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Module 2

Counselling is a professional work of treating and guiding one's personal experience of

problems and challenges in life. In order to be an effective Counselor here are 3
skills/characteristics a counselor should posses:

1. Listening- In order to help the client within his/her problem we have to know the
problem by listening-attentively, without any distraction and divided attention. Within
these counselor are able to process the content of the circumstances and make
suggestion or guidance accordingly.

2. Practice Ethically and Professionally- Clients may bring a tremendous story that

can moved the counselor emotions/feelings that may affect its feedback. Counselor
should be mindful of any physical or emotional response and keep things professional
during the counselling within the clients. 

3. Unconditional Positive Regard- Counselor should be able to sincerely accept and

have a caring expressions to its clients. This is one of the key to make the clients
comfortable to tell what he/she's going through. Also, the response of support and
respect are significant whenever a person have or already made his/her decision.

There are still more skills a counselor should posses to be an effective one and such
characteristics and skills indeed makes counseling profession to be one of a kind work-
this profession is a helping profession that the goal is not only to diagnose, but to see
an effective change in one's life.

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