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Exercícios de fixação

1) Substitua os sujeitos das frases pelos pronomes que

melhor se encaixam.

Exemplo: João e Keyla love dogs.

Resposta : They love dogs

a) Kelly likes Bruno. 

b) They will call to Gabriel and I tomorrow. 

c) Tell Julie the news. 

d) I visited my friends. 

e) The teacher teach English to his students. 

f) Students love holiday. 

g) Don needs you and I. 

h) Bob gave flowers to Julia and Maria. 

i) I love my family. 

j) Clara will travel with her friends. 

k) Bob does not like chocolate. 

2) Analise a frase e veja qual pronome substitui
corretamente os sujeitos destacados na frase: 

A) I'll talk to THE TEACHERS.




B) Susan pushed KEVIN to the floor.




C) Are you talking to SHEILA AND I?


 she and me

D) Will you use THE CAR, dad?




E) Robert is my friend, but ROBERT doesn't respect me.





3) Substitua corretamente cada sujeito da frase pelo

pronome respectivo: 

A) Kevin speaks with James everyday.

 Him speaks with he everyday.

 He speaks with he everyday.

 He speaks with him everyday.

B) Brad went to the cinema with Alice.

 He went to the cinema with her.

 Him went to the cinema with her.

 He went to the cinema with she.

C) Tom was sleeping on the table.

 He was sleeping on him.

 He was sleeping on it.

 He was sleeping on her.

D) Will Roger come with David and I?

 Will he come with we?

 Will he come with us?

 Will him come with us?

E) Richard waited for the message with Clarice.

 He waited for it with she.

 Him waited for it with her.

 He waited for it with her.

4) Preste atenção nos adjetivos possessivos presentes
nas frases e selecione a forma correta: 

A) Eu tenho um amigo e seu nome é Kevin.

 I have a friend and your name is Kevin.

 I have a friend and his name is Kevin.

 I have a friend and her name is Kevin.

B) Julia comprou um presente para seu filho.

 Julia bought a present for her son.

 Julia bought a present for his son.

 Julia bought a present for your son.

C) O que você fez com seu carro?

 What did you do with your car?

 What did you do with his car?

 What did you do with her car?

D) Meu computador está com um problema em sua placa.

 My computer is with a problem in his card.

 My computer is with a problem in your card.

 My computer is with a problem in its card. 

E) Josh e Lívia moram no Brasil, mas sua família mora na


 Josh and Livia live in Brazil, but your family live in England.

 Josh and Livia live in Brazil, but their family live in England.

 Josh and Livia live in Brazil, but our family live in England.

4) Observe o sujeito que compõe o início da frase e

selecione o adjetivo possessivo correspondente: 
A) Christina doesn't like to play with __________ cousins.




B) The car is good, but it has __________ problems.




C) Steve doesn't know where he left __________ card.




D) I don't remember when I met _________ boyfriend.




E) Aline and I don't like to share __________ lives with anybody.




5) Agora é sua vez de escrever! Passe as frases para

inglês, utilizando os adjetivos possessivos corretos e de
forma correta:

A) John não gosta do cabelo dele.


B) Você tem que comprar seu livro.

C) Nosso trabalho de casa está completo.

D) A escola fechou suas portas.

E) Ana ama o namorado dela.

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