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Evaluation (Individual Tasks):



Caricature Objectives/People Meaning of each Important Political or

Title that you see symbol Clues Social Issues
(objects/people) Presented
A large group of A large group these The political or
Corruption people covered their of people cartoons social issues in
of a city noses and wore a covered their have an this caricature
formal attire noses and wore almost are a darker
formal attire- it timeless side to
Passengers of the represents the quality. American
Wagon citizen of Manila influence.
that are disgusted Manila’s urban
Wagoner with the object expressed problems
carried by the their worsened and
Horse wagoner wherein frustrations its dependence
they covered with its on America. It
their nose discomforts disgusted to the
and Influence of
Passengers of decadence in American.
the Wagon- it some of the
represents the angriest
slaves cartoons of
Wagoner- it American
represents the period
foreign colonizer
Horse- it means expression of
to it carries the diverse
people on board people that
are on the

#2 The carabao The tiredness The Political or

A new CARABAO represents of farmers in Social Issues
wrinkle in helping people to their work that Filipino
the art of work on the farm farmers suffer
Thieving The rich man at the hands of
The workers controls the foreigners. The
THE PEOPLE represent the Filipino colonizer is
(SLAVES OR Filipino worker worker getting wealthy
WORKERS) during the Texts that and the
American period describe the Filipinos are
NUEVA ECIJA contexts and becoming poor.
(PLACE) Nueva Ecija objectives of
represents the the caricature
place where it

The two men The different
Colonial Two men with represent they lifestyles of The issue
Condition money bags have a lot of the poor and presented in
money they are rich people this caricature
The one man in his rich during was the
back with string in colonialism Different colonizer’s
his neck clothing control of the
The one man in styles of the Filipinos. The
String his back with colonizer Filipinos is
the string on his and the striving very
neck means the Filipinos hard but they
Filipinos during are not the one
colonialism are Bag with who earns their
slaves. money hard work
because they
String means control of the
that slavery colonizers
controls the two
rich man

#4 Uncle Sam The different The issue

means it heights and presented in this
Uncle Sam Uncle Sam represents the sizes of caricature was
and Little Little Juan American people Filipinos and the Filipino
trying to friend
Juan Chair Americanos
the Americans
Little Juan because
means it Portraits of a Filipinos are
represents tangled very friendly to
Filipino relationship foreigners but
between The the problem with
Chair represents Philippines this issue the
the chair of rich and the American
and able United States underestimate
the ability of
Filipinos they
can easily
influence the
Filipino by their

Ramos, Christy Vhalen R

Dat-Bat 1A




The speech of former President Corazon Aquino gives us insights into how Filipinos

struggled to attain freedom and between the insisted resistance from the past have

inspired Filipino revolutionaries in our current era. It also gives clarification about

what really happened during the time of Ninoy Aquino.

The document describes the struggles faced by the Aquino to help the Philippines

achieve freedom. The document also mentioned about the debt incurred by the former

government before Cory Aquino.

This speech also shows how the dictatorship transforms into democratic

government. From its president down to its laws, order, and rules. The document also

mentioned the killing of Ninoy Aquino and the terror from torture and conviction

during the Martial Law.

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