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Career choice is difficult not only for a child, but also for an adult.

the labor market is changing very quickly. The development of new technologies
contributes to the emergence of professions that were previously written only in
science fiction novels. Not only new technologies can change the future of work,
but also events which take part in our world. In my essay I’d like to pay an
attention to few actual factors, which influence on work, they are scientific
progress and COVID-19, the virus we didn’t even expect. 
What professions are in demand during the pandemic? The list includes a
healthcare specialist, a medical data analyst, an organizer of social assistance
programs in emergency situations, laboratory assistants and technicians, and
nurses. Most likely, the demand for these professions is temporary. However, the
impact of the pandemic on the labor market is not limited to the emergence of
temporary demand for medical professions. Such industries as aviation, tourism
and show business suffer big losses. Owners and top managers of companies will
sooner or later think about whether it makes sense to return employees to their
offices after the end of the pandemic? It is obviously, that the era of large offices is
over: companies in different countries, including Russia, understand that before the
pandemic they spent too much money on renting office space. The most necessary
employees will return to the office, the rest will continue to work from home, go
freelance or part-time. After the end of the pandemic, the demand for the following
professions may increase in the labor market: crises manager, programmer, Big
Data expert, product designer, healthcare companion, personal IT consultant and
broadcast Organizer. For example, companies urgently need experts who can
analyze their business, identify strengths and weaknesses, build an anti-crisis plan
and implement it. Developers of digital products — specialists who are able to
understand the needs of users, who are able to combine a creative and engineering
approach and offer non-standard solutions will be in demand. In the near future, we
expect the use of three-dimensional images and augmented reality. In this regard,
theaters and concert halls will need specialists who can translate content into
digital form. the demand for social workers may increase in countries with a high
level of pension. 
If we take a look from the point of view of scientific progress, then we
expect the following changes in the labor market. When cities are crowded with
cars, the profession of a car mechanic is quite relevant. However, due to the
problems of air pollution from exhaust gases, more and more countries are talking
about the need to switch to an environmentally friendly mode of transport - electric
vehicles. Along with the development of electric vehicles, the world's auto giants
are developing self-driving cars. The development of these technologies means the
gradual disappearance of taxi drivers and truckers. With the development of
robotics, the machines took on many of the duties of the medical staff. For
example, the Japanese RIBA, whose main purpose is to move patients to their
places. Robots have even learned to operate under the control of a surgeon. The
professions of the designer of medical robots and the developer of medical gadgets
will become popular.  A number of professions, such as excavator operator, crane
operator and bulldozer operator, may be replaced by robots in the near future.
That’s why we will need roboticists who can both create and program new
machines. The future police is also waiting for changes. The development of
automatic tracking systems and unmanned aerial vehicles may leave some of the
staff without work. Speaking of journalism, it is impossible not to mention speech
recognition programs and text writing programs that may replace news journalists
in the future. Ontoengineers working at the intersection of linguistics and
programming will help develop the technology. 
Thus, in the modern world, it becomes impossible constantly to exploit the
knowledge and skills once acquired, scientific and technological progress forces us
to learn and master new competencies in order to remain in demand as a specialist.
Some professions may even gradually disappear due to the introduction of new
technologies. Also, the labor market is undoubtedly affected by global changes,
such as pandemic, natural disasters and political agenda. 

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