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The diagram shows us how big amounts of bricks are done for building industries.

process has different stages , concretely 7 stages , in the following paragraphs i'm going to
explain how the bricks are formed.

First of all, you need to use the clay that has been dug out , later all the clay that has already
been taken are deposited on the metal grid which has to break up into smaller ones.

In the second part of the process , you have to add sand and water to the clay and this mix
makes the brick after being placed into a mould. Next step consists of placing the bricks in
the oven for 24 to 48 hours.

Third part, the bricks pass through a heating and cooling process. In the heating process
they support a high temperature and in the cooling one they are 2-3 days. Finally they are
packed and send to their destination.

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