Mobile Application Sample Test Cases (Version 1) .XLSB

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Feature Name Feature ID Test Scenario

Care Team CAT-3369 Login


Care Team CAT-3369 Add/ Modify/

Actionability Delete This Visit
Care Team
Member/ Medical
Services or Teams
Care Team CAT-3369

Care Team CAT-3369


Care Team CAT-3369


Care Team CAT-3369


Care Team CAT-3369

Care Team CAT-3369

Care Team CAT-3369


Care Team CAT-3369


Care Team CAT-3369


Care Team CAT-3369


Care Team CAT-3369 Add/ Modify/

Actionability Delete Ongoing
Care Team
Care Team CAT-3369

Care Team CAT-3369


Care Team CAT-3369


Care Team CAT-3369


Care Team CAT-3369


Care Team CAT-3369

Care Team CAT-3369

Care Team CAT-3369


Care Team CAT-3369


Care Team CAT-3369


Care Team CAT-3369


Care Team CAT-3369


Care Team CAT-3369

Care Team CAT-3369 Add/ Modify/
Actionability Delete Personal
Care Team

Care Team CAT-3369


Care Team CAT-3369

Test Case ID Test Case Description Execution Steps
CCAT_3369_Login Login: Compass (Deveng)

CAT_3369_1 Add Me (This Visit) adds the 1. Click on the + Sign on Right
Care Team member in This Visit top
Section 2. Click on Add me (This Visit)

CAT_3369_2 Modify details of This Visit Care 1. Click on the Care Team
Team member - Role member added CAT_3369_1
2. Click on Modify button
3. Change the Role
4. Cick Save

CAT_3369_3 Modify details of This Visit Care 1. Click on the Care Team
Team member - Phone member added CAT_3369_2
2. Click on Modify button
3. Change the Phone Format
4. Change the Type
5. The Phone field should show a
validation "The Phone number is
6. Enter the Phone number
7. If the phone number is not in
correct format, there should be
an error displayed "The number
entered does not match the
format selected"
6. Cick Save

CAT_3369_4 Remove This Visit care team 1. Click on the Care Team
member member added CAT_3369_1
2. Click on the Remove Button
3. The Warning message should
pop up "Are you sure you want to
remove this member?"
3. Click on Remove

CAT_3369_5 Add This Visit Contact adds 1. Click on the + Sign on Right
Care Team Member in This Visit top
section - Service 2. Click Add This Visit Contact
3. Select the Facility (Baseline
East Medical Center
4. Select a Medical Service -
5. Click Add

CAT_3369_6 Add This Visit Contact Remove 1. Click on Med Service added in
Care Team Member in This Visit CAT_3369_5
section - Service 2. Click on the Remove Button
3. The Warning message should
pop up "Are you sure you want to
remove this member?"
3. Click on Remove
CAT_3369_7 Add This Visit Contact adds 1. Click on the + Sign on Right
Care Team Member in This Visit top
section - Team 2. Click Add This Visit Contact
3. Select the Facility (Baseline
East Medical Center
4. Select a Medical Service
5. Select a Team
6. Select Personnel as Team
7. Click Add

CAT_3369_8 Add This Visit Contact Replace 1. Click on Medical Service and
Team as Care Team Member in Team added in CAT_3369_7
This Visit section 2. Click Replace Button
3. Select Personnel Name (For
eg: Huber, Dennis)

CAT_3369_9 Add This Visit Contact Update 1. Click on Personnel added in

Role CAT_3369_8
2. Click Modify Button
3. Select Role
4. Click Save

CAT_3369_10 Add This Visit Contact Update 1. Click on Personnel added in

Phone CAT_3369_8
2. Click on Modify button
3. Change the Phone Format
4. Change the Type
5. The Phone field should show a
validation "The Phone number is
6. Enter the Phone number
7. If the phone number is not in
correct format, there should be
an error displayed "The number
entered does not match the
format selected"
6. Cick Save

CAT_3369_11 Remove This Visit Med Service 1. Click on Personnel added in

and Team Personnel CT CAT_3369_8
member 2. Click Remove
3.The Warning message should
pop up "Are you sure you want to
remove this member?"
4. Click on Remove

CAT_3369_12 Add Ongoing Personnel 1. Click on the + Sign on Right

2. Click on Add me (Ongoing)
CAT_3369_13 Add Ongoing Personnel 1. Click on CT member added in
Remove CAT_3369_12
2 Click Remove
3.The Warning message should
pop up "Are you sure you want to
remove this member?"
4. Click on Remove
CAT_3369_14 Add Ongoing Contact Med 1. Click on the + Sign on Right
Service top
2. Click Add Ongoing Contact
3. Select the Facility (Baseline
East Medical Center
4. Select a Medical Service
5. Click Add

CAT_3369_15 Add Ongoing Contact Med 1. Click on Med Service added in

Service Remove CAT_3369_14
2 Click Remove
3.The Warning message should
pop up "Are you sure you want to
remove this member?"
4. Click on Remove

CAT_3369_16 Add Ongoing Contact Med 1. Click on the + Sign on Right

Team top
2. Click Add Ongoing Contact
3. Select the Facility (Baseline
East Medical Center
4. Select a Medical Service
5. Select a Team
6. Select Personnel as Team
7. Click Add

CAT_3369_17 Add Ongoing Contact Replace 1. Click on Medical Service and

Med Team with Personnel Team added in CAT_3369_16
2. Click Replace Button
3. Select Personnel Name (for Eg
Huber, Dennis)

CAT_3369_18 Add Ongoing Contact - Change 1. Click on Personnel Name

Role added in CAT_3369_17
2. Click Modify
3. Select Role
4. Click Save

CAT_3369_19 Add Ongoing Contact - Update 1. Click on Personnel Name

Phone Number added in CAT_3369_17
2. Click on Modify button
3. Change the Phone Format
4. Change the Type
5. The Phone field should show a
validation "The Phone number is
6. Enter the Phone number
7. If the phone number is not in
correct format, there should be
an error displayed "The number
entered does not match the
format selected"
6. Cick Save
CAT_3369_20 Add Ongoing Contact - 1. Click on Personnel Name
Remove Med Ser and Team- added in CAT_3369_17
Personnel 2 Click Remove
3.The Warning message should
pop up "Are you sure you want to
remove this member?"
4. Click on Remove

CAT_3369_21 Add Ongoing Contact - Add 1. Click on the + Sign on Right

Free Text top
2. Click Add Ongoing Contact
3. Click on Add Free Text
4. Enter First Name
5. Enter Last Name
6. Select Role
7. Update Phone Format
8. Update Phone Type
9. Update Phone number
10. Click Save

CAT_3369_22 Add Ongoing Contact - Modify 1. Click on Personnel added in

Role CAT_3369_21
2. Click Modify
3. Change Role
4. Click Save

CAT_3369_23 Add Ongoing Contact - Modify 1. Click on Personnel added in

Phone Number CAT_3369_21
2. Click Modify
3. Change the Phone Format
4. Change the Type
5. The Phone field should show a
validation "The Phone number is
6. Enter the Phone number
7. If the phone number is not in
correct format, there should be
an error displayed "The number
entered does not match the
format selected"
6. Cick Save

CAT_3369_24 Add Ongoing Contact - 1. Click on Personnel added in

Remove CAT_3369_21
2 Click Remove
3.The Warning message should
pop up "Are you sure you want to
remove this member?"
4. Click on Remove

CAT_3369_25 Add Ongoing Contact Med 1. Click on Med Service added in

Team - Change Role CAT_3369_14
2. Click Modify
3. Change Role
4. Click Save

CAT_3369_26 Add Ongoing Contact Name- 1. Click on Personnel added in

Change Name CAT_3369_21
2. Change First Name
3. Change Last Name
4. Click Save
CAT_3369_27 Add Personal Contact 1. Click on the + Sign on Right
2. Click Add Personal Contact
3. Enter First Name
4. Enter Last Name
5. Select Role
6. Select Relationship
7. Update Phone Format
8. Update Phone Type
9. Update Phone number
10. Update Address,City, State,
Zip Code
10. Click Save

CAT_3369_28 Modify Personal Contact 1. Click on Personal Contact

added in CAT_3369_27
2. Click Modify
3. Modify First Name
4. Modify Last Name
5. Modify Role
6. Modify Relationship
7. Modify Phone Format
8. Modify Phone Type
9. Modify Phone number
10. Modify Address,City, State,
Zip Code
11. Click Save

CAT_3369_29 Remove Personal Contact 1. Click on Personal Contact

added in CAT_3369_27
2. Click Remove
3.The Warning message should
pop up "Are you sure you want to
remove this member?"
4. Click on Remove
Expected Result Actual Result Execution Status

The Care Team Member gets

added in the This Visit Section
DEVENG: Dev, Compass
64DEV : EPAM, Doctor
The Care Team member's role
reflects the updated Role in This

The Care Team member's

updated Phone number is
displayed in the Care Team

The Care Team Member is

removed from the Care team list

The Medical Service is added in

This Visit Contact

The Medical Service is added in

This Visit Contact
The Medical Service and Team
will be displayed as Care Team

The Medical Service and Team

will be replaced to Personnel
Name and Medical Service and
Teams will displayed under

Updated role for Personnel

reflects under Role Column in
This visit

The Care Team member's

updated Phone number is
displayed in the Care Team

The CT member is removed from

Ongoing section

The CT member is added under


The CT member is added under

The Medical Service is added in
Ongoing Contact

The Medical Service is added in

Ongoing Contact

The Medical Service is added in

Ongoing Contact

The Medical Service and Team

will be replaced to Personnel
Name and Medical Service and
Teams will displayed under

The updated role of the Care

Team member is relected under
Ongoing Role Section

The updated Phone Number of

the Care Team member is
reflected under Ongoing Role
The CT member is removed from
Ongoing section

The New CT member reflects

under Ongoing Section

The updated role of the Care

Team member is relected under
Ongoing Role Section

The updated Contact details of

the Care Team member is
relected under Ongoing Role

The CT member is removed from

Ongoing section

The Medical Service shows

updated Role under Role Section

Update name reflects in under

CT member
Personal CT members reflect in
Personal Section

Modified Personal CT members

reflect in Personal Section

Personal Contact removed from

The Personal Section
Nursing Connect Connect Messenger
Actual Result Execution Status Actual Result
Connect Messenger
Execution Status Comments Evidence

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