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Module 2

Professional counselors are licensed mental health therapist who provide assessment,
diagnosis and counseling to people facing a variety of life stresses and psychological
problems. For them to become effective in their roles, give three (3) specific skills /
characteristics that have to acquire. Explain your answer.

1. Rapport building skill is one of the most important trait or skill that a counselor needs
to have. Since most of the conversation happens non-verbally, the counselors tonality
and body language will make the client/s more comfortable in their position, thus making
the session much more clear and this will make the client open-up more, since trust and
bond is established.

2. Empathy, without this, counselors won't truly understand what the client/s is going
through. Making the counselors unattentive, thus making the client/s to not build trust
and eventually make the session unproductive. Counselors must know how to put their
foot on the shoes of their client to build mo understanding and a professional assesment
on the client/s problems.

3. Communication skills, this skill isn't only about speaking, part of it is also knowing
when to speak, and when to listen. Asking your client something and interupting them
will make the session unproductive and it makes the client/s trust you less. Listening to
them attentively and whole-heartedly is what the mightly the client/s are truly lacking in
their life.

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