Dissertation Marketing

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Dissertation Report
Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for
Master of Business Administration (MBA)
Palak Ghulati
Batch of 2020-22
APRIL, 2022

Table of Contents

Sr.no Index Page No

1. Chapter-1 Introduction 1-11

1.1 What is Marketing Tools 1

1.2 Social Media as a Marketing Tool 3
1.3 How Social Media influence consumer behavior 4
1.4 Pandemic and its effect on social media 5
1.5 Zomato and its social marketing 6
1.6 Pandemic and its effect on Zomato 9

Objective 11

2. Chapter-2 Review Of Literature 12-15

3. Chapter-3 Research Methodology 16-18

1.7 Introduction 16
1.8 Research Problem 16
1.9 Research Design 17
1.10 Sample Design 17
1.11 Data sources 17
1.11.1 Primary Data 18
1.11.2 Secondary Data 18
1.12 Method of Data Collection 18

1.13 Tools used 18

4. Data Analysis and Interpretation 19-30

5. Chapter- 5 Summary, Recommendation and Conclusion 31-34

6. Bibliography 35

7. Appendices 36-37


Social media marketing is the demand of the new age. With the rise in the amount of internet
usage this idea has become influential. Countries especially known for its advance technologies
have already started to capitalize on this idea. And in today’s world the social marketing media
works wonder in comparison of any other media to communicate something to the society.
Business organizations can witness the productive results using the social sites to apply their
marketing communications.

But with increasing numbers of the social media users, the consumer preferences are also
changing. Pandemic has impacted the whole world but social media was the only one platform
that got more users due to covid. So this research was done to scout how effective the social
media marketing is, in the new normal. Throughout the discussion, the social media marketing of
Zomato was also examined. The finding illustrates that Social Media playa a major role in
influencing the purchase decision as it build a brand through strong marketing.


This project would not have been completed without the contribution of few individual. I take
this chance to convey my deep gratitude to my faculty guide prof. Samarjeet Gill. Without her
advice and kind direction this dissertation could not have been completed perfectly.
I should also like to thank all my friends who have succored me during this project, aside from
that, those who have supported me in some way or the other. Finally, at last I am obligated to the
invaluable support of my parents and family who were always there for my whenever I need.


1.1 What are Marketing Tools?

Marketing tools are used by the companies to promote and develop their products and services.
Here ‘tools’ are referred to the strategies, techniques and substances that are helpful for the
companies. The majority of businesses use various marketing tools, such as direct mail,
advertising and market research to increase sales. It is very important to recognize which
marketing tools are the most suitable for the business and to achieve the primary goals and
objective. Businesses basically use these tools to bring awareness about the company and bring
customer engagement and business building.

1.1.1 How does marketing tools help your business?

There are many ways in which marketing helps through your business so let’s discuss some of
the most important:

1. Helps in Brand awareness

This is vital as it gets people familiarize with the brand and the products or services that the
organization offers. It as well acts as an unforgettable tool to customers who can start to
believe in your brand, become faithful clients, and tell their circle about you.

2. Generating Traffic

With more overwhelming number of visitants to the site means acquiring more equipped leads
and eventually growing your sales. The correct and powerful marketing strategy will assist
you through this process. 

3. Increase Revenue

All the business aims to raise their sales and marketing tools can help them accomplish this
goal through various master plans for e.g. enhancing your website and SEO, generated email
campaigns, executing market research to find out the best policy for you, and much more.

4. Trust Building

Developing the highest level of trust in the minds of the customer about your brand create
customer loyalty and redo purchases. For that matter it help in increasing the earnings and
also assists in bringing considerable reviews the two i.e. online and offline through word of
mouth, that is one of the most constructive types of promotion.

5. Trace Your Metric

Metric are unbelievable thoughtful when it come along to create your marketing strategy.
They not only run the strategy and help track its progress, but also inform what can be adapted
or adjusted to continually optimize your campaigns. 

1.1.2 Types of Marketing tools

 Classified adverts,
 Social media
 Internet marketing,
 Surveys,
 Google analytics
 Direct mail,
 Media monitoring tools,
 Customer loyalty programs,
 Automation

From all the marketing tools, in this paper we will focus on effectiveness of Social media

1.2 Social Media as a marketing tool

In the era of internet, Social media is one of the most important marketing tools which help
building online relationship with consumers. Internet has given various tools for promoting the
product and the brand. It has unsealed the opportunity to communicate worldwide for the
consumers and marketers. At present, India has over 1.4 billion people as country’s total
population, and from them 70% are the active users of the social media portals and these figures
are expected to increase in the near future.

In the opinion of Weinberg (2009), he cite, social media marketing as leveraging the ‘social’
through the ‘media’ to ‘market’ businesses’ component. Social Media marketing is the way of
authorizing individuals to advance their products or services through different social media
channels to allure a sizeable amount of audience that may not have been connected via
traditional way of advertising. The advertisements through mass media are no longer as effective
as they were in the past. Social web has become a place where people all over the world with
common interests gather to share thoughts, ideas, information etc. The social media acts as a
channel in which marketers can understand and respond to communities by taking feedback and
promoting the products or services.

1.2.1 What makes social media marketing special?

Companies that are small and medium in size with little budgets can take full advantage of social
media marketing when they have limited funds to use the traditional way of marketing. Though,
social media networking is a progressing idea, the basic concept of marketing remains the same,
which is to target the segment of the population, communicating with prospects, building brand
loyalty and so on.

1.3 How the Social media influences consumer behavior:

Most of the consumers are now on social media. Many consumers are now on social media
network than ever before. When the consumer purchases the product firstly they are looking for
review and recommendation. Social media platform are most important element which
influences the customers. Here are four ways in which social media influences consumer

 Builds products awareness: social media is the essential element in our daily routine. When
people face the problem, they start to find their answers with the assistance of social media.

 Social proof as greater forces of buying decision

 Promotion, discounts, and deals on social media

 Social media influencers: 49% of customers seek guidance from social media influences before
making a buying decision.

1.4 Pandemic and its effect on social media marketing

Data Source: The CMO Survey

Right from the start of the Pandemic, people under lockdown have stated spending more time on
social media than usual. The above data, from the CMO Survey, shows that as an effort to reach
the wide audience the CMOs are spending more of their marketing budgets to social media. The
survey shows that Marketers have use social media mainly for following reasons:

Building brand and its awareness

Retaining Current customers
And obtaining new customers.

1.5 Zomato and its social media marketing

About Zomato

Zomato was introduced with the aim to exist as the place where the entire fine restaurants can be
searched and food can be ordered all together through one app. So it includes the names of

countless eating houses, their menu, prices, reviews and all other essential details. It provides
scrupulously information of more than 1.5 million restaurants over 23 countries.

In Recent years, it has become one of the best online food delivery platform. The customers can
now request food from any restaurants that are near them using their website or app. Zomato
works as courier service where the designated delivery executives go and collect up the order
from the eating place and deliver it to the address given by the customer.

Target Audience

Zomato’s intended audience includes:

 People between age bracket of 18 to 35 years of age

 Who use smartphones and are at ease in using all the apps.
 It focuses on two sets of customers: The first set of the consumers comprise people who
wish to order the food home and the second set includes people who wish to dine out. In
majority of the cases, these two groups are interlinked.
 The main focus in on the working professionals who wish to have food in their offices,
for students who wish to have food in their hostels, for people who do not have space or
time to cook for oneself, and people who sometimes like to eat food from outside

Zomato is active on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. As of March 2022, it has 643k
followers on Instagram, 1,897,557 followers on Facebook and 1.5 Million followers on
Twitter. Let’s understand how they use social media for Marketing:


Zomato has a strong marketing presence on Social Media. It engages with the audience by
posting on trendy topics. The brand understands how to use hot topics so that the audience in the
market can connect with the brand. Hence, it promotes content that makes users share it,

comment on it and view it again and again. It uses trendy topics and posts simple images in order
to interact with viewers online.

Zomato is known for making memes, sending personalized pop-ups and using current affairs, as
they leaves no opportunity to promote their brand on social media. Their tweets on trending
memes are something one shouldn’t miss. Zomato posted something like this when “Rasoi mein
Kaun tha” was trending.

(Source of the image: socialsamosa)

On August 15, Zomato posted a creative post that stated ‘Sorry, not accepting orders
anymore’ .


 To understand the effectiveness of social media advertising with special
consideration to Zomato
 Understanding the impact and effects of the covid pandemic on social media
marketing and consumers buying behavior.
 To discover the future of social media marketing as a tool for Branding in
the post covid Era.


A various types of research studies have been managed on various aspects of on impact of social
media marketing on consumer buying behavior, which is relevant for this research. Some of the
terms related social media, social media marketing, and social networking sites buying behavior
discussed. Some worthwhile studies relating to the present study viewed here.

Arens (1996) mentioned that television is a dominating media for advertising a product as it add
sounds, special visual effects, and motions. The purpose of this study was to find out the role of
television as a marketing tool for advertising the products. As per the study, the message can be
presented flexibly and the illustration and description of a product is also presented on the
Television along with broad topographical exposure. Such characteristics give the television
advertisement an edge over 41 other media.01 However, this trend is now moving towards
multimedia as gradually more and more individuals are spending a considerable time on social
media than TV. It initiates the influence by presenting information for consumers’ buying
behavior and decisions; hence, as a result it affects the behavior after purchase. The purpose of
this study was to find out about the role of social media as the new tool for advertising.
(Mangold & Faulds, 2003)02

Manju Ahuja (2003) In the article the main focus was to find out the factors that particularly
influence the behavior of the consumers during online purchase. The target audience in the study
was the consumers that use B2C websites. The founding from the research was that the buying
preference of consumers coming from distinct demographic background reveals their different
buying approaches and consumer preferences for a particular class of goods and services. The
study reveals that social media is truly the most effective factors that plays an important role in
influencing the buying behavior of customers.03

According to McKinsey Company (2010) In this study, the aim was to find out that does Social
Media has a notable influence on customers specially who are first time buyers of a product. The

study reveals that social media has a greater influence on the products that are highly priced
because the consumers want to perform an additional analysis to get more opinions for buying
the product. This study shows that Social Media has an impact on consumers during their data
search stage of buying a product and as a result, customers tend to use Social Media to fetch data
relating the product and services.04

Diffley et al., (2011) from the research examination, it is evident that, they have evaluated if
social media platforms can be utilized as an efficient tool for selling and either to indulge buyers
to engage in marketing on social media platforms. They say that firms have to take on a distinct
outlook that allures shoppers rather than loading their inbox. Shoppers may get frustrated if more
selling advertisements are forced about the product on them. The authors discuss about creating
an absolute approach to utilize the websites as an advertising tool. In closing the researchers
suggests that if firms want to build a good relationship with shoppers then they have to make
social media platform as an efficient tool for selling.05

Sharma and Rehman (2012) find out that social media marks a huge impact upon consumer’s
purchase behavior and decision regarding the product information posted by people.06 Pietro and
Pantano (2012) discovered the degree of impact of social media such as Facebook in buying
behavior and decision. Facebook and various other social media sites deliver awareness and
details about products. The study also suggests the bright thought about the social media that it
influences the attitude, behavior and cognitive information of the people and products.07

Dehghani et al., (2013) the focus of this study was to search over the knowledge bequest of
customer’s action and reputation of brand. The bequest of knowledge on the social media
happens when a person observes behavior of others and as a result gets influenced and makes a
similar decision. The knowledge is often used for one amongst the effects on shoppers,
Knowledge cascading results in the brand to seem peak or low Customer objective on acquiring
and moreover may have a result on consumers believe in the brand .The main focus

of this study was at customers that have faith on brand image. These type of customers are
affected by the decision taken by others.08

Garima Gupta (2013) In the paper, she examined the effect of social platform on buying of the
product. The outcome from the study showed the factual facts that social media indeed have an
impact on product buying purpose. Specifically, there is a strong implication of following three
factors on shoppers purchasing intention with special consideration to social media:-

 Information about product,

 Team communication
 And the number of product involvement.

It concludes that, as the product is selling through on-line, it cannot be studied; the data
assembled about the commodity on social media and allocating the information among fellow
teams ease consumer’s scan about the commodity and construct decision in accordance with it.09

Geetanjali Naidu (2013) in the study the focus was to look over the effect of social media in
behavior of consumer in Raipur. As per the survey result 75% of the millennials in India utilize
internet for allocating their ideas, views, opinion and comment in many websites. The research
concludes that it is used by paper mainly for gathering information about the product.10

Leslie Klieb (2019) The objective of the paper was to research the actual involvement of social
media in influencing consumers' decision-making process for complicated purchases - those
featured by particular brand differences, high consumer risk and involvement, and which are
costly and infrequent. The result showed that the usage of social media indeed influences
consumer satisfaction in case of information search and possible evaluation, with satisfaction
being increased as the consumer progress along the process towards the ultimate i.e. final buying
decision and after-buying evaluation.11

Ashika et al., (2020) The major aim of this research was to understand the impact of Social sites
Marketing on consumer buying behavior towards clothing. The results revealed that there is a
positive relation between the two. This study also mentions that in today’s world Social Media
Marketing is the most preferred and the most popular form of digital marketing and it contributes
to different studies and marketers who wish to work in a same field on marketing.12

Dr. A.K Tiwari and Manish Kumar Srivastava (2020) The research was conducted with the
aim to study about all the famous social media places and the ways in which it is being used by
the consumers. The authors have also tried to understand the influence of social media on the
consumer buying behavior. This study concludes that social media has actually become an
important part of consumers' life and it has also influenced their behavior to much extent.13

Kiran Raj, K. M., & Nandha Kumar, K. G., (2020) The main objective of this paper is to
understand online food delivery service by using a survey, how Zomato is operating in COVID-
19. . The authors suggested that Zomato has taken lot of steps to come out of the crisis of
COVID-19 and took measures to help its partners using social media. 14


3.1 Introduction
Research is a structured procedure of detecting solutions to problems. It is primarily
scrutinizing, documenting and scanning the purpose of gaining knowledge. Clifford Woody
mentions that research is made up of understanding problems, drawing up hypotheses,
collecting, accessing the data, suggested solutions, reaching conclusions and then testing the
end results to find out whether or not they fit the hypothesis. Taking it into consideration
these factors, great significance has been given to create a proper methodology to get
instructions in this report. The aim of this review is to describe research methodology that
gives a setting for secondary and primary research trends. The key aim of this study is to
understand the impact of social media marketing on consumer buying behavior in the new
normal with particular reference to Zomato. In it, we have researched various reasons that
influence the behavior and preferences.

3.2 Research Problem

Searching out research problems is of great importance in any research as without it
necessity steps of research can’t be created. The study focuses on the influence of social
media as a marketing tool on customer’s buying behavior. In today’s world people start
their day with smart phones and they are easily attracted towards recent updates and ads
in social media accounts. Media platforms like WhatsApp, Instagram, You Tube, Twitter,
Facebook etc. influence consumer buying behavior a lot. Hence the aim of this study is to
find out the impact of covid-19 on social media marketing effectiveness with special
reference to Zomato, Understanding the impact and effects of the covid pandemic on
social media marketing and consumers buying behavior and the future of social media
marketing as a tool for Branding in the post covid Era. The same has not been touched
and studied in any of the prior researches. Therefore, with this study, a new area will
open which has been yet not discussed. This study will consider, gather and evaluate
input from all the age group.

3.3 Research Design

The design used for this study is Descriptive Research. This specific method is opted in
this study as it is a fact finding methodology. It helps to gather data by the use of
questionnaires through google forms.

3.4 Sample Design

a) Sample Unit- The respondents in the research were randomly chosen. They filled
the google form shared on WhatsApp.

b) Sample size- 50 respondent who use social media in various cities of Punjab.

c) Research Methodology- A self- designed questionnaire was developed and shared

to general public through WhatsApp. The questionnaire is related to effect of
social media on consumer behavior.

3.5Data Sources

In any research two kinds of data are followed, i.e. primary and secondary Data.
Primary Data is occurred from the research and secondary data was pulled out from the
literature review.

3.5.1 Primary Data

The source of primary data is through questionnaire created, on Google Form, based on
the objectives.

3.5.2 Secondary Data

The secondary data was collected using public sources. The collection of the data is done
through books, journals, internet, etc.

3.5.3 Methods of Data Collection

● Through a questionnaire that was created on Google Forms and filled from the
general public.

3.6 Tools used

There are end number of methods for collecting primary data, specifically in surveys and
descriptive research. Top most important tool that we have used are:-

● Questionnaires

● Observation method


Ques1. Please Specify your Age.

Sr. No Options Response Percentage

1 Up to 20 Years old 6 12%

2 20-40 Years old 38 76%

3 Over 40 Years old 6 12%

Total 50 100%


12% 12%

Up To 20 yrs
20-40 yrs
Above 40 yrs


Interpretation: 76% of the respondents were of 20-40 years of age, while 12% of the
respondents were below 20 years and 12% were above 40 years.

Ques2. Gender
Sr. No Options Responses Percentage

1 Male 18 36%

2 Female 32 64%

Total 50 100




Interpretation: The Data shows that 64% of the respondents were female while 36% were

Ques.3 Are you a social media user?

Sr.No Options Responses Percentage

1. Yes 49 98%

2. No 1 2%

Total 50 100%

Are you a social media user

Yes No


Interpretation: 98% respondent were social media user and only 2% of the respondents

have not using social media.

Ques. 4 How much time do you spend on the Social Media?

Sr.No Options Response Percentage

1 Up to 1 hr 14%

2 1-3 hr 38%

3 Above 3 hrs 48%

Total 50 100%

Interpretation: Around 48% of the respondents use social media for more than 3 hours. 38%
use social media for 1-3 hours and the remaining use it for 14%.

Ques. 5 Which of the following social media do you use? (Please select all that apply)

Sr.No Options Response Percentage

1 Facebook 25 50%

2 WhatsApp 34 68%

3 Instagram 28 56%

4 YouTube 30 60%

5 Twitter 11 22%

6 Blogs 8 16%

7 All of the Above 17 34%

8 Snapchat 19 38%

Total 172 344%

Interpretation: The graph shows that WhatsApp is the most used social media app followed by
YouTube. 34% of the respondents use all of the above media while Blogs are only used by 16%
of the respondents. Instagram and Facebook are also quite popular social media apps.

Ques. 6. What do you use Social media for? (Choose all the options that apply)

Sr.No Options Response Percentage

1 Information 46 92%

2 Making and connecting

with Friends 39 78%

3 Shopping 38 76%

4 Entertainment 46 92%

5 Chatting 34 68%

Total 203 406%

Interpretation: Around 92% of respondents use social media for Information and

Entertainment. 78% of the users, use social media for making and connecting with

friends . Shopping is also one of the major reason for which social media is used by

respondents . 68% use social media for chatting.

Ques 7 . Do you think that Social Media influences your buying decisions?

Sr.No Options Response Percentage

1 Yes 36 72%

2 No 5 10%

3 Maybe 9 18%

Total 50 100%

Interpretation: Majority of the respondents believes that social media influences their buying

Ques. 8 Do you pay attention to advertisement on social Media websites?

Sr.No Options Responses Percentage

1. Yes 45 90%

2. No 5 10%

Total 50 100%

Interpretation: Majority of the respondents pay attention to advertisement on Social Media Websites.

Ques. 9 On a scale from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree), how much do you agree or
disagree with the following statements

Options Strongly Agree (4) Neither Disagree (2) Strongly
agree (5) Agree not disagree (1)

Social media influence your 11 1 1

25 12
purchase decision

You buy a product after

watching the reviews of the
25 23 2 0 0
product on social media

You rely on social media for

making a purchasing decision 23 18 6 3 0

Social media helps you find out

about the new products ( that
you haven't found or heard 26 23 1 0 0

Pandemic has changed the way

Social Media is used 28 21 1 0 0





10 Strongly Agree
5 Neither Agree nor Disagree
0 Strongly Disagree

Interpretation: 25 respondents agree that social media does influence their purchase decision
while 11 respondents voted for a neutral stand. Around 48 respondents agreed that they buy the
product after watching the reviews of the product on social media. The data shows that majority
of the respondents believe that they neither agree or disagree on the statement that do they rely
on social media marketing for making a purchase related decision. The data also interpret that
social media indeed helps consumers to find out about the new product. 49 respondents out of 50
believe that Pandemic has changed the way social media is used.

Ques 10. Do you believe that social media marketing is a good way for brands to reach out to
the audience?

Sr.No Options Response Percentage

1 Yes 47 94%

2 No 0 0

3 Maybe 3 6%

Total 50 100%

Interpretation: Almost every respondent felt that social media marketing is a good way for
brands to reach out to the audience.

Ques.11. Do you think during a pandemic your purchases were influenced by social media

Sr.No Options Response Percentage

1 Yes 38 76%

2 No 5 10%

3 Maybe 7 14%

Total 50 100%

Interpretation: Majority of the respondents believe that during pandemic their purchases were
influenced by social media marketing.


5.1 Summary

This study was planned to determine the effectiveness of social media as a marketing tool
for branding in the next normal and its impact on consumer buying behavior. In order to
achieve this, specific objectives were formulated to determine social media consumption
habits, understanding social media marketing activities of Zomato, study attitude and
perception of the social media users towards social media marketing of lifestyle brands
and ascertain the influence of social media marketing activities on purchase behavior,
brand trust and brand loyalty towards lifestyle brands. This chapter discusses the precise
findings of the study, gives recommendation to marketers from the researcher and
concludes the study.

5.1.1 Summary of the findings

a) Maximum numbers of respondents were from the age group of 20-40 as this is the
age group which spends maximum number of hour on social media also.
b) The data shows that around 92% of respondents use social media for Information
and Entertainment. While Shopping is also one of the major reason for which
social media is used by respondents.
c) The data shows that almost half of the people spend more than 3 hours on social
d) Majority of the respondents believe that social media plays a major role in
influencing the purchase decision.
e) It is quite evident from the research that Pandemic has changed the way Social
media is used. Now more people have started using it.
f) All the respondents believe that social media marketing is a good way for brands
to reach out to the audience
g) 90% of the people actually show interest on the advertisements done on social
media which means social media marketing is indeed a useful tool for promoting
h) The data from the research shows that 96% of the respondents agreed that they
buy a product after watching reviews about it on social media.
i) Half of the respondents agreed that they rely on social media for making a
purchase decision. While the remaining neither agree nor disagree on the

j) Majority of the respondents believe that social media is a good way to find out
about the brands new product because of the marketing done on social media.
k) The data from the secondary study shows that Zomato has a strong social media
presence and its marketing is becoming stronger day by day in the new normal


It can be winded up from this research that consumers in Punjab, India are diligently using
social media and it influence consumers buying behavior. Right from the start of the Pandemic,
people under lockdown have stated spending more time on social media than usual. As a result
an effort to reach the wide audience the companies are spending more of their marketing budgets
to social media.

The users of the social media believe that decision making becomes easier with social media as
you get all type of information at one platform. The results, overall show that Marketing on
Social Media has a strong impact on the consumers purchasing decision. And it indeed is an
effective marketing tool for Branding.


It is evident from the findings of the study that social media marketing has become an important
part of the everyday lives of millennials. They are also open to social media marketing by any
brand as through social media they get to know about the brands. A majority of millennials
follow brands – local, national, international, designer and luxury brands.

 So it is vital for businesses small, big or new comers to engage with their target
customers on this prospering platform called social media.
 Brands like Zomato that are already marketing to customers on these platforms must
continue and strengthen their engagement
 The brands that aren’t already marketing to customers on social medias then they must
start to take a step forward to do so. All the Businesses must make sure that they have a
good social media strategy in hand before reaching out to their target audience on social
media channels as the competition is really tough.
 While shortlisting the social media channels to connect with the millennial customers,
marketers must ensure that they choose channels that millennials frequently use. So the

social media sites that marketers can consider for connecting with the target customers
are Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, Pinterest, LinkedIn etc.
 The finding mentions that the consumers who use more social media networks are the
ones who go after more number of brands. Thus, the brands need to make sure that they
post content on multiple channels all together. This will escalate the visibility of the
brand to the target audience. In order to create the connection, being visible is the first


Kiran Raj, K. M., & Nandha Kumar, K. G., (2020). Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Zomato: A Case
Study. International Journal of Case Studies in Business, IT, and Education (IJCSBE), 5(1), 14-24


Keith A. Quesenberry, “ Social Media Strategy”- Third Edition

www. clootrack.com







International E Conference on Adapting to the New Business Normal – The way ahead December 3-4,
2020 Mysuru, India


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