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17 July 2011 (Sunday) Dear diary.

Today s Sunday but the most important things in this world is my close friend s birthday (her name is Jasmine), so my friends and I made a little surprise for her. My friends and I just gave her a birthday cake (yap.. I hope that s a birthday cake not other ^.^v) except Asri, she gave her a really cute doll. Finally, our little surprise party was a really my spectacular sight memorable I ever had, thanks for Amel, Asri, Jasmine and Muti who made this unforgettable day :-D 18 July 2011 (Monday) Dear diary. Today s Monday or I usually called it with MONster Day, I hate every Monday because of the ceremony that made my leg so awkward -___-! But not this day, hey! This was different, because today was my 1st meeting with my new friends on X - acceleration class. What an amazin day is it. I had some new friends here, I hope this class will be bring me to my right vision . 19 July 2011 (Tuesday) Dear diary. I must say today was a great disappointment! my Tuesday was full of hungry , I mean I wasn t eating in the school because of the compact schedule, the task and so on . That s too bad, I was hungry, but the teacher didn t care of my friends and I (because they didn t know) . the teachers not known if we not had a lunch . yaaa, I know this is my mistake. I m sorry miss , sir. 20 July 2011 (Wednesday) Dear diary. Today I was very happy because of the history teacher, in the truth, he s kind to my friends and I but he s discipline too, he won t accept the students who came late. And he suggested my friends and I to be the best students by discipline, creative, study serious but relax. He motivated my friends and I, I like this! He didn t made me down like the other several teachers ^^

21 July 2011 (Thursday) Dear diary. Today , after I heard the story about acceleration class from my civic teacher, I afraid to continue this class. After end of school , I went to home but at the same time my mind tried to remember what my civic teacher said. It made me stressed . After arrived at home too, I stressed because of that, It made me so lazy to do the homework for tomorrow, and now , I can t sleep because of that . : ( but I don t need to be afraid as long as Allah SWT beside me. 22 July 2011 (Friday) Dear diary. Today, I can t say how pleased I am! Because, my friends and I went to 1 Garut Junior high school , I miss my best friend because she wasn t school at 1 Garut senior high school too like me. And did u know? She came! And I think, she s better because of her white gray uniform. I hope, we ll be best friend forever although we had different school. Aamiin 23 July 2011 (Saturday) Dear diary. Today s too bad! I always had a cough at school and at my home, it disturbed my study. And maybe I disturbed my teachers and friends study. I m sorry and this evening , I can t go sleep because of the cough. It disturbed me very well! Get well soon for my self

Rd.Ajeng Feby Lailani B X-Acceleration No.22

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