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I .

What to focus on when joining a new Scrum team I new scrum master to team I
new scrum master tips?

1. Focus on your team first

2. establish one to one conversation with all the team members(to establish the
3. 1-2 months don't change the anything, just observe/listen the team dynamics
4. understand the SME listen to them and follow the key resources.
5.make a note. know the the background of team members.

6. understandan the bug frequence(if production).

7. you have to take care of team.

8. understand the tools and techniques(metrics).

9. understar the end to scrum(like DOD, DOR, Acceptence creteria.
10. understand the organization .

note: understand functional and technical knowledge.

II. How to do transition to Scrum Master role I new scrum master to team I new
scrum master tips?

what is your call/inate?

reading leadership books.

Agile process:

functionality -> Planning -> Implementation -> Testing -> Review


1. challenges faced while handling scrum ream?

1. team do not understand the agile concept fully . ( why is retrospect

meeting is needed after completed the sprint)

2. conflict management?

1. while Review design documents by senior resource

2. preparing the template for the target application ( aqusition )

3. one of the team member is not performing well, what do you do?

4. while sprint planning two team members are delaing the selecting the tasks (easy
task / complex task)?

5. how do you estimation in your project?

A: user stories estimation

6. did you heard about sprint zero or spike in agile scrum? - estimation no clarity
on task

7. DOD and DOR and Acceptance criteria?

8. the sprint is two weeks but the team is completed in a week? what do you do?


TCS: Neha

1. What are the scrum values ?

2. which event we can drop in scrum?

A: Each event has their own impartence. (optional answer: if we want to drop the
event we can adjust in any other events).

3. whatdo you do to bring /how to bring Transparency in team?

Transparency is on of the piller in empiricisum(Transparency, Inspect and Adapt)

A: Process and work must be visible to not only those who are performing the work
but also to those who are
receiving itbecause artifacts that have low visibility can lead to decisions
that decrease value and increase risk
it is necessary for inspection because otherwise, an inspection is mesleading.

4. what are the scrum principles?

A: 1. Control over the empirical process

2. Self-Organization
3. Collaboration
4. Value based prioritization.
5. Time-Boxing
6. Itarative development

5. if the PO(Product owner) is not available in spring planning meeting what do you

6. Burn-down chart and Burn-up chat? (comes under metrics)

A: to check team performance. sprint burn=down chart release burn-down chat (

weekly, bi-weekly and monthly releases)

7. if you are assigned to new team, which methodology and frame work will be
implemented based on what critirea.

A: it is depending on what type of project like dev, prod support and enhancement.
decide the frame work and methodology

frame works - Scrum , Kanban, xp, ...

8. confict management on estimations ? diff estimations on same task

A: confict - mis-understanding between two team members.

people confict, time management conflict, design/code reviewing conflict, ...

conflict between product owner and team (As scrum master involve and resolve it)

change must be based on value than only ream can accept the change.

9. Assume that your team is not performing npt well and you have joined newly , the
team is consistently not able to achive spring goal? what is you actions on this?

A: brainstorming sessions conducted

avode the impediments
conduct retrospective meeting

10. who is created product backlog in your team?

A: Product owner ( PO accountable for PBIs)

11. when is release planning done?

A: release planning can be done befor spring planning meeting. Release planning can
be done in high level (Product owner and stakeholders)

12. one of the team member is not performing well/not upto the mark, how would you
sort out the issue?

A: Show the empathy/you have to empathise the team member and talk to him and know
the problem.


1. as a scrum master which you dont like?

A: as a scrum master one of the things which i dont like to give rating to scrum
at end of the day team is completing sprint backlog items with in the timeframe.

2. you have make comfertable your team first.

willing to learn
learning new technologies


1. conflict management.


sprint review meeting demo I sprint review meeting example I sprint review meeting

0. managers just want to see what we did yesterday but the leaders dont know what
comming next.

we dont have managers shortage, we need leaders here( but we have leaders


* Acceptance criteria - acceptance criteria is nothing but a validation process of

wish list from stakeholder/client side.
if wish list is fulfilled in the testing, we will get signoff from client. then
its good to into production.

Policies that monitor the outputs owned by developers and their assets are easily
Acceptance Criteria in an Agile Environment

No failing unit tests allowed

Code coverage must be 80 percent
No violations of static code rules
All code must be reviewed
Testcases must pass
Acceptance criteria must be checked off
Definition of Done must be met

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