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MN: (GARMONIA Mersin (Turkey) Komy To: Whom it may concer! Dear Sirs, NOTE OF PROTEST 1am, the master of m/t “Garmonia* to the presents declare to the protest against next delay at the port of Mersin. Fon 75 Date Tine: Date Tine, ‘wating for etsamplng cargo O701.202% 200 |_o7on.2031 | 220 ‘Awralting for ont survey done for compete amplng 07.04.2023 1s | 07.1201 | 18200 wating for analyss of sample cargo 07.61.2601 2100 | pa.ox2001 | 1450 On behalf of the Owners and Charterers | hold You responsible for all losses and claims arisen due to the detay and | reserve the right to take all actions, which may be considered necessary to pratect the interests of my principal. Forrecelpt: Signed ‘Kowy: Beew, woro sro xacaerea! To: Whom it may concern! MHCbMO-IPOTECT NOTE OF PROTEST ‘Youxaenre rocnom, Dear Sirs, 3 ramrray vix "Tapwonicr” WacTonubhi SAnnzne MpOTeeT m OTROMICHAM CxERyTOLNETS w etRTA Bae oveérernemnunee SST hase of waned #6 ooh NOS Hat wih pel we o jarmoni» 40 rote 0 and bold for consequences, which may aie therefrom. 2 send ae oe Foe mm MERAY SANOPRDH TpMTNARA NoWOCAMENTHMIM Meco 8 Opry muri Mepenw 11.01.2021, rpys: Hagcamueenoe Sond ty itfreac bebreen terminal figure and Bill of Lading quant in por dschirging Mersin 11.01.2023, cargo: Crude ime | ancamarsaoe Macrs Crude Sunflower Seed Oil ema maar 5693.69hmt T Pree Jesse's Exp, Factor 0.99825 ee os cate eee Sonatas See miasstat ican aT =— aed soneni [ae ere eam wt Thy sux aocransew ».1opr BLIrpySXE » Tow me KOMEVeCTHe, TO GuL10 OTpYRERO coraaeNo AKTA cyROBLIE samepon. Bo apex plicMereps rpyat ne 6ti20« Mos ¢yau0 no neex orwoutemaxs ofepyAO=4no az bepeneik serene YOR ‘Arr ancoesaonn raneon aoxanisnaer "70 raven Guin 1oaKoeTs¥ OHOPEAMM m Me KAKRE taCTS Cpe te Goins ooeees tee Cargo has boen delivered in discharging port in the same queatiy, a ha beea loed according ullage repent During tip of neces of ‘argo was not. My veseel isin every respect sanged for transporaton of the given cargo, Certificate of tnspetion of ante ox a ‘ischarping termination prove that tanks have Been completely emptied and not any par of cargo has not bose lek, Oronopxa » xonocamesreraucaT: "Bet, KANtcTROW KOAMNGECTHO Mie We KIRACTHO", Kpowe Toro, YANO ue MpINAO Youcran » samepax Geperonoro pesepayapa. i ‘As mater of foc there i aera in the BlLading: *Welght, measure, quality, quant, condition und valve unknown." Apart of this the vesel does not take any pats in performing shore tank measurements, His ocxonaumy suneussomeuor0 3 HMWY;ERtH NOARNEATS pyONKe ZORYMMTTA na uporecreet. Bee npeTeAHE 20 omvecrao w xa‘ecrao rpyse m suiysieu OTHOCTM MesRKy CTHpanwazen w QpAxronsruten. Te cannune ceapane ve eofal "mpano pacuuupwrs Uporect n yao6uoe ppesx x mecre Ges MpeaynpeRAeNHR a YeMOTDeNNe Meera CyAOBRAReRLEA Under reference to the above I will sing th cargo documents under protest. All elnims forthe quactiy and quality ofecrge regret overlook between Shipper and Chartere.Ihereby reserve the right to extend Protest atime and place convenient to mry Oumners washout rejadice to Owners right at later date. Tipwnsro:For receipt: ‘Tloarmes Signed @ancuans Nome Cymo: | TAPMOHMM | Topr ‘Mepemn (Typums) ‘Mersin (Turkey) ROB / OBQ Certificate Ceprudmxar na ocrarox / kommaectso aa 6opty a e|o}clolo|e|olclolelelololo|g Tara Date: 11.01.2021 ‘Bpems Time: 01:00 LT. 3a Ormpanurens / Tozysareas For Shipper / Receiver co Chief officer ee em e TAPMOHHAY rowiens || mt GARMONIA 1 e 1B, Zhikharev 3a Ormpasurrens /Hoaysarens Cymo For Shipper / Receiver Master For vessel [@opma Nez — PYKOBO/ICTBO N10 OPMAM 8H rim: [Form No: Prime FORM MANNUAL epeass : Cynoxoanen Komnanus AKT mpuema/ caasH wanHBitix rpy20e m0 cy0BbIM 3amepan. een 000 «IPAAM WIMINHAT> REPORT OF SHIP'S TANKS LOADING / DISCHARGING Revision date: | __23.12.2006 ‘Cyauo} Tapmonus Dara] opr] Mepeuu Vessel} Garmonia Date:} _ 07.01.2021 Location: Mersin “Ocanxa/drait:|Hocon/F wd: “Is KopmoWAt: _ 415 _w Thioruocrs npx 20°C] 0.9205 Burpysea Tpys/Cargo: Hoxconmesnoe Macro _/__ Crude Sunflower Seed Oil Dencity at 20 °C] in Discharging = Tramps pone To Tinomocts a] Bee ape crane uw °C FREE WATER | “wera o6uem,M* | remnepatypy | temneparype, MT Macca .MT Total volume, M* | Temperature Density at Obs. | Weith at Std. Temp, Weight, Mi" < Tema Mr 372.804 332709 346.594 347900 SOL8HT 496.196 207 VER, 099825 [Cymneapanait nee (Vac), mt s700344 5710354 woapes EB. E: Zhikharev GARMONIA Pot: Mersin (Turkey) ‘Detar ‘Cymmo: | TAPMOBBS | Hopr: st) Tera: eal eae 14.01.2021 Kowy To: BCEM, KOO 3TO KACAETCH Komy To: Whom it may concer! Tanzeame » cynonon wane PUMPING LOG discharging pressure statement on ship manifold Tp Tloncommeanoe Maco Cargo: ‘Crude Sunflower Seed Oil Tava wonocamesr. ‘BIL dated 30.12.2020 ‘Jnanerp m anmea Geperonoro rpySonposont @e Shore line size and length On Amamerp neperoammxa Memay cyZ0BKIM MammorLJOM H Geperosoll MATUCTPATLWO Ca ‘ameter of connecting tink between manifold sre tne = ‘DipaSsunwremsnan suicora Geperosoll euxocTa HRA TpyLOBbIMH HACOCEM ss ‘Approximate height of shore tank above cargo pumps som Tonycramoe xanienne » Geperonolt Marucrpari ‘Hose for trucks - 5,5 kgs/sm* MAX pressure requested from shore ‘Hose for CEYNAK — 6.0 kgs/sm* Tan Bpeen ‘Aamaeume 3 cynonom ‘Tipenctaneresy Tipeacranareas ‘Tipawexamns Date Time Lt Mammpoanse xrvew cynna Gepers ‘Remarks UTES | _Shipspresmr keen? _|shipte representative | Shorerepecataive Mal (Ceynak) | Nid (Trucks) woz | wo | 40. | ch Otter T Sarda To = 2 Ch Oise z ‘aut CP. 62 1730 9, 49 ‘Ch Officer Es 18:00_ 60 4.0 Ch. Officer 4 1530. 60 40 (Ch, Officer S. ‘Stay on mace 19:00 60 o Ch. Officer 6 26:0 60 o Ch. Officer 7 Zr00 60 0. Ch. Officer z “Resumé on teks B00 6.0 40 Ch. Officer 3. 23:00 60 40 ‘Ch Offeer 1 7340 60 40 Ch. Ofc i Tope 09.01.2027 00:00, 60 40 Ch. Officer 12 00:10 60 0 Ch. Officer 13. Resume on tucks 60 40 ‘Ch, Officer icy 60 4.0 Ch. Ofer 1S. op on week 6.0 0 Ch. Officer 46. Cn i Reson on bus ‘Complete discharge of Ceybak 60 40 . Ofer 1% ee - 40 ‘Ch. Officer 9. ‘Stop on truck, - 0 Ch. Officer 20. Resume on trucks = 40 (Ch. Officer 21. Stop on truck z 7 Gh Ofcer ra sums on uss = 40 Ch. Officer] B. - 40 Ch Officer” 1 24. ‘Stop on truck zi Ck. Offs] 3 esas on bucks zi 40] Ch Ofer 26, [ears 49 Ch. Officer 7. 1 = 40 ‘Ch. Officer # T a0 Ch Offer Sopa ma ‘Mecrononomeune anaes cyaosoro aasonun: LenTpaanasia es opr. Ships pressure readings taken at: Central manifold, starboard-side/ port side. Cpennoncysonoeaansenne wanngarsa Ot: 6.0 g/m CCpeiee eyzonce aansene waunpernn 22 23. ky/am* AXverge ipa ne OT poms. kgint ‘Average ships ling 1 pressure: 2. g/sa™ Page 12 ‘Cyqno: TAPMOHHA. Tlopr: ‘Mepean (Typmms) l ie [ee | ives | ee Mersin pow_| 412001 Kowy To: BCEM, ROTO 9TO KACARTCH. Kowy To: Whom it may concen! Aanaenne » eyzonou nanmgos.te PUMPING LOG discharging presmre on ship manifold Tas Tanxenne ncyzonon | peneranerems | peacranxess Tipe Dae haanefonsae ead ‘one toners Remarks Sgercacted_| permeate | Spent | a 2 Bama i 0 Ch Ofer zr Hine a = 40 “Ch. Officer 31. : 2s Ch. Ofer 32. Siar sipping pump - 40 Ch. Officer_ 33, 2 18 Ch. Officer 34. “ 1s ‘Ch. Officer 35. 5 Le Go: Ofer 36. = is ‘Ch, Officer 37. a 18 Ch. Officer 38. FOTEOT I Le Gh Ofc 3. = is Ce Officer a. Femme on ins = 18 | Ge Ofer a Stop on tack ws, 1s Ch. Officer a - is Gh Ofer 3. = is Gh Ger zy 5 1s Gh Ofc i. 5 is Gh Ores rs = is Ch Ofer a. = 1s ‘Ch. Officer 48 ‘Stop CP. Mal. E 15 Ch Ofer %. 5 is Gh Ofer 3: Resi oa mals : is Ch Of aI: Sip on nck = is Ch Of 3 = is Ch Ocer a. Teams comes = 13 ‘Ch, Officer SA. ‘Stop oa truck : a3 Ch Offer 3 = 1S ‘Ch. Officer 36. : is Ch. Ofc 37. = 13 Ch Officer 3 = 1 Gh Offer = 1S. ‘Ch. Officer i is Ch Ofteer 5 = Sop sipping pe 31.01.2001 1s ch Om [dong rail ‘Mocrononomeaue axrmxa cyzonoro sannenas: Lerrparnmat Mamwons., pease /nesuit 6opt, ‘Ships pressure readings taken at: Central manifold, atarbeasd side~ port side, (Cpaguse cynonoe aanaenne mamugoant NH: 6,0 ky/smt ‘Average ships line Nol pressure: _6.0_ke/sm (Toaysarenn, 3a For Shipper / Receiver Master (Cpenuee cyronce mannesnne waxes 02: _2.3_hy/ ‘Average ships ine MA pressure: _2.3_kp!sn? MOH eon Page 272 Pm SR MANNA Shippmg (Cynoxonman Kounanes ‘TAHMIUIAT auirpysxa (000 dIPABM ITHIITHET > ‘STATEMENT OF FACTS discharging Cyano: | TAPMOBHA | Uopr: Mepeam (Typinea) | Bee [on zen | Mv: | GaRMONIA | Port ‘Mersin (Turkey) Dota: | 11.01.2621 Kowy To: BCEM, KOPO 3TO KACAETCA . omy To: Whom it may cooora! TART STATEMENT OF FACTS ‘Tyys / Cargo: ‘Tlaacoanetwoe Macao / Crude Sunflower Seed Oil ‘iopr norpyaxs / Port of loeding: ‘Tlopr Kasxas (Pocens) / Port Kavkaz (Russia) opr suurpyuen Port of dcharging: -Mpenu (Typuos) / Mersin CTirkey) C From Tinta Date | Bpews Time ‘Cyamo npatinne [Vowel anid 07.01.2020 Hora spyven NOR onde 07.01.2021 ‘Horace upnnar / NOR accepted 08.01.2021 louman npx6uia xa Gopt/ y6six c Sopra Pilot on board / pilot disembarked Urata “Hawano waprosxx / Omsaprosame: / First line / All fast (07.01.2021 “‘Tpan yeranonaen / Gangway down 07.01.2021 Oréop mpot / Sampling 07.01.2021 Saneps, noxewe,/ a 07.01.2021 [setae Cro em caCORE Tapia Tbr nosun Cargo a comeced- TRUCKS, 08.01.2021 i ‘Busrpysxa / Discharging - CEYNAK_ 08.01.2021 x 03:00 ‘Buarpysxa / Discharging - TRUCKS 08.01.2021, 11.01.2027 00:30 Tipoxynra rpyoosarenuxauraeymaolaper [CgD Bose Sowing shinfthore. 11.01.2021 11.01.2021 00:40 ‘Hincnexuns Tauxos / Final inspection 11.01.2021 17.01,202T 01:00 Hina ovaan Cargo arm disconneiod= CENA. 20a | 2130 | 10.01.2001 | 22-00 ‘Miaanr oraan / Cargo arm disconnected - TRUCKS 11.01,2021 01:00" 12.07.2021 01:05 Biexywoers a Gopry /Dooamens on boar 11.0120a | 01330 Tlonnacanme aoxymentos / Signing of documents 11.01.2021 2 11.01.2021, i owen pubis wa Gop yun Gopra : et 1.012001 12.01.2021 : Orumaprosxs / Unmooring 14,01,2021 11.01.2021 2 ‘Cyano youno / Vessel salled 11.01.2021 : ce nptensirpy wa cysononnxmiporntenoxnepmanasocscpeanes arasonme _6.0 2:3 ere? ‘Avene ip presre ison e's anf rng eh tne ofachargng."0- hp fm? ‘asepcn x ramon General Deny and Soppeaee ‘Omnganne nepsoro ovBope npo6 / ee coum | 00 | oroz | aso ‘Gooxnanme commecrHoro ovBopa KaunosnTvGh npoGu rpyae 7 2 “Awalting for Jolnt survey done for composite sampling Gna seas | razon 180) ‘Caan anaes np08 rp ‘wating for analysis of sample cargo eee ee) | Ones z ‘Stop discharging in tucks / Awalting trucks 08012027 : 3a Orupanurens / Honyzarem Arewr For Shipper / Receiver Master AS Agent iv} ets an greens

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