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R- Assignment -3

Name: Ronit Chaudhuri

Final Plot of the sales month wise and segment wise:

Q1. The x-axis is behaving weirdly. How would you fix it?
The x-axis is behaving weirdly because it is not scaled to adjust the values of all
the 12 months. In order to fix it, you need to add the function of scaling the x
axis to your plot which is:
scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(1,12, by = 1))
Adding the above line gives the plot:

This is the scaled plot for the sales month wise.

Q2. So, consumer sales shoot up in September and December, while corporate
sales rise in May and October. Why?
The consumer sales shot up due to festive session, as the products were bought
highly in that time. While for the offices the office furniture was probably
bought due to the increase in number of employees because of hiring in those
Q3. Is this pattern true for all regions?
Let’s filter by the other regions to find out the results.

We see for the consumer sales, its always the month of September with very
high sales for all the regions. While for the corporate sales it varies as
sometimes its September, sometimes its December, so there is no fixed pattern
that we observe.

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