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2.1 Definition of Health Care System

• combination of resources, organization, financing, and management that culminate in the
delivery of health services to the population
• “All the organizations, institution, resources, and people whose primary purpose is to
improve” (WHO)
• Well-performing health system provides direct health-improving activities

2.2 Goals and Functions of a Health System

1. Improving the health of the population is overarching goal of a health system and
population must be protected from existing and emerging health risk.
2. Improving the responsiveness of the health system refers to providing satisfactory
health services and engaging people as active partners it embodies values in the delivery
of health
3. Fairness in financial contribution It provides social and financial risk protection in healh
Four Vital Health System Functions
1. Health service provision
2. Health service inputs
3. Stewardship
4. Health financing
a. Revenue collection entails collection of money to pay for health care services.
b. Risk pooling is a form of risk management which aims to spread financial risk from an
individual to all pool members and a core function of health insurance companies

 Bismarck Model is named after the Prussian Chancellor, Otto von Bismarck. It uses an
insurance system
 Beveridge Model is named after William Beveridge. health care is provided and funded
by the government through tax payments
c. Strategic purchasing most risk pooling organizations use collected funds and pooled
financial resources to finance health care service for the member
2.3. WHO Health System Framework
1. Service Delivery
2. Leadership and Governance
3. Financing
4. Information
5. Medical Products, Vaccines and Technologies
6 Financing
7. Leadership and Governance

2.4. Philippine Health System

1970: Primary Health Care for All
1979: Adoption of Primary Health Care
1982: Reorganization of DOH
1986: Milk Code 1986
1988: The Generics Act
1991: RA 7160 "Local Government Code"
1995: National Health Insurance Act
1996: Health Sector Reform Agenda
2005: FOURmula One (F1) for Health
2008: RA 9502 "Access to Cheaper and Quality Medicines Act"
2010: AO 2010-0036 "Kalusugang Pangkalahatan"
2013: Sin Taxes for Health
2019: Universal Health Care Law

The DOH as mandated has the duty to:

1. Developing health policies and programs;

2. Enhancing partners' capacity through technical assistance;
3. Leveraging performance for priority health programs among these partners;
4. Developing and enforcing regulatory policies and standards;
5. Providing specific programs that affect large segments of the population;
6. Providing specialized and tertiary level care.

2.4 Directions of the Philippine Health Sector

1. The Philippine Health Agenda (DOH Administrative Order 2016-0038)

 All for Health towards Health For All

2. The Philippine Developmental Plan 2017-2022

 Four key medium-term plans to translate the vison of aspirations
3. NEDA AmBisyon Natin 2040
 A collective long-term plan envisions a better life for the Filipinos
4. Sustainable Developmental Goals 2030
 A compilation of 17 developmental goals that targets poverty
Lesson 3 Philippine Healthcare Delivery System

3.1 Definition of Primary Health Care

 Health care system - Organized plan of health

 Health care delivery - the rendering of health care services.
 Health care delivery system - Network of health facilities and personnel which carries
out the task of rendering health care to the people.
 Philippine Helth Care System – a complex set of oranization interacting to provide an
array of health services in the Philippines

5 Key elements of WHO

1. universal coverage to reduce exclusion and social disparities in health;

2. service delivery organized around people'sneeds and expectations;
3. public policy that integrates health into all sectors;
4. leadership that enhances collaborative models of policy dialogue; and
5. Increase stakeholder participation.

Essential ELEMENTS of Primary Health Care

1. Education concerning prevailing health problems and the methods of identifying, preventing, and
controlling them
2. Locally endemic disease prevention and control
3. Expanded-program of immunization against major infectious diseases
4. Maternal and child health care including family planning
5. Essential drugs arrangement
6. Nutritional food supplement, an adequate supply of safe, and basic nutrition
7. Treatment of communicable and non- communicable disease and promotion of mental health
8. Safe water and sanitation

Other elements of primary health care

1. Expanded options of immunization

2. Reproductive health needs
3. Provision of essential technologies for health
4. Health promotion
5. Prevention and control of non-communicable diseases
6. Food safety and provision of selected food supplements

Management of Primary Health Care

Functions in the Process of Management
1. Planning- Setting priorities and determining performance target
2. Organizing Designing the organization or the specific division, unit or service
3. Staffing Acquiring and retaining human resources, and developing maintaining the workforce
4. Controlling-monitoring staff activities and performance and taking the appropriate actions for
corrective actions
5. Directing initiating action in the organization

Management Principles in Relation to Organizing

Authority, Responsibility, and Accountability

a. Authority is issue orders, make decisions, and allocate resources

b. Responsibility is to perform the assigned tasks and activities
c. Accountability - Reporting and justification of task outcomes
2. Types of Authority
a. Line authority issue orders to their subordinates and
responsible for the results
b. Functional Authority Authorities have power over specific subset of activities
Provision of advice and other services (to assist) to line managers
c. Staff authority granted to specialist in their areas of expertise

3. Centralization, Decentralization, and Formalization

a. Centralization - The top of the organization is responsible for planning and decision-making
b. Decentralization - Planning and decision-making is delegated to thelower branch of the organization
c. Formalization - written documentation provided for the direct control to the employees
4. Staffing refers to theassignment of individuals

The Philippine Health Care System

Complex set of organization interacting to provide an array of health services.
The Department of Health Mandate EO no.119, Sec 3
The DOH (formerly known as Ministry of Health)
Has the responsibility to create, plan, implement, and systematize nation health policies, advocacies,and

A global leader for attaining better health outcomes, competitive and responsible health care system,
and equitable health financing

To guarantee equitable, sustainable and quality health for all Filipinos, especially the poor, and to lead
the quest for excellence in health

Levels of Health Care Facilities

1. Primary Level of Health Care Facilities
2. Secondary level of Health Care Facilities
4. Tertiary level of Health Care Facilities

Levels of Primary Health Care Workers

1. Grassroot or Village Health Workers

 Initial links of the community to health care Provide preventive health care measures and simple
 Encourage programs/activities to improve the socioeconomic level of the community
Volunteers, community health workers, or traditional birth attendants

2. Intermediate Level of Health workers

 1st source of professional health care Attend to health problems that is beyond the
 competency of the village workers Provide supervision, training, supplies, and services that
provide support to front-line health workers

3. First-Line Hospital Personnel Serve as the backup health service providers

 In close contact with the other two health workers

 Physicians with specialty, nurses, dentist, pharmacists, and other health professionals

• Application of both tech and system in the healthcare system

• Use of HIS reduces cost and increase quality of healthcare
• Combination of elements in HIS improves the provision of quality, effective and efficient
• Huge amount of routine data in health care became perplexing to process and analyze.
• Making sense of the large amount of data while ensuring that the processes are valid and
secure is a challenge for health informatics

Health Information Technology (HIT)

The area of IT involving the design development, creation use, and maintenance of information
systems for the health care industry. To provide innovation to health care delivery and
connection among users and stakeholders in the e- health market.

Health Information Ecosystems (Health Interoperability Ecosystem

As a composition of individuals, systems, and processes that share, exchange, and access all forms of
health information, including discrete, narrative, and multimedia (defined by Health Information and
Management Systems Society) care became of data while and secure is
Provides an information infrastructure that uses technical standards, policies, and protocols ofenable
seamless and secure capture, discovery, exchange, and utilization of health information

Health Informatics in the Cloud

Advantages of Cloud Technology

1. Integrated and Efficient Patient Care

 Single access point for patient information

 Physicians can spend more time deciding and performing patent treatment
2. Better Data Management
 Meaningful data mining (examining databases in order to generate new information) More
mined data, more opportunities to identify trends in diseases and crisis

Disadvantage of Cloud Technology

1. Potential Risk to Personnel Information
Vulnerable to data breaches
EMR may be subject to theft or other violations of privacy and confidentiality
2. Cloud Setup Seems Too Complicated and Confusing (Cumbersome)

Health Informatics in the Philippines

 Is the application of both technology and systemsin a health care setting
 . Community Health Information Tracking System
 An electronic medical record (EMR) Released under the general public License
 Developed through the collaboration of the information and Communication Technology
community and health workers
 For use in the PH health centers in disadvantaged areas

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