Ix Plant Tissuesw.s 1ans. Key

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(Under the aegis of The Delhi Public School Society, East of Kailash New Delhi)
PRACTICE Worksheet- 1 (Grade 9)

1. Tissue
2. Cambium
3. Lateral
4. A- apical meristem, B – lateral meristem
5. The cells formed by meristematic tissue take up a specific role and lose their ability to divide. As
a result, they form a permanent tissue. This process of taking up a permanent shape, size and
function is called differentiation.
6. Plants and animals are two different types of organisms. Plants are autotrophic organisms, so
they prepare their own food by photosynthesis. Moreover, plants are stationary or fixed organisms.
Since they do not consume or need much energy, so most of the tissues of plants are supportive.
Animals on the other hand, are heterotrophic organisms. They have to move in search of food,
mate and shelter; so they need more energy as compared to plants. Most of these tissues contain
living protoplasm. There are some tissues in plants which divide throughout life.
7. Meristematic cells are continuously dividing cells so they have a prominent nucleus and dense
cytoplasm. But since these cells do not store food material or waste materials, they lack vacuole.
8. Removing the tip of the sugarcane does not remove the intercalary meristem of the plant. It is
this meristem which increases the length of the plant.
9. The nail will remain at the same position even after 3 years. This is because a plant or tree
grows from its tip (stem or root) not from the point at which it joins the ground. So, the tree will
grow but the nail will remain at the same place on the tree trunk.
10.The Lateral meristems are known as secondary meristems because they are responsible for
secondary growth, or increase in stem girth and thickness

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