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Microsystem is an environment where we develop ourselves in the place with the
people we accompany all throughout. This help me developed my communication
skill. In communicating to my family and friends nicely, to be friendlier and kind
to others just like what my parents told me. This taught me to understand the
significant of interacting and communicating with the people closest to me.
Mesosystem is just like microsystem but in a way that has a conflict or a little bit
difference in some ways. In school, they said that teachers are like our parents,
who guide us and teach us things in life. In other way around, in our homes, our
biological mother and father are the real parents who also guides and teach us
things in life but in a way we can be better person, unlike teachers that they teach
us for educational purposes and to be professional someday.
Exosystem has no business with you as an individual but has an effect towards
you. Sometimes my mom and dad don’t understand each other and ended up
fighting, but us children don’t have any idea what’s going on so we don’t have any
rights to join with their misunderstandings. As a child, even if I don’t know
what’s the problem, but for me, I feel hurt because I don’t want to see them
Macrosystem is the influenced of a culture or government entities. I was also
developed because I grew up in a culture that even though what happened, I will
always believe in God and have a faith on him. Having an attitude of respecting
other people and always have the hospitality to welcome them always.

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