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UrbanBangladesh Urban Bangladesh

Table-1: Table 1: Trends and Projections of Urban Population in Bangladesh (1941 2015) (1941-2015) Year National Population Growth rate Number (million) (% annual) 41.99 44.17 55.22 76.37 89.91 89 91 111.45 155.80 184.60 1.66 0.51 2.26 2.53 2.56 2 56 2.17 2.08 1.71 Urban Population Number Share (% of Growth (million) total rate (% population) l ti ) annual) l) 1.54 3.67 3.71 1.83 4.14 1.74 2.64 4.78 3.74 6.00 7.86 6.52 13.56 13 56 15.08 15 08 10.97 10 97 22.45 20.15 5.17 46.40 29.78 4.67 64.90 36.78 3.88

1941 1951 1961 1974 1981 1991 2005(p) 2015(p) Source: BBS 1991; ADB 1997 BBS, ADB,


Alivelihoodisgenerallydefinedascomprisingthecapabilities,assets, includingbothmaterialandsocialresources,andactivitiesrequiredfora i l di b h i l d i l d i ii i df meansofliving.Alivelihoodissustainablewhenitcancopewithandrecover fromstressesandshocksandmaintainorenhanceitscapabilitiesandassets bothnowandinthefuture. Inlivelihoodframeworkpovertyisthuscharacterizednotonlybyalackof assetsandinabilitytoaccumulateaportfolioofthem,butalsobythelackof choicewithrespecttoalternativecopingstrategies. h i ith t t lt ti i t t i Thepoorestandmostvulnerablehouseholdsareforcedtoadoptstrategies, whichenablethemtosurvivebutnottoimprovetheirwelfare.Inurbanareas pp householdsseektomobilizeresourcesandopportunitiesandtocombine theseintoalivelihoodstrategywhichisamixoflabour marketinvolvement; savings;borrowingandinvestment;productiveandreproductiveactivities; income,labour andassetpooling;andsocialnetworking

Theurbanpooraremostlyemployedinselfmanagedlowpaidjobsintheinformal urbansectorslike b t lik rickshawpulling(29.4%), streetvendingandselling(22.8%), constructionwork(6.4%), ( ), drivingandtransportwork(4.6%), factorywork(5.2%)and personalservicing(7.6%). Asmallportion(4.8%)workingovernmentandsemigovernmentorganizations. A small portion (4 8%) work in government and semi government organizations About35%oftheurbanpoorfrequentlyfaceunderemploymentduetolackof employmentopportunities,physicalillness,stayingintheirancestralvillages. Significantportionsoftheurbanpoor(32%)areharassedphysically,mentallyand sexuallyattheirworkplaces. Theratesofincome,wageandproductivityareverylowamongtheurbanpoor.The averagemonthlyincomeofhouseholdsisonlyTaka4452(US$75). average monthly income of households is only Taka 4452 (US$75)



Only15.6%households,withextendedfamilies,liveinhousingwith morethanoneroom.Themajorityofhouseholds(54%)haveno th Th j it f h h ld (54%) h cookingfacilitiesandtheycookintheirlivingroomoropenspaces. Another46%haveaccesstoacommonchula wheretentofifteen householdsshareonekitchenwithfourtosixchulas.Aboutsixty y percentofhouseholdsusefirewoodandstrawforcooking,which aremostlycollectedbythem. Accesstoelectricityisinadequateandirregular.Mostofthepoor havenoindividualaccesstothecity'swatersupplyandtheycollect waterfordrinkingfromacommonmunicipaltaporfromhand tube wells.Morethan65%ofhouseholdshavenoaccessto tubewells More than 65% of households have no access to seweragesystemsandsharepitlatrines,whicharetemporaryand madebythem.Only17.8%haveaccesstomunicipalwastedisposal facilitiesandtherestofthemdisposeingenerallymarshyland adjacenttotheirsettlements. adjacent to their settlements

Table 2: Table-2: Urban Population in Bangladesh below Poverty Line (DCI Method) Poverty line-1 Absolute Poverty (2122 k. cal per day per person) National Urban Number % of Number % of (million) Pop. (million) Pop. Poverty line-2 Hard core Poverty (1805 k. cal per day per person) National Urban Number % of Numbe % of (million) Pop. Pop r (millio n) 29.5 28.4 3.5 26.4 30.4 28.0 3.8 26.3 29.1 29 1 25.1 25 1 5.2 52 27.3 27 3 24.9 20.0 6.0 25.0

Survey Year

1988-89 1991-92 1995-96 1995 96 2000

49.7 51.6 55.3 55 3 55.8

47.8 47.5 47.5 47 5 44.3

6.3 6.8 9.6 96 13.2

47.6 46.7 49.7 49 7 52.5

Source: BBS, 1998; 2002

HealthServices Health Services

Dhaka'surbanpoorhaveverylimitedaccessto p y theexistinghealthcarefacilities.Only33.4%use servicesfromcityhealthcentres,mostofwhich areoperatedbyNon GovernmentOrganizations are operated by NonGovernment Organizations (NGOs).Themajority(58.2%)gettheirmedicine frompharmacieswithouttheconsultationof trainedphysicians.Inmostofthehouseholds t i d h i i I t f th h h ld (48.6%)traditionalformsofmedicine(folk medicine)areusedalongwithmodernformsof ) g medicine.About29%ofthepoortakemedical adviceregardingmaternalhealthfromtheheath centresoperatedbyNGOs centres operated by NGOs

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