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Proability and Statistics


Bibhas Adhikari

Autumn 2022-23, IIT Kharagpur

Lecture 15
October 25, 2022

Bibhas Adhikari (Autumn 2022-23, IIT Kharagpur) Proability and Statistics Lecture 15 October 25, 2022 1/8
Bivariate normal distribution

Introduced by Galton and Dickson in 1886.

Bibhas Adhikari (Autumn 2022-23, IIT Kharagpur) Proability and Statistics Lecture 15 October 25, 2022 2/8
Bivariate normal distribution

Introduced by Galton and Dickson in 1886.A continuous bivariate random

variable (X , Y ) is said to have the bivariate normal distribution if the joint
pdf is of the form
1 1
f (x, y ) = p e − 2 Q(x,y )
2πσ1 σ2 1 − ρ2

where µ1 , µ2 ∈ R, σ1 , σ2 ∈ (0, ∞) and ρ ∈ (−1, 1) are parameters, and

"  #
x − µ1 2 y − µ2 2
1 x − µ1 y − µ2
Q(x, y ) = − 2ρ +
1 − ρ2 σ1 σ1 σ2 σ2

Bibhas Adhikari (Autumn 2022-23, IIT Kharagpur) Proability and Statistics Lecture 15 October 25, 2022 2/8
Bivariate normal distribution

Introduced by Galton and Dickson in 1886.A continuous bivariate random

variable (X , Y ) is said to have the bivariate normal distribution if the joint
pdf is of the form
1 1
f (x, y ) = p e − 2 Q(x,y )
2πσ1 σ2 1 − ρ2

where µ1 , µ2 ∈ R, σ1 , σ2 ∈ (0, ∞) and ρ ∈ (−1, 1) are parameters, and

"  #
x − µ1 2 y − µ2 2
1 x − µ1 y − µ2
Q(x, y ) = − 2ρ +
1 − ρ2 σ1 σ1 σ2 σ2

(X , Y ) ∼ N (µ1 , µ2 , σ1 , σ2 , ρ)

Bibhas Adhikari (Autumn 2022-23, IIT Kharagpur) Proability and Statistics Lecture 15 October 25, 2022 2/8
Bivariate normal/Gaussian distribution
1 The surface f (x, y ) has the shape of mountain

Bibhas Adhikari (Autumn 2022-23, IIT Kharagpur) Proability and Statistics Lecture 15 October 25, 2022 3/8
Bivariate normal/Gaussian distribution
1 The surface f (x, y ) has the shape of mountain

2 The pair (µ , µ ) gives the center of the mountain located in the

1 2
(x, y ) plane

Bibhas Adhikari (Autumn 2022-23, IIT Kharagpur) Proability and Statistics Lecture 15 October 25, 2022 3/8
Bivariate normal/Gaussian distribution
1 The surface f (x, y ) has the shape of mountain

2 The pair (µ , µ ) gives the center of the mountain located in the

1 2
(x, y ) plane
3 σ 2 and σ 2 measure the spread of the mountain in the x-direction and
1 2
y -direction respectively

Bibhas Adhikari (Autumn 2022-23, IIT Kharagpur) Proability and Statistics Lecture 15 October 25, 2022 3/8
Bivariate normal/Gaussian distribution
1 The surface f (x, y ) has the shape of mountain

2 The pair (µ , µ ) gives the center of the mountain located in the

1 2
(x, y ) plane
3 σ 2 and σ 2 measure the spread of the mountain in the x-direction and
1 2
y -direction respectively
4 ρ determines the shape and orientation

Watch: The link

Bibhas Adhikari (Autumn 2022-23, IIT Kharagpur) Proability and Statistics Lecture 15 October 25, 2022 3/8
Bivariate normal/Gaussian distribution

Observation If we vertically slice the joint pdf of bivariate normal

distribution then we have a univariate normal distribution.

Bibhas Adhikari (Autumn 2022-23, IIT Kharagpur) Proability and Statistics Lecture 15 October 25, 2022 4/8
Bivariate normal/Gaussian distribution

Observation If we vertically slice the joint pdf of bivariate normal

distribution then we have a univariate normal distribution. Thus the
marginal pdfs are also normal.

Bibhas Adhikari (Autumn 2022-23, IIT Kharagpur) Proability and Statistics Lecture 15 October 25, 2022 4/8
Bivariate normal/Gaussian distribution

Observation If we vertically slice the joint pdf of bivariate normal

distribution then we have a univariate normal distribution. Thus the
marginal pdfs are also normal.
1 − 21
fX (x) = √ e σ1

σ1 2π

Bibhas Adhikari (Autumn 2022-23, IIT Kharagpur) Proability and Statistics Lecture 15 October 25, 2022 4/8
Bivariate normal/Gaussian distribution

Observation If we vertically slice the joint pdf of bivariate normal

distribution then we have a univariate normal distribution. Thus the
marginal pdfs are also normal.
1 − 21
fX (x) = √ e σ1

σ1 2π
y −µ2 2
1 −1
fY (y ) = √ e 2 σ2
σ2 2π

Bibhas Adhikari (Autumn 2022-23, IIT Kharagpur) Proability and Statistics Lecture 15 October 25, 2022 4/8
Bivariate normal/Gaussian distribution

Observation If we vertically slice the joint pdf of bivariate normal

distribution then we have a univariate normal distribution. Thus the
marginal pdfs are also normal.
1 − 21
fX (x) = √ e σ1

σ1 2π
y −µ2 2
1 −1
fY (y ) = √ e 2 σ2
σ2 2π
Remark However the converse need not be true!!

Bibhas Adhikari (Autumn 2022-23, IIT Kharagpur) Proability and Statistics Lecture 15 October 25, 2022 4/8
Bivariate normal/Gaussian distribution
proof of marginal distribution

Bibhas Adhikari (Autumn 2022-23, IIT Kharagpur) Proability and Statistics Lecture 15 October 25, 2022 5/8
Bivariate normal/Gaussian distribution
proof of marginal distribution
x − µ1 2
1 x − µ1 y − µ2
Q(x, y ) = − 2ρ
1 − ρ2 σ1 σ1 σ2
y − µ2 2

Bibhas Adhikari (Autumn 2022-23, IIT Kharagpur) Proability and Statistics Lecture 15 October 25, 2022 5/8
Bivariate normal/Gaussian distribution
proof of marginal distribution
x − µ1 2
1 x − µ1 y − µ2
Q(x, y ) = − 2ρ
1 − ρ2 σ1 σ1 σ2
y − µ2 2
" 2 #
y − µ2 2
1 x − µ1 y − µ 2
= −ρ + (1 − ρ2 )
1 − ρ2 σ1 σ2 σ2
(x − a)2 (y − µ2 )2
= +
(1 − ρ2 )σ12 σ22
where a = µ1 + ρ σσ12 (y − µ2 ).

Bibhas Adhikari (Autumn 2022-23, IIT Kharagpur) Proability and Statistics Lecture 15 October 25, 2022 5/8
Bivariate normal/Gaussian distribution
proof of marginal distribution
x − µ1 2
1 x − µ1 y − µ2
Q(x, y ) = − 2ρ
1 − ρ2 σ1 σ1 σ2
y − µ2 2
" 2 #
y − µ2 2
1 x − µ1 y − µ 2
= −ρ + (1 − ρ2 )
1 − ρ2 σ1 σ2 σ2
(x − a)2 (y − µ2 )2
= +
(1 − ρ2 )σ12 σ22
where a = µ1 + ρ σσ12 (y − µ2 ).Hence
Z ∞ (y −µ2 )2 Z ∞ (x−a)2
1 −
2σ 2

2(1−ρ2 )σ 2
fY (y ) = f (x, y )dx = p e 2 e 1 dx
−∞ πσ1 σ2 1 − ρ2 −∞

Bibhas Adhikari (Autumn 2022-23, IIT Kharagpur) Proability and Statistics Lecture 15 October 25, 2022 5/8
Bivariate normal/Gaussian distribution

If (X , Y ) ∼ N (µX , µY , σX , σY , ρ) then

E (X ) = µX , E (Y ) = µY , Var(X ) = σX2 , Var(Y ) = σY2

Bibhas Adhikari (Autumn 2022-23, IIT Kharagpur) Proability and Statistics Lecture 15 October 25, 2022 6/8
Bivariate normal/Gaussian distribution

If (X , Y ) ∼ N (µX , µY , σX , σY , ρ) then

E (X ) = µX , E (Y ) = µY , Var(X ) = σX2 , Var(Y ) = σY2

1 2 2 +2ρσ 2 2
Correlation coefficient = ρ, M(s, t) = e µX s+µY t+ 2 (σX s X σY st+σY t )

Bibhas Adhikari (Autumn 2022-23, IIT Kharagpur) Proability and Statistics Lecture 15 October 25, 2022 6/8
Bivariate normal/Gaussian distribution

If (X , Y ) ∼ N (µX , µY , σX , σY , ρ) then

E (X ) = µX , E (Y ) = µY , Var(X ) = σX2 , Var(Y ) = σY2

1 2 2 +2ρσ 2 2
Correlation coefficient = ρ, M(s, t) = e µX s+µY t+ 2 (σX s X σY st+σY t )

Proof X ∼ N (µX , σX2 ), Y ∼ N (µY , σY2 ). Then

W = sX + tY ∼ N (µW , σW 2 ) where

µW = sµX + tµY , σW = s 2 σX2 + 2stρσX σY + t 2 σY .

Bibhas Adhikari (Autumn 2022-23, IIT Kharagpur) Proability and Statistics Lecture 15 October 25, 2022 6/8
Bivariate normal/Gaussian distribution

If (X , Y ) ∼ N (µX , µY , σX , σY , ρ) then

E (X ) = µX , E (Y ) = µY , Var(X ) = σX2 , Var(Y ) = σY2

1 2 2 +2ρσ 2 2
Correlation coefficient = ρ, M(s, t) = e µX s+µY t+ 2 (σX s X σY st+σY t )

Proof X ∼ N (µX , σX2 ), Y ∼ N (µY , σY2 ). Then

W = sX + tY ∼ N (µW , σW 2 ) where

µW = sµX + tµY , σW = s 2 σX2 + 2stρσX σY + t 2 σY .
1 2 2
Therefore, the mgf of W is M(τ ) = e µW τ + 2 τ σW

Bibhas Adhikari (Autumn 2022-23, IIT Kharagpur) Proability and Statistics Lecture 15 October 25, 2022 6/8
Bivariate normal/Gaussian distribution

If (X , Y ) ∼ N (µX , µY , σX , σY , ρ) then

E (X ) = µX , E (Y ) = µY , Var(X ) = σX2 , Var(Y ) = σY2

1 2 2 +2ρσ 2 2
Correlation coefficient = ρ, M(s, t) = e µX s+µY t+ 2 (σX s X σY st+σY t )

Proof X ∼ N (µX , σX2 ), Y ∼ N (µY , σY2 ). Then

W = sX + tY ∼ N (µW , σW 2 ) where

µW = sµX + tµY , σW = s 2 σX2 + 2stρσX σY + t 2 σY .
1 2 2
Therefore, the mgf of W is M(τ ) = e µW τ + 2 τ σW
.Then mgf of (X , Y ) is
1 2
M(s, t) = E (e sX +tY ) = e µW + 2 σW
1 2 2 +2ρσ 2 2
= e µX s+µY t+ 2 (σX s X σY st+σY t )

Bibhas Adhikari (Autumn 2022-23, IIT Kharagpur) Proability and Statistics Lecture 15 October 25, 2022 6/8
Bivariate normal/Gaussian distribution

Let f (x, y ) be the joint pdf of (X , Y ). Then conditional density of Y given

X = x is  2
y −b
1 − 12 √
fY |X (y |x) = p e σY 1−ρ

σY 2π(1 − ρ2 )
b = µY + ρ (x − µX ).

Bibhas Adhikari (Autumn 2022-23, IIT Kharagpur) Proability and Statistics Lecture 15 October 25, 2022 7/8
Bivariate normal/Gaussian distribution

Let f (x, y ) be the joint pdf of (X , Y ). Then conditional density of Y given

X = x is  2
y −b
1 − 12 √
fY |X (y |x) = p e σY 1−ρ

σY 2π(1 − ρ2 )
b = µY + ρ (x − µX ).
Similarly,  2
1 − 12 √
fX |Y (x|y ) = p e σX

σX 2π(1 − ρ2 )
c = µX + ρ (y − µY )

Bibhas Adhikari (Autumn 2022-23, IIT Kharagpur) Proability and Statistics Lecture 15 October 25, 2022 7/8
Bivariate normal/Gaussian distribution

If (X , Y ) ∼ N (µX , µY , σX , σY , ρ) then
E (Y |x) = µY + ρ (x − µX )

Bibhas Adhikari (Autumn 2022-23, IIT Kharagpur) Proability and Statistics Lecture 15 October 25, 2022 8/8
Bivariate normal/Gaussian distribution

If (X , Y ) ∼ N (µX , µY , σX , σY , ρ) then
E (Y |x) = µY + ρ (x − µX )
E (X |y ) = µX + ρ (y − µY )

Bibhas Adhikari (Autumn 2022-23, IIT Kharagpur) Proability and Statistics Lecture 15 October 25, 2022 8/8
Bivariate normal/Gaussian distribution

If (X , Y ) ∼ N (µX , µY , σX , σY , ρ) then
E (Y |x) = µY + ρ (x − µX )
E (X |y ) = µX + ρ (y − µY )
Var(Y |x) = σY (1 − ρ2 )

Bibhas Adhikari (Autumn 2022-23, IIT Kharagpur) Proability and Statistics Lecture 15 October 25, 2022 8/8
Bivariate normal/Gaussian distribution

If (X , Y ) ∼ N (µX , µY , σX , σY , ρ) then
E (Y |x) = µY + ρ (x − µX )
E (X |y ) = µX + ρ (y − µY )
Var(Y |x) = σY (1 − ρ2 )

Var(X |y ) = σX2 (1 − ρ2 )

Bibhas Adhikari (Autumn 2022-23, IIT Kharagpur) Proability and Statistics Lecture 15 October 25, 2022 8/8
Bivariate normal/Gaussian distribution

If (X , Y ) ∼ N (µX , µY , σX , σY , ρ) then
E (Y |x) = µY + ρ (x − µX )
E (X |y ) = µX + ρ (y − µY )
Var(Y |x) = σY (1 − ρ2 )

Var(X |y ) = σX2 (1 − ρ2 )

Interesting result (Cramer, 1941)

Two random variables X and Y have a joint bivariate normal distribution
if and only if every linear combination of X and Y has univariate normal

Bibhas Adhikari (Autumn 2022-23, IIT Kharagpur) Proability and Statistics Lecture 15 October 25, 2022 8/8

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