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Integrated Curriculum

1. What is Integrated Curriculum

Answer: A curriculum that is integrated means that learning is

generated across conventional subject areas and that learning
experiences are planned to reinforce one another. The child's capacity
to apply what they learn in one context to another is enhanced by this

2. Approaches to Integration

Answer: We identified three approaches to integration—

multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary, and transdisciplinary—in our
respective settings. Our classifications of these groups were based in
part on our own field experience experiences.

3. Methods of Curriculum Integration

Answer: There are three methodologies that are generally

acknowledged for constructing curricula: subject-centered. Problem-
centered. Learner-centered.
4. Types of Integrated Curriculum

Answer: These are the types of Integrated Curriculum. Parallel

Curriculum Integration. Infusion Curriculum Integration.
Multidisciplinary Curriculum Integration. Transdisciplinary Curriculum

5. Benefits of Integrated Curriculum Models

Answer: With the aid of integrated curricula, students can gain a

deeper knowledge of the course material and learn how to use what
they have learned in the classroom in practical settings. In the end, this
aids in preparing them for their subsequent coursework, careers, and
general life.

Salmeron, Ina Jane Van Allen P. BPED 3A

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