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PHILIPPINE STATE COLLEGE OF AERONAUTICS Associate in Aviation Electronics Technology


Ohm’s Law 1
PHILIPPINE STATE COLLEGE OF AERONAUTICS Associate in Aviation Electronics Technology


1. Obtain a theoretical understanding in the basic principles

of electricity.
CLO 2. Develop creative, logical, critical thinking and problem-
solving skills within the discipline.
3. Explain the concepts involving the fundamentals
laws and theories of aircraft electricity

1. Explain the mathematical relationship between voltage,

current, resistance, and power.
TLO 2. Asses and identify common troubles in a circuit
combination connections.
3. Discuss the basic foundation of all circuit analysis in

1. Identify the three forms of Ohm’s Law

2. Evaluate the voltage, current resistance and power using
MLO ohm’s law
3. Explain the difference between open and short circuits
4. Demonstrate troubleshooting problems in a circuit

Ohm’s Law 2
PHILIPPINE STATE COLLEGE OF AERONAUTICS Associate in Aviation Electronics Technology


1.0 OHM’S LAW………………………………………………………………………………………….4

1.1 Current ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….4
1.2 Voltage ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….4
1.3 Resistance……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..5
2.0 MULTIPLE AND SUBMULTIPLES…………………………………………………………….5
3.0 ELECTRIC POWER AND WORK……………………………………………………………….6
3.1 Power Dissipation and resistance…………………………………………………………………………………..6
3.2 Practical Units of Power and Work…………………………………………………………………………………7
4.0 SERIES CIRCUITS……………………………………………………………………………………7
4.1 Series Resistances Formula…………………………………………………………………………………………….8
4.2 Series IR Voltage Drops…………………………………………………………………………………………………..8
4.3 General Methods for Series Circuits……………………………………………………………………………….8
4.4 Effect of an Open Circuits in a Series Path………………………………………………………………………8
5.0 PARALLEL CIRCUITS………………………………………………………………………………9
5.1 Resistance in Parallel……………………………………………………………………………………………………..9
5.2 Reciprocal Formula………………………………………………………………………………………………………10
5.3 Analyzing Parallel Circuits…………………………………………………………………………………………….11
5.4 Effects of an Open Branch in Parallel Circuits……………………………………………………………….11
5.5 Effects of Short Circuits across Parallel Circuits…………………………………………………………….11
6.0 SERIES-PARALLEL CIRCUITS…………………………………………………………………12
6.1 Resistance Banks and Strings in Series Parallel……………………………………………………………..12
6.2 Analyzing Series-Parallel Circuits………………………………………………………………………………….13
6.3 Opens and Shorts in Series-Parallel Circuits………………………………………………………………….14
Effect of a Short Circuit…………………………………………………………………………………………………15
Effect of an Open Circuit………………………………………………………………………………………………16
KEY POINTS……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….17
Activity No. 2…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….18
A. Ohm’s Law..………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………18
B. Series Circuit..……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………19
C. Parallel Circuit……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………19
D. Series-Parallel Circuit…………..……………………………………………………………………………………………20
Honesty Clause……………………………………………….…………………………………………………………………………………21

Ohm’s Law 3
PHILIPPINE STATE COLLEGE OF AERONAUTICS Associate in Aviation Electronics Technology


The letter symbols V, R, and I have an exact

relationship in electricity given by Ohm’s Law.
This law may be stated as follows: The current in
an electric circuit is directly proportional to
voltage and inversely proportional to the
resistance. Ohm’s Law is further expressed by
the statement: 1 volt causes 1 ampere to flow
through resistance of 1 ohm. Fig. 1.1a

The equation for ohm’s law is: With high voltage, the current can have a low
value where there is a very large amount of
I=V/R resistance in the circuit.

which indicates that the current in a given circuit Example:

is equal to the voltage divided by the resistance. 1000 V applied across 1,000,000 Ω results in a
current of only 1/1000 A.
This mathematical relationship between voltage,
current, and resistance was discovered by I = V/R
German Physicist Georg Simon Ohm (1787- = 1000 V / 1,000,000 Ω
1854). I = 0.001 A

At the opposite extreme, a low voltage in a very

low resistance circuit can produce a very large
amount of current. A 6-V battery connected
across a resistance of 0.01 Ω produces 600 A of

I = V/R
= 6 V / 0.01 Ω
I = 600 A
A circle diagram to help in memorizing the Ohm’s
law formulas V = IR, I = V/R, and R = V/I. The V is 1.2 Voltage (V = IR)
always at the top.

1.1 Current (I = V/R)

If we keep the same resistance in a circuit but

vary the voltage, the current will vary. With 12 V
applied in a circuit, the bulb lights, indicating
normal current as the bulb has a 12-V filament.
For zero volts applied, there is no current and the
bulb cannot light. The changing brilliance of the
bulb shows that the current varies with the Fig. 1.2a
changes in applied voltage.

Ohm’s Law 4
PHILIPPINE STATE COLLEGE OF AERONAUTICS Associate in Aviation Electronics Technology

The amount of voltage across R must be the 2.0 MULTIPLE AND SUBMULTIPLE
same as V because the resistance is connected
directly across the battery. The numerical value The basic units: ampere, volt, ohm – are practical
of this V is equal to the product I x R. The IR values in most electric power circuit, but in many
voltage is 2 A x 3 Ω = 6 V. electronic applications these units are either too
small or too big. It is helpful to use multiples and
Formula: V = IR submultiples of the basic units.

Whenever there is current through a resistance,

it must have a potential difference across its two
ends equal to the IR product. If there were no
potential difference, no electrons could flow to
produce the current.

1.3 Resistance (R = V/I)

Whenever V and I are known, the resistance can

be calculated as the voltage across R divided by Fig. 2.0a

the current through it.

Formula: R = V/I
The I of 8 mA flows through a 5 kΩ R. How much
A resistance can be considered as some material is the IR voltage?
with elements having an atomic structure that
allows free electrons to drift through it with V = IR = 8 x 10-3 x 5 x 103
more or less force applied. =8x5
= 40 V

How much current is produced by 60 V across 12


I = V / R = 60 V / 12 x 103
= 5 x 10-3
= 5 mA

Common combination to calculate IR voltage are

Fig. 1.3a
mA x kΩ = V
A box with some unknown material in it is µA x MΩ = V
connected into a circuit where we can measure
the 12 V applied across the box and the 3 A of Common combination to calculate current I:
current through it. The resistance is,
V / kΩ = mA and V / MΩ = µA
R = 12 V / 3 A

Ohm’s Law 5
PHILIPPINE STATE COLLEGE OF AERONAUTICS Associate in Aviation Electronics Technology

3.0 ELECTRIC POWER AND WORK Substituting IR for V,

Power means the rate of doing work. One P = V x I = IR x I

horsepower is equal to 746 W. In electrical P = I2R
1 watt is the power expended when 1 volt moves This is a common form for the power formula
1 coulomb per second through a conductor; that because of the heat produced by current in a
is, 1 volt at 1 ampere produces 1 watt of power. resistance.

Formula for electric power is: For another form, substitute V/R for I.

P = VI or Power = Voltage x Amperes Then:

The unit of electric power is the watt (W), named P = V2 / R
after Scottish Inventor James Watt (1736-1819).
When a 6 V battery produces 2 A in a circuit, for
example, the battery is generating 12 W of Calculate the power in a circuit where the source
power. The power formula can be used in three of 100 V produces 2 A in a 50Ω R.
P=VxI P = I2R =4 x 50
I=P/V P = 200 W
There are three basic power formulas, but each
3.1 Power Dissipation in Resistance can be, in three form for nine combinations:

The heat is evidence that power is used in P = VI P = I2R P = V2 / R

producing current. This is how a fuse opens, as
heat resulting from excessive current melts the Or
metal link in the fuse. The power is generated by
the source of applied voltage and consumed in I=P/V or R = P / I2 or R = V2/P
the resistance in the form of heat. As much
power as the resistance dissipates in heat must Or
be supplied by the voltage source; otherwise, it
cannot maintain the potential difference V=P/I or I2 = P / R or V2 = PR
required to produce the current.
Since we know the relationship between power
The correspondent between electric power and and electrical units, it is simple to calculate the
heat is indicated by the fact that 1 W used during approximate amperage to operate a given motor
the time of 1s is equivalent to 1.0 joule of heat when the efficiency and operating voltage of the
energy. motor are known.

Since power is dissipated in the resistance of a

circuit, it is convenient to express the power in
terms of the resistance R. The V x I formula can
be rearranged:

Ohm’s Law 6
PHILIPPINE STATE COLLEGE OF AERONAUTICS Associate in Aviation Electronics Technology


If it is desired to install a 3-hp (2.238 kW) motor When the components in a circuit are connected
in a 24 V system and the efficiency of the motor in successive order with an end of each joined to
is 75%: an end of the next, they form a series circuit. The
resistors R1 and R2 are in series with each other
1 hp = 746 W and the battery. The result is only one path for
P = 3 x 746 electron flow. The current I is the same in all the
= 2238 W series components.

I = 2238 W / 24 V Since the current is the same in all parts of the

I = 93.25 A circuit:
It = I1 = I2 = I3 .....
3.2 Practical Units of Power and Work

Another unit used in connection with electrical

work is the joule (J) named after English physicist
James Prescott Joule (1818-1889). The joule is a
unit of work, or energy, and represents the work
done by 1 watt in 1 second. The fundamental
principle to remember is that power is the time
rate of doing work, while work is power used
during a period of time.

There is only one current through R1, R2, and R3
Power = Work / Time in series. Electron drift is the same in all parts of
a series circuit.

Work = power x time

1 W = 1 J/s. The joule is a basic practical unit of

work or energy.

1 joule = 1 watt second

1 watt = 1 joule/second

In terms of charge and current

1 joule = 1 volt coulomb

1 watt = 1 volt ampere

Examples of series connections

Ohm’s Law 7
PHILIPPINE STATE COLLEGE OF AERONAUTICS Associate in Aviation Electronics Technology

4.1 Series Resistance Formula

VT = V1 + V2 + V3 + ....... etc.
The total resistance of a series string equals the
sum of the individual resistance. The formula is, Where VT is the applied voltage equal to the total
of the individual IR drops.
RT = R1 + R2 + R3 + R4 ............... etc.
4.3 General Methods for series circuits
Where RT is the total resistance and R1 , R2 , R3 ,
and R4 are individual series resistances. 1. When you know the I for one
component, use this value for I in all
Example: components, for the current is the same
in all parts of a series circuit.
Two resistances R1 and R2 of 5Ω each and R3 OF
10Ω are in series. How much is RT? 2. To calculate I, the total VT can be
divided by the total RT, or an individual
RT = R 1 + R 2 + R 3 IR drop can be divided by its R. However,
= 5 + 5 + 10 do not mix a total value for the entire
RT = 20 Ω circuit with an individual value for only
part of the circuit.
A combination of series resistances is often
called a string. 3. When you know the individual voltage
drops around the circuit, these can be
4.2 Series IR Voltage drops added to equal the applied VT. This also
means that a known voltage drop can be
The IR voltage drop across each resistance is subtracted from the total VT to find the
called an IR drop or a voltage drop because it remaining voltage drop.
reduces the potential difference available for the
remaining resistance in the series circuit. 4.4 Effect of an Open Circuit in a Series Path
Symbols V1 and V2 are used for the voltage drops
across each resistor to distinguish them from the An open circuit is a break in the current path. The
source VT applied across both resistors. resistance of the open is very high because an
insulator like air takes the place of conducting
part of the circuit. Remember that the current is
the same in all parts of a series circuit. An open
in any part results in no current for the entire

The individual voltage drops of 4 V and 6 V total

the same 10 V produced by 10 V produced by the
battery. This relation for series circuits can be

Ohm’s Law 8
PHILIPPINE STATE COLLEGE OF AERONAUTICS Associate in Aviation Electronics Technology

Each resistors in an open circuit has an IR drop of

zero. The reason is that current of practically
zero is the value in all the series components.
Examples of parallel connections
Each R still has its resistance. With zero current
the IR voltage is zero. The formula for the total current IT in the main
line for parallel circuit,
IT = I1 + I2 + I3 + ......... etc.
When two or more components are connected
across one voltage source, they form a parallel
This rule applies for any number of parallel
circuit. Each parallel path is then a branch with
branches, whether the resistance are equal or
its own individual current. Parallel circuits have
one common voltage across all the branches but
individual branch currents that can be different.
You can add the current in A, mA or µA units, as
These characteristics are opposite from series
long as the same unit is used for all the current.
circuits that have one common current but
individual voltage drops that can be different.
5.1 Resistance in Parallel

The total resistance across the main line in a

parallel circuit can be found by Ohm’s Law:
Divide the common voltage across the parallel
resistances by the total current of all the

The parallel resistance of R1 with R2 indicated by

the combined resistance RT, is the opposition to
In parallel circuit, each load unit will receive a the total current in the main line.
portion of the total current flow. The unit with
the highest resistance will receive the least
current flow. The unit with the lowest resistance
will receive the highest current flow. Equal
resistors receive equal current flows.

Ohm’s Law 9
PHILIPPINE STATE COLLEGE OF AERONAUTICS Associate in Aviation Electronics Technology

RT = VA / IT

Parallel Bank – is a combination of parallel When there are two parallel resistances and they
branches. A bank can have two or more parallel are not equal, it is usually quicker to calculate the
resistors. combined resistance. This rule says that the
combination of two parallel resistances is their
The formula for voltage in a parallel circuits is: product divided by their sum.

VT = V1 = V2 = V3 ........
RT = R 1 x R 2 / R 1 + R 2
This formula states that a consistent voltage will
be applied to each unit of a parallel circuit.

5.2 Reciprocal Resistances Formula

The reciprocal formula applies to any number of

parallel resistances of any value.

1/RT = 1/R1 + 1/R2 + 1/R3 + ........ etc.

For the special case of all branches having the

same resistance, just divide R by the number of
branches to find RT.

Ohm’s Law 10
PHILIPPINE STATE COLLEGE OF AERONAUTICS Associate in Aviation Electronics Technology

5.3 Analyzing Parallel Circuits 5.5 Effects of a Short Circuits across Parallel
1. When you know the voltage across one
branch, this voltage is across all the A short circuit has practically zero resistance. Its
branches. There can be only one voltage effect is to allow excessive current.
across branch points with the same
potential difference. The circuit is normal, with 1 A in each branch
2. If you know IT and one of the branch and 2 A for the total line current.
currents I1, you can find I2 by subtracting
I1 from IT.

5.4 Effects of an Open Branch in Parallel Circuits

An open in any circuit is an infinite resistance

that results in no current. In parallel circuits
there is a difference between an open circuit in
the main line and an open circuit in a parallel

The open circuit in the main line prevents the

electron to flow in the line to all the branches. However, suppose the conducting wire at point
The current is zero in every branch, and none of H should accidentally contact the wire is an
the bulbs can light. excellent conductor, the shot circuit results in
practically zero resistance between point H and
G. These two points are connected directly
across the voltage source. With no opposition,
the applied voltage could produce an infinitely
high value of current through this current path.

The open is in the branch circuit for bulb 1. The

open branch circuit has no current, and this bulb
cannot light. The current in all the other parallel
branches is normal because each is connected to
the voltage source. Therefore, the other bulb will

Ohm’s Law 11
PHILIPPINE STATE COLLEGE OF AERONAUTICS Associate in Aviation Electronics Technology

6.0 Series-Parallel Circuits

A series-parallel circuit also called a combination circuit, is any circuit that combines both series and
parallel connections.

Figure 6.0.1

6.1 Resistance Banks and Strings in Series-Parallel

In solution of such circuits, the most important the main-line current IT as VT/RT. In calculating RT,
fact to know is which components are in series start reducing the branch farthest from the
with each other and what parts of the circuit are source and work toward the applied voltage. The
parallel branches. The series components must reason for following this order is that you cannot
be in one current path with put any branch tell how much resistance is in series with R1 and
points. A branch point such as Point A and B in R2 until the parallel branches are reduced to their
figure 6.1.1 is common to two or more current equivalent resistance. If no source voltage is
paths. For instance, R1 and R6 are not in series shown, RT can still be calculated from the outside
with each other. They do not have the same in toward the open terminals where a source
current, because the current in R1 divides at would be connected.
point A into its two component branch currents.
Similarly, R5 is not in series with R2, because of
the branch point B.

To find the currents and voltages in the

figure 6.1.1, first find the RT in order to calculate

Ohm’s Law 12
PHILIPPINE STATE COLLEGE OF AERONAUTICS Associate in Aviation Electronics Technology

To calculate RT in the figure 6.1.1, the steps are

as follows: Remember that the R13 branch is actually the
string of R6 in series with the R3R4 bank. Since
1. The bank of the 12-Ω R3 and 12-Ω R4 in parallel this branch resistance is 10-Ω, with 10 V across
in figure A is equal to the 6Ω R7 in figure B. it, the branch current here is 1 A. The 1 A though
the 4-Ω of R6 produces a voltage drop of 4 V. The
2. The 6-Ω R7 and 4-Ω R6 in series in the same remaining 6-V IR drop is across the R3R4 bank.
current path total 10-Ω for R13 in figure C. With 6 V across the 12-Ω R3, its current is ½ A;
the current is also ½ A in R4.
3. The 10-Ω R13 is in parallel with the 10-Ω R5, Tracing all the current paths from the source, the
across the branch points A and B. Their main-line current through R1 is 2 A. At the branch
equivalent resistance, then, is the 5-Ω R18 in point A, this current divides into 1 A for R5 and 1
figure D. A for the string with R6. There is a 1 A branch
current in R6, but it subdivides in the bank, with
4. Now the circuit in figure D has just the 15-Ω R1, ½ A in R3 and ½ A in R4. At the branch point B, the
5-Ω R18, and 30-Ω R2 in series. These resistances total bank current of 1 A combines with the 1 A
total 50-Ω for RT, as shown in figure E. through R5 branch, resulting in a 2 A total line
current though R2, the same as through R1 in the
5. With a 50-Ω RT across the 100-V source, the opposite side of the line.
line current IT is 100 divided by 50 is equals to 2A.

To see the individual currents and voltages, we

can use the IT of 2 A for the equivalent circuit in
figure D. Now we work from the source V out
toward the branches. The reason is that IT can be
used to find the voltage drops in the main line.
The IR voltage drops here are:

V1 = ITR1 = 2 x 15 = 30 V
V18 = ITR18 = 2 x 5 = 10 V
V2 = ITR2 = 2 x 30 = 60 V

The 10-V drop across R18 is actually the potential

difference between points A and B. This means
10 V across R5 and R13 in figure C. The 10-V
produces 1 A in the 10-Ω R5 branch. The same 10
V is also across the R13 branch.

Ohm’s Law 13
PHILIPPINE STATE COLLEGE OF AERONAUTICS Associate in Aviation Electronics Technology

Figure 6.1.1

6.2 Analyzing Series-Parallel Circuits

1. With parallel strings across the main line, the branch currents and IT can be found without RT.
2. When parallel strings have series resistance in the main line, RT must be calculated to find IT,
assuming no branch currents are known.
3. The source voltage is applied across the RT of the entire circuit, producing an IT that flows only in
the main line.
4. Any individual series R has its own IR drop that must be less than the total VT. In addition, any
individual branch current must be less than IT.

Ohm’s Law 14
PHILIPPINE STATE COLLEGE OF AERONAUTICS Associate in Aviation Electronics Technology

6.3 Opens and shorts in series-parallel circuits

A short circuit has practically zero resistance. Its effect, therefore, is to allow excessive current. An open
circuit has the opposite effect because an open circuit has infinitely high resistance with practically zero
current. In series-parallel circuits, an open or short circuit in one path changes the circuit for the other
resistances. For example in figure below, the series-parallel in figure A becomes a series circuit with only
R1 when there is a short circuit between terminals A and B. As an example of an open circuit, the series
parallel circuit in figure 6.3.2 (a) becomes a series circuit with just R1 and R2 when there is an open circuit
between terminals C and D.

Fig. 6.3.1

Effect of a Short Circuit

We can solve the series-parallel circuit in figure 6.3 (a) in order to see the effect of the short circuit. For
the normal circuit, with S1 open, R2 and R3 are in parallel. Although R3 is drawn horizontally, both ends are
across R2. The switch S1 has no effect as parallel branch here because it is open. The combined resistance
of the 80-Ω R2 in parallel with the 80-Ω R3 is equivalent to 40-Ω. This 40-Ω for the bank resistance is in
series with the 10-Ω R1. Then RT is 40 + 10 = 50 Ω.

In the main-line, IT IS 100 / 50 = 2 A. Then V1 across the 10-Ω R1 in the main line is 2 x 10 = 20 V. The
remaining 80 V is across R2 and R3 as a parallel bank. As a result, V2 = 80 V and V3 = 80 V. Consider the
effect of closing switch S1. A closed switch has zero resistance. Not only is R2 short-circuited, but R3 in the
bank with R2 is also short circuited. The closed switch short-circuits everything connected between
terminals A and B. the result is the series circuit shown in figure 6.3.1 (b). Now the 10-Ω R1 is the only
opposition to current. I equals V/R1, which is 100/10 = 10 A. The 10 A flows though R1, the closed switch,

Ohm’s Law 15
PHILIPPINE STATE COLLEGE OF AERONAUTICS Associate in Aviation Electronics Technology

and the source. With 10 A through R1 , instead of its normal 2 A, the excessive current can cause excessive
heat in R1. There is no current through R2 and R3, as they are short-circuited out of the path for current.

Fig. 6.3.2

Effect of an Open Circuit

In figure 6.3.2 (a) shows the same series-parallel circuit in figure 6.3.1 (a), except that switch S2 is used
now to connect R3 in parallel with R2. With S2 closed for normal operation, all currents and voltages have
the values calculated for the series-parallel circuit. Consider the effect of the opening of S2 shown in figure
6.3.2 (b). An open switch has infinitely high resistance. Now there is open circuit between terminals C and
D. because R3 is in the path, its 80-Ω cannot be considerer in parallel with R2.

The circuit with S2 open in figure 6.3.2 (b) is really the same as having just R1 and R2 in series with the 100-
V source. The open path with R3 has no effect as a parallel branch. The reason is that no current flows
through R3.

R1 and R2 in series as a voltage divider, where each IR drop is proportional to its resistance. The total series
R is 80 + 10 = 90 Ω. The 10-Ω R1 is 10/90 or 1/9 of the total R and the applied VT. Then V1 is 1/9 x 100 V =
11 V and V2 is 8/9 x 100 V = 89 V, approximately. The 11-V drop for V1 and 89 V drop for V2 add to equal
the 100 V of the applied voltage. Note that V3 is zero. Without any current through R3, it cannot have any
voltage drop. The voltage across the open terminals C and D is the same 89 V as the potential difference
V2 across R2. Since there is no voltage drop across R3, terminal C has the same potential as the top terminal
of R2. Terminal D is directly connected to the bottom end of resistor R2. Therefore, the potential difference
from terminal C to terminal D is the same 89 V that appears across resistor R2.

Ohm’s Law 16
PHILIPPINE STATE COLLEGE OF AERONAUTICS Associate in Aviation Electronics Technology


• The three forms of Ohm’s Law are I = V/R, V = IR, R = V/I.

• Power is the time rate of doing work or using energy. The unit is the watt. One watt equals 1 V x
1 A. Watts = joules per second.
• Current is directly proportional to the applied voltage and inversely proportional to the resistance.
Voltage remains constant.
• There is only one current I in a series circuit. I = VT / RT where VT is the voltage applied across the
total resistance RT. This I is the same in all series components.
• The total resistance RT of a series string is the sum of the individual resistances.
• The applied voltage VT equals the sum of the series IR voltage drops.
• An open results in no current in all parts of the series circuit.
• In an open circuit, the voltage across the two open terminals is equal to the applied voltage.
• There is only one voltage VA across all components in parallel.
• The current in each branch Ib equals the VA across the branch divided by the branch resistance Rb.
or Ib = VA / Rb.
• The total line current equals the sum of all the branch current. Or IT = I1 + I2 + I3 + . . . . etc.
• The equivalent resistance RT of parallel branches is less than the smallest branch resistance, since
all the branches must take more current from the source than any one branch.
• For only two parallel resistance of any value, RT = R1R2 / (R1 + R2).
• For any number of equal parallel resistances, RT is the value of one resistance divided by the
number of resistance.
• For the general case of any number of branches, calculate RT as VA / IT or use the reciprocal
resistance formula: 1/RT = 1/R1 + 1/R2 + 1/R3 + . . . . etc.
• An open circuit in one branch results in no current through that branch, but the other branches
can have their normal current. However, an open circuit in the main line results in no current for
any of the branches.
• A short circuit has zero resistance, resulting in excessive current. When one branch is short-
circuited, all the parallel paths are also short-circuited. The entire current is in the short circuit
and bypasses the short-circuited branches.
• To calculate RT in a series-parallel circuit with R in the main line, combine resistances from the
outside back toward the source.
• When the potential is the same at the two ends of a resistance, its voltage is zero. Or if no current
flows through a resistance, it cannot have any IR voltage drop.

➢ It is necessary to understand Ohm’s Law for design and repair of aircraft electrical systems.
➢ The mathematical relationships presented in ohm’s law explain the otherwise mysterious link
between voltage, amperage, and resistance for virtually all direct-current dc electrical circuits.

Ohm’s Law 17
PHILIPPINE STATE COLLEGE OF AERONAUTICS Associate in Aviation Electronics Technology

Activity # 2


1. Why does higher applied voltage with the same resistance result in more current?
2. With 10 V across 5 Ω R, the current I is ___ .
3. With 10 V produces 2.5 A, R is ___.
4. With 8 A through a 2 Ω R, the IR voltage is ___.
5. What horsepower is expended in a circuit in which the voltage is 110 V and the current is
204 A?

Solve the problems (5pts each)

1. A 60 V source is connected across a 30-kΩ resistance.

a. Draw the schematic diagram.
b. How much current flows through the resistance?
c. How much current flows through the voltage source?
d. If the resistance is doubled, how much is the current in the circuit?

2. A 12 V battery is connected across a 2 Ω resistance.

a. Draw the schematic diagram.
b. Calculate the power dissipated in the resistance.
c. How much power is supplied by the battery?
d. If the resistance is doubled, how much is the power?

Ohm’s Law 18
PHILIPPINE STATE COLLEGE OF AERONAUTICS Associate in Aviation Electronics Technology


1. Show how to connect two resistances in series with each other across a voltage source.
2. State the three rules for the current, voltage, and resistance in a series circuit.

Solve the Problems (5pts each)

1. Three 20 Ω resistances are in series across a voltage source.

a. Show the schematic diagram.
b. If a voltage across each resistor is 10 V, how much is the applied voltage?
c. How much is the current in each resistance?
d. Calculate the power supplied by the applied voltage.

2. Draw the schematic diagram of 20 Ω, 30 Ω, and 40 Ω resistances in series.

a. how much is the total resistance of the entire series string?
b. how much current flows in each resistance, with a voltage of 18 V applied across the series
c. Find the voltage drop across each resistance.
d. Find the power dissipated in each resistance.


1. State the two rules for the voltage and current values in a parallel circuit.
2. Give one advantage and one disadvantage of parallel connections.

Solve the Problems (5pts each)

1. How much voltage across the points

a. A and B?
b. C and D?
c. E and F?
d. G and H

2. A parallel circuit has three branch resistances of 20, 10, and 5 Ω for R1, R2, and R3. The current
through the 20 Ω branch is 1 A.
a. draw the schematic diagram.
b. how much is the voltage applied across all the branches?
c. find the current through the 10 Ω branch and the 5 Ω branch.

Ohm’s Law 19
PHILIPPINE STATE COLLEGE OF AERONAUTICS Associate in Aviation Electronics Technology


List down the comparisons of a series circuit and parallel circuit


1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.

Solve the Problem (15 pts)

a. What is the equivalent resistance of R2 and R3 in parallel across points A and B?

b. What is the total resistance RT of the circuit?
c. What is the total current IT in the circuit?
d. How much voltage exists across points A and B?
e. How much voltage is dropped across R1 ?
f. Solve for I2 and I3
g. How much current flows into point B and away from point A?



Ohm’s Law 20
PHILIPPINE STATE COLLEGE OF AERONAUTICS Associate in Aviation Electronics Technology

Honesty Clause

This honesty clause establishes a fundamental social contract within which the College
community agrees to live. This contract relies on the conviction that the personal and academic
integrity of each individual member strengthens and improves the quality of life for the entire
community. It recognizes the importance of honesty, trust, fairness, respect, and responsibility
and wishes these principles to be a defining part of Philippine State College of Aeronautics

The Institute of Engineering and Technology values and fosters an environment of academic and
personal integrity, supporting the ethical standards of the engineering profession, where we
design and build for the benefit and safety of society and our environment.

I agree that the submission of any academic work shall constitute a representation on my part
both that such work has been done, and its submission is being made, in compliance with honesty
and integrity. Furthermore, my responsibility includes taking action when I have witnessed or am
aware of another’s act of academic dishonesty.

Students Name over Signature

Ohm’s Law 21
PHILIPPINE STATE COLLEGE OF AERONAUTICS Associate in Aviation Electronics Technology


Criteria Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor

Content The content is The content is Content is not Content is an Incomplete content is
Development comprehensive, precise comprehensive, precise comprehensive and incomplete the topic is not clearly pointed
and encouraging, clearly and encouraging, clearly encouraging, even not clearly indicated out and not
stated and well stated and well though the topic is not and is not encouraging encouraging (1 out of
supported by the subject. supported by the well supported but (2 of the 5 questions 5 questions had been
(50 pts) The writing and its subject. The scripture addressed.) To have the addressed) addressed with)
purpose are very clear and its purpose are subject matter
(Exceptionally, all clear. (4 of the 5 inconsistent with its
questions were questions were content and to clarify
addressed) addressed in an thoughts. (It addressed 3
exceptional way) out of 5 questions

(40-31 pts) (30-21 pts) (20-11 pts) (10-10 pts)

(50-41 pts)
Organization & Paper structure and The paper structure and The paper's organization Paper structure and Organization and
Structure organization are excellent organization is very clear and structure are clearly organization is not easy structure are not
easy to follow. The and easy to follow. easy to follow. to follow. The suitable for the topic.
transitions of paragraphs Paragraph transitions Paragraph transitions transitions to Paragraph is confused
(20 pts) are present and very throughout the paper throughout the paper paragraphs need and thought is lacking
logical and maintain the are present and logical are present and logical improvement transition.
thought flow throughout and maintain the flow of and maintain the flow of
the paper. thought. thought.

(20-17 pts) (16-13 pts) (12-9 pts) (04 -01 pts)

(08 -05 pts)
Format and Paper follows the exact The paper follows most Most of the guidelines Paper complies with Paper disorder made
References designated guidelines guidelines and includes go through paper. some guidelines. of lacks of elements
and correctly includes incorrect spacing Borderlines, size of Included are incorrect formatting
complete references. between text lines, using paper, inappropriate ink borderlines, paper size, this include as such:
different font sizes with used and 3 references inappropriate ink used borderlines, paper
4 references. are included. and 2 references. size, improper ink
(20 pts) used, overlap text,
copied plagiarized or
prepared by another
person with 1
reference are

(16-13 pts) (12-09 pts) (08 -05 pts) (04 -01 pts)
(20-17 pts)
Grammar Grammar rules, usage are Grammar rules, usage is Grammar rules, usage is Paper made few Language utilizes
Punctuation and fully followed, spelling is followed and spelling is followed and spelling is mistakes in grammar misleading
Spelling correct. Language is very correct. The language is correct. and spelling, language conversional tone,
clear and precise; very clear and precise; Language is clear and lacks clarification or made of numerous
(10 pts) sentences consistently the structure of phrases precise; sentences includes some grammatical and
display strong, varied is consistently strong display varied structure misleading spelling errors.
structure. and varied. consistently strong. conversional tone. The activity was
The activity was The activity was The activity was The activity was submitted two weeks
submitted on time. submitted two days late. submitted four days submitted one week late.
late. late.
(08-07 pts)
(06-05 pts) (04-03 pts)
(10-09 pts) (02-01 pts)

Ohm’s Law 22
PHILIPPINE STATE COLLEGE OF AERONAUTICS Associate in Aviation Electronics Technology


• Basic Electronics first metric edition by Bernard Grob

• Basic Electronics fourth edition by Mitchel Schultz
• Aviation Maintenance Handbook - General FAA-H-8083-30A
• Aircraft Electricity and Electronics Eismin/Bent/McKinley 4TH Edition

----End of Module---

Ohm’s Law 23

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