Breathless SRD (Pages)

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Before We Start Catch Your Breath

Content Warning: [...] To reset all your skills to their original

rating, you can ask to “catch your breath”.
Before you start, define lines that should This is a brief break in tension. It can be
not be crossed. Pause or rewind the game done at any time, even during combat.
if something uncomfortable happens
during a session. Always make sure When a character catches their breath,
everyone is comfortable with the the GM looks at the scene and introduces
direction of the story. a new complication to the group.

Playing The Game Loot Checks

One person is the game master (GM), the When the fiction allows it, you can make a
rest are players. loot check to scavenge for tools, weapons,
med kits, etc. Be careful of what is lurking
GM: Guide the story, present challenges in the shadow.
to the group. Be a fan of the players. Ask
them questions, fill the world with their When you do a loot check, roll a d20.
answers. If it's cool, let them try or split
complex challenges into multiple checks. • On a 1, something bad happens.
• On a 15-16, you find a d6 item.
Player: Narrate what your character does. • On a 17-18, you find a d8 item.
Make checks when things are risky. Give • On a 19-20, you find a d10 item —or— a
everyone a time to shine. Fill the world med kit.
with your ideas. Take risks, and rise up
from failures.
Checks Items in your backpack can be used in
place of your skills. They start with a die
When there's a challenge that needs to be rating which decreases after each use.
overcome, you make a check to see how it When reduced to a d4, the item either
plays out. You only need to roll if what you breaks, gets lost, or fades away from the
are doing is risky. fiction until it’s made relevant again.
The GM telegraphs the risk of your action, Characters can only carry 3 items and one
you then pick a skill, and roll the die that med kit at once in their backpack.
matches its rating. If an ally helps you,
they also make a check, but share the
same risks as you. Take the highest die and Stunts
interpret the results. When you pull off a stunt, you use a d12
instead of a skill rating to do a check. Once
• On a 1-2, you fail, and something wrong used, you'll need to "catch your breath" to
happens. use it again.
• On a 3-4, you succeed, but at a cost.
• On a 5+, you succeed. The higher the
result, the better the effect.
When you face a consequence as a result
Surviving is hard. Everyone who rolled of one of your actions, the GM can decide
reduces the rating of the skill they used by that you take 1 stress. If your character
one level: d12 » d10 » d8 » d6 » d4. Skills reaches 4 stress, they become “vulnerable”.
cannot go lower than a d4.
When vulnerable, failing a dangerous
The GM can disclaim decision-making by action could mean being taken out —or—
testing for luck. To do so, pick a die rating sudden death. You can use up a med kit to
simply based on the odds of a thing clear 2 stress, or lay low someplace secure
happening, roll, and interpret the results. awhile to clear 1 stress.
Your Character Your Skills and Classes
On your character sheet, write down your To make this game your own, you should
character’s name and pronouns. customize the skill list to something that
better fit the aesthetic of your setting.
By default, skills have a d4 rating. Assign a Another way to do this is to provide classes/
d10, a d8, and a d6 to three skills you think archetypes for the players to choose from,
your character is good at. where each class could have pre-assigned
skills or items.
Characters have a total of 6 skills:

• Bash: wreck, move, force. Your Stunts

• Dash: run, jump, climb. The default Stunt mechanic is a tool players
• Sneak: hide, skulk, lurk. can use to look “awesome” once per “catch
• Shoot: track, throw, fire. your breath”. Use this to mimic characters
• Think: perceive, analyze, repair. using cool powers or doing something
• Sway: charm, manipulate, intimidate. extremely lucky.

Think of an item that you got before Your Stress

leaving for your adventure, and add it to Stress is the default health pacing mechanism
your backpack as a d10 item. of the game. If you want characters to feel
stronger or weaker, adjust how big is the
This SRD stress track, what happens when a PC fills it,
and how they can recover. Be as generous or
Here are some guidelines you can use when harsh as you see fit.
making your own Breathless game.

Your Setting Your Rolling Tables

Consider adding rolling tables for the things
Explain briefly the setting, and what the story you consider important in your game. Since
is mainly going to focus on. Touch on what this game’s format is short, rolling tables help
sort of challenges the PCs will encounter. Go in two-way. First, they help put a bigger focus
over what is their purpose, and why they are on what is significant in your world. Second,
part of the same group. they help facilitate sessions for when the
players are in doubt about where the story
Your “Catch Your Breath” should go next. Plus, it does all this in a very
The core mechanics centers around word efficient way. You could include tables
characters breathless from overcoming for things like items, locations, allies, enemies,
obstacles. It doesn’t mean that your game complications, missions, etc.
should revolve around survival, though. Look
into when or how characters should “catch License
their breath”. Can they do it all the times, do The Breathless SRD is released under
they need to rest, or be in a specific location? Creative Commons Attribution CC-BY. That
Think about what is the “cost” of the means you are free to use the content of this
characters catching their breath, for every SRD for your own game, provided you give
mechanic should move the story forward. proper credit. To do so, copy the text below in
your game, and things should be good to go.
Your Loot This work is based on Breathless, product of Fari RPGs
The loot checks give a way for players to (, developed and authored by René-
make an attempt at gaining assets that will Pier Deshaies-Gélinas , and licensed for our use under the
make their life easier, and will reduce the rate Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License (https://
at which they get tired. Keep in mind that
doing this is not 100% risk-free. Your game This text has already been included at the
could use this to handle items, but you could bottom of the character sheet on the first
also simulate other types of bonuses using page of this document.
this mechanic.







USE D12 — To reset, “catch your breath”

STRESS REMOVE -1 for laying low

REMOVE -2 with med kit

This work is based on Breathless, product of Fari RPGs (https://, developed and authored by René-Pier Deshaies-Gélinas ,
and licensed for our use under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
License (

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