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The most important thing anyone can do is to maintain their health. It appears to be
simple, but it is not. “How can I keep myself healthy or what can one do to stay healthy?”, we
may wonder. However, most people are unaware that our health is influenced by our individual
lifestyle, including our daily activities and the foods we consume.
What we eat reflects on what we are. It is indeed true that the quality of food that we
consume has a significant impact on the quality of life that occurs in each cell of our body.
Because food has such a large impact on our health, a high intake of any aspect would be
considered an unhealthy, just as a diet lacking in a specific nutrient would. It must be balanced.
Another point to consider is that eating foods based on our beliefs may not always be the best
thing for our bodies. In my case, I ate foods that help me relax when I’m stressed and thought it
was fine; however, it turns out that I ate too much of it, which trigged my allergies. I was advised
to temporarily eliminate allergenic foods. I was forced to ‘suspend all beliefs’ and change my
diet. It is no surprise I went back to normal and I began to pay attention to what I was eating.
“We are what we eat”-this requires each of us to take responsibility for our own health
and well-being, and as Edison expands on this, it is also “the care of the human frame,” and
understanding what food does to our body will bring more awareness in a world that currently
requires radical changes in our food industry, in order to reduce illnesses related to the food we
eat. For while we, as humans, consider ourselves to be the most intelligent species on the planet,
yet what we eat is not always what our body is asking for.

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