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The Developers are struggling with running their Daily Scrum effectively.

Random people are not able to show up on time, making it difficult to start
the Daily Scrum on time. This is disrupting the flow of the event and makes it
painful to align. As a Scrum Master, what are the most appropriate ways to
respond? (choose the best two answers)
A) Because the Daily Scrum is owned by the Developers, it's their responsibility to
manage and run the event. This includes finding the best time and place. The
Scrum Master can coach them on making decisions that stay in alignment with the
Scrum Framework but does not tell them when, where, or how to run the Daily
B) You ask them what they think should be done to ensure that their Daily Scrum
is effective and meets its purpose. Allow them to own the solution.
C) You advise them to only hold the Daily Scrum when everyone is available at
the same time.
D) You serve the team by contacting the members before the Daily Scrum as a
reminder. This will help them develop a habit.
E) You adapt the time for each following Daily Scrum based on their daily
schedule. This ensures that everyone has commitment of attending on the
following day.

Answer: The correct answer is B, C

Peter has recently joined your Scrum Team as the new Product Owner. The
Developers have been working together on the product for several months and
has a good understanding of the work and business domain of the product.
The Product Owner, being new to the company, needs your help getting
started with his role. As a Scrum Master, what would be the most appropriate
way of helping your Product Owner? (choose the best two answers)

A) Product Owners show commitment by doing whatever is necessary to build the

best product possible – and that means being actively engaged with their
stakeholders and teams. This can also mean delegating some of his responsibilities
if/when needed, although he will still remain accountable.
B) Encourage the Product Owner to start engaging with the product's stakeholders
to understand they needs and expectations. Remind the Product Owner that it's
important to frequently re-align with the changing market and business needs. At
the very minimum, this is done at the Sprint Review with the Scrum Team and
product's stakeholders.
C) Advise the Product Owner to attend the Daily Scrums and actively ask
questions in order to understand what the Developers are working on. He should be
helping the team align their work on a daily basis in order to meet the project
D) Arrange a team building session between Sprints in order to build trust between
the Developers and the Product Owner.
E) Suggest that the Product Owner temporarily delegate some of his/her Product
Backlog responsibilities to the Developers, as they already have a good
understanding of the product. Advise him/her to use this as an opportunity to
actively ask questions and get up to speed.

Answer: The correct answer is B, E

How much time should be spent refining the Product Backlog? (choose the
best answer)

A) The Scrum Team decides how and when refinement is done. The Product
Backlog items can be updated at any time by the Product Owner or at the Product
Owner’s discretion.
B) As much as the Scrum Team agrees is necessary to create enough ready Product
Backlog Items.
C) As much as the Product Owner deems necessary to create enough ready Product
Backlog Items.
D) Up to 10% of the capacity of the Developers in a typical Sprint, but as much as
90% in early Sprints.
E) No more than 10% of the capacity of the Scrum Team.

Answer: The correct answer is B

Steven is a Scrum Master of a Scrum Team that has members working in

different cities and timezones. Organizing the Scrum events is time consuming
and requires a lot of effort to setup and run. The Developers propose only
having the Daily Scrum at the beginning of each week. Which would be the
most appropriate responses from Steven? (choose the best two answers)

A) The Scrum Master is responsible for ensuring that the Scrum Team understands
the purpose and value of the Scrum events. Having a Daily Scrum everyday is an
important opportunity for the Developers to inspect the Sprint plan and adapts how
it will achieve the Sprint Goal. Because the Daily Scrum is owned by the
Developers, it will decide how best to run the event. And if needed the Scrum
Master will coach the team to ensure the decisions stay within the boundaries of
the Scrum framework.
B) Coach the team on the value of having the Daily Scrum on a daily frequency.
C) Ensure that all Developers are in agreement and support their decision.

D) Help the Scrum Team understand the risks associated with reducing
communication. And it can result in becoming more disconnected and making it
more challenging when realigning.
E) Reject the proposal and tell them they must follow the process.
Answer: The correct answer is B, D

A Scrum Team has a total of six Developers, 4 members who work full-time in
the office and 2 members who work part time at home. The Developers are
complaining that it is too difficult to synchronize every day and has suggested
having the Daily Scrum every other day instead. What would be three key
concerns if the Daily Scrum is held less frequently? (choose the best three

A) The Daily Scrum is an internal meeting for the Developers to inspect progress
toward the Sprint Goal and to inspect how progress is trending toward completing
the work in the Sprint Backlog. The Daily Scrum optimizes the probability that the
Scrum Team will meet the Sprint Goal. Every day, the Developers should
understand how it intends to work together as a self-organizing team to accomplish
the Sprint Goal and create the anticipated Increment by the end of the Sprint.
Reducing the frequency of the event will increase the length of the feedback loop
and adds risk if the team deviates too far off-course.
B) It will take longer to raise and resolve impediments.
C) Opportunities to inspect and adapt the Sprint Backlog are reduced.
D) The Sprint plan will become less accurate and transparency on the progress
toward the Sprint Goal is reduced as the frequency of sharing information drops.
E) The Scrum Master loses the ability to update the burn-down chart adequately.
F) The Product Owner cannot accurately inspect utilization of the individual team

Answer: The correct answer is B, C, D

You are a Scrum Master on a new Product initiative. Building this product
will be a scaled effort with multiple teams. To get started, you schedule a
session with the future members so that they can organize into teams. While
providing them with guidelines, some members ask you who should be
responsible for coordinating the work between the Scrum Teams. What is the
best response? (choose the best answer)

A) A Scrum Team is responsible for delivering an increment each Sprint. This

requires the team to have the skills and competencies to not only do the technical
work but also solve challenges that may face. Because the Developers are the ones
doing the work, they are the best ones to decide how to solve/resolve coordination
issues rather than depend on a person external to the Scrum Team. The Scrum
Master will provide support and guidance but would not be the best person to
decide how it is done unless he/she is also participating as a Developer.
B) Tell them that you will interact with all Scrum Teams on a daily basis and
synchronize their Sprint Backlogs for them before each Daily Scrum.
C) Coach them so that they can collectively form Scrum Teams where each team
will have all of the skills and competencies necessary to create a releasable product
Increment by the end of each Sprint.
D) Advise to use version control tools to eliminate dependencies between teams
and coordination issues.
E) Have each team elect one member to attend the other teams' Daily Scrum to
ensure proper alignment across the teams. F) Teach the Product Owner to assign
team labels to the items in the Product Backlog to know which team will be
working on what items.

Answer: The correct answer is C

Which of the following best describes a Sprint Goal? (choose the best two

A) The number of items selected from the Product Backlog for the Sprint is solely
up to the Developers. Only the Developers can assess what it can accomplish over
the upcoming Sprint. The Sprint Goal is an objective set for the Sprint that can be
met through the implementation of Product Backlog. It provides guidance to the
Developers on why it is building the Increment. It is created during the Sprint
Planning meeting. The Sprint Goal gives the Developers some flexibility regarding
the functionality implemented within the Sprint. The selected Product Backlog
items deliver one coherent function, which can be the Sprint Goal. The Sprint Goal
can be any other coherence that causes the Developers to work together rather than
on separate initiatives.
B) The Sprint Goal is used at the end of the Sprint to check that all of the work
agreed to in the Sprint Planning has been completed.
C) Sprint Goals offers flexibility, fosters teamwork, and encourages creativity of
the Developers when doing the work during the Sprint.
D) The Sprint Goal is determined collectively by the Scrum Team. It is based on
the Product Owner's business objective and forecasted Product Backlog items for
the Sprint.
E) The Sprint Goal is a living artifact that changes and evolves as new insights
emerge during the Sprint.

Answer: The correct answer is C, D

A person on the Scrum Team who is typically cheerful and outgoing is now
very quiet and reserved. When asked about this, he tells you that no one is
acknowledging his suggestions and feedback. This makes him feel like he's not
a part of the team as no one else is being ignored. Which Scrum Values has
the Scrum Team been neglecting? (choose the best three answers)

A) Scrum Team members have courage not to fear differing opinions and ideas.
The Scrum Team agree to be open about what they think and have effective
dialogues. Scrum Team members respect each other by listening to their ideas and
seeing other perspectives.Team members also show respect by having the courage
to be open about their ideas and perspectives.Transparency is a condition and one
of the three pillars of empiricism but not a value. For that fact, it cannot be a valid
B) Commitment
C) Respect
D) Transparency E) Focus F) Openness G) Courage

An organization has 3 major products, each with separate Product Backlogs.

Each Product Backlogs has 2 dedicated Scrum Teams. How many Product
Owners might the organization have? (choose the best two answers)

A) For every Product, there is a Product Backlog. For every Product Backlog there
is a Product Owner. The Product Owner can be fully committed to a single product
or can be part time, as long as the product has a Product Owner. The Product
Owner is the sole person responsible for maximizing the value of the product. This
reduces complexity in knowing who is making what decisions and why. He/she
may delegate his/her responsibilities to the Scrum Team members but will still
remain accountable for the outcome of those responsibilities.
B) Three Product Owners. One for each product.
C) Enough Product Owners to delegate as much work needed to maximize
utilization of all Developers across Scrum Teams.
D) Six Product Owners. One for each Scrum Team.
E) One Product Owner for all three products.

Answer: The correct answer is B, E

The Scrum Guide describes Scrum as a framework for developing, delivering,

and sustaining complex products. What should you have awareness of when
working in this complex domain? (choose the best four answers)
A) Scrum is a framework within which people can address complex adaptive
problems, while productively and creatively developing, delivering, and sustaining
complex products of the highest possible value. Scrum employs an iterative,
incremental approach to optimize predictability and control risk.
B) How complex and uncertain is the requirements.
C) How stable and complex is the technology.
D) How different the skills and relations are between the people. E) What is the
timescale of the planned work.
F) How clear and detailed are the handoff stages.

Answer: The correct answer is B, C, D, E

You are a Scrum Master that has just been hired to help a Scrum Team.
Their Sprints are 4 weeks long and there are 11 Developers on the Scrum
Team. After a few Sprints, you've observed that the Product Backlog rarely
changes and when it does it's only to add additional description to the items.
Each item can only be worked on by specific individuals but they are able to
complete the work with little issue or problems. During the Sprint Plannings,
you are unable to help the team come up with meaningful Sprint Goals as the
items are random and unrelated. What is LIKELY to be causing this
problem? (choose the best three answers)

A) Many people misinterpret the Scrum Guide as stating the Scrum Team size is
limited to 3-9 members. In reality, Scrum only states that teams typically consist of
10 or fewer people. There are risks of having too little or too many members. As
the number of members increase, the lines of communication also increase. This
can be calculated using the Group intercommunication formula: n(n − 1) / 2 where
n is the number of of members. Some teams are able to handle the risk and
""synergize"" whereas others might struggle. Saying that, the relationship between
defining a Sprint Goal and Development Team size is unclear. But the relationship
between the ordering of the Product Backlog, the PO having clear objectives, and
the Sprint Goal are [i]direct[/i]. The Product Owner typically comes to the the
Sprint Planning with a business objective in mind and Product Backlog items
related to the business objective. After deciding what can be done for the
upcoming Sprint, the Scrum Team will craft a Sprint Goal that would be met
through the implementation of the items. This is not dependent on the size of the
team nor length of the Sprint. Scrum is also a framework that's fit for purpose.
Some projects/products are not fit for Scrum...or better stated - Scrum is not
suitable for all projects/products.
B) The Sprints are too long.
C) The Product Owner is not empowered to make Product Backlog decisions.
D) The Product Owner doesn't have business objectives he wants to achieve in the
Sprints. E) Scrum might not be the most suitable framework for this product.
F) There are too many Developers on the team.

Answer: The correct answer is C, D, E

QUESTION 13In Scrum, how would budgeting and financial forecasting be

performed? (Choose two.)
A.Frequently inspect the outcomes of the delivered Sprint Increments to
understand how much value is beingproduced per investment spent.
B.A single release may be funded with several Sprints where every Sprint is
producing shippable increments.
C.Budgeting is not necessary as the only funding necessary is the operational costs
of the Scrum Teams.
D.Fixed budgets are not allowed in Scrum.

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