A2 Test1 Morino

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LEVEL : A2 Date : ……………………..

NAME : …………………………………………….
SUBJECT : ……………………………………………………………………….

Time : 1hrs 30min Test 1.


A. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

(Communicate – hairstyle - talented – performance- interview – passion- promise- truth- intereste)

1.) I really like your new ……………………………. It’s very trendy.

2.) To tell you the ………………………….... I didn’t like the talent show last night.

3.) Barry is really …………………………….. in photography. He has some great pictures in his photo album.

4.) I loved Jane’s …………………………. last night. She’s a very ………………………. dancer.

5.) A: Don’t be late, OK?

B: All right. I ……………………………

6.) This is Kelly’s first ……………………………. for a job and she is very nervous.

7.) These days people usually ……………………………. through the Internet.

8.) Adam has a strong …………………………………… for acting. He wants to be famous one day.

B. Choose a, b or c.
1.) Paul can be so ………………………… sometimes. I can’t stand
a. well-known b. helpful c. rude
2.) Many famous people try to be good ……………………………. for
a. charities b. role models c. awards
3.) I was never ………………………………….. of talent shows. They are
a. aware b. fan c. fond
4.) A lot of people around the ………………………………. world the
problem of poverty every day.
a. adopt b. train c. face

5.) I always ……………………… Julie at tennis.

a. win b. argue c. beat
6.) Lucy rarely watches science-fiction films. She …………………………
a. is into b. affects c. practises
7.) My brother is a very …………………………….. person. He does a
lot of things during the day.
a. active b. confident c. quick-tempered
8.) Charlie has the …………………………………. to make friends easily.
He’s very outgoing.
a. ability b. quality c. assignment
C. Complete with the Present Simple or the Present Progressive of the verbs in brackets.
1. A: Hi, Paul. What ………………………………….. (you / do)?
(you / do)?
B: I ……………………………. (chat) with a friend on the Internet.
2. A: What’s the problem Kevin?
B: I …………………………………… (not / understand) this exercise. Can you help me?
A: Sure.
3. A: ……………………………….. Neil ……………………….. (keep) in touch with his friends?
B: Yes, he ………………………… (often / drop) them a line. He ……………………… (send) an e-mail to Carol
at the moment.
4. A: What time …………………………… (you / usually / have) breakfast?
B: At eight o’clock in the morning. But today I was late. That’s why I …………………… (have) breakfast at
5. A: ……………………………..you…………………………. (get) along with your brother?
B: Well, we (sometimes / argue) but we’re OK.

D. Answer all the questions on a clean paper.

1) Describe the City of Douala and bringing out the characteristics that makes Douala a wonderful city
to visit. (10mks).
2) Talk about yourself in not more than 100 words. (10mks)


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