Unit 3.2.3 Practice Activities

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Dra. Raquel Criado & Dr. Aquilino Sánchez

UNIT 3.2.3. Practice activities

1. Read pages 122-125 in Sánchez (1997) and pages 187-192 and 198-209 in
Howatt (2004). Make sure you understand all the tenets of the Reform
Movement. You will need this for activity 2.

2. Read the following quotation and answer the two questions below:

The Reform has fulfilled its mission. It has laid the ghosts of the grammatical
method, which made a fetish of the study of grammar with excessive
attention to translation from and into the foreign language. Reading formerly
served chiefly as a handmaiden to grammar, and was too exclusively limited
to historical-literary works. Speaking ability was kept in the background and
correct pronunciation was neglected. Such an antiquated method of teaching
is now once and for all impossible. But what the grammatical method
neglected, practical and correct use of the spoken language, the reform
method has pushed to extremes. In making mastery of the spoken language
the chief objective, the nature and function of secondary schools was
overlooked, because such an objective under normal conditions of mass
instruction is only attainable in a modest degree. The reform method requires
not only a teacher who possesses a perfect mastery of the foreign language,
but makes such claims on his nervous and physical energy as to entail
premature exhaustion. Average pupils, not to mention weaker ones, do not
justify the demands made by the oral use of the language; they soon wary,
are overburdened and revolt. Early adherents of the new method, after their
enthusiasm has been dashed by stern realities, have gradually broken away.

(Breymann & Steinmuller, 1895–1909, cited by Buchanan & MacPhee, 1928:

19ff. From Titone, 1969: 39-40)

OCW – Universidad de Murcia 1


Dra. Raquel Criado & Dr. Aquilino Sánchez

a) What are the two major tensions mentioned here that have always existed
(and which will probably continue to exist) in foreign language methodology?

b) What do you think that ordinary teachers did to tackle the unfortunate
consequences of the strict adoption of the Reform Movement principles as
applied to language teaching textbooks?

OCW – Universidad de Murcia 2

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