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Nokia Hr challenge

One of the consequences of not having been blogging for a while (having been pretty ill the week the HR Directors Summit was on, and travelling since then) is that Im going to keep my short survey open for yet another week! Sorry to those who have already completed this, but Ive just not had any time to analyse the results as yet. So you can still win a ticket to come to the Economists Talent Management Summit with me and with Matthew Hanwell from Nokia who I was presenting with whos coming with me too. I made Matthew complete the survey as a price for giving him a ticket, and heres his explanation of his responses (or at least my recollection of these) which also relate to the presentation we gave together (Ill need my ticket winner to undergo a similar conversation too!).

Key business challenges? y Transforming the business, especially from a cultural point of view. Its like the iceberg metaphor, people only think of the things they can see above the surface the systems, processes etc. But we need to look below this too at peoples attitudes, behaviours etc particularly the new leadership behaviours required to support a move from a product centric focus to one based on service attributes, and one based on a wider ecosystem of partnerships.

Key HR challenges arising from these? y Theres a shift needed in the culture and HR owns this. We need to change the attitudes and behaviours to support the new strategy in the business. This means actions to build capability, in reward, holding people to account, collaborating between teams etc. Engagement is also important especially in light of this transformation. People are uncertain given the disruption. They want more clarity about their role. We need to make the strategy relevant for them what it means they are not doing, or are also doing now. And where the company is going and where theyre going to need to go to support it. Also HR agility. Our processes and systems were built for a certain way of doing things managing product marketing. Now our focus is much more on agility. Were learning from agile and lean software development methodologies and their focus on two week sprints, the use of co-located scrum teams etc. And this is an attitude too one that HR needs to embrace. So were changing the organisation,

and HR itself. Our processes arent as agile as possible and need to change to support that way of working.

What would you say are going to be the major challenges for your business and HR team this year? (yes, OK, I know its February already, but what can I do?). Complete my survey here.

Technorati Tags: Matthew Hanwell,Nokia,HR,strategy,challenges,survey

y y y y .

Consulting - Research - Speaking - Training - Writing Strategy - Talent - Engagement - Change and OD Contact me to create more value for your business jon [dot] ingham [at] strategic [dash] hcm [dot] com

Hrm Strategies To Retain The Organisational Knowledge Of Current Employees And Transferring It To New Staff
Abstract The report looks at the HRM strategies specifically aimed at retaining the organisational knowledge of current employees and transferring it to new staff through the lens of knowledge management. It discusses the objectives of knowledge management and its relationship to employee rewards management, evaluates various aspects of HRM practices that could be adopted to encourage employees to share their knowledge and discusses how employee learning and development strategies could be implemented, concluded by an eight point recommendation.

Introduction Definition of knowledge has various flavours around a common theme - Davenport and Prusak (1998, p5) defines knowledge as a fluid mix of framed experience, values, contextual information, and expert insight, while Davenport, Long and Beers(1998) classifies knowledge as high-value form of information which is ready to apply to decisions and actions. It is information combined with experience, context, interpretation and

Marketing strategies of Tata motors

What makes the marketing strategy so successful?

1. Product, Branding, and Advertising Every business started from 0, from no one knows it until everyone know it. Advertising is one of the most common ways to make car buyer or car enthusiast aware of the new car with special promotion price. Another more important way of advertising is to create an image or brand image. Take BMW Z3 for example, it was introduced in 1996 and shortly the car has been used in the famous James Bond movie. This is similar to Nissan 350 Fairlady Z in the recent 2007 Fast and the Furious 3 Tokyo Drift. Over the years Tata Motors have been successful in creating their brand image especially they use some famous stars as their spokesman.
Other important marketing strategies are such as the packaging, innovations, and quality control. Tata Motors provide many innovative features to attract car lover. One of these innovations is the Tata Safari 4X4Dicor that has Reverse Guide System . A weather-proof camera is fixed to the rear car to help the driver while reversing the car.

Pricing Strategy There are various factors to determine a price of a car. These factors are such as market condition (it can t be too low or too high with the prices of same vehicle from competitors, it has to be at par), cost incurred to build a car, profit by company, dealer profit.
Giving discount every month and special promotion for certain type of vehicle also one of the strong strategy use by Tata Motors. Discount can be made from Company s profit or from dealer s profit at certain range.

3. Place

Place of dealership does play an important role. The channel of distribution, physical location, and dealership method of distribution and sales is generally adopted. The distribution of vehicle must be in a very systematic way, from the plant to dealership and to end user. This is not only in India itself but also to the world-wide dealership. (See also Ford Motor Company SWOT analysis)

4. Maintenance and Support After sales service is also another important marketing strategy for most of the car buyer to choose for the right car. End user will not want to spend a lot of time to travel to a far place just to service the car such as change engine oil, oil filter and some simple checking. Parts and accessories must also easy to access when it is needed to keep the customer satisfy from buying Tata cars until maintaining the car or even until they sell the car and change to a newer Tata model.

Marketing strategies of Tata motors

By looking at the Marketing strategies of TATA motors, the SWOT analysis (the Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities, Threats) can clearly tells why Tata Motors marketing strategies is one of the successful stories in automobile industry nowadays.


Portfolio Analysis of the Tata Group
The BCG Growth Share matrix uses the dimensions of relative market share and the market growth rate to establish a 2*2 matrix containing 4 main quadrants Stars (high market growth, high market share), Cash Cows (low market growth, high market share), Question marks (high market growth, low market share) and Dogs (low market growth, low market share). The ideal strategy is to hold on to the Stars and the Cash Cows, divest the Dogs and take a call on the Question Marks (hold/divest). We have conducted a detailed analysis (using the BCG Matrix) of the portfolio of companies in the Tata Group. This involved analyzing the sectors in which the Tata group operates as well as the companies in the Tata Group within each sector. We studied the operational and financial performances of each company to understand their growth stories. Special emphasis was laid on identifying the organic and inorganic growth routes pursued by each of these companies under the Tata umbrella. The conclusions drawn about these companies are based on analysis of the global strategy of the Tata group and on detailed conversations with top executives in the Tata Group.

Advantage of Being a Part of the Same Business Group?

According to Khanna and Palepu2 (2008), business groups can add significant value. Firstly, business groups use funds and management talent from existing operations to start new ventures (thereby negating the need for venture capital firms). Secondly, large business groups can nurture in-house management talent that can be shifted across individual group companies. Thirdly, business groups create value by developing a common group brand that stands for world class

quality and customer service. According to R Gopal Krishnan, Executive Director, Tata Sons; The estimated value of the Tata brand is about INR 100 billion. For an individual company to use the Tata brand name, they need to meet a set of quality standards and business values. Hence, it is in the interest of the individual firms to be a part of the Tata Group to derive advantages from the Tata brand.

Tata challenges
Challenges Deciding on the right price Market Price increase Planned acquisitions of in USA (CADPO) and Germany by INCAT Alignment of business models Onsite vs. Offshore Leveraging key account relationships by broadening service offerings Realization of targeted offshoring of E&D work Due Diligence UK Takeover code limited scope for Due diligence Ownership achievement of minimum 70% stake Irrevocable undertakings from management of INCAT and institutional shareholders Cultural challenges / Retention of employees Foster Entrepreneurial culture of INCAT Retail key management personnel through Earn out based payment Restricted Stock options to INCAT management Corporate Restructuring Rationalization of subsidiaries Tax re-structuring through International Headquarters18 100 Day Integration

ractices and challenges of human resource management at Cadbury

The paper looks at the practices of human resource management (HRM) in the global confectionary Cadbury presenting the companys overview, discussing their approaches to project management and new product development, and conducting analysis of their HR policies towards recruitment, selection, training & development, team working, leadership, motivation, and cross-cultural diversity management. Recommendations are suggested about the ways to address the challenges associated with each HRM area.

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