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Specific Instructions:

Make an Outline/Summary on the significant contributions of the following: Follow the format below:

Revolutionary Intellectuals A: Description of Scientific Thoughts’ Contribution;

B: Its importance in the intellectual, social and moral aspects of the society

Brief description of the (Give at least one : the best or the most significant/ notable contributions)
following intellectuals:
Note: Use sentences form for the answers in this column.
(brief background, field of
(use 3-5 sentences )
expertise , etc.)

● in bullet form or in 2

1.Claudius Ptolemy A : Notable contribution

-He is an Egyptian Claudius Ptolemy’s work Almagest made the study of the universe year by year. He also
Astronomer, Geographer, claimed that the Earth was the center of the universe (Geocentric). Hence, even when
and Mathematician, born 100 his claim was false, it is till accepted over the years. His claim for the math work for his
AD in the Metropolis of predictions.
Alexandria in Egypt. Ptolemy
known for his famous work
called almagest.

B: Significance/ importance

Claudius Ptolemy’s work Almagest is the basis for the development of the astronomical
studies. The application of mathematical methods on his astronomical studies, the
earliest table of a trigonometric function, and the lengths of chords in a circle will not be
introduced without his study. Lastly, without those from Ptolemy, we are not studying
and applying mathematical methods in our lives.

2.Nicolaus Copernicus

-He is a Renaissance-era A: Notable contribution

mathematician and
Nicolaus Copernicus claimed that the sun is the center of the universe and not the Earth
astronomer who was born
year 1473 and died year . He established that planets orbits the sun, and not the Earth which he calls
1543. He formulated the Heliocentric. He also presented the Earth’s motion through space that cause the
radical model of the universe. retrograde motion of the planets across the night sky.

B: Significance/ importance

Our belief in the study that the Earth is the center of the universe was changed upon
knowing the Nicolaus Copernicus study. It is a new development in the astronomical
studies when he present that the planets orbits the sun. And lastly, the study of
retrograde was enlightened when he contributed some of it.

3. Charles Darwin

-He was an English naturalist, A: Notable contribution

biologist, and geologist. He
Charles Darwin established a new branch of science which is evolutionary biology. He
was born 1809 and died 1882
in England, and he was and Wallace introduced the scientific theory called natural selections. And Darwin state
that all species and including humans are not created independently but they descent it
known for his theory the
Origin of species. from a common ancestor.

B: Significance/ importance

In the theory of Charles Darwin, we are given knowledge on how all it started. The study
of Darwin enlightened us about the evolutionary of humans, in what or whom we came
from. It also reminisce the events before on how every single evidences from the
species were collect to know that specific animals or species.

4.Sigmund Freud

-He was an Australian A : Notable contribution

neurologist, psychotherapist,
and the founder of Sigmund Freud established the theories about id, superego and ego, and also the
human behavior. According to him, the events when we are infants has a huge effect
psychoanalysis, and he was
born 1856. He was known for when we grow older. The tragedy and traumatic experience way back then may cause
Psychoanalysis and his
theories about id, superego
and ego, also in human

B: Significance/ importance

The theories of Sigmund Freud gives us knowledge on human behaviors. It taught us

how to understand and deal with different people with different personalities or
behaviors. And lastly, Freud’s theories help us understand that in every behavior we
have right now has a behind story back then.

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