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Instructions: Briefly answer the short questions below with at least two to five sentences.

You may use

English and Filipino to satisfy the questions. All Reading Memo must be submitted in Word format with
this naming format: Surname_Week No_Reading Memo

Deadline: Friday, 11:59 PM

Name: Danica Joyce M. Diamos Student No: TA2020-0021
Week No: 4 Topic: Stereotype Prejudice and

1. 1 or 2 new concepts or principles I did not know before

Before I did not know that...Now I know that...
There are various kind of beliefs about a group of people and that beliefs might be in a bad way or
good, and unjustified or incorrect attitude towards a person, and in my opinion regarding this manner
is wither you show good characters towards a person they were still treat you in a opposite way, most
especially when this person is a criminal.
2. 1 or 2 new concepts or principles I did not understand well
The following concepts, principles, or methods need further elaboration...
3. 1 or 2 conceptual connections I had
This week and last week’s reading materials seem to talk about...
Compared to our previous reading materials, I liked/disliked this week’s topic
Because this topic seems interesting
After reading the material, I now think that…
I might understand this topic very well

Adapted from Clemente, J.A.R. (2020). Psych 259 The Filipino Personality Course Pack. University of the Philippines Diliman.

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