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Instructions: Briefly answer the short questions below with at least two to five

sentences. You may use English and Filipino to satisfy the questions. All Reading

Memo must be submitted in Word format with this naming format: Surname_Week

No_Reading Memo

Deadline: Friday, 11:59 PM

Name: Diamos Danica Joyce M. Student No. TA2020-0021

Week No. 3 Topic: Psychosocial Perspectives in

Gender and Sexuality

1. 1 or 2 new concepts or principles I did not know before

Before I did not know that...Now I know that...

Before I didn't know the means of Psychosocial Perspectives in Gender and

Sexuality, as well as the Psychosocial Dimension, now I know that there are

three primary psychological domains: affect, behavior, and cognition, and

there are many ways through which the psychosocial dimension of gender

and sexuality can be understood and explained, generally speaking it means

a relational experience.

2. 1 or 2 new concepts or principles I did not understand well

The following concepts, principles, or methods need further elaboration...

I did not understand well the following concepts of "awareness" through

Psychosocial Perspectives Gender and Sexuality, how they are related to

each other? and what is the purpose of awareness in this topic?.

3. 1 or 2 conceptual connections I had

This week and last week’s reading materials seem to talk about...

Compared to our previous reading materials, I liked/disliked this week’s topic


This week and last week’s reading material seem to talk about the

relationship of well being, Compare to our previous reading materials I liked

this week’s topic because I have furthermore clear Perspective regarding

this manner.

After reading the material, I now think that…

This would be an interesting topic to discuss with, and hopefully my

questions regarding this topic will answered.

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