high the model is overfit

(Nisbet, Elder, & Miner, 2009). An overfit model results in excellent model accuracy with

respect to the training data. Therefore it is very important to cross-validate models to select the

best generalized model.

Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC)

The receiver operating characteristic (ROC) chart illustrates a graphical display that

evaluates the forecasting precision of a predictive model. ROC curve describes the discriminate

capacity of the predictive model and is applied to binary targets (Provost & Fawcett, 1997). The

ROC curves display the sensitivity and the specificity of the model for a cutoff value or a

threshold value. For example, let graduation labels y ∈ {0/No, 1/Yes} have a threshold or cutoff

value τ, the observation is classified as 1or Yes if the output is larger than τ and classified as 0 or

No if the output is smaller than τ. This results in a confusion matrix shown in the table 3.1.

Table 3.2

ROC Table

Actual Graduation

Predicted Graduation Yes No

Yes True Positive False Positive

No False Negative True Negative

The sensitivity measure gives the evaluation of the probability that a given statistic

correctly predicts the correct existing condition with respect to the threshold. For example, a

model is predicting that the student will graduate and the student has actually graduated.

Sensitivity is defined as the ratio between true positive and the sum of true positive and false

negative. Sensitivity measures the proportion of “Yes” samples that are classified correctly based

on the threshold (Liao & Triantaphyllou, 2008). A lower threshold value gives more false

positives and less false negatives whereas a higher threshold gives more false negatives.

Sensitivity = (True Positive) / (True Positive + False Negative)

Specificity measures the evaluation of the probability that a given statistic correctly

predicts the non-existing condition with respect to the threshold. For example, a model is

predicting that the student will not graduate and the student has actually not graduated.

Specificity is defined as the ratio of true negative and the sum of false positive and true negative.

Specificity measures the proportion of “No” samples that are classified correctly based on the


Specificity = (True Negative) / (False Positive + True Negative)

The 1 – Specificity value measures the evaluation of the probability that a given statistic

incorrectly predicts the condition does not exist with respect to the threshold. For example, a

model is predicting that the student will graduate while the student has actually not graduated.

The ROC curve is a typical practice for summarizing classifier accuracy over a range of

tradeoffs between the true positive and false positive mistake rates (Swets, 1988). The ROC

curve is plotted with sensitivity in the Y-axis and 1 – Specificity values in the X axis. The area

under the ROC curve gives the biased presentation for a binary classification problem. The ROC

curve shows the estimation of the probability that the output of a randomly selected validation

sample from the “NO” population will be less than or equal to that of a randomly selected

training sample from “Yes” population. The choice of cut-off describes the trade-off between

sensitivity and specificity. In an ideal situation the cut-off should represent high values of both so

that the model can predict students who graduated and students who did not graduate. A low cut

off increases true positive and false negative and decreases false positive and true negative and

therefore gives a higher sensitivity. On the other hand, a higher cut off gives a lower sensitivity.

Figure 3.2 shows a ROC curve with sensitivity/percent true value plotted on the vertical

axis and 1 – Specificity or percent false positive plotted on the horizontal axis. Each point on the

curve corresponds to a particular cut-off or threshold. The perfect point on the curve will be [0,

1] which shows that all students who graduated are classified correctly and students who did not

graduate are misclassified as students who graduated. The area under the curve (AUC) is an

established metric for determining ROC. The AUC comparisons between different models can

establish a supreme relationship between classifiers. The best model is the curve that is almost in

parallel to the vertical axis or coinciding with the vertical axis. Higher AUC value represents

better classification or discrimination between students who graduated and students who did not

graduate with respect to training data.


0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00

1 - Specificity

Figure 3.2. Example ROC Curve.

Misclassification Rate

For binary classification scenarios, the misclassification rate gives the overall model

performance with respect to the exact number of categorizations in the training data. The

objective of the predictive model is to maximize the number of accurate classifications. A

confusion matrix similar to a ROC curve can also be created representing the binary

classifications for the training data. Table 3.3 shows predicted graduation as the row variable and

actual graduation as the column variable.

Table 3.3

Misclassification Table


Actual Graduation

Predicted Graduation Yes (ε0) No (ε1)

Yes (ε0) X1d X1m = X1 - X1d X1

No (ε1) X2m = X2 – X2d X2d X2


X1d = Number of actual outcomes of graduation ‘yes’ accurately classified as predicted

graduation ‘yes’

X1m = Number of actual outcomes of graduation ‘yes’ inaccurately classified as predicted

graduation ‘no’

X2m = Number of actual outcomes of graduation ‘no’ inaccurately classified as predicted

graduation ‘yes’

X2d = Number of actual outcomes of graduation ‘no’ accurately classified as predicted

graduation ‘no’

The diagonal elements show the accurate classifications and the off diagonal elements

show the inaccurate classifications (Matignon, 2005). The misclassification rate can be defined

as the ratio of the sum of the off diagonal elements to the total number of observations

[Misclassification Rate = (X1m + X2m) / (X1 + X2)]. The misclassification rate gives the

proportion of binary target outcomes that are not classified correctly as they were supposed to be


Similarly, accuracy rate can be defined as the ratio of the sum of the diagonal elements to the

total number of observations [Accuracy Rate = (X1d + X2d) / (X1 + X2)]. A superior model will

have a high accuracy and low misclassification rate.

Data Mining Models

This study compared the statistical predictive data mining models: logistic regression,

decision tree, random forests, and neural networks based on the review of literature in Chapter II.

Each of these models were optimized to fit the student graduation data and then evaluated to

determine the best data mining model. Logistic regression, decision trees, and neural network

predictive models used in this research were the most popular models used in the statistical data

mining process and random forests is a relatively recent data mining model, which has not been

applied in higher education data mining applications. These data mining models are designed to

extract useful information and make inferences from large datasets. Data mining is inspired by

the computing and storing power of computers; therefore, analyzing data and creating many

models and evaluating the best model are familiar methods in a data mining research design.

Logistic Regression

In the early 1980s, statisticians were dealing with more intricate real world problems.

Statistical approaches became too restraining for investigating nonlinear relationships in large

data sets. Mathematical researchers continued investigating along the lines of classical statistics

and developed nonlinear versions of parametric statistics. Some of these nonlinear methods for

discrete distributions were the Logit model, the Probit model and the Generalized Linear model

(Nisbet, Elder, & Miner, 2009). Logistic regression uses the Logit model. This is one of the

techniques used in analyzing a categorical dependent variable. It provides an association between

the independent variables and the logarithm of the odds of a categorical response variable.

However when a categorical variable has only two responses, then it is called a binary logistic

regression model. Since the target variable graduation is a binary (yes/no) response a binary

logistic regression model was used. Logistic regression analysis applies maximum likelihood

estimation after transforming the dependent variable (graduation) into a Logit variable (the

natural log of the odds of the dependent response occurring or not); therefore, logistic regression

will estimate the odds that an existing student graduated or not graduated.

Ordinary least-squares multiple regression model is represented as follows:

Y= + + + …….. + +ε (1)

Where , , , …….., represent the model parameters. These are constants, whose true

value remains unknown, which are estimated from the data using the least-squares estimates, ε,

which represents the error term (Belsey, Kuh, & Welsch, 2004).

Some of the assumptions associated with a multiple regression error term are:

1. Constant Variance: The variance of the error term is constant regardless of the

value for , ,…..

2. Independence: The error values are independent

3. Normally Distributed: The error term is a normally distributed random variable.

In other words the error term is an independent normal variable with µ=0 and

variance, .

Logistic regression has gained reputation in data mining techniques because it does not

require any of the above mentioned assumptions (Fadlalla, 2005).

The binary outcome for the target variable graduation (graduated (1)/not graduated (0))

can be represented as the conditional mean of Y given X = x, represented as E(Y|x). Where

E(Y|x) is the expected value of the target variable graduation for a given value of predictor.

E(Y|x) can also be represented as π (x). The error term in logistic regression model has a mean

of zero. The conditional mean or the expected value for logistic regression can be written as

e 0+ 1x
π= (2)
1+ e 0 + 1 x

where and are unknown parameters.

Equation 2 forms an S-shaped non-linear curve which is also known as a Sigmoidal

curve. The error term in a logistic regression can be either 1 (graduated) or 0 (not graduated).

Therefore when the error (ε) is 1, the error equation becomes ε= 1 - π (x) and when the error term

is 0, the error equation becomes ε= - π (x). As a result, the error term in a logistic regression can

be written as π (x) [1 - π (x)] (Hosmer & Lemeshow, 2000). The variance of the error term of a

logistic regression equation is the same as the variance of a binomial distribution. Also, the target

variable in a logistic regression equation is assumed to follow a binomial distribution. A

functional transformation of a logistic regression equation is a logit transformation. The logit

transformation is given as:

g (x) = ln = (3)

The logit function is the natural log of the odds of the ratio of the probability that target

variable = 1 by the probability that the target variable = 0. Finally a logistic regression model

e 0 + 1x
π =
1+ e 0 + 1 x

is estimated as:

= (5)

with the estimated logit

. (6)

Odds and odds ratio values facilitate in understanding and interpretation of the logit

model. The odds of an event can be defined as the ratio of the expected outcome that an event

will actually occur to the expected outcome that it will not occur. Therefore odds ratio is one set

of odds divided by the other odds ratio. Odds indicate how much more likely an event occurs

versus the event not occurring. The odds ratio for a predictor can be defined in terms of increase

or decrease. Odds range from 0 to 1, odds ratio greater than one for any predictor is the relative

amount by which the odds of the outcome increases. Similarly odds ratio less than one for any

predictor is the relative amount by which the odds of the outcome will decrease. Therefore odds

can be represented as p / (1- p), where p is the probability of the event occurring and (1- p) is the

probability of the event not occurring. Consequently, odds ratio is the odds of an event occurring

to the odds of an event not occurring. Odds Ratio = , where is the unknown parameter.

The significance of the variables in a logistic regression model involves the testing of a

statistical hypothesis. The hypothesis for the overall model is given as follows:

H0: i = j, Where i ≠ j

HA: At least one of the coefficients is not equal to 0

The deviance statistic is used to test the model significance of coefficients in a logistic

regression model. The deviance statistic estimates an enhanced model fit by comparing the

model with a particular predictor to the model without that predictor.

Deviance = -2 ln (7)

The deviance formula is very similar to the sums of square accounting for error in a linear

regression model. The deviance formula signifies the surplus error left over in the model after

accounting for all the predictors (Larose, 2006).

The significance of any particular variable in a logistic regression model involves testing

the following hypothesis.

H0: i =0

HA: i≠ 0

Two methods can be used to determine if a particular predictor is statistically significant

or not. The first method is to find the difference between the deviance of the model with the

predictor and the deviance of the model without the predictor.

G= – (8)

This test statistic, G, follows a chi-square distribution with one degree of freedom.

Therefore this G statistic is compared with the Chi-square distribution with one degree of

freedom to test the null hypothesis. For example, G > 3.84, df =1, p = .05 level of significance.

The second method involves calculating the Wald statistic, which is the ratio of the

coefficient estimate to the standard error (SE) of the coefficient estimate. ZWald = ,

where follows a standard normal distribution. A relatively small ZWald probability value

indicates variable significance. Both the G statistic and Wald statistic require a likelihood

estimation calculation of the coefficient (Hosmer & Lemeshow, 2000).

Variable Selection Methods

Selection of predictor variables is a vital consideration when building logistic regression

models. Too many variables in a model might lead to overfitting and too few variables might

lead to underfitting, therefore it is very important to choose the most optimal variables for a

high-quality model. Some of the most common variable selection methods include forward

selection, backward elimination, stepwise, best subsets and all possible subsets.

The forward selection method begins with no variable in the model and each variable is

added one by one and tested for significance. The significance of any variable is evaluated in

terms of a likelihood ratio chi-square test. Each variable is added and is retained in the model if

it produces a large change in the log-likelihood ratio.

The backward elimination method begins with all the variables in the model and each

variable is removed one after another based on statistical significance.

The stepwise procedure is a revision of the forward selection method, where if the

variable has already been entered in the forward selection, it might end up being non-significant

once other variables have been entered. The stepwise method verifies this possibility by

performing a likelihood ratio test at each step. Insignificant variables are dropped from the model

and the procedure stops when no additional variables can be added to the model.

Some of the disadvantages of forward and backward procedures are that the estimates for

the coefficients of all variables which are not included in the model must be calculated at each

step, results might be erroneous when variables are highly correlated, both methods may result in

diverse models that may be sub-optimal and there might be more than one optimal model

(Izenman, 2008).

The best subsets procedure gives the option of specifying a total number of models of

each size and the maximum number of predictors included in the model. The subsets of variables

for the best possible model depend on the chosen criteria. In linear regression, the best subset is

evaluated based on the proportion of the total variation explained by the model R2 and adjusted

R2. Similarly in logistic regression, the best subset model can be evaluated based on deviance.

Hosmer and Lemeshow (2000) recommended using Mallows Cp developed by Mallow in 1973.

Mallows Cp gives a measure of predictive squared error for each model. The subset with the

smallest Cp value is selected as the best subset. Mallows Cp for any subset of p from q variables

is given as

Cp = + 2(p+1) – n. (9)

Where, is the Pearson’s Chi-square, is the Wald statistic (Hosmer & Lemeshow, 2000).

The concluding type of variable selection method in logistic regression is all possible

subsets procedure. All other modeling procedures use different approaches to find the optimal

model, however there is no assurance in finding the most optimal model using different

statistical criteria. The only way to guarantee optimal subsets is to execute all possible subsets.

Therefore, for an n variable model, there are 2n – 1 all possible logistic regression models to find

the optimal model (Larose, 2006). This approach to variable selection provides all possible

combinations of predictor variables with selection of the best model based on R2, Cp, or deviance

fit statistic.


Some selected variables in a regression model could result in multicollinearity. The

generated model will be checked for multicollinearity. Collinearity is a condition where two or

more predictors are highly correlated. This leads to instability in coefficient estimates, with

possible incoherent results. For example, a data set with severe collinearity may have a

significant deviance statistic, while having no significant Wald statistic for predictors. Highly

correlated variables tend to confound predictors in the regression model. Also examining

correlations among predictors may not reveal the problem, whereas the Variance Inflation

Factors (VIFs) identify the presence of multicollinearity. SAS Enterprise Miner generates VIFs

for each predictor. Some research suggests eliminating one of the two variables with very high

VIF’s. Also, standardization prevents variability of one variable affecting a second variable

(Larose, 2006).

Four different logistic regression models were built using forward selection, backward

elimination, stepwise, and all possible subsets with graduation as the target variable.

Decision Trees

In 1984, UC Berkley and Stanford researchers Leo Breiman, Jerome Friedman, Richard

Olshen, and Charles Stone introduced Classification and Regression Tree (CART or C&RT)

methodology. Decision trees are ordered as a sequence of simple questions. The answers to

these simple questions conclude what might be the next question. This results in a network of

links that forms a tree-like structure. The network attempts to find strong associations between a

group of predictor variables and the target value. A set of input variables are recognized and are

grouped resulting in dividing the entire dataset based on different rules. The first rule splits the

data from the root node. Each rule allocates a data point to a link based on the value of the input

variable for that particular data point. The end of the tree is terminal leaf nodes. The terminal leaf

nodes have no preceding questions. Algorithms in decision trees recognize different ways of

splitting a dataset into branches that look similar to branches in a tree. Decision trees can be

used in predictive modeling for classification purposes.

The tree like structure helps with human short-term memory where more complicated

relationships can be effectively understood. Decision trees can be used to classify an occurrence

like graduation (yes/no) based on different variables. Decision trees are a functional exploratory

technique, which still uses classical statistical methods. Decision trees are extensively used for

their ease of use, interpretability, flexibility with different levels of measurement, and its

prediction strength with diversity of data (Ville, 2006).

A simple decision tree is shown in Figure 3.3. The root node is the top most node

representing the first split variable which can either be continuous or discrete. For each node in a

decision tree, some type of partition rule is usually chosen. This results in choosing the best

partition of its levels. The best partitions are usually determined by using a goodness measure

that measures the performance gain from subdividing the node. The partition rules are applied

one after another which results in the tree like structure as shown in Figure 3.3. Partition rule for

the root node in this simple case result in a two way split. The two way split at the root node

results in two different nodes, which are connected through a link. Same splitting rules apply for

these two nodes. There could be more than a two-way split as well. The bottom most nodes of

the decision trees are called terminal nodes or leaves and these leaves do not have any further

splits. For each leaf in the tree the decision links presents an exclusive path for decision rules.

Once the tree is fully built and decision rules have been established, these rules can be used to

predict a new node value based on new data. In predictive modeling for student graduation, the

decision rules will help in predicting the value for the variable graduation (yes/no).

Root Node
(Variable Name)

Node Node
(Variable Name) (Variable Name)

Terminal Node or
(Variable Name)
Figure 3.3. A Simple Decision Tree.

The two most popular algorithms are CART: Classification and Regression Tree (with

generic versions often denoted C&RT) and Chi-Square Automatic Interaction Detection

(CHAID) (Nisbet, Elder, & Miner, 2009). SAS Enterprise Miner uses Chi-square Automatic

Interaction Detection (CHAID) as the default algorithm with different splitting criterion. CHAID

will be used to build the decision tree model. Decision trees are grown sequentially partitioning

the entire dataset into sections using the method of recursive partitioning. The initial stage of the

algorithm is called the split search.


In-State Out of State


< 2.8 > 2.8

Graduation NO Graduation YES W B O

Graduation Graduation Graduation


Figure 3.4. Example Decision Tree.

Figure 3.4 shows an example of a decision tree with a binary target graduation with two

outcomes (Yes/No). Input variables UA GPA, residency, and race are used to predict the binary

target variable graduation, where UA GPA is a continuous variable, residency a binary variable

with outcomes Yes or No, and race a categorical variable with outcomes W, B, and O. The

decision tree in Figure 3.4 has five internal nodes and five terminal nodes or leaves. Three leaves

predict students who graduate and two leaves predict students who do not graduate. Each leaf

represents subsets of the data that are relatively homogenous with respect to the target variable.

For example, a student who did not graduate can have two different paths. One of the paths could

be an in-state resident with a UA GPA less than 2.8 who did not graduate. The other path could

be an out of state resident with other race who did not graduate..

This split search algorithm begins by selecting an input for portioning the training data.

For binary input, only two values serve as a potential split point. The groups combined with the

predicted or the target variable creates a 2X2 contingency table or a confusion matrix. The null

hypothesis is given as

H0: V1 = V2: variable 1 and variable 2 are independent

H0: V1 ≠ V2: variable 1 and variable 2 are not independent

The independence of counts in the table is evaluated using a Pearson’s chi-square

statistic. High Pearson chi-square values indicate the independence of counts in the table

columns. A very high difference in outcome proportions specifies a good split. The Pearson chi-

square is calculated using the following formula

χ2 = (observed Frequency – Expected Frequency) 2 / Expected Frequency) (10)

The same Pearson chi-square is applied to all input variables and a probability value also

known as a p-value is calculated for each split. A low p-value is similar to a high Pearson chi-

square. The p-value is calculated as follows:

P-Value = P (χ2 > Calculated χ2 | Null hypothesis is true) (11)

For huge datasets this p-value can be very close to zero. Therefore, this p-value is

reported using logworth, where the logworth = - Log (Chi-square p-value). The algorithm

evaluates every input variable and target variable and the best split is chosen in accordance with

the logworth value (Sarma, 2007). Also, when calculating the chi-square value for testing

independence of columns, it is possible to attain very high chi-square values or low p-values

when in reality the columns are not independent or there is no difference in proportions between

split branches. Since there are so many splits occurring in building a decision tree, the likelihood

of having a larger logworth or smaller p-value increases. In order to overcome this problem, the

p-value of every test is magnified by a factor equal to the number of tests being performed. This

magnified p-value is known as a Bonferroni correction. SAS Enterprise Miner automatically

applies these Bonferroni corrections to the logworth calculations for each input. These

corrections known as Kass adjustments decrease the logworth of a split by a quantity equal to the

log of the number of separate input values (Kass, 1980).

Figure 3.4 show that residency was chosen as the first split at the root node with the

highest logworth. Consequently, observations with value in state branch to the left and

observations with value out of state branch to the right. For a split to occur, SAS Enterprise

Miner uses a default chi-square p-value of 0.20 corresponding to a logworth of 0.7.

Significance of a second split and all the succeeding splits depend on the previous splits;

so this split search algorithm features a multiple comparison problem. Therefore the p-values

have to be adjusted for these previous splits. This adjustment for the number of previous splits

depends on the number of splits, known as depth adjustment. This depth is measured as the

number of branches from the path of root node to the present node where splitting has to take

place. The p-value is multiplied with a depth multiplier to compensate for previous splits. The

general depth multiplier for binary splits is 2d. For a depth of three splits from the number of

branches from the root node, the depth multiplier would be 23 = 8. This value will be multiplied

with the p-value. The same depth multiplier can be used to increase the threshold value of the

logworth by log10 (2) * d. The threshold value becomes more stringent as it goes further down

the tree; therefore the depth adjustment limits the size of the tree. The size of the tree can be

controlled using either a threshold value or the adjusted p-value. One other way to control the

tree size is to set the leaf size or the split size to a specified number. A node will be not be split if

it has less than the specified number of leaf size or split size. The data is partitioned according to

the best split and this in turn creates a new second partition rule. The process goes on until there

are no more splits. The resulting tree is known as a maximal tree (Sarma, 2007).


A decision tree with all the split rules will end up as the largest possible tree. The

maximal tree does a great job predicting the target variable with the training data but usually not

as good with the validation data; therefore, the maximal tree has a generalization problem.

Model generalization and model complexity can be addressed using a method called pruning.

The tree has to be pruned to the right size in order to find the optimal tree. One split is removed

from the maximal tree at each step, which results in two trees at the first pruning step.

Subsequently one more split is removed from the previous tree, which results in another tree. If

the maximal tree is T, then the first pruning step results in T-1 tree, T-2, T-3, T-4, and so on.

Now all these different decision tree models are evaluated to find the optimal tree. Binary

decision predictions can be evaluated using criteria based on misclassification. When primary

decisions are matched with the primary outcomes then it is called a true positive and when

secondary decisions are matched with secondary outcomes then it is called a true negative.

Therefore, predictions can be rated by their accuracy based on the proportion between the

prediction and actual outcome. A model with a lower proportion misclassified is chosen as the

best decision tree model.

Random Forests

Brieman (2001) developed random forests algorithm that uses the concept of bagging and

builds a large collection of decision trees. Breiman (1996) created Bagging also known as

bootstrap aggregating, one of the earliest and simplest ensemble modeling techniques. The

bagging algorithm is similar to bootstrapping where data is resampled to create separate

prediction estimates and then aggregated together. In bagging, a fixed number of independent

samples is created by replacement. The bagged estimates of the predicted values are calculated

by refitting the statistical model to calculate the fitted values for each bootstrap sample of equal

size, then dividing by the number of bootstrap samples.

bag (x) = (12)

where bag (x) is the bagging estimate from B bootstrap samples. Random forest is an

extensive modification of bagging that builds a series of de-correlated decision trees and then

averages them. An ensemble decision tree model is built based on multi classifier’s decision. A

final decision tree model is not made by one tree; instead several trees are constructed

independently and each tree is weighted for a comprehensive classification. As the number of

trees in the random forests increases the generalization error decreases with better predicting

power. Each bagged training set contains the same number of samples as the original training

data, but samples are randomly selected with replacement and are representative of two-thirds of

the data. The other one-third of data is used for classification performance. Each tree is grown

without pruning until the data at leaf nodes are homogenous or some other predefined stopping

criteria. Predictions are performed by running the one-third test sample through each tree and

each tree is assigned a vote based on the leaf node that receives the sample. A random forests

model does not require additional cross-validation unlike other models to get an unbiased

estimate of the test error. Following are the steps involved in building decision trees using

random forests:

1. A random sample of the number of observations is taken. Successive samples for

other trees are done with replacement without leaving out any observations;

2. Only ‘m’ variables are chosen from a set of variables, where m is much less than

actual number of variables. Increasing the number of variables increases the

correlation between trees and increases the predictive power of the tree;

3. Best split for each tree is done similarly as discussed in the decision tree section.

4. About one-third of the cases are used to create out of sample or testing data. This

testing data is used to calculate the error rate;

5. Average error rates will be calculated from all trees;

6. Significant variables are chosen by running test data set down the tree and then

the number of votes for the predicted class is counted;

7. Values in each variable are randomly changed and run down independently. Next

the measure of effect is calculated from the difference between number of votes

for unchanged tree and number of votes for changed tree; and

8. Average effect is calculated across all trees to find the most significant variables.

Brieman (2001) summarizes some of the important features of random forests as follows:

1. Better accuracy compared to other data mining predictive models;

2. Works competently with large datasets;

3. Can handle any number of input variables;

4. Produces unbiased estimates of the generalization error; and

5. Handles missing data by estimation and also maintains a better accuracy when

large proportion of the data is missing.

Neural Networks

Neural networks were based on the structure and function of the human brain. The human

brain has about 109 interconnected neurons and there can be numerous connections per neuron

approximately summing up to 60 trillion synapses (Garson, 1998). The actual functioning of

these neurons remains unknown. In 1943, McCulloch and Pitts proposed a mathematical version

of artificial neural networks models composed of binary valued neurons. This mathematical

version of neural networks was imitating the way nerve cells process information for enhancing

or plummeting transmitted signal (Silipo, 1999). Artificial neural network models are learning

algorithms that analyze any given classification problem. Interconnected “neurons” help in all

mathematical operations in transforming inputs to outputs (Abu-Mostafa, 1996). The concept of

neural networks got more popular and was extended for use with computers in the 1980s when

John Hopfied invented the back-propagation method. A typical neural network model consists of

inputs connected to hidden layers with the number of nodes and the hidden layers connected to

an output node.

Figure 3.5 shows a simple neural network model with one input, one target and one

single output variable. In terms of conventional regression analysis, the input in neural network

is analogous to an independent variable, output is analogous to a predicted value and target is

analogous to a dependent variable.

Input Output Target

Figure 3.5. Simple Neural Network.

Figure 3.6 shows artificial neural networks with input layer, hidden layer, and an output

layer. The units are combined and connected into layers. Layers in a network are connected to

each other by connecting every unit in the first layer to every unit in the second layer. The input

layer is connected to the hidden layer by all the input variables, which represent the neurons in

the human brain. The input node with a linear summation function and a logistic or sigmoid

activation function connected to the output node is similar to a logistic regression predicting a

binary outcome. All the input units from the input layer are standardized using the equivalent

standardization method to have the identical unit of measurement. The hidden layers have the

same combination function and activation function. Because the output is a binary variable

(graduation), the activation process is represented by a logistic function. Also, all the units in

the output layer have the same combination function and error function.

Input Hidden Output

Figure 3.6. Neural Networks Architecture.

Neural network is a great classifier with its ability to deal with nonlinear relationships between

predictors and the target variable.

Math Grade Wij Back-propagation


H1 Wj
High School
GPA(x2) Yes (1)
ACT Score
No (0)
Status (x4)

Input Layer Hidden Layer Output Layer

Figure 3.7. Example Feed-Forward Neural Networks.

Figure 3.7 shows an example of multilayer neural network with four inputs in the input

layer, a hidden layer with three nodes and one output layer with binary classification. The four

inputs math grade (X1), High school GPA (X2), ACT score (X3), and Residency status (X4) is

used to predict if the student graduated or not. In this research study, the neural network model

building process will include all predictor variables in the input layer to predict graduation.

The prediction estimate equation in a neural network model is given as follows:

= 00 + 01 H1 + 02 H2 + 03 H3 (13)

Where 00 is the bias estimate, 01, 02, etc. are weight estimates and H1 is the activation


H1 = tanh ( 10 + 11 x1 + 12 x2 + 13 x3 + 14 x4) (14)

H2 = tanh ( 20 + 21 x1 + 22 x2 + 23 x3 + 24 x4) (15)

H3 = tanh ( 30 + 31 x1 + 32 x2 + 33 x3 + 34 x4) (16)

Figure 3.7 shows the weights represented as Wij to be assigned to each input node and

connected to the hidden layer. The other weights, Wj, are assigned to each node in the hidden

layer, which is connected to the output layer. These weights help in modeling non-linear

relationships between the input and output layers. As the number of nodes in the hidden layer

increases, the complexity of the neural network model increases and the model does a better job

in modeling non-linear relationships. One of the most complex problems in neural networks lies

in the selection of the number of nodes in the hidden layer. Selecting the right number of nodes

in the hidden layer is an important aspect of generalization of the neural network model. The

optimal number of nodes in the hidden layer depends on the number of observations, number of

input variables and the distribution of the training data. Too many nodes in the hidden layer can

cause overfitting of the model, implying that the model would do a great job with the trained

dataset, but not with a different dataset. On the other hand too few nodes in the hidden layer can

cause underfitting, implying that the model is a poor fit to the training data. The neural network

model is fit numerous times with a diverse number of hidden units and evaluated using

goodness-of-fit statistics. The network weights are adjusted iteratively to improve the predictive

power of the model with the process known as back-propagation. The steps involved in back-

propagation when predicting a binary response are as follows:

1. Weights (Wij and Wj) are assigned randomly to each connection and the sum of

input times their weight is calculated at each node;

2. A threshold value is specified below where the output is predicted at 0 and above

where it is predicted at 1;

3. Error is calculated as the expected prediction minus actual prediction and weights

are adjusted as error multiplied by output weight; and

4. Finally, the new weight for the second stage is calculated as the sum of the old

input weight and adjusted weights (Nisbet, Elder, & Miner, 2009). The same steps

are completed for all inputs and the iteration is continued through the data.

Therefore a neural network for a binary prediction is given as

Log = 00 + 01 H1 + 02 H2 + 03 H3 (17)

(H1) = ( 10 + 11 x1 + 12 x2 + 13 x3 + 14 x 4) (18)

(H2) = ( 20 + 21 x1 + 22 x2 + 23 x3 + 24 x4) (19)

(H3) = ( 30 + 31 x1 + 32 x2 + 33 x3 + 34 x4) (20)

The iterative learning technique of neural networks permits them to be very flexible and

adjustable to dynamic situations. For the same reason, neural networks are extensively used in

business environments especially in finance for forecasting business applications. Neural

Networks have been shown to be more accurate than traditional statistics. They can analyze

large sets of data with non-linear or linear target variables. They also do not require any

underlying assumptions associated with the distribution of data (Nisbet, Elder, & Miner, 2009).

One of the key disadvantages of neural network models includes the lack of explanatory

power; the hidden layer is not interpretable because of the unavailability of calculated weights.

Therefore it is sometimes termed as a “black box” (Nisbet, Elder, & Miner, 2009).

However, neural networks are good for prediction and estimation in cases where the

characteristics of data are available explicitly and understood (Berry & Linoff, 2004). Therefore

in this research study, since all the students’ characteristics are known, a neural network would

be an appropriate modeling technique.

Research Questions

1. What are some of the most important characteristics of first-time Freshmen students

who graduate from The University of Alabama?

2. Which of the data mining techniques: logistic regression, decision tree, random

forests, and artificial neural networks provide a better classification result in

predicting student graduation at The University of Alabama?

3. What characteristics identify first-time Freshmen students who might not graduate

from The University of Alabama?



Data analyses for research questions were performed using two different datasets. The

first dataset named pre-college included all the pre-college variables and the second dataset

named college included pre-college variables along with college variables (see Table 4.1). Both

datasets had the same target variable graduation. The pre-college variables included

demographics and high school information whereas college variables included data recorded at

the end of first semester, for example, earned hours, enrollment status, and first semester GPA.

Table 4.1

Variables in Datasets


Pre-College College Target

Ethnicity Earned Hours Graduation

Residence First Semester GPA
Gender Enrollment Status
Work Information
AP Credit
College Choice
ACT/SAT score
High School English GPA
High School Math GPA
Aggregate High School GPA
Home Distance

Exploratory Data Analysis

Statistical exploratory data analysis was used to inspect the student data set using

graphical charts and descriptive statistics. The data exploration actions included visual

techniques that examined the dataset in terms of summary statistics with respect to student

graduation. The dataset included only first-time entering undergraduates that begin the first fall

term of their academic career as full time (12 or more credits) students. Those who start as ‘part-

time’ students were not included. Every variable in the data set was explored to find any patterns

in student graduation for entering full time, first-time Freshmen from 1995 until 2005.

Graduation Rate by Freshmen Enrollment

Table 4.2

Overall Graduation Rates for First-time Freshmen by Enrollment Year

Year Graduation

N %
1995 1750 64.34
1996 1552 65.46
1997 1936 69.42
1998 1946 68.35
1999 2112 69.41
2000 2220 68.38
2001 1834 69.68
2002 1951 68.79
2003 2135 68.62
2004 2274 68.38
2005 2389 61.41
Total 22099 67.46
*2005 cohort does not include degrees awarded for the last summer term

Table 4.2 shows the graduation rate for Freshmen students enrolled from 1995 to 2005 at

The University of Alabama. A ‘six-year’ graduation rate was chosen for full time, first time

entering Freshmen that includes degrees awarded through the summer term of the sixth year.

Column N shows the total number of first-time incoming Freshmen students. The total number of

incoming Freshmen students increased from 1750 students in 1995 to 2389 students in 2005. The

overall increase in Freshmen student enrollment is around 36.5%. Although, there has been a

significant increase in the overall Freshmen enrollment, graduation rates have not increased. The

average overall graduation rate for incoming Freshmen students is around 67.46%.

Figure 4.1 Overall first-time Freshmen graduation rate by year.

*2005 cohort does not include degrees awarded for the last summer term

Figure 4.1 illustrates the first-time Freshmen student graduation rates from 1995 to 2005.

Freshmen students enrolled in 1995 had the lowest graduation rate of 64.34%. Graduation rates

for 1996 Freshmen students increased by less than 1% and later graduation rates for 1997

Freshmen students increased by about 4%. Graduation rates for first-time Freshmen from 2002 to

2004 remained consistent at approximately 68%. In fact, graduation rates for students enrolled

from 1997 to 2004 did not fluctuate significantly. 2005 cohort does not include the degrees

awarded for the last summer term. Therefore the six-year graduation rates are lower for this

particular group. The estimated final graduation rate for first time Freshmen entering in 2005

will be around 68%.

Graduation Rate by Gender

Table 4.3

Graduation Rate for First-time Freshmen by Gender


Year Male Female

N % N %
1995 754 58.49 996 68.78
1996 608 63.82 944 66.53
1997 846 66.19 1090 71.93
1998 831 62.82 1115 72.47
1999 896 64.73 1216 72.86
2000 923 62.19 1297 72.78
2001 759 64.03 1075 73.67
2002 822 65.57 1129 71.12
2003 911 66.19 1224 70.42
2004 966 64.08 1308 71.56
2005 998 58.42 1391 63.55
Total 9314 63.29 12785 70.49
*2005 cohort does not include degrees awarded for the last summer term

Numbers in Table 4.3 shows the overall graduation rate in terms of gender for Freshmen

students enrolled from 1995 to 2005 at The University of Alabama. Column N shows the total

number of male and female first-time Freshmen students, respectively.

The total female enrollment constitutes around 58% compared to 42% for males. First-

time entering Freshmen female students in 2001 had the highest graduation rate of around

73.67% and Freshmen female students enrolled in 1996 had the lowest graduation rate of


The highest graduation rate for male students was 66.19% in both 1997 and 2003. The

lowest female graduation rate was close to the highest male graduation rate. Lastly, the overall

graduation rate for first-time freshmen females was 70.49% compared to 63.29% for males.

Table 4.4

Graduation Rate for First-time Freshmen by Ethnicity

Year Asian African American American Indian Caucasian Hispanic Unknown
N % N % N % N % N % N %
1995 17 47.1 222 55.9 12 75.0 1481 66.1 14 28.6 1 0.0
1996 16 56.3 164 56.7 5 40.0 1360 66.8 7 57.1 0 0.0
1997 25 68.0 304 61.5 20 55.0 1569 71.3 15 53.3 0 0.0
1998 25 68.0 340 65.0 17 52.9 1553 69.2 11 72.7 0 0.0
1999 23 65.2 331 66.2 14 71.4 1728 70.3 14 42.9 0 0.0
2000 18 77.8 377 69.5 4 50.0 1789 68.1 28 71.4 0 0.0
2001 26 69.2 206 62.6 9 77.8 1577 70.5 15 66.7 0 0.0
2002 16 62.5 215 64.2 15 80.0 1689 69.6 14 35.7 0 0.0
2003 19 57.9 237 64.1 15 73.3 1844 69.3 19 68.4 0 0.0
2004 28 60.7 249 58.6 13 61.5 1969 69.8 14 64.3 0 0.0
2005 24 54.2 313 48.9 17 58.8 1965 63.4 38 68.4 30 63.3
Total 237 62.9 2958 61.7 141 64.5 18524 68.5 189 59.8 31 61.3

Graduation Rate by Ethnicity

Table 4.4 shows the overall graduation rate in terms of ethnicity for Freshmen students

enrolled from 1995 to 2005 at The University of Alabama. Column N shows the total number of

ethnic categories for first-time Freshmen students. There were five different categories for


Asian students constituted 0.01% of the total first-time Freshmen in the dataset. Asian

students entering in 1995 had the lowest graduation rate of 47.1% while the highest graduation

rate was 69.2% for Asian Freshmen students entering in 2001. The overall graduation rate for

first-time Freshmen Asian students was 62.9%.

African American students constituted 13.3% of the total first-time entering Freshmen

students. The graduation rate for first-time Freshmen African American students in 1995 and

1996 remained consistently low at 56%. African American Freshmen students entering in 2002

and 2003 had the highest graduation rates of around 64%. The graduation rates for Freshmen

students entering in 2004 dropped roughly by 6% from 2003. The overall graduation rate for

African American students entering from 1995 to 2005 was 61.73%.

American Indian students constituted 0.06% of the total first-time entering Freshmen

students. Although, American Indian student enrollment numbers were low for years 1996 and

1997, the graduation numbers were lowest with 40% and 50% respectively. Students enrolled in

2002 had the highest graduation rate of 80%. The overall graduation rate for American Indian

students entering from 1995 to 2005 was 64.5%.

Caucasian students constituted 83% of the total first-time entering Freshmen students.

The lowest graduation rate for Caucasian students was approximately 66.1% for Freshmen

students entering in 1995 and the highest was 71.3% for students entering in 1997. The

graduation rates for Freshmen students entering from 2002-2004 remained consistent around

69%. The overall graduation rate for Caucasian students was 68.5%.

Hispanic students constituted 0.08% of the total first-time entering Freshmen students.

Students entering in 1995 had the lowest graduation rate of 28.6%. Also, graduation rates

decreased by more than 30% for students who entered in 2001 compared to students who entered

in 2002.

The two major ethnic categories in terms of enrollment were African American and

Caucasian students with 13.3% and 83%, respectively. On the whole, Caucasian students had a

higher graduation rate (68.5%) compared to African American students (61.7%). This is a 6.8%

difference between African American and Caucasian graduation rates.

Graduation Rate by Home Distance

Table 4.5

Graduation Rate for First-time Freshmen by Distance from Home

Home Distance

Year <=100 101-200 201-300 >301

N % N % N % N %

1995 836 66.87 568 65.67 93 55.91 253 56.13

1996 774 64.86 496 65.12 94 64.89 188 69.15
1997 921 70.36 691 71.2 77 68.83 247 61.13
1998 980 68.37 662 67.98 108 70.37 196 68.37
1999 1111 69.94 705 69.93 77 66.23 219 66.21
2000 1154 68.98 722 68.84 110 65.45 234 65.38
2001 900 69.67 649 71.96 97 59.79 188 67.02
2002 959 68.93 719 67.87 78 71.79 195 70.26
2003 1049 68.54 771 69.78 99 61.62 216 68.06
2004 1111 68.5 822 70.8 83 61.45 258 62.4
2005 1190 62.18 832 61.66 106 59.43 261 57.85
Total 10985 67.91 7637 68.3 1022 63.99 2455 64.24

Table 4.5 shows the overall graduation rate in terms of distance from home for Freshmen

students enrolled from 1995 to 2005 at The University of Alabama. Column N shows the total

number of distance from home categories for first-time Freshmen students. The distance from

home variable was calculated based on distance between home zip code and University of

Alabama zip code.

Students with home distance less than 100 miles had an overall graduation rate of around

68%. The highest graduation rate was approximately 70% for students enrolled in 1997. The

graduation rates remained approximately consistent around 68-69% for first-time students

entering in 1998 till 2004.

Freshmen students with a distance from home between 101-200 miles had an overall

graduation rate approximately equal to 68%. This graduation rate was very similar to students

with distance from home less than 100 miles. The highest graduation rate for Freshmen students

with distance from home between 101-200 miles was approximately 71%. The graduation rate

for students with home distance between 101-200 miles entering in 2003 and 2004 was

approximately consistent around 70%.

Students with distance from home between 201 – 300 miles had an overall graduation

rate approximately equal to 64%. The highest graduation rate was 71.8% for students enrolled in

2002 and the lowest graduation rate was approximately 56% for students enrolled in 1995.

Graduation rates for Freshmen students enrolled in years 2003 and 2004 remained consistent at

approximately 61%.

Freshmen students with distance from home greater than 301 miles had an overall

graduation rate approximately equal to 64%. The highest graduation rate was about 70% for

students enrolled in 2002 and the lowest graduation rate was approximately 56% for students

enrolled in 1995.

The highest and lowest graduation rates for students with distance from home less than

100 miles was similar to students with distance from home between 101 – 200 miles. The highest

and lowest graduation rates for students with distance from home between 201 – 300 miles was

similar to students with distance from home greater than 301 miles. In general, students less than

200 miles from home had an overall graduation rate around 4% higher than students greater than

201 miles from home.

Graduation Rate by Residency Status

Table 4.6

Graduation Rate for First-time Freshmen by Residency Status

Year Resident Non-Resident
N % N %
1995 1312 66.23 438 58.68
1996 1224 66.26 328 62.5
1997 1570 71.27 366 61.48
1998 1627 69.27 319 63.64
1999 1834 69.96 278 65.83
2000 1907 69.22 313 63.26
2001 1544 69.82 290 68.97
2002 1696 69.04 255 67.06
2003 1851 69.58 284 62.32
2004 1960 68.57 314 67.2
2005 2057 61.89 332 58.43
Total 18582 68.25 3517 63.24

Table 4.6 shows the overall graduation rate in terms of residency status for Freshmen

students enrolled from 1995 to 2005 at The University of Alabama. Column N shows the total

number of resident and non-resident students. Residency was classified based on in-state and

out-of-state students. The total overall resident student enrollment is around 84% compared to

16% for non-resident students.

Students with resident status had an overall graduation rate of around 68%. First-time

Freshmen students enrolled in 1998 had the highest graduation rate approximately equal to 71%,

while first-time Freshmen students enrolled in 1995 and 1996 had the lowest graduation rate

approximately equal to 66%. Graduation rates were consistent at around 69% for first-time

Freshmen students entering from 1998 – 2004.

The overall graduation rate for non-resident students was approximately equal to 64%.

The lowest graduation rate was about 59% for students enrolled in 1995. Non-resident students

enrolled in 2001 had the highest graduation rates approximately equal to 69%.

Both resident and non-resident Freshmen students enrolled in 2001 had very similar

graduation rates of around 69%. Overall, resident students had a graduation rate around 4%

higher than non-resident students. These graduation rates are analogous to students’ distance

from home variable.

Graduation Rate by Enrollment Status

Table 4.7

Graduation Rate for First-time Freshmen by Enrollment Status

1st Semester Enrollment Status

Year Full-Time Part Time
N %G N %G
1995 1243 75.46 507 37.08
1996 1106 75.23 446 41.26
1997 1369 79.18 567 45.86
1998 1234 80.31 712 47.61
1999 1315 81.52 797 49.44
2000 1405 79.93 815 48.47
2001 1354 79.62 480 41.67
2002 1422 77.36 529 45.75
2003 1596 78.88 539 38.22
2004 1676 79.18 598 38.13
2005 1718 73.86 671 29.51
Total 15438 78.2 6661 42.55

Table 4.7 shows the overall graduation rate in terms of first-semester enrollment status

for Freshmen students from 1995 to 2005 at The University of Alabama. Column N shows the

total number of full-time and part-time Freshmen students enrolled by year. Enrollment status

was classified based on 12 semester total earned hours at the end of first semester or not.

Students with less than 12 earned credit hours were classified as part-time students and students

greater than 12 earned credit hours were classified as full-time students. The total overall full

time students constitute around 70% compared to 30% for part-time students.

The overall graduation rate for full-time students was around 78%. The lowest graduation

rate for full-time students was around 75% for students enrolled in 1995 and 1996. Full-time

students enrolled in 1999 and 2000 had the highest graduation rates approximately equal to 81%.

Students with part-time status had an overall graduation rate of around 42%. First-time

Freshmen part-time students enrolled in 1995 had the highest graduation rate approximately

equal to 37%, while first-time Freshmen part-time students enrolled in 1999 had the lowest

graduation rate approximately equal to 50%. Graduation rates were consistently low at around

38% for first-time Freshmen part-time students entering in 2003 and 2004. On the whole, full-

time students had significantly higher graduation rates of around 36% compared to part-time


Graduation Rate by First College Choice

Table 4.8

Graduation Rate for First-time Freshmen by First College Choice

First College Choice

Year Alabama Other
N % N %
1995 922 65.51 828 63.04
1996 857 67.33 695 63.17
1997 1077 70.38 859 68.22
1998 1072 70.15 874 66.13
1999 1124 70.28 988 68.42
2000 1138 69.16 1082 67.56
2001 1036 71.91 798 66.79
2002 1085 71.24 866 65.7
2003 1172 71.42 963 65.21
2004 1240 69.92 1034 66.54
2005 1275 64.55 1114 57.81
Total 11998 69.29 10101 65.28

Table 4.8 shows the overall graduation rate in terms of first college choice for Freshmen

students from 1995 to 2005 at The University of Alabama. Column N shows the total number of

students choosing The University of Alabama as first choice and other universities as first choice

on ACT profile information. The total Freshmen students who chose Alabama to be first choice

on ACT profile information constitute around 54% compared to 46% of Freshmen students who

chose universities other than Alabama.

Freshmen students enrolled in 1995 that opted for The University of Alabama as first

choice on ACT profile information had the lowest graduation rate of around 65.5% whereas

Freshmen students who enrolled between 2001 and 2003 had the highest graduation rate

approximately equal to 71%.

Students enrolled in 1995 and 1996 that opted for other universities on ACT profile

information had the lowest graduation rate of approximately 63%. The highest graduation rate

for students who opted for other universities as first choice was around 68% for students enrolled

in 1999.

Students who opted for The University of Alabama as first choice on ACT profile

information had an overall graduation rate of around 3% higher than students who chose other

universities as first choice.

Graduation Rate by Work Information Choice

Table 4.9

Graduation Rate for First-time Freshmen by Work Information

Work Information
Year Yes No
N % N %
1995 937 60.73 813 68.51
1996 799 62.95 753 68.13
1997 1067 67.01 869 72.38
1998 1095 64.20 851 73.68
1999 1252 65.89 860 74.53
2000 1253 64.72 967 73.11
2001 997 67.00 837 72.88
2002 1086 65.10 865 73.41
2003 1204 66.45 931 71.43
2004 1318 64.26 956 74.06
2005 1400 56.36 989 68.55
Total 12408 63.97 9691 71.92

Table 4.9 shows the graduation rate in terms of work preference based on ACT profile

information for Freshmen students enrolled from 1995 to 2005 at The University of Alabama.

The ACT work information indicates self-reported data of students’ intention to work during the

course of their college. Also, ACT intension to work data is an indicator for the student’s family

income level. Those that intend to work during college are much more likely to be from low

income backgrounds. Column N shows the total number of students opting to work during

college and not opting to work during college. The total Freshmen students who chose to work

on ACT profile information constitute around 56% compared to 44% of Freshmen students who

chose not to work.

First-time Freshmen students who opted to work enrolled in 2001 had the highest

graduation rate approximately equal to 67%, while first-time Freshmen students enrolled in 1995

had the lowest graduation rate approximately equal to 60%. The overall graduation rate for

students who opted to work was approximately equal to 64%

Students enrolled in 1995 and 1996 that opted not to work on ACT profile information

had the lowest graduation rate of approximately 68%. The highest graduation rate for students

who opted not to work on ACT profile information was around 74% for students enrolled in

2004. The overall graduation rate for students who opted not to work was approximately equal to


Overall, students who opted not to work during college on ACT profile information had

an overall graduation rate of around 7% higher than students who chose to work during college.

Graduation Rate by Advanced Placement Credit

Table 4.10

Graduation Rate for First-time Freshmen by Advanced Placement Credit

Advanced Placement Credit

Year Yes No
N % N %
1995 187 80.75 1563 62.38
1996 249 78.71 1303 62.93
1997 256 85.55 1680 66.96
1998 223 83.86 1723 66.34
1999 255 90.98 1857 66.45
2000 254 83.07 1966 66.48
2001 219 89.04 1615 67.06
2002 215 88.37 1736 66.36
2003 244 84.02 1891 66.63
2004 293 83.28 1981 66.18
2005 383 80.42 2006 57.78
Total 2778 84.16 19321 65.05

Table 4.10 shows the graduation rate in terms of advanced placement credit hours for

Freshmen students enrolled from 1995 to 2005 at The University of Alabama. Column N shows

the total number of students having advanced placement credit hours and students not having any

advanced placement credit hours. The total Freshmen students having advanced placement credit

was approximately 10% compared to 90% of Freshmen students with no advanced placement

credit hours.

Freshmen students entering with advanced placement credit hours in 1999 had the highest

graduation rate approximately equal to 90%. The lowest graduation rate was around 79% for

Freshmen students entering in 1996. The overall graduation rate for students with advanced

placement credit was approximately 84%.

Students with no advanced placement credits enrolled from 1997 through 2004 had a

consistent graduation of approximately 67%. The overall graduation rate for students with no

advanced placement credit was approximately 65%.

On the whole Freshmen students with advanced placement credits had 21% higher

graduation rates than Freshmen students with no advanced placement credits.

Graduation Rate by High School Grade Point Average

Table 4.11

Graduation Rate for First-time Freshmen by High School Overall, English, and Math GPA

Year High School GPA HS English GPA HS Math GPA

Grad* **Ngrad *Grad **Ngrad *Grad **Ngrad
Mean Mean Mean Mean Mean Mean
1995 3.29 2.98 3.4 3.15 3.22 2.97
1996 3.30 3.01 3.42 3.21 3.27 2.99
1997 3.32 3.01 3.44 3.18 3.28 2.96
1998 3.25 2.91 3.45 3.18 3.31 2.99
1999 3.38 3.06 3.45 3.17 3.3 3.01
2000 3.52 3.26 3.47 3.21 3.34 3.05
2001 3.52 3.25 3.49 3.26 3.34 3.11
2002 3.52 3.28 3.50 3.31 3.36 3.14
2003 3.50 3.19 3.50 3.26 3.38 3.08
2004 3.55 3.26 3.52 3.28 3.38 3.12
2005 3.63 3.29 3.55 3.26 3.41 3.08
Total 3.44 3.15 3.48 3.23 3.33 3.05
* Graduated
** Did not graduate

Table 4.11 shows the overall high school grade point average, high school English GPA,

and high school math GPA of Freshmen students enrolled from 1995 to 2005 at The University

of Alabama. Column “*Grad mean” shows the high school grade point average of students who

graduated and column “**Ngrad mean” mean shows the high school grade point average of

students who did not graduate from the University of Alabama.

Graduated students enrolled in 1998 had the lowest grade point average of 3.25 and

graduated students enrolled in 2005 had the highest grade point average of 3.63. High school

grade point average for graduated students was consistent around 3.5 for graduated students from

2000-2004. Leaving students enrolled in 1995 had the lowest grade point average of 2.98 and

non-graduate students enrolled in 2005 had the highest grade point average of 3.29. Overall high

school grade point average for graduated students was 3.44 and high school grade point average

for leaving students was 3.15.

High school English GPA for graduated students was consistent between 3.4 and 3.5,

while the overall average GPA was 3.48. Overall English GPA for non-graduate students was


Overall high school math GPA for graduated students was 3.05. High school math GPA

was relatively lower than high school English GPA and cumulative high school GPA.

Graduation Rate by ACT score

Table 4.12

Graduation Rate for First-time Freshmen by ACT score

Year ACT Score

N *G Mean **NG Mean

1995 1750 23.75 22.61
1996 1552 23.91 22.92
1997 1936 24.29 22.74
1998 1946 23.98 22.45
1999 2112 24.19 22.55
2000 2220 24.04 22.86
2001 1834 24.16 23.08
2002 1951 24.13 22.97
2003 2135 24.31 23.07
2004 2274 24.34 22.96
2005 2389 24.92 22.95
Total 22099 24.2 22.84
* Graduated
** Not Graduated

Table 4.12 shows average ACT scores of Freshmen students enrolled from 1995 to 2005

at The University of Alabama. Column “*G Mean” mean shows the average ACT scores of all

graduated students and column “**NG Mean” mean shows the average ACT scores of all

leaving students. The lowest average ACT score was 23.75 for students enrolled in 1995. After

1995 the average ACT scores was steady around 24 for graduated students and the average ACT

score for leaving students was consistent around 22. The overall average ACT score for students

who graduated was 24.2 whereas average ACT score for non-graduate students was 22.84. The

average ACT score difference between graduated students and non-graduate students was less

than 2 points.

Graduation Rate by First Semester GPA and Earned Hours

Table 4.13

Graduation Rate for Freshmen by First Semester GPA and Earned Hours

First Semester
Year GPA Earned Hours

N Grad mean Ngrad Mean Grad Mean Ngrad Mean

1995 1750 2.91 1.97 13.57 9.99
1996 1552 2.93 2.12 13.43 10.5
1997 1936 2.89 1.99 13.32 9.9
1998 1946 2.86 1.9 12.28 9.03
1999 2112 2.94 1.98 12.56 8.97
2000 2220 3.05 2.15 12.65 9.15
2001 1834 3.1 2.25 13.19 10.03
2002 1951 3.09 2.22 13.03 10.06
2003 2135 3.12 2.31 13.29 10.04
2004 2274 3.14 2.26 13.29 10.07
2005 2389 3.18 2.23 13.36 9.89
Total 22099 3.03 2.13 13.11 9.77

Table 4.13 shows average first semester GPA and average earned hours of Freshmen

students enrolled from 1995 to 2005 at The University of Alabama. Column “Grad mean” shows

the average first semester GPA of all graduated students and column “Ngrad mean” shows the

average first semester GPA of all leavers. The lowest average first semester GPA was 2.86 for

students enrolled in 1998 and the lowest average earned hours was around nine for students

enrolled in 1999. The average first semester GPA for students who graduated was 3.03 whereas

average first semester GPA for leaving students was 2.13. The average first semester earned

hours for students who graduated was around 13 hours and for leaving students it was less than

10 hours.


The overall results for the variables analyzed in both the pre-college and college datasets

indicated the following:

1. The graduation rates for students enrolled from 1997 to 2004 did not fluctuate


2. The overall graduation rate for first-time freshmen females was 70.49% compared to

63.29% for males.

3. The two major ethnic categories in terms of enrollment were African American and

Caucasian students with 13.3% and 83%, respectively. On the whole, Caucasian students

had a higher graduation rate (68.5%) compared to African American students (61.7%).

This is a 6.8% difference between African American and Caucasian graduation rates.

4. Students less than 200 miles from home had an overall graduation rate around 4% higher

than students greater than 201 miles from home.

5. The resident students had a graduation rate around 4% higher than non-resident students.

These graduation rates are analogous to students’ distance from home variable.

6. The full-time (less than 12 earned hours) students had significantly higher graduation

rates of around 36% compared to part-time students (greater than 12 earned hours).

7. Students who opted for The University of Alabama as first choice on ACT profile

information had an overall graduation rate of around 3% higher than students who chose

other universities as first choice.

8. Students who expected not to work during college on ACT profile information had an

overall graduation rate of around 7% higher than students who expected to work during


9. Freshmen students with advanced placement credits had 21% higher graduation rates

than Freshmen students with no advanced placement credits.

10. The high school math GPA for graduated students was 3.05. High school math GPA was

relatively lower than high school English GPA and cumulative high school GPA.

11. The average first semester earned hours for students who graduated was around 13 hours

and for leaving students it was less than 10 hours.

Outliers and Missing Values

Extracted data from The University of Alabama’s enterprise resource planning system

(ERP) were merged with ACT data based on the unique identification number. List-wise deletion

method deleted the entire record from the analyses if a single observation of any variable was

missing. Outlier analysis for categorical variables was done using frequency tables; any invalid

categories within the variables were deleted. Outlier analysis for continuous variables was

performed using SAS® JMP software. Mahalanobis distance was used to delete the outliers (see

Figure 4.2). Variance Inflation Factors (VIFs) did not identify the presence of any multi-

collinearity, amongst the variables. After performing list-wise deletion and outlier analysis, there

were 22,099 total observations in the dataset.

Figure 4.2 Outlier Analysis JMP Output.

Research Question One

The first research question analyzed the most important characteristics of students who

graduated related to pre-college and college datasets. All the observations were used to analyze

both pre-college and college dataset. SAS® Enterprise Miner was used to build the following

data mining models to analyze the most significant variables contributing to student graduation:

1. Logistic regression with forward variable selection;

2. Logistic regression with backward variable selection;

3. Logistic regression with all stepwise variable selection;

4. Neural networks; and

5. Decision trees.

Each of the above data mining models was compared using misclassification rates to find

the best model. SAS Enterprise Miner does not have the capability to perform a logistic

regression for all possible subsets and random forests modeling techniques; therefore, both of

these modeling techniques were excluded in analyzing this research question, but were included

in second research question. Relevant statistics related to finding the most significant variables

are reported.

Analyses of Pre-college Dataset

Figure 4.3. SAS® Enterprise Miner Data Analysis Diagram.

Figure 4.3 shows the SAS® Enterprise Miner data analysis diagram. The first node on the

left represents the pre-college dataset. The data node is connected to different data mining

modeling nodes. Subsequently, all the data mining model nodes are connected to the model

comparison node to evaluate the best model.

Forward Regression Results

Figure 4.4. Enterprise Miner Forward Regression Options.

Figure 4.4 shows the forward regression model options. Main effects, two-factor

interactions, and polynomial terms up to second degree were included in the model. The model

selection criterion was based on valid misclassification rates and the selection defaults for the

model selection technique.

Table 4.14

Forward Selection Regression Significant Variables

Variable χ2 p
Advanced Placement Credit 98.82 <.01*
High School GPA 4.88 .02*
Work Information 153.01 <.01*
Home Distance * Ethnicity 36.50 <.01*
(High School GPA) 2 36.50 <.08*
Ethnicity * College Choice 53.86 <.01*
Ethnicity * Gender 78.42 <.01*
College Choice * Work information 4.81 .02*
ACT Score * High School Eng 24.29 <.01*

Table 4.14 indicates summary of statistically significant main effects, two-factor

interactions, and polynomial terms up to second degree order for variables in the final model.

The best model was selected at step 9. Work information variable had the highest chi-square

value and advanced placement credit variable had the second highest chi-square value.

Table 4.15

Forward Selection Misclassification Table

Actual Graduation
Predicted Graduation Yes No Total
Yes 13637 5706 19343
No 1272 1560 2832

Table 4.15 shows a confusion matrix or misclassification table with predicted graduation

as the row variable and actual graduation as the column variable. The misclassification rate was

calculated to evaluate the overall model performance with respect to the exact number of

categorizations in the entire data. The diagonal numbers indicate the accurate classifications and

the off diagonal elements indicate the inaccurate classifications (Matignon, 2005). The

misclassification rate for forward selection logistic regression was 31.58%

((1272+5706)/ (19343+2832)).

Backward Regression Results

Figure 4.5. Enterprise Miner Backward Regression Options.

Figure 4.5 shows the backward regression model options in SAS® Enterprise Miner.

Main effects, two-factor interactions, and polynomial terms up to second degree order were

included in the model. The model selection criteria was based on valid misclassification rates

and the selection defaults for the model selection technique.

Table 4.16

Backward Selection Logistic Regression Significant Variables

Variable χ2 p
High School GPA 21.19 <.01*
Work Information 5.49 .01*
AP Credit * Ethnicity 95.12 <.01*
Home Distance * Ethnicity 46.95 <.01*
(High School Math) 2 11.00 <.01*
Ethnicity * College Choice 47.95 <.01*
Ethnicity * Gender 72.08 <.01*
Ethnicity * Work information 4.69 .03*
ACT Score * High School Math 12.65 <.01*
(ACT Score) 2 38.07 <.01*
ACT Score * High School GPA 16.98 <.01*
High School Eng * High School GPA 18.92 <.01*

Table 4.16 presents the summary of backward selection logistic regression of statistically

significant main effects, two-factor interactions, and polynomial terms up to second-degree order

for variables in the model. The best model was selected at step 28. The interaction effect between

ethnicity and advanced placement credit had the highest chi-square value. The backward

selection models choose more variables than the forward selection model.

Table 4.17

Backward Selection Misclassification Table

Actual Graduation
Predicted Graduation Yes No Total
Yes 13704 5615 19319
No 1205 1575 2780

Table 4.17 shows a confusion matrix/misclassification table with predicted graduation as

the row variable and actual graduation as the column variable. The misclassification rate was

calculated to evaluate the overall model performance with respect to the exact number of

categorizations in the entire data. The diagonal numbers indicate the accurate classifications and

the off diagonal elements indicate the inaccurate classifications (Matignon, 2005). The

misclassification rate for forward selection logistic regression was 30.86%

((1205+5615)/ (19319+2780)).

Stepwise Regression Results

Figure 4.6. SAS® Enterprise Miner Stepwise Regression Options.

Figure 4.6 shows the stepwise regression model options in SAS® Enterprise Miner. Main

effects, two-factor interactions, and polynomial terms up to second degree order for variables

were included in the model. The model selection criteria was based on valid misclassification

rates and the selection defaults for the model selection technique.

Table 4.18

Stepwise Selection Logistic Regression Significant Variables

Variable χ2 p
Advanced Placement Credit 98.82 <.01*
High School GPA 4.88 .02*
Work Information 153.01 <.01*
Home Distance * Ethnicity 36.50 <.01*
(High School GPA) 2 36.50 <.08*
Ethnicity * College Choice 53.86 <.01*
Ethnicity * Gender 78.42 <.01*
College Choice * Work information 4.81 .02*
ACT Score * High School Eng 24.29 <.01*

Table 4.18 shows the summary of stepwise regression statistically significant main

effects, two-factor interactions, and polynomial terms up to second-degree order for the

variables. The best model was selected at step 9. Work information had the highest chi-square

value. Stepwise regression were exactly the same as forward regression

Table 4.19

Stepwise Selection Misclassification Table

Actual Graduation
Predicted Graduation Yes No Total
Yes 13637 5706 19343
No 1272 1560 2832

Table 4.19 shows a confusion matrix/misclassification table showing predicted

graduation as the row variable and actual graduation as the column variable. The

misclassification rate was calculated to evaluate the overall model performance with respect to

the exact number of categorization in the entire data. The diagonal numbers demonstrate the

accurate classifications and the off diagonal elements show the inaccurate classifications

(Matignon, 2005). The misclassification rate for forward selection logistic regression was

31.58% ((1205+5615)/ (19319+2780)).

Neural Network Results

Figure 4.7. SAS® Enterprise Miner Neural Networks Options.

Figure 4.7 shows the neural network model options in SAS® Enterprise Miner. The

model selection criterion was based on valid misclassification rates. The misclassification

option in the model selection criteria was chosen to obtain the model that has the smallest

misclassification rate for the entire data set. The neural network node in SAS® Enterprise

miner does not have any built-in options for selecting useful inputs. Supplementary methods

for variable selection were not used.

Figure 4.8. SAS® Enterprise Miner Neural Network Network Options

Figure 4.9. SAS® Enterprise Miner Neural Network Optimization Options

Figure 4.8 shows the stopped training network options for the neural network model. A

multilayer model was used as network architecture in constructing the neural network model.

The default option for the number of hidden layers is three; however, the default number of three

hidden layers does not always give the optimal model. SAS recommends using six different

hidden units (Georges, 2008). A normal distribution was used as the randomization distribution

to apply to the weights. The standard deviation was selected to standardize the input variables

into the network. The default option was selected for both hidden layer combination function and

hidden layer activation functions. The default activation technique depends on the number of

weights that are applied during execution. A maximum of 50 iterations and four hours of

maximum time were used.

Table 4.20

Neural Network Optimization Results

Table 4.20 summarizes the neural network model weights. There were 61 parameter

estimates and the overall value of the objective function was 0.58. The generated neural network

model lacked explicability.

Table 4.21

Neural Network Model Misclassification Table

Actual Graduation
Predicted Graduation Yes No Total
Yes 13730 5836 19566
No 1103 1430 2533

Table 4.21 shows the confusion matrix or misclassification table with predicted

graduation as the row variable and actual graduation as the column variable. The

misclassification rate was calculated to evaluate the overall model performance with respect to

the exact number of categorizations in the entire data. The diagonal numbers indicate the

accurate classifications and the off diagonal elements indicate the inaccurate classifications

(Matignon, 2005). The misclassification rate for the neural network model was close to 31%


Decision Tree Results

Figure 4.10. SAS® Enterprise Miner Decision Tree Options Screenshot.

Figure 4.10 shows the decision tree model options in SAS® Enterprise Miner. The chi-

square value of 0.2 was selected for searching and evaluating the split criterion. The maximum

branch size and depth size of the tree was set to six and two respectively and the minimum

number of observations in any leaf was five. Bonferroni adjustments were applied before the

split was chosen. The model selection criterion was based on valid misclassification rates. The

misclassification option in the model selection criteria chooses the model that has the smallest

misclassification rate for the entire dataset.

Figure 4.11. Decision Tree Model.

Figure 4.11 shows the generated decision tree model. Data was first split based on high

school GPA. The first branch on the top right contains cases with high school GPA greater than

or equal to 3.375 and the second branch on the top left contains cases with first-year GPA less

than 3.375.

The right branch top node with high school GPA greater than or equal to 3.375 had

11,631 cases. 77.1% out of 11631 students with high school GPA greater than 3.375 graduated

and 22.9% did not graduate. The first path was the most significant path.

The left branch top node with high school GPA less than 3.375 had 10,544 cases. 56.4%

of 10,544 students with high school GPA less than 3.375 graduated. This node was further

broken down into students with high school GPA less than 2.89 and high school GPA greater

than 2.89. The node for first-year GPA less than 2.89 was further divided based on work


The 53.7% of 2060 students with work information ‘yes’ graduated and 45.7% of 2593

students with work information ‘no’ graduated. Work information ‘yes’ node was further

divided based on gender. The 56.9% female students out of 979 graduated, whereas 50.9% male

students out of 1081 graduated. The female gender node was further divided based on residency

status. The 60.1% out of 682 female resident students graduated whereas 49.5% of 297 female

non- resident students graduated.

Work information ‘no’ node was further broken down into students with high school

GPA less than 2.74 and high school GPA greater than or equal to 2.74. The 52.9% out of 801

students with high school GPA greater than or equal to 2.74 graduated whereas 42.5% out of

1792 students with high school GPA less than 2.74 graduated. High school GPA less than 2.74

node was further divided based on gender. The 46.6% out of 812 female students graduated and

39.1% male students graduated.

The decision tree model reported high school GPA, work information, gender, and

college choice and residency status as the most important variables. The high school GPA

(H_GPA) had the highest importance rank and residency status (OKRES) had the lowest

importance rank.

Table 4.22

Decision Tree Variable Importance Output

Table 4.23 Decision Tree Model Misclassification Table

Actual Graduation
Predicted Graduation Yes No Total
Yes 14206 6272 20478
No 703 994 1697

Table 4.23 shows the confusion matrix or misclassification table with predicted

graduation as the row variable and actual graduation as the column variable. The

misclassification rate was calculated to evaluate the overall model performance with respect to

the exact number of categorizations in the entire data. The diagonal numbers indicate the

accurate classifications and the off diagonal elements show the inaccurate classifications

(Matignon, 2005). The misclassification rate for decision tree model was 31.5%


Summary – Pre-College Dataset Analysis

The screen shot for model comparison options in SAS® Enterprise Miner is shown in

Figure 4.12. The misclassification and ROC indices were used as the selected comparison


Figure 4.12. SAS® Enterprise Miner Model Comparison Option Screenshot.

Figure 4.13. SAS® Enterprise Miner ROC Curve Screenshot

Figure 4.13 shows the ROC curve with sensitivity/percent true value plotted on the

vertical axis and 1-Specificity or percent false positive plotted on the horizontal axis. Each point

on the curve corresponds to a particular cut-off or threshold. The perfect point on the curve will

be at [0, 1], which shows that all students who graduated are classified correctly and students

who did not graduate are misclassified as students who graduated. The results indicated that all

five different models had very similar ROC curves.

The area under the curve (AUC) is an established metric for determining ROC. The AUC

comparisons between the different models established a supreme relationship between

classifiers. The best model is the curve, which is almost parallel to the vertical axis or coinciding

with the vertical axis. Higher AUC values represent better classification or discrimination

between students who graduated and students who did not graduate with respect to the training

data. AUC values for all five models were approximately close to 0.6.

Table 4.24

Area Under Curve (AUC) Values for Five Models

Model AUC
Forward Regression 0.679
Backward Regression 0.682
Stepwise Regression 0.679
Neural Network 0.681
Decision Tree 0.637

Misclassification Rates

Table 4.25

Misclassification Rates for Five Models

Model Misclassification Rate Percent

Forward Regression 31.58%
Backward Regression 30.86%
Stepwise Regression 31.58%
Neural Network 31.30%
Decision Tree 31.50%

The misclassification rate gave the overall model performance with respect to the exact

number of categorizations in the data. The overall misclassification rate of all five models was

around 31%. There was very negligible difference in AUC and misclassification rates between

all five models.

Analyses of College Dataset

Figure 4.14 shows the SAS® Enterprise Miner data analysis diagram. The first node on the

left represents the college dataset. The data node is then connected to different data mining

modeling technique nodes. Subsequently, all the data mining model nodes are connected to the

model comparison node to evaluate the best model.

Figure 4.14. SAS® Enterprise Miner Data Analysis Diagram.

Forward Regression Results

Figure 4.15. Enterprise Miner Forward Regression Options.

Figure 4.15 shows the forward regression model options. Main effects, two-factor

interactions, and polynomial terms up to second degree order for variables were included in the

model. The model selection criterion was based on valid misclassification rates and the selection

defaults for the model selection technique.

Table 4.26
Forward Selection Regression Significant Variables
Variable χ2 p
First Semester GPA 4365.4968 <.01*
Earned Hours*High School GPA 241.9379 <.01*
Work information 92.312 <.01*
College choice 49.6352 <.01*
Residency Status 32.5611 <.01*
Earned Hours*First semester GPA 25.44 <.01*
Ethnicity * Gender 31.47 <.01*
AP Credit 12.59 <.01*
ACT Score 26.96 <.01*
(First Semester GPA) 2 8.25 <.01*
First Semester GPA * High School GPA 32.42 <.01*
ACT Score * First Semester GPA 11.71 <.01*
Ethnicity * Enrollment Status 21.88 <.01*
Enrollment Status * College choice 5.08 .02*
College choice * Work information 4.81 .02*

Table 4.26 shows the summary of statistically significant main effects, two-factor

interactions, and polynomial terms up to second degree order for variables in the final model.

The best model was selected at step 15. First semester GPA had the highest chi-square value and

interaction between Earned hours and high school GPA had the second highest chi-square value.

Table 4.27

Forward Selection Misclassification Table

Actual Graduation
Predicted Graduation Yes No Total
Yes 13668 4246 17914
No 1239 2946 4185

Table 4.27 shows a confusion matrix/misclassification table with predicted graduation as

the row variable and actual graduation as the column variable. The misclassification rate was

calculated to evaluate the overall model performance with respect to the exact number of

categorization in the entire data. The diagonal numbers indicate the accurate classifications and

the off diagonal elements indicate the inaccurate classifications (Matignon, 2005). The

misclassification rate for forward selection logistic regression was 24.82%


Backward Regression Results

Figure 4.16. Enterprise Miner Backward Regression Options.

Figure 4.16 shows the backward regression model options in SAS® Enterprise Miner.

Main effects, two-factor interactions, and polynomial terms up to second degree order for

variables were included in the model. The model selection criterion was based on valid

misclassification rates and the selection defaults for the model selection technique.

Table 4.28
Backward Selection Logistic Regression Significant Variables

Variable χ2 p
ACT Score 6.7 <.01*
First Semester GPA 34.62 <.01*
High School GPA 30.01 <.01*
Ethnicity 16.53 <.01*
Residency 35.50 <.01*
AP Credit * Ethnicity 25.38 <.01*
Ethnicity * Gender 29.72 <.01*
Ethnicity * Enrollment Status 16.79 <.01*
Ethnicity * College Choice 36.64 <.01*
Ethnicity * Work Information 99.70 <.01*
Gender * Enrollment Status 3.98 0.04
Enrollment Status * College Choice 4.30 0.03
College choice * work information 4.15 0.04
(ACT Score)2 4.81 0.02*
Act Score * High School Math 5.06 0.02*
Act Score * High School GPA 15.78 <.01*
Earned Hours * First Semester GPA 51.25 <.01*
Earned Hours * High School GPA 14.36 <.01*
(First Semester GPA)2 44.81 <.01*
First Semester GPA * High School GPA 14.68 <.01*
(High School English) 3.85 0.04
High School English * High School GPA 4.39 0.03
(High School Math)2 5.58 0.01

Table 4.28 shows the summary of backward selection logistic regression of statistically

significant main effects, two-factor interactions, and polynomial terms up to second degree order

for variables. The best model was selected at step 40. Interaction effect between ethnicity and

work information had the highest chi-square value. The backward selection model choose more

variables than the forward selection model.

Table 4.29

Backward Selection Misclassification Table

Actual Graduation
Predicted Graduation Yes No Total
Yes 13624 4131 17755
No 1283 3061 4344

Table 4.29 shows a confusion matrix/misclassification table with predicted graduation as

the row variable and actual graduation as the column variable. The misclassification rate was

calculated to evaluate the overall model performance with respect to the exact number of

categorizations in the entire data. The diagonal numbers indicate the accurate classifications and

the off diagonal elements show the inaccurate classifications (Matignon, 2005). The

misclassification rate for forward selection logistic regression was 24.49%


Stepwise Regression Results

Figure 4.17. SAS® Enterprise Miner Stepwise Regression Options.

Figure 4.17 shows the stepwise regression model options in SAS® Enterprise Miner.

Main effects, two-factor interactions, and polynomial terms up to second degree order for

variables were included in the model. The model selection criterion was based on valid

misclassification rates and the selection defaults for the model selection technique.

Table 4.30

Stepwise Selection Logistic Regression Significant Variables

Variable χ2 p
First Semester GPA 5.79 .01*
Earned Hours*High School GPA 14.56 <.01*
Work information 98.56 <.01*
College choice 29.09 <.01*
Residency Status 35.54 <.01*
Earned Hours*First semester GPA 49.71 <.01*
Ethnicity * Gender 27.57 <.01*
AP Credit 22.98 <.01*
ACT Score 26.31 <.01*
(First Semester GPA) 2 46.43 <.01*
First Semester GPA * High School GPA 34.00 <.01*
ACT Score * First Semester GPA 14.11 <.01*
Ethnicity * Enrollment Status 21.25 <.01*
Enrollment Status * College choice 5.08 0.02*
College choice * Work information 4.81 0.02*

Table 4.30 shows the summary of stepwise regression statistically significant main

effects, two-factor interactions, and polynomial terms up to second-degree order for variables.

The best model was selected at step 15. The interaction effect between ethnicity and work

information had the highest chi-square value. Stepwise regression selected the same terms as

forward selection regression.

Table 4.31

Stepwise Selection Misclassification Table

Actual Graduation
Predicted Graduation Yes No Total
Yes 13624 4131 17755
No 1283 3061 4344

Table 4.31 shows a confusion matrix/misclassification table showing predicted

graduation as the row variable and actual graduation as the column variable. The

misclassification rate was calculated to evaluate the overall model performance with respect to

the exact number of categorization in the entire data. The diagonal numbers demonstrate the

accurate classifications and the off diagonal elements show the inaccurate classifications

(Matignon, 2005). The misclassification rate for forward selection logistic regression was

24.49% ((1283+4131)/(17755+4344)).

Neural Network Results

Figure 4.18. SAS® Enterprise Miner Neural Networks Options.

Figure 4.18 shows the neural network model options in SAS® Enterprise Miner. The

model selection criteria was based on valid misclassification rates. The misclassification option

in the model selection criteria chooses the model that has the smallest misclassification rate for

the validation data set. The neural network node in SAS® Enterprise miner does not have any

built-in options for selecting useful inputs. Supplementary methods for variable selection were

not used.

Figure 4.19. SAS® Enterprise Miner Neural Network Options.

Figure 4.20. SAS® Enterprise Miner Neural Network Optimization Options.

Figure 4.19 shows the stopped training network options for the neural network model. A

multilayer model was used as network architecture in constructing the neural network model.

The default option for the number of hidden layers is three; however the default number of three

hidden layers does not always give the optimal model. SAS recommends using six different

hidden units (Georges, 2008). The normal distribution was used as the randomization distribution

to apply to the weights. The standard deviation option was selected to standardize the input

variables into the network. The default option was selected for both hidden layer combination

function and hidden layer activation functions. The default activation technique depends on the

number of weights that are applied during execution. A maximum of 50 iterations and four hours

of maximum time were used.

Table 4.32

Neural Network Optimization Results

Table 4.32 summarizes the neural network model weights. There were 139 parameter

estimates and the overall value of the objective function was 0.51. The generated neural network

model lacked explicability.

Table 4.33

Neural Network Model Misclassification Table

Actual Graduation
Predicted Graduation Yes No Total
Yes 13641 4101 17742
No 1266 3091 4357

Table 4.33 shows a confusion matrix/misclassification table with predicted graduation as

the row variable and actual graduation as the column variable. The misclassification rate was

calculated to evaluate the overall model performance with respect to the exact number of

categorizations in the entire data. The diagonal numbers indicate the accurate classifications and

the off diagonal elements show the inaccurate classifications (Matignon, 2005). The

misclassification rate for neural network model was 24.28% ((1266+4101)/(17742+4357)).

Decision Tree Results

Figure 4.21. SAS® Enterprise Miner Decision Tree Options Screenshot.

Figure 4.21 shows the decision tree model options in SAS® Enterprise Miner. Chi-square

was selected for searching and evaluating the split criterion with a significance level of 0.2. The

maximum branch size and depth size of the tree was set to six and two respectively and the

minimum number of observations in any leaf was five. Bonferroni adjustments were applied

before the split was chosen. The model selection criteria was based on valid misclassification

rates. The misclassification option in the model selection criteria chooses the model that has the

smallest misclassification rate for the validation data set

Figure 4.22. Decision Tree Model.

Figure 4.22 shows the generated decision tree model. Data was split based on first-year

GPA. The first branch on the top right contains cases with first-year GPA greater than or equal to

2.04 and the second branch on the top left contains cases with first-year GPA less than 2.04.

The top right node with first-year GPA greater than equal to 2.04 had 17,922 cases. The

76.2% out of 17,922 students with first-year GPA greater than 2.04 graduated and then rest

23.8% did not graduate. First-year GPA was further broken down into students with first-year

GPA less than 2.84 and first-year GPA greater than 2.84. The most significant path shown by the

bold lines contained 11,425 observations where 82.6% of students graduated and 17.4% of

students did not graduate. The 65.1% out of 6,497 students with first-year GPA less than 2.84 did

not graduate and the rest 34.1% of the students graduated. The node for first-year GPA less than

2.84 was further divided based on enrollment status. The 69% of full time students with GPA

less than 2.84 graduated whereas only 57.2% of part-time students with GPA less than 2.84

graduated. Enrollment status for part-time students was further divided based on total earned

hours. The 59.9% out of 1,512 students with earned hours greater than or equal to 8.5 graduated,

while 50.6% out of 625 students graduated with earned hours less than 8.5. Earned hour less than

8.5 was further subdivided based on high school GPA, however the number of observations were


The top left node with first-year GPA less than 2.04 had 4,177 cases. The top right

branch with first-year GPA greater than or equal to 2.04 had 17,922 cases. Only 29.7% of 4,177

students with first-year GPA less than 2.04 graduated. First-year GPA was further broken down

into students with first-year GPA less than 1.39 and first-year GPA greater than or equal to 1.39.

Students with less than 1.39 first-year GPA had a graduation rate of 15.2% and students with

great than or equal to 1.39 first year GPA had a graduation rate of 42.9%. First-year GPA

greater than or equal to 1.39 was further divided based on earned hours. Students with first-year

GPA less than or equal to 1.39 and earned hours less than 10.5 had a graduation rate of 38.5%,

whereas students with first-year GPA greater than or equal to 1.39 and earned hours greater than

or equal to 10.5 had a graduation rate of 50.9%.

The decision tree model reported first-year GPA, status, earned hours and high school

GPA as the most important variables. First-year GPA (FIRSTGPA) had the highest importance

rank and high school GPA (H_GPA) had the lowest importance rank.

Table 4.34

Decision Tree Variable Importance Output

Table 4.35

Decision Tree Model Misclassification Table

Actual Graduation
Predicted Graduation Yes No Total
Yes 14089 4682 18771
No 818 2550 3368

Table 4.35 shows a confusion matrix/misclassification table showing predicted

graduation as the row variable and actual graduation as the column variable. The

misclassification rate was calculated to evaluate the overall model performance with respect to

the exact number of categorizations in the entire data. The diagonal numbers indicate the

accurate classifications and the off diagonal elements indicate the inaccurate classifications

(Matignon, 2005). The misclassification rate for decision tree model was 24.6%


Summary – College Dataset Analysis

The screen shot for model comparison options in SAS® Enterprise Miner is shown in

Figure 4.23. The misclassification and ROC indices were used as the selected comparison


Figure 4.23. SAS® Enterprise Miner Model Comparison Option Screenshot.

Figure 4.24. SAS® Enterprise Miner ROC Curve Screenshot.

Figure 4.24 shows the ROC curve with sensitivity/percent true value plotted on the

vertical axis and 1-Specificity or percent false positive plotted on the horizontal axis. Each point

on the curve corresponds to a particular cut-off or threshold. The perfect point on the curve will

be [0, 1] which shows that all students who graduated are classified correctly and students who

did not graduate are misclassified as students who graduated. The results indicated that all five

different models had very similar ROC curves.

The area under the curve (AUC) is an established metric for determining ROC. The AUC

comparisons between different models can establish a supreme relationship between classifiers.

The best model is the curve, which is almost parallel to the vertical axis or coinciding with the

vertical axis. Higher AUC values represent better classification or discrimination between

students who graduated and students who did not graduate with respect to the training data. AUC

values for all five models were approximately equal to 0.77.

Table 4.36

Area Under Curve (AUC) Values for five Models

Model AUC
Forward Regression 0.773
Backward Regression 0.771
Stepwise Regression 0.771
Neural Network 0.777
Decision Tree 0.735

Misclassification Rates

Table 4.37

Misclassification Rates for five Models

Model Misclassification Rate Percent

Forward Regression 24.82%
Backward Regression 24.49%
Stepwise Regression 24.49%
Neural Network 24.28%
Decision Tree 24.60%

The misclassification rate gave the overall model performance with respect to the exact

number of categorizations in the data. The overall misclassification rate of five models was close

to 24%. There was very negligible difference in AUC and misclassification rates between all five


Research Question Two

The second research question compared different data mining models applied to the pre-

college and college datasets. A 10 fold cross-validation technique was used to build prediction

models for both the pre-college and college datasets. The Statistical software R was used to

build and compare the following models:

1. decision tree;

2. random forests;

3. neural network; and

4. all possible subset regression.

Each of the above data mining models was compared using misclassification rates to find

the best modeling technique. Different R Packages facilitated in building the data mining

models. SAS® Enterprise Miner software does not have the capability to run an n-fold cross-

validation technique and also lacks the ability to build a Random Forests model. Although the

latest SAS® JMP Pro has the capability to run n-fold cross validation, it lacks the ability to run

cross validation for a logistic regression model with a binary target variable. Comparing R to

other SAS products, R is the only package currently that has the capability to run a n-fold cross-

validation and a Random Forests model.

Analyses of Pre-college Dataset

The college dataset was imported to the R package using import commands. Figure 4.25

shows the snapshot summary of all variables in the dataset. The target variable graduation

had 67.2% ‘1’ and 32.8% ‘0’. Cross validation was performed in two steps, The first step in

n-fold cross-validation was carried out by randomly dividing the entire dataset into ten

different parts (see Appendix B). The target variable graduation was used as the stratification

variable in dividing the dataset. Each of the ten datasets had the same percentage of ‘1’ and

‘0’ in the target variable graduation (see Figure 4.25). The second step in cross-validation

was performed when building each model, basically using nine datasets to train the model

and one dataset to compare the model.

Figure 4.25. R Data Summary Snapshot.

Figure 4.26. Data Summary After Stratification Sampling Snapshot.

Decision Tree Results

Table 4.38

Decision Tree Model Results

Model Misclassification Rate Percent

1 31.30%
2 31.12%
3 32.61%
4 30.94%
5 31.08%
6 31.89%
7 32.25%
8 33.56%
9 30.94%
10 31.60%

The R Package party by Hothorn et al. (2011) was used to build the decision tree model.

The hub of the party package is ctree. Function ctree is a realization of conditional inference

trees, which is applicable to all kinds of regression problems including ordinal regression.

Function ctree builds decision trees based on recursive partitioning (Hothorn, Hornik, Strobl, &

Zeileis, 2011). The second step in cross-validation was performed by using nine datasets to train

the model and one dataset to compare the model (see Appendix B). The same approach was

repeated ten times so that each dataset was used for comparison. Cross-validation was completed

by calculating the overall misclassification rate using the weighted average of all ten

misclassification rates. Table 4.38 shows the misclassification rates for each model. The average

overall misclassification rate was 31.7%.

Neural Network Results

Table 4.39

Neural Network Model Results

Model Misclassification Rate

1 31.74%
2 30.88%
3 33.31%
4 30.83%
5 32.77%
6 30.92%
7 32.32%
8 33.27%
9 30.74%
10 31.17%

The R Package nnet was used to build the neural network model. Function nnet builds

single hidden layer neural networks (Ripley, 2009). The second step in cross-validation was

performed by using nine datasets to train the model and one dataset to compare the model

resulting in ten misclassification rates (see Appendix B). The same approach was repeated ten

times so that each dataset was used for comparison. Cross-validation was completed by

calculating the overall misclassification rate using the weighted average of all 10

misclassification rates. Table 4.39 shows the misclassification rates for each model. The average

overall misclassification rate was 31.7%.

Random Forest Results

Table 4.40

Random Forest Model Results

Model Misclassification Rate

1 32.30%
2 32.48%
3 33.78%
4 31.57%
5 31.66%
6 33.15%
7 32.93%
8 33.38%
9 31.44%
10 31.78%

The R Package randomForest was used to build the Random Forests model. The

RandomForest package uses Breiman's random forest algorithm for classification and regression

(Brieman & Cutler, 2011). The second step in cross-validation was performed by using nine

datasets to train the model and one dataset to compare the model resulting in ten

misclassification rates (see Appendix B). The same approach was repeated ten times so that each

dataset was used for comparison. Cross-validation was completed by calculating the overall

misclassification rate using the weighted average of all ten misclassification rates. Table 4.40

shows the misclassification rates for each model. The average overall misclassification rate was


Logistic Regression Results

Table 4.41

Logistic Regression Model Results

Model Misclassification Rate

1 31.12%
2 30.62%
3 33.38%
4 31.07%
5 31.84%
6 31.57%
7 31.66%
8 33.28%
9 30.40%
10 31.10%

The R function glm was used to build the logistic regression model. Although glm is used

to fit generalized linear models, they can be specified by description of the linear predictor and a

description of the error distribution. The family option within the glm function gives a

description of the error distribution and link function to be used in the model. This description

can be a character string naming a family function. The logit family option specifies a logistic

regression model. Subsequently, the step function from the R mass package was used to choose

the best model based on the generalized Akaike A Information Criterion (AIC) for a fitted

parametric model. The predict function provided the prediction for the model.

The second step in cross-validation was performed by using nine datasets to train the

model and one dataset to compare the model resulting in ten misclassification rates (see

Appendix B). The same approach was repeated ten times so that each dataset was used for

comparison. Cross-validation was completed by calculating the overall misclassification rate

using the weighted average of all ten misclassification rates. Table 4.41 shows the

misclassification rates for each model. The overall misclassification rate was 31.6%.

Summary – Pre-college Analyses

Table 4.42

Misclassification Rates for four Models

Model Misclassification Rates

Decision Tree 31.7%
Neural Network 31.8%
Random forests 32.4%
Logistic Regression 31.6%

The misclassification rate gave the overall model performance with respect to the exact

number of categorizations in the data. The overall misclassification rate of four models was close

to 31.5%.

Analyses of College Dataset

The college dataset was input in the R package using import commands. Figure 4.25

shows the snapshot summary of all variables in the dataset. The target variable graduation had

67.2% ‘1’ and 32.8% ‘0’. Cross validation was performed in two steps. The first step in n-fold

cross-validation was carried out by randomly dividing the entire dataset into ten different parts

(see Appendix B). The target variable graduation was used as the stratification variable in

dividing the dataset. Each of the ten datasets had the same percentage of ‘1’ and ‘0’ in the target

variable graduation (see Figure 4.25). The second step in cross-validation was performed when

building each model, basically using nine datasets to train the model and one dataset to compare

the model.

Figure 4.27. R Data Summary Snapshot.

Figure 4.28. Data Summary After Stratification Sampling Snapshot.

Decision Tree Results

Table 4.43

Decision Tree Model Results

Model Misclassification Rate

1 25.62%
2 25.57%
3 24.62%
4 24.98%
5 24.98%
6 24.53%
7 25.30%
8 23.81%
9 23.90%
10 26.35%

The R Package party by Hothorn et al. (2011) was used to build the decision tree model.

The hub of the party package is function ctree. Function ctree is a realization of conditional

inference trees, which is applicable to all kinds of regression problems including ordinal

regression. Function ctree builds decision trees based on recursive partitioning (Hothorn, Hornik,

Strobl, & Zeileis, 2011). The second step in cross-validation was performed by using nine

datasets to train the model and one dataset to compare the model (see Appendix B). The same

approach was repeated ten times so that each dataset was used for comparison. Cross-validation

was completed by calculating the overall misclassification rate using the weighted average of all

ten misclassification rates. Table 4.43 shows the misclassification rates for each model. The

average overall misclassification rate was 24.9%.

Neural Network Results

Table 4.44

Neural Network Model Results

Model Misclassification Rate Percent

1 32.53%
2 24.66%
3 25.00%
4 24.93%
5 24.20%
6 25.02%
7 24.16%
8 32.53%
9 25.80%
10 32.53%

The R Package nnet was used to build the neural network model. Function nnet builds

single hidden layer neural networks (Ripley, 2009). The Second step in cross-validation was

performed by using nine datasets to train the model and one dataset to compare the model

resulting in ten misclassification rates (see Appendix B). The same approach was repeated ten

times so that each dataset was used for comparison. Cross-validation was completed by

calculating the overall misclassification rate using the weighted average of all ten

misclassification rates. Table 4.44 shows the misclassification rates for each model. The average

overall misclassification rate was 27.1%.

Random Forests Results

Table 4.45

Random Forests Model Results

Model Misclassification Rate Percent

1 25.53%
2 24.63%
3 25.17%
4 25.17%
5 24.99%
6 24.76%
7 25.08%
8 23.54%
9 24.08%
10 25.77%

The R Package randomForest was used to build the Random Forests model. The

RandomForest package uses Breiman's random forest algorithm for classification and regression

(Brieman & Cutler, 2011). The second step in cross-validation was performed by using nine

datasets to train the model and one dataset to compare the model resulting in ten

misclassification rates (see Appendix B). The same approach was repeated ten times so that each

dataset was used for comparison. Cross-validation was completed by calculating the overall

misclassification rate using the weighted average of all ten misclassification rates. Table 4.45

shows the misclassification rates for each model. The average overall misclassification rate was


Logistic Regression Results

Table 4.46

Logistic Regression Model Results

Model Misclassification Rate Percent

1 25.48%
2 24.35%
3 24.67%
4 26.12%
5 25.26%
6 24.06%
7 24.98%
8 23.90%
9 23.72%
10 25.63%

The R function glm was used to build the logistic regression model. Although glm is used

to fit generalized linear models, they can be specified by description of the linear predictor and a

description of the error distribution. The family option within the glm function gives a

description of the error distribution and link function to be used in the model. This description

can be a character string naming a family function. The logit family option specifies a logistic

regression model. Subsequently, the step function from the R mass package was used to choose

the best model based on the generalized Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) for a fitted

parametric model. The predict function provided the prediction for the model.

The second step in cross-validation was performed by using nine datasets to train the

model and one dataset to compare the model resulting in ten misclassification rates (see

Appendix B). The same approach was repeated ten times so that each dataset was used for

comparison. Cross-validation was completed by calculating the overall misclassification rate

using the weighted average of all ten misclassification rates. Table 4.46 shows the

misclassification rates for each model. The average overall misclassification rate was 24.8%.

Summary – college Analyses

Table 4.47

Misclassification Rates for four Models

Model Misclassification Rates

Decision Tree 24.9%
Neural Network 27.1%
Random forests 24.8%
Logistic Regression 24.8%

The misclassification rate gave the overall model performance with respect to the exact

number of categorizations in the data. The overall misclassification rate of Decision Tree,

Random Forests, and Logistic Regression models was close to 24.8%.

Research Question Three

The third research question identified the most important characteristics of students who

did not graduate related to pre-college and college datasets. The results from research questions

one and two was used to identify characteristics of students who did not graduate. End of

semester data can be utilized to find students at risk. The first-semester data along with pre-

college data was exploited to find contributing variables that impede student graduation. The

decision tree model revealed that first-semester GPA and earned hours were the most significant

variables. These significant variables were further exploited to find the category of students that

need immediate attention at the end of the first semester.

Table 4.48

Graduation Rates in Terms of First-semester GPA and Earned Hours (N = 22,099)

First Semester GPA Category

Hours < 2.25 2.25 - 2.49 2.50 - 2.74 2.75 - 3.00 > 3.00
N % N % N % N % N %
> 15 152 55.92 204 68.44 300 75 431 77.49 2351 86.86
12 to 15 1135 55.33 1037 65.38 1419 70.47 1768 75.68 6641 84.38
6 to 11 2508 38.12 676 56.07 592 57.94 516 68.41 730 69.04
Less than 6 1518 15.55 29 55.17 29 51.72 28 39.29 35 60

The N underneath each first semester GPA category in Table 4.48 represents the number

of students who have that level of Earned Hours and First Semester GPA. For example, first

semester GPA < 2.25 and Earned Hours less than 6 has 1,518 students. Of those 1,518 students,

only 15.55 % graduated. The percent graduating in the category GPA < 2.25 and Earned Hours

6 to 11 was only 38% of the 2,508 students. Table 4.47 therefore shows the percent of students

who graduated in each of the cross-tabulated cells in the table. Students with GPA greater than

3.00 and earned hours of 15 or more equaled 2,351 with 87% graduating, compared to 16 % of

the 1,518 students with GPA less than 2.25 and earned hours less than 6. The trend across GPA

categories shows that first semester GPA indicates students graduating at a higher percent,

especially when linked to taking 12 or more hours.

The overall high school GPA of students leaving who had a first-semester GPA less than

2.99 with less than 12 earned hours was 2.96 (Table 4.49). The overall high school GPA in the

pre-college data was therefore a good indicator of at-risk students. Also, 98% of the first-time

Freshmen students did not have any AP credit (see Table 4.50). Exploratory data analysis also

indicated that students with less advanced placement credit had a lower chance of graduating.

Table 4.49

High School GPA for Leaving Students with First-semester GPA less than 2.99 and less than 12

Earned Hours

High School GPA Mean

English GPA 3.06
Math GPA 2.87
Overall GPA 2.96

Table 4.50

Advanced Placement Credit for Leaving Students with First-semester GPA less than 2.99 and

less than 12 Earned Hours

AP Credit N %
No 3446 97.48
Yes 89 2.52




Research studies have focused on single sets of variables, which only explain a small

percentage of variation in graduation. Higher education research desires more sophisticated

models that can take into account multiple variables that relate to student graduation. In addition,

there are major gaps in higher education literature with respect to research on overall graduation.

Most studies concentrate on retention beyond the first-year in college and not on graduation.

To address these concerns, this research study compared data mining techniques on key

variables leading to student graduation at The University of Alabama. This research study

compared the statistical predictive data mining models of logistic regression with four different

variable selection methods, decision tree, random forests and neural networks using SAS and R

statistical software. The statistical models facilitated finding the most important characteristics of

first-time Freshmen students who graduate. This chapter results from the data mining techniques,

a comparison of model performance results, along with recommendations for building data

mining models on institutional data. Recommendations are made based on the identification of

student characteristics that improve student graduation.

The study used available data at The University of Alabama to predict six-year

graduation rates and discover the most important student characteristics that lead to graduation

for incoming Freshmen both at the beginning and the end of the first semester. Extensive work

was done to acquire, clean, prepare and analyze the data used for the analysis and statistical

modeling. Data preparation was facilitated using SAS® and SAS® JMP, while data analysis was

done using SAS® Enterprise Miner and R programs. Missing data was assumed to be missing at

random; therefore a list-wise deletion method was adopted to clean the missing data.

Mahalanobis distance assisted in making decisions about deleting outliers. Two datasets, pre-

college and college were created with graduation as the target variable. The pre-college dataset

contained demographics, high school, and ACT information, whereas, the college dataset

contained variables in the pre-college dataset as well as end of semester college information.

Summary of Findings

Exploratory Data Analysis

Following data preparation, statistical exploratory were used to inspect the student data

set using graphical charts and descriptive statistics. Every variable in both datasets were explored

in terms of the graduation target variable. The graduation rate for Freshmen students enrolled

from 1995 to 2005 at The University of Alabama increased from 1,750 students in 1995 to 2,389

students in 2005. The overall increase in Freshmen student enrollment in the span of ten years

accounts for 36.5%. Even though enrollment rates had increased, the average overall graduation

rate for incoming Freshmen students has remained around 67.46%.

Demographic Variables

Female student enrollment from 1995 – 2005 constituted about 58% and 42% male

enrollment. The overall graduation rate for first-time Freshmen females was 70.49% compared to

63.29% for males. Caucasian and African American students shared the majority of the

Freshmen enrollment with 83% and 13.3% respectively. Caucasian students graduated at a 7%

higher than African American students.

The overall resident student enrollment constituted about 84% compared to 16% for non-

resident students. Resident students had an overall graduation rate of around 68% and non-

resident students had an overall graduation rate of 64%. Freshmen students with home distance

between 0 - 200 miles had an overall graduation rate of around 68%, whereas Freshmen students

with home distance greater than 200 miles had a graduation rate of 64%.

High School Variables

Freshmen students who had advanced placement credit were approximately 10%

compared to 90% of Freshmen students with no advanced placement credits. The overall

graduation rate for students with advanced placement credit was approximately 84% and

graduation rate for students with no advanced placement credit was around 65%. Overall high

school English GPA, Math GPA, and average GPA for graduated students was 3.48, 3.33, and

3.44 respectively. English GPA, Math GPA, and overall GPA for leaving students were 3.23,

3.05, and 3.15, respectively.

ACT Variables

Freshmen students choosing Alabama to be their first choice on ACT profile information

constituted around 54% compared to 46% of Freshmen students who chose universities other

universities. First-choice students had an overall graduation rate that was 3% higher than

students who chose other universities. Freshmen students who chose to work on ACT profile

information constitute around 56% compared to 44% of Freshmen students who chose not to

work. Students who expected not to work during college on ACT profile information had an

overall graduation rate of that was 7% higher than students who expected to work during college.

The overall average ACT score for students who graduated was 24.2, whereas the average ACT

score for students who did not graduate was 22.84.

College Variables

The total overall full-time students constituted around 70% compared to 30% for part-

time students. The overall graduation rate for full-time students was around 78% and students

with part-time status had an overall graduation rate of around 42%. Therefore, full-time students

(greater than 12 earned credit hours) had significantly higher graduation rates of around 36%

more than part-time students (less than 12 earned credit hours). The average first-semester GPA

for students who graduated was 3.03, whereas average first-semester GPA for leaving students

was 2.13. Finally, the average first-semester earned hours for students who graduated was around

13 hours and for leavers it was less than ten hours.

Research Question One

The first research question analyzed the most important characteristics related to pre-

college and college datasets. SAS Enterprise Miner analyzed logistic regression (forward,

backward, stepwise), neural networks, and decision tree data mining methodologies to compare

the best model using misclassification and receiver operation characteristics curve.

Pre-college dataset

Logistic regression with forward variable selection method indicated a high chi-square

value for work information and advanced placement credit with an overall misclassification rate

of 31.23%. Logistic regression with backward selection method showed interaction between

ethnicity and advanced placement credit and also included more interaction terms in the model

than the forward selection method; however, the data indicated very similar misclassification

rates. Stepwise regression specified the same terms in the model as the forward selection method

with misclassification rate of 30.86%. Neural network model indicated a misclassification rate

close to 31%, but due to lack of explicability, important variables in the model could not be

interpreted. The decision tree model indicated high school GPA, work information, ethnicity,

college choice, and residency as the most important variables, respectively, with a

misclassification rate close to 31%. All data mining models had similar ROC indices.

College dataset

Logistic regression with forward variable selection method indicated a high chi-square

value for first semester GPA, and interaction between earned hours and high school GPA with an

overall misclassification rate of 24.82%. Logistic regression with backward selection method

included more terms in the model, but indicated very similar misclassification rates. Stepwise

regression specified the same terms in the model as forward selection method with a

misclassification rate of 24.49%. Neural network model indicated a misclassification rate of

24.28%, but due to lack of explicability important variables in the model could not be

interpreted. The decision tree model indicated first semester GPA, status, earned hours, and high

school GPA as the most important variables, respectively, and had a misclassification rate of

24.6%. Finally, all data mining models had similar misclassification rates and ROC indices.

Research Question Two

The second research question compared different data mining modes related to the pre-

college and college datasets. The R statistical program using a 10 fold cross-validation

technique analyzed logistic regression with stepwise variable selection, neural networks, decision

tree, and random forests data mining methodologies to determine the best model using

misclassification rates.

Pre-College Dataset

The overall misclassification rate for decision trees, neural network, logistic regression,

and random forests was 31.7%, 31.8%, 32.4%, and 31.6% respectively.

College Dataset

The overall misclassification rate for decision trees, neural network, logistic regression,

and random forests was 24.9%, 27.1%, 24.8%, and 24.8% respectively.

Table 5.1

Average Misclassification Rates for Pre-college and College Datasets

Misclassification Rates
Models Pre-College College
% %
Decision Trees 31.7 24.9
Neural Networks 31.8 27.1
Random Forests 32.4 24.8
Logistic Regression 31.6 24.8

Research Question Three

The third research question identified the most important characteristics of students who

did not graduate related to pre-college and college datasets. The results from research questions

one and two was used to identify characteristics of students who did not graduate. Third

research question indicated that only 38.8% of students graduated with less than first semester

3.00 GPA and less than 12 earned hours. This 38.8% of leaving students represented about 50%

of total leavers between 1995 and 2005.


A comparison of logistic regression, decision trees, neural networks, and random forests

data mining model results for both pre-college and college datasets indicated very similar

misclassification rates. Therefore, the best data mining model can be selected based on

advantages and disadvantages. Some of the disadvantages when using a logistic regression

model include (Tufféry, 2011) the following:

1. Explanatory variables must be linearly independent, else could lead to collinearity


2. Cannot handle the missing values of continuous variables; and

3. Sensitive to extreme values of continuous variables.

Student data can contain several variables out of which two or more predictors can be highly

correlated. This Multi-collinearity can lead to unstable estimates, with possibly incoherent

results. Student datasets also have missing data. Although there are several different ways to fix

multicollinearity and impute missing values, these steps can involve more time and resources,

but should be done prior to data mining.

One of the biggest disadvantages of neural network models includes lack of explanatory

power. That is; discovery of important variables in the model. Neural network models are

termed a black box because the hidden layer cannot be usually interpreted because of the

unavailability of the calculated weights (Nisbet, Elder, & Miner, 2009).

Random forests produce complex trees for complex dimensional datasets where the

contribution of a single variable in the classification rule gets lost (Tutz, 2012). Although

decision trees have some disadvantages, the biggest advantage is that they are self explanatory

and easy to follow, which makes it easy for non-statistical professionals (Rokach & Maimo,

2008). Decision trees can also handle missing values; using all the information in the dataset and

saving additional steps and resources compared to logistic regression. Decision trees provide a

better practical interpretation of results compared to logistic regression, neural networks, and

random forests data mining models. Therefore, decision tree model can be picked as the best


Practical Application

The decision tree model for the pre-college dataset picked high school GPA as one of the

most significant variable. Table 5.2 shows a further break down of high school GPA in which

79.92% of the students with high school GPA greater than 3.51 graduated, 66% of the students

with high school GPA between 3.01 - 3.50 graduated, 54.44% of the students with high school

GPA between 2.51 - 3.00 graduated, and only about 43.33% of the students with high school

GPA less than 2.5 graduated. The overall student graduation drops by more than 30% between

students with high school GPA greater than 3.51 and students with high school GPA less than

2.5 (see Figure 5.1). This percent difference clearly indicates that students with higher high

school GPA have a better chance of graduating from college.

Table 5.2

High School GPA Breakdown for Graduated First-time Freshmen

High School GPA Category

Year < 2.5 2.51 - 3. 00 3.01 - 3.50 > 3.51
N % N % N % N %
1995 203 43.84 610 58.2 438 65.75 499 78.96
1996 190 46.84 520 57.88 377 69.23 465 78.49
1997 258 50.78 548 63.69 508 68.5 622 82.96
1998 295 47.46 629 62.64 480 73.96 542 81.37
1999 177 49.72 525 57.14 663 68.78 747 83.27
2000 68 48.53 415 51.08 694 64.99 1043 78.81
2001 41 43.9 322 52.8 630 63.65 841 81.93
2002 47 40.43 350 53.14 583 65.69 971 77.65
2003 98 39.8 410 51.46 622 64.47 1005 81
2004 89 33.71 367 53.41 682 63.93 1136 78.61
2005 95 31.58 380 37.37 640 57.19 1274 72.92
Total 1561 43.33 5076 54.44 6317 66.01 9145 79.92

Figure 5.1. High School GPA Breakdown for Graduated First-time Freshmen.

The decision tree model for the college dataset indicated first semester GPA, earned

hours, and status (part time/full time) as the most significant variables. Around 84% of students

with first-semester GPA greater than 3.00 graduated, 74.47% of students with first-semester

GPA between 2.75 and 3.00 graduated, 67.65% of students with first-semester GPA between

2.50 and 2.74 graduated, 62.89% of students with first-semester GPA between 2.25 and 2.49

graduated, and graduation rates plummeted to around 36% for students with first semester GPA

less than 2.25. The difference in graduation rates for students with GPA greater than 3.00 and

GPA less than 2.25 was around 48% (see Figure 5.2). First-semester GPA provided an improved

description of student graduation rate. Siedman (2005) found that high school GPA had

significant correlation with student persistence. Although high school GPA was found to be

correlated with graduation, it was not a good predictor. This research found similar results that

high school GPA was not significant after the end of the first semester.

Table 5.3

First-semester GPA Breakdown for Graduated First-time Freshmen

First Semester GPA Category

Year < 2.25 2.25 - 2.49 2.5 - 2.74 2.75 - 3.00 > 3.00
N % N % N % N % N %
1995 523 35.56 186 64.52 194 65.98 205 75.61 642 83.64
1996 410 36.83 170 65.29 164 69.51 206 74.76 602 80.73
1997 552 42.75 184 66.85 228 74.12 244 77.05 728 86.26
1998 594 41.75 201 70.15 215 73.49 231 77.06 705 85.82
1999 574 38.68 206 66.5 228 74.12 252 77.78 852 87.09
2000 452 33.85 212 60.85 282 65.96 309 72.17 965 85.7
2001 357 35.29 150 61.33 177 66.1 252 71.83 898 84.86
2002 430 36.05 156 56.41 191 66.49 219 79.91 955 83.46
2003 414 34.54 160 62.5 197 67.5 274 72.26 1090 81.74
2004 461 32.97 152 52.63 251 64.14 275 72.36 1135 84.85
2005 546 24.36 169 53.85 213 56.81 276 68.48 1185 78.73
Total 5313 35.69 1946 62.89 2340 67.65 2743 74.47 9757 83.89

Figure 5.2. First-semester GPA Breakdown for Graduated First-time Freshmen

Around 82% of students with 15 or more earned hours at the end of the first semester

graduated, Around 77% of students with 12 to 15 earned hours at the end of the first semester

graduated, Around 50% of students with 6 to 11 earned hours at the end of the first semester

graduated, whereas only 18% students with less than 6 earned hours graduated (see Table 5.4).

The difference in graduation rates between students with earned hours greater than 15 hours and

less than 6 hours was around 64% (see Figure 5.3). A study at California State University—

Bakersfield used linear discriminant function to predict an extensive range of persistence levels

of first-time Freshmen students, when identifying pre and early student variables. The predictor

variables included personal, external and institutional aspects. The study found similar results

that high school GPA and first-year GPA were the most significant contributors to student

graduation (Radney, 2009).

Table 5.4

First-semester Earned Hours for Graduated First-time Freshmen

First Semester Earned Hours Category

Year < 6 Hours 6 - 11 Hours 12 - 15 Hours > 15 Hours
N % N % N % N %
1995 157 19.75 350 44.86 790 73.16 453 79.47
1996 94 8.51 352 50 769 76.2 337 73
1997 151 24.5 416 53.61 940 77.55 429 82.75
1998 193 23.32 519 56.65 957 79.31 277 83.75
1999 194 26.29 603 56.88 1055 80.38 260 86.15
2000 194 20.62 621 57.17 1127 78.58 278 85.61
2001 112 17.86 368 48.91 1117 78.51 237 84.81
2002 121 16.53 408 54.41 1158 76.34 264 81.82
2003 130 15.38 409 45.48 1324 77.57 272 85.29
2004 127 13.39 471 44.8 1361 78.03 265 84.13
2005 166 6.02 505 37.23 1402 72.25 316 81.01
Total 1639 18.24 5022 50.48 12000 77.07 3438 82.17

Figure 5.3. First-semester Earned Hours for Graduated First-time Freshmen

The average overall misclassification rate of all the data mining models for the pre-

college dataset was very close to a naïve model. In other words, for prediction purposes a naïve

model assumes things will behave as they have in the past. The model misclassification rates for

end of semester data improved by around 7% from model misclassification rates of pre-college

data (see Table 5.5). Although pre-college variables provide good information about student

graduation, adding first semester information to pre-college variables provides better predicting

power of student graduation.


Undergraduate student retention at universities has been an extensive problem for many

years. Even though the retention topic is one of the most researched topics for over 75 years, the

problem still remains very complicated. Early identification of potential leavers could be very

beneficial for students and institutions. Research studies indicated that early identification of

leaving students and intervention program are key to understanding what factors lead to student


Institutions should utilize Siedman’s retention formula for student success:

RETention = Early (Identification) + (Early + Intensive + Continuous) Intervention.

Early identification of potential leavers and successful intervention program(s) are the key for

improving student graduation.

A research study showed that pre-college grades and perceptions of academic ability

were directly correlated to a decrease in students GPA from high school to college. The research

found that the most compelling indicator of drop in GPA was due to academic disengagement

(Keup, 2009). This study also found similar results in that first semester GPA was a significant

predictor of student graduation. Programs related to academic disengagement should be

developed and implemented for students identified as “at risk” using the decision tree data

mining model.

University of Louisville, for example, offers several programs that assist students in

improving their academic skills and performance in college courses, better prepare students to

adapt to college life, and improve retention rates of first-year lower division undergraduate

students (University of Louisville, 2012). Some of their programs to improve retention include:

mentoring program for first-year students conducted by trained second year students, reach out

programs to increase person to person contact with a discussion of strategies for success, and

student success seminars.

Noel-Levitz (2009) conducted a web-based study concerning student retention practices

to determine most effective retention practices for public and private, two-year and four-year

institutions. They concluded that “academic support programs, programs designed to raise the

retention rates of first-year students and placing an institution-wide emphasis on teaching and

learning” (p. 1) were the top best student retention practices.

Institutions can use historical end of first-semester data along with high school

information to build decision tree models that find significant variables contributing to student

graduation. Students at risk can be predicted at the end of the first semester instead of waiting

until the end of the first year of school. The results from data mining analyses can be used to

develop intervention programs to help students succeed in college and graduate.

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ACT Concordance Table


1600 36 940–970 20
1540–1590 35 900–930 19
1490–1530 34 860–890 18
1440–1480 33 820–850 17
1400–1430 32 770–810 16
1360–1390 31 720–760 15
1330–1350 30 670–710 14
1290–1320 29 620–660 13
1250–1280 28 560–610 12
1210–1240 27 510–550 11
1170–1200 26
1130–1160 25
1090–1120 24
1050–1080 23
1020–1040 22
980–1010 21


Stratification Sampling R program

function(DF,stratVar,numParts) {

rows0 <- DF[,stratVar]==0

DF0 <- DF[rows0,]

DF1 <- DF[!rows0,]

n0 <- nrow(DF0)

n1 <- nrow(DF1)

perm0 <- sample(1:n0,n0,replace = FALSE)

perm1 <- sample(1:n1,n1,replace = FALSE)

size0 <- round(n0/numParts)

size1 <- round(n1/numParts)

parts <- list()

for(i in 1:numParts) {

if(i < numParts) {

ind0 <- ((i-1)*size0 + 1):(i*size0)

ind1 <- ((i-1)*size1 + 1):(i*size1)

else {

ind0 <- ((i-1)*size0 + 1):n0

ind1 <- ((i-1)*size1 + 1):n1

parts[[i]] <- rbind(DF0[perm0[ind0],],DF1[perm1[ind1],])


Decision Tree Model with n = 10 fold Cross-validation – R program

function(DFparts) {

for(i in 1:10) {

DFtrain <- data.frame()

for(j in 1:10) {

if(j != i) {

DFtrain <- rbind(DFtrain,DFparts[[j]])

DFtest <- DFparts[[i]][-1,]

tree <- ctree (Graduation ~.,DFtrain)

pred <- predict(tree, DFtest,type="class")

printcp(rtree) # display the results

summary(rtree) # detailed summary of splits

mis <- mean(pred!=DFtest[,"Graduation"])



Neural Network Model with n = 10 fold Cross-validation – R Program

function(DFparts) {

for(i in 1:10) {

DFtrain <- data.frame()

for(j in 1:10) {

if(j != i) {

DFtrain <- rbind(DFtrain,DFparts[[j]])

DFtest <- DFparts[[i]][-1,]

nn <- neuralnet (Graduation~HSENG,DFtrain)

pred <- predict(tree, DFtest,type="class")

printcp(rtree) # display the results

summary(rtree) # detailed summary of splits

mis <- mean(pred!=DFtest[,"Graduation"])



Logistic Regression Model with n = 10 fold Cross-validation – R Program

function(DFparts) {

for(i in 1:10) {

DFtrain <- data.frame()

for(j in 1:10) {

if(j != i) {

DFtrain <- rbind(DFtrain,DFparts[[j]])

DFtest <- DFparts[[i]]

Reg <- regsubsets(Graduation ~., DFtrain)

pred <- predict(Reg, DFtest,type="response")

mis <- mean({pred > 0.5} != {DFtest[,"Graduation"] == "Y"})



Random Forests Model with n = 10 fold Cross-validation – R Program

function(DFparts) {

for(i in 1:10) {

DFtrain <- data.frame()

for(j in 1:10) {

if(j != i) {

DFtrain <- rbind(DFtrain,DFparts[[j]])

DFtest <- DFparts[[i]][-1,]

tree <- randomForest (Graduation ~.,DFtrain)

pred <- predict(tree, DFtest,type="class")

#printcp(rtree) # display the results

#summary(rtree) # detailed summary of splits

mis <- mean(pred!=DFtest[,"Graduation"])




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