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Care Plan and Review

Date printed:

Client Name: Client NHS Number: Client CPA Level:

Your Care Co-Ordinator is Phone Number of Care Co-ordinator:

Mobile Contact of Care Co-ordinator:

This is / these are who to contact, when and how

During Office Hours:
Outside Office Hours (evenings, night-time, weekends) / Mobile:

Challenges and Needs Category: Challenges and Needs Sub Category: Challenges and Needs Detail: (insert reason for prescribing) (See
Physical Treatment Trust Policy)
Intervention Category: Intervention Type: Client Agreed: Section 117:
Planned /
Goal Main Person d
Activities Client's View Actual
s Responsible End
Start Date
LITHIUM Initiation Baseline blood tests (U&Es; thyroid function) Lithium is only commenced once (name) is aware of
performed and weight recorded. ECT if (name) has cardiac likely benefits and side effects, is in possession of
condition or is elderly. (name) receives a completed purple book. their purple lithium book and has been assessed as
Target plasma Lithium level = (x.xmmol/l) safe to receive Lithium
Intervention Category: Intervention Type: Client Agreed: Section 117:
Planned /
Goal Main Person d
Activities Client's View Actual
s Responsible End
Start Date
LITHIUM Ongoing (name) receives routine blood test monitor serum lithium (name) purple book is completed by ther
levels every 3 months, renal and thyroid function every 6 months (more often person completing the monitoring
if there is evidence of renal impairment) and calcium annually Any problems raised should be referred
(name) is at high risk of cardiovascular disease so requires ECG monitoring to an appropriate clinician
(name) weight and BMI is monitored annually All clinician's involved in (name) care are
Results of all investigations are to be copied to GP and entered in purple book in full possession of most recent physical
health check results

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