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Most of the employees in the organization clearly understood the present appraisal systems.


Most of the employees are satisfied with existing appraisal system Employees are motivated because of promotions and increments are given after the appraisal

Most of the employees were believed that appraisal system is to improve the relationship between superior and subordinate.

Employees were believed that appraisal sy stem is take the responsibilities to improve the performance

Employees are happy with the standards and targets fixed in the appraised system

The Superiors are able to give perfect feedback to the employees about their performance.

Employees are happy with the existing reward system for better performance


Respondents satisfied with their increments for their performance The Appraisal system in the organization succeeded to overcome the employee weakness

The organization provides a fair and equity compe nsation to the employees basing on their performance

Performance appraisal based on key result areas and key performance areas.

Performance appraisal in this organization is helping the people to do better job.

A performance appraisal is based for assessing training needs. Appraisers are also given adequate training in the appraisal.

In the appraisal system at ocean India (p) limited the company goals are focused for performance appraisal. Performance appraisal system is also linked to career development .

Performance appraisal system in the organization gives the systematic description of employee job relevant strengths and weaknesses.

The total respondents felt that happy with the overall performance appraisal system in the organization.


The parameters used to assess employee should be more specific and qualitative based on this job description

The communication to employees about there level of performance should be standardized

The management should conduct some counseling session for empl oyees

Periodic orientation programs have to be conducted to explain the objectives and other details of the appraisal system

Management should encourage employee for participation in decision making through communication and information sharing which affects organizational results positively.


Employee should be encouraged to learning multi skilling Create Moral and motivation to the employees The important draw back of performance appraisal system in this organization is it is not fully understanding b y the employees and the management also.

The management not at introduce the perfect and suitable measures of appraisal in the organization.

Both the appraiser and the appraisee are not aware of the concept. Still it is in pre mature stage, the management is trying to adopt the affective appraisal system.

The work culture in the organization is more important to fix the targets and goals where the employees require to achievement. A systematic organizational structure is required to fix the performance ap praisal goals.

The employee also expressed their dissatisfaction with regard to the wages and terms of conditions. Therefore this environment may create problems for better implementation of performance appraisal.

Since the goals and objectives are not fix ed it is very difficulty to adopt the concept, techniques and methods of performance appraisal in an organization like ocean India(p) Ltd. Therefore it is suggested to the organization to implement a suitable structure which establishes a conducive environment and work culture for better implementation of performance appraisal system.


Performance Appraisal is the integral part of the whole management programme. This process should not be made just a ritual, but its importance should be understood and utilize it for the well being of both the organization and its employees. Performance Appraisal makes employees optimally realize their potential and thus be more effective and productive. The performance appraisal system is effective in the following aspects:  Employees are satisfied with the present appraisal method  Promotions and increments are motivated to the employees  Fair and equity compensation were given to the employees  Rewards are given based on the performances  The column of career aspirations in perfect from that should be filled by the employees should be given more importance; superiors should take proper action and make employees mention their career plans clearly. And help them to achieve their plans by giving proper feedback.

 The employees would be given a chance to express there views fairly regarding the ratings given to them.  The organization should take care to improve the skills of the employees in cross functional areas so that they can satisfy their internal desire to excel in various fields.  It would be more beneficial for the employees if the review is done quarterly. This would specially help the employees in getting an additional opportunity to get the feedback and improve themselves in performing their job more eff ectively.  The organization should see that the impact of training is made to prevail at the work place, so that the learned skills of the employees are efficiently utilized.

 Dale Yoder, Hand book of personnel management  Devi Lakhsmi Human Resource Management, Anmol Publications Private Limited, New Delhi, 1998.  Dieselvo.A.David & Robbins.P.Steephen Human Resource

Management, John Wiley & Sons Inc, New York, 1999.  Edwin.B.Flippo, Personnel Management, McGregor Hill Book Company Limited, Tokyo, 1997.  C.B. Memoria, Personnel Management  C.R. Kothari Research Methodology, Viswaprakasham, New Delhi, 1999  Saha.I.K Roll of Human Resource Development in 2000 AD, Personnel Today  P.Subba Rao, Essentials of Human Resource Management


Name: Designation:

1. .

All the employees in the organization are aware of the Performance appraisal

system. a) Extremely agree b) Agree c) Disagreed d)No Question 2. [ ]

Performance appraisal system of our organization is open and appraisal

ratings are communicated to employees. a) Extremely agree b) Agree c) Disagreed d)No Question 3. [ ]

Performance Appraisal should be formally appraised at least once in a year. a) Extremely agree b) Agree c) Disagreed d)No Question [ ]


The skills and abilities on which an employee is appraised should be relevant

to the employees job. a) Extremely agree b) Agree c) Disagreed d)No Question 5. [ ]

Employees performance should be appraised according to previous

established, responsibilities, standards and goals. a) Extremely agree b) Agree c) Disagreed d)No Question 6. Performance appraisal is done against certain key result areas. a) Extremely agree b) Agree c) Disagreed d)No Question 7. [ ] [ ]

The performance appraisal is to help the people to do a better job. a) Extremely agree b) Agree c) Disagreed d)No Question [ ]


Performance appraisal system is capable of assessing all the activities

performed by the employees. a) Extremely agree b) Agree c) Disagreed d)No Question 9. [ ]

Employees are given opportunity to express their feelings during their

performance appraisal. a) Extremely agree b) Agree c) Disagreed d)No Question 10. [ ]

Ample opportunity is given to employees to discuss all aspects of an

employees during his/her appraisal. a) Extremely agree b) Agree c) Disagreed d)No Question 11. [ ]

Job descriptions of a particular job is considered for performance appraisal. a) Extremely agree b) Agree c) Disagreed d)No Question [ ]


Performance Appraisal data is taken into consideration while assessing

training needs. a) Extremely agree b) Agree c) Disagreed d)No Question 13. Appraisers are given adequate training in doing the appraisal. a) Extremely agree b) Agree c) Disa greed d)No Question 14. [ ] [ ]

During appraisal system the company goals to be focused is necessary. a) Extremely agree b) Agree c) Disagreed d)No Question [ ]


Performance Appraisal system of our organization is also linked to career

development. a) Extremely agree b) Agree c) Disagreed d)No Question [ ]

16. The employee appraiser should be familiar with all phases of that employees work. a) Extremely agree b) Agree c) Disagreed d)No Question [ ]

17. Performance appraisal gives the systematic descriptions of employees Job relevant strengths and weakness a) Extremely agree b) Agree c) Disagreed d)No Question 18. The present performance appraisal system is satisfied a) Extremely agree b) Agree c) Disagreed d)No Question 19. The promotions and transfers based on performance a) Extremely agree b) Agree c) Disagreed d)No Question [ ] [ ] [ ]

20. After evaluating the performance suggestions are offered for improvement of the performance. a) Extremely agree b) Agree c) Disagreed d)No Question [ ]

Finding, Suggestions and Conclusion

Annexure-I Bibliography

Annexure-II Questionnaire



This chapter deals with the title of the study, the need for the study i.e. for what purpose the study is actually carried out, the scope of the study, the objectives of the study, what are the various sources of data collection, the study instruments used i.e. whether questionnaire, interview, schedule etc, the way the data analyzed, the presentation of the study and finally the limitation involved in the study.

The title of the study is PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL of Ocean India(P) Ltd., Visakhapatnam.

Human asset is the most valuable asset. So this asset should be properly taken care. So the process performance appraisal helps us to fairly treat the employees by providing fair remuneration, skill and opportunit ies. Performance appraisal has been considered as a most significant and indispensable tool for an organization, for the information it provides is highly useful in making decisions regarding various personal aspects such as promotions and merit increases. Performance measures also link information gathering and decision making process which provide a basis for judging the effectiveness of personal sub divisions such as recruiting, selection training and compensation. Performance appraisal determines who shall receive merit increases, counsels employees on their improvements determines training needs, determines promo ability, identify those who should be transferred. Moreover, it

improves employee job performance, encourages employees to express their views to seek clarification on job duties, broadens their outlook, capacity and potential, promotes a more effective utilization of manpower and improves placement, facilities selection, reward and promotion of the best qualified employee, prevents grievances and increases the analytical abilities of supervisors. Taking into account the importance of performance appraisal system, this study is conducted.

The scope of the study has been confined to the employees of Ocean India Ltd.. Our study includes performance appraisal of all the employees of Ocean India Ltd., that includes officers, executives and managers.

The study carried out the following objectives, 1. To conduct survey in Ocean India Ltd. on Performance Appraisal 2. To study the existing performance appraisal system. 3. To know how far the employees are happy with the existing performance appraisal system. 4. To give suggestions for better implementation of performance appraisal system.


The population of the study is around 691 out of that a 30 employees are chooses as a sample. The sample for the study was chosen by means of simple random sampling technique. The sample covers all categories of employees from several departments of the company. As the study was intended to measure the effectiveness of Performance Appraisal. It was decided not to restrict the study to particular department (or) section. Hence the sample covers the employees from various departments. For the completion of this study the purposive sampling is taken.

Data for the present study is collected through two sources i.e. through primary data and secondary data.  PRIMARY DATA: For the present study the primary data is collected through

questionnaires and interaction with the employees.  SECONDARY DATA: For the study on performance appraisal system the secondary sources used are textbooks on performance appraisal, company reports and manuals and data collected from the Internet.


The questionnaires are framed to find out the effectiveness of Performance Appraisal of the employees of Ocean India Ltd. The questionnaire containing twenty questions, in those twenty direct questions is kept to elicit the suggestion from the employees about Performance Appraisal system.

The collected data is tabulated and then analyzed by simple percentage and represented by different types of graphs.

1. The time of the study has been confined to 60 days. Within the 60 days the student researcher has to prepare two reports apart from the practical work entrusted by the management. constrain. 2. The respondents obtained are purely based upon the interpretation of the individual respondents. Th ere is every possibility for the questions to be interpreted in quite different ways. 3. Some employees might have a tendency to play safe in responding to the questions. 4. There is every possibility of deviation in the answering pattern from what the respondents actually feel. 5. The natural limitations of stratified fandom sampling methods are applicable. Therefore time is a

PRESENTATION OF THE STUDY: Chapter one deals with theoretical framework of performance appraisal, which

includes the definition, need, objectives, and methods of the performance appraisal and the problems of performance appraisal.
Chapter two deals with an overview of the organization Chapter three deals with the methodology adapted for the study. Chapter four deals with Data analysis and interpretation. Chapter five deals with findings, conclusion and Suggestions.

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