SPEAKING How To Approach Non

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SPEAKING How to approach

non-accidental injury

N Hello. I'm liza, one of thenurse in the department here. I just

wanted to speak to you about, Daniel. I understand. You're, his
relative. Is that right?
That's right. I'm his grandmother,.
N And what was your name?
I am Mary
N and Daniel's four months is that right?
That's right.
N Just to check with talking about the right person and he's
been looked after next door with my nursing colleagues that,
Yes. Yeah.
N Okay.now I just want to find out a bit of a understanding and
a bit of background about what actually happened today.
N I know that you might not be sure either, but I'm just going to
ask you a few questions to see if we can get to the bottom of
what's happened. Is that okay?
Yes, that's fine.
N You bought Daniel here and why did you bring him here?
What did you notice?
When I got home, I done anight shift at the hospital and when I
got in my partner was just leaving because he had togo to work
and he just said it needs changing. So, I went upstairs and I
could see this
He was upset, but sometimes he is one, he needs changing. So,
I was changing his nappy and then I could, I noticed that his arm
was swollen and he wasn't moving it, his normally, you know,
quite a wavy Smiley baby. So definitely wasn't himself and then
causing the swelling. I just thought that doesn't look right. So I
brought him here, straight away and he had my daughter's on
holiday, she's having a break. It's a single parent.
N So that's how it comes that me and my partner and looking
after Daniel at the moment.
N And does your daughter know that you're here at the
And I haven't, I haven't found her yet because I just I don't
want to upset her you know.
N And is it just you and your partner at home?
Yes. Yes. And yes. Yeah,
N and has Daniel being. Otherwise is here. A normal. Happy
Yes. Jen . Really speaking . He's great, you know, I could, I
mean, yeah, he's doing all the right things , you know, I mean,
he gets to the colicky in the evening and sometimes at night
that bothers him, you know? But then that's babies, isn't it? So
it's not unusual. I don't think
N how long's he been with you as I know your daughter's away.
It's yeah, long holiday, or is he just being cheesy days?
Just a few days? She's having. I can it along way. Weekend
break . So she's due back in the day after tomorrow, but
probably my life to phone. And once we know what it,
N and if you and your partner being coping okay with him, I
know it can be abit difficult when you're not used to a baby.
Well, I mean, I'm used to Children, you know. And that's that's
all right, and I think my partner's been, okay, but to be honest
with you, it It's quite a new relationship.So, you know, perhaps
Perhaps I made the wrong decision to go into work last night.
They called me because they were short-staffed, there was a lot
of people are sick and I went in and I I'm regretting it really
N Yeah, okay and obviously we don't know what's happened at
the moment, but I think there's lots of questions that that
everybody's answeringfor.
N Just go back to Daniel is here, normally you mentioned his
normally quite happy and hemedical problems that he has
. No. Not that not that you're aware. Aware of. No. No and
N and any medical problems like osteogenesis or anything. Run
in the family. I don't know if you've heard that word before
. Well I'm assuming something to do with bones. But I'm not
that I'm aware of. No,
N the appears to be seeing things and following objects.. As far
as you can tell, it's not as you had any injuries before.
N Okay. And, and in terms of what it Daniel is doing himself, is
he and is he starting to roll over yet or not? Quite yet, it would
be a bit early
. Yes. Know what I mean? He likes wavering toys, you know,
anything like squeaky thing. Things.
N And okay, and you're obviously based here is your daughter
local? Or is she a bit further away
she lives about two miles away. Team is a the same Council
area? Essentially . Yes.
N Okay so while I've been talking to you my colleagues have got
an x-ray which confirms that and as we suspected, there is a
break in Daniels arm and the type of break that there is. It's
very unlikely. That he'll have broken it just spontaneously. So it
looks like some sort of force has been applied to his arm
and it might be that there's something that we haven't found
out about Daniel yet. That makes him more likely to be those
things, but Ithink we need to do a bit more investigating to try
and get to the bottom of how this happened. And I can see that
you're already wanting to speak to your partner and that you're
already having some questions for him. And I think we probably
do need to speak to him. But for now we definitely need to
keep Daniel in the hospital overnight and maybe longer both to
keep him comfortable but also to do a few more tests to find
out what else might be going on. So we'll need to do a full
examination and a full survey of all his bones and check. There's
no medical reason why this unexplained injury might have
happened. We'll need to speak to the Social Services team.
N Which is why I asked if your daughter was local
N And just to check that there's nothing else happening that
we're unaware ofand if it does turn out that, it is your partner.
That's been harming. Daniel will need to make sure we come up
with a plan to keep Daniel safe and and any other children safe,
I know this is a lot to take in and it's going to be something
that's going to take a few days to sort out.
N But what questions did you have for me or us at the
I'm just wondering what I should do. You know ? I should
contact my daughter. I think that.
N Do you think your daughter would like, to know?
N so I would contact your daughter and I would speak to your
partner if you don't think it's going to cause you any danger
because it might be that, there's something that he hasn't told
you that would explain everything without us. All needing to
N But for now you're going to have a million. People will come
and ask you the same questions that I've Ta the pediatricians
will come and speak to you. Social Services will come and speak
to you. Everyone will come and speak to you. And but yes, I
think you should speak to your daughter and speak to your
all right. It's Daniel. Okay. Now
N Daniels, fine, we're giving him some pain relief and we're
making him nice and comfortable, and happy, you can come
and see him in a minute, but we'll make sure one of the nurses
is there with you.
Can I get you a cup of tea? Okay, thank you. Okay, I'll do that.

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