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The study of organizational behavior involves constrained comprehension of constrained acting. Perspectives on
organizational behavior gain and lose their breadth, substance, and credibility as the person doing the explaining
is modified by ongoing experience. These ongoing modifications shape the interpretations that are summarized in
a perspective.

Construction industry is in general suffering from significant performance problems. One possible reason is the
increasing ‘complexity’ of today’s projects. Traditionally, the process of construction projects is regarded as an
ordered, linear system, which can be planned, controlled and managed top down. However, recent development
of the industry gives rise to a thinking that the process of construction projects may be not as ordered and
predictable in its nature as it may look. Closer examinations revealed that construction projects are indeed
complex, nonlinear and dynamic phenomena, or complex systems . It has been found that such complexity not
only does come from the growing uncertainties in both technology and processes, but also from the increasing
influence of intangible organizational factors. There does exist an urgent need to explore construction
organizations from the perspective of organizational behavior. Although the complexity of present construction
organizations has been well recognized, it lacks a comprehensive and all-inclusive simulation model that can help
capture the complex organizational behaviors of construction organizations.
1. Autonomous Equipment

Although autonomous equipment is nothing new, it nevertheless has a bright future in the construction industry.
Bulldozers, Cranes and other semi-autonomous equipment are frequently used on different construction sites.
These devices are operated by people, and they automatically gather data as they move around. These devices
are chosen to handle materials or carry out tasks and makes workers work easy.

2. Building Information Modelling

Another illustration of construction technology is building information modelling. BIM is a method for organising
and producing all the digital information related to a project's various components. Construction companies can
theoretically construct a project using building information modelling before beginning any actual work. They can
anticipate any issues or inefficiencies that might develop during the construction process thanks to this

3. Computer Aided Design

A lot of engineers and architects use CAD software every day. Construction software systems can provide 2D or
3D designs of new buildings as a replacement to human drawings. The construction industry may benefit greatly
from and use this software. Contractors produce a plan they can use for the whole duration of a project using the
designs created by architects.

4. Prefabrication

Assembling a modular building is a game-changer for contractors since it takes far less time than starting from
scratch. When project completion deadlines are tight, prefabrication has proven a huge benefit to construction
management. Prefabrication is an environmentally beneficial construction technique in addition to saving time
and money. Additionally, because the manufactured components follow tight standards, it offers consistent

5. Laser Scanning

One of the most often used forms of construction technology is laser scanning. Tools for laser scanning offer
precise data about a location. By giving the construction manager specific data and advancing the planning and
detailing process, they increase construction accuracy and quality. Managers or contractors are not required to
wait for someone else to finish the site evaluation. They offer a rapid scan and help your contractors save time.

1. Safety Helmets

If you are working on a construction site or not, head protection is a must. This is an essential requirement because
there is always a chance that objects will fall from a height, injuring your head as a result. Therefore, protective
headwear is necessary to safeguard both employees and visitors from dangerous threats. The most common piece
of protective equipment is a hard hat, which protects the head from risks including falling items and electricity.

2. Safety Eye-Glasses

Typical activities at construction sites include grinding, welding, cutting, nailing, etc. There is always a chance that
dust or other foreign objects will end up in the eyes. Workers should prioritize wearing eye and face safety gear
because of this. Construction site work can be very demanding; thus, it is important to take the utmost precaution
to safeguard these delicate areas.

3. Safety Shoes

Studies reveal that sliding or tripping over things is the primary cause of accidents on construction sites. The risk
here is only increased by unreliable footwear. Workers must wear sturdy boots with non-slip bottoms that are pierce-
resistant and should be made aware of the risk of large objects dropping.

4. Safety Gloves

Hands are used for the majority of jobs, including welding, electrical repairs, fittings, etc., thus it's important to keep
them protected. Several different kinds of gloves can be used to guard against chemicals, electrical risks, and general
sharp and cutting item contact. To guarantee their safety, managers should emphasize to employees the importance
of wearing gloves in certain circumstances.

5. Safety Jackets

Construction workers should dress in brightly colored attire or high visibility upper body apparel. This is crucial
because wearing bright clothing allows people to be seen from a distance, which is useful in low-visibility situations
like at night or during construction on the roads.


The team has chosen the construction sector, the organisation name is Kuldeep Sing Sethi & Gagan Goel, 2003. The
following data has been generated by survey and interview, the questions have been specially designed for
understanding , solving the problem and to determine the organizational behaviour. We have personally interviewed
6 top level employees which are Anil Kumar Singh (Supervisor), Nikhil Chauhan (Civil Engineer), Rajat Aggarwal (
Civil Engineer), Shishir Gupta ( DGM), Manoj Anna (Project Manager ), and Rakesh Yadav (Safety Officer). They
also have big previous project together like MCR Mall, Radission Hotel and they also worked in Delhi NCR.
According to this primary data, we have represented the analysis and findings.
1. Out of 6 employees, all agreed that they get the opportunity to share their thoughts/ ideas regarding work.
This would help to organization to be more diversified in terms of getting new ideas.

2. The overview of the present management system in the current job roles, apparently out of 6 employees all
wanted some or the other changes in the management, either agreed or strongly agreed upon this questio n.
This directly says more improvements are required in terms of management for better work environment .
3. The improvements what the employees wanted to put more emphasis are mostly on More safety equipment
and New technology. Out of 6 employees 50% chose option 1 which is New technology and the other half
chose option 2 that is More safety equipment.

4. Current safety protocols

Total 1-3 4-5 6-7 8-9

6 0 0 0 6


Out of 6 employees, all of them have chosen the range between 8 - 9. This represent the organization has good safety
protocols for all the workers.
5. In this changing technology how do you adapt it and make it easy for the worker to work.

Total respondent Orientation Skill training Making the Giving them

program on new application of proper time to
technology user friendly for learn and adapt
better skills efficiently
6 2(33.3%) 2(33.3%) 3(50%) 0

Out of 6 employees, 2 employees wanted orientation program on new technology, 2 employees wanted skills training
and 3 of them wanted making application of user friendly tech for better understanding. This implies mostly the upper
level employees wanted the third option for the betterment of workers to work.

It is evident from the responses which have been collected when asked whether employees get opportunities to share
their thoughts/ideas regarding work, it is observed that employees are encouraged to give their insights regarding
work. This helps in creating a positive attitude about the organization among the employees. Employees feel more
valued and perceive being recognized in the organization and thus, it results in more satisfied employees.
When asked regarding the management in their jobs, even though two-thirds of the interviewed employees strongly
believe that the management is satisfactory, there are the remaining one-third of the employees who generally agree
that the management is acceptable but they might be having some difficulties with the managing body of the
company. It is essential that the institution and its managers increase the level of understanding between them and
all such employees as this can potentially damage the trust between employees and the management.
In regards to the topic of improvements needed in the organization, it is seen that the employees are focused on two
areas i.e., induction of newer technology and increasing safety equipment & other safety measures. Keeping
employee welfare in mind, Induction of newer technology is an important facet for this organization. Given that it is
a labor-intensive field of work, technology plays a vital role in making the execution of the job easier, reducing
bodily fatigue and improving worker performance. Furthermore, the construction field carries an advanced risk of
harm and physical injury to the employees. Hence it becomes of great importance that the organization addresses
the safety concerns of its employees. If the workers and employees don’t have confidence in their safety measures,
it can negatively impact the employee's mental wellbeing resulting in lower output. Thus, it is the responsibility of
the organization to ensure workers’ safety and make certain that the employees feel safe in this hazardous working
While enquiring on the current status of safety protocols implemented on ongoing work site, it can be observed that
the majority of the concerned employees are content with the level of safety measures taken by the institution. There
are still a few employees who even though they are satisfied with the current safety protocol, they still expect
improvement in the current safety protocol. This indicates that there are a few employees who are not completely
confident in their current safety. This in turn will negatively impact employee welfare and this as a consequence will
reduce job efficiency.
On the topic of adapting to newer technologies, it is observed that around 33% employees want some form of
orientation program on upcoming technology. About 33% want skill training to stay updated. 50% of employees
want user-friendly technologies for better understanding. This indicates that all the employees may not be fully
capable of adapting with changing technologies. Hence these employees would not be able to function at their full
capacity. Hence, they expect some form of assistance from the organization in the form of orientation programs on
future technologies, giving adequate skill training in using these technologies, and making use of user-friendly tech
which will be better to understand.
The employees interviewed while collecting the data include:
 Supervisor
 Civil Engineer (Junior Supervisor)
 Civil Engineer
 Project Manager
 Safety Officer

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