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Multiplier events


- Project Number:



Cloud and Internet Services with Open Source Software for SMEs

Abril 2018
Multiplier events


INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................... 2
CFTIC (DGF) MULTIPLIER EVENT ........................................................................................... 3
HIOF MULTIPLIER EVENT ........................................................................................................ 8
SRH MULTIPLIER EVENT ........................................................................................................ 11
HIS MULTIPLIER EVENT ......................................................................................................... 12
ESSI PROJECT MULTIPLIER EVENT ...................................................................................... 13
CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................................ 15

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Multiplier events


We are very proud of the effort that all partners have done to organise Multiplier event.
For the Erasmus+ program, a multiplier event is an event organized in order to share the
intellectual results of a project with a large audience.
In CISOSS project multiplier events must be performed to report the following intellectual
 IO1. - Training Needs Synthesis Report - Training needs arising from the analysis of ICT
in SMEs
 IO3. - Content development, testing and assessment – Content of CISOSS course itself,
and the experience of the students in the face-to-face course and their correspondent
 IO4. - Online training of trainers - The experience of Moodle online training and
assessment of CISOSS course by partners.
 All partners also report on IO2, the training program. It consist in training report of
contents and their learning guides.
The multiplier events could not be done until those results were achieved.

The following partners have been responsible for carrying out a multiplier event in their country,
to promote the aforementioned results of the project:
• CFTIC - Dirección General de Formación (DGF) Getafe (Madrid)

We are very grateful to ESSI Projects Ltd. (which has assumed the realization of the event that
corresponded to Sheffield City Council in the UK) for their commitment to carry out a multiplier
event in London. (See annex 1)
These events have been targeted to key people (with funding for 60 attendees) in the national
vocational and education systems (policy makers, teachers, training centres directors,
unemployed people and students) and in IT companies to show them the CISOSS course and
other results of this project.

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Multiplier events


The CFTIC has organized a multiplier event with great audience success and impact.

Conducted event:

Date: February 13, 2018, 10:00 – 13:00 h.

Location: Assembly hall of the CFTIC de Getafe (Madrid).
Attendees: 65


To create theme in the hall, near the entrance

to the event, was exhibited two rolls-up. One
dedicated exclusively to the CISOSS project,
and the other to the CFTIC, in general.
When the attendees arrived, they received a
backpack that contained:
 Stickers with the logo of the centre.
 Leaflets with diptych format.
 A notepad and a pen
 An 8GB pendrive with the CISOSS logo on
one side and the CFTIC on the other.

(Diptych design on the front and back)

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Agenda of the CFTIC multiplier event

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Multiplier events


We sent more than 200 emails directly to

people who maybe would be interested in
the project.
To facilitate and control the registration
of attendees, they were asked to register
through the CFTIC website.
The day of the event there were some
people who came without having
previously registered. We also had record
sheets for this circumstance. (See below)
We advertised the multiplier event on
our website, in the "News" tab. from

We inform of more details of the event in the web address:

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Multiplier events

Finally 91 attendees signed by our web

page and more than 80 people
attended the event (65, eligible).
The dissemination event was attended
by a different profile of attendees:
 Companies
 GP Consultores.
 Cenux Technology.
 Madrid Digital.
 Core Networks S.L.
 Oracle.
 APD.
 K2 Partnership solutions.
 LPI.
 Social Nautas.
 Acom systemas.
 Global Knowledge.
 Atos.
 Antiguas profesiones S.L.
 Nanfor Ibérica.
 Public entites :
 Interprenours Department at Goverment of Madrid.
 IES Clara del Rey.
 IES La Arboleda.
 IMEPE. Instituto Municipal de Empleo y Promoción Económica de Alcorcón.
 CRIF Acacias.
 Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.
 CCOO of education sector.
 CTIF Madrid Este.
 Other:
 Students.
 Interprenours.
 Unemployed.

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Multiplier events

Development of the CFTIC multiplier event

Before the start of the event, the CFTIC offered a catering service of a little breakfast during the
accreditation time for 100 attendees.
The multiplier event of the CFTIC was inaugurated by Carmen Orgambide, Head of the Service
of own centres of the Community of Madrid, representation of the General Director of Training.
The dissemination act of the CISOSS project was configured in three parts.
The first, by Javier Rodríguez, was a general presentation of the project's objectives, the
execution phases and detailed the training
content of CISOSS course.
The second part was an exhibition of free
software tools that can help the digital
transformation of companies, by Fernando
Ureña, a teacher of professional training,
specialist in the subject and convened for that
The last part was developed by Belén Romero,
who explained in detail the intellectual products obtained with the project.
The event took place in a very pleasant climate.
We show photos of different moments of the CFTIC Multiplier Event.

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Multiplier events


The transcription of some comments, are enough to gauge the success of the event.
 INCUAL by Ministry of Education.
«We are thinking about how to make a new
qualification about Open Source Software
Tools, we will talk about that soon».
 SEPE by Ministry of Employ.
«¡This is a National Reference Training
Centre, congratulations! »
 CCOO (labour union).
«Can we use your contents to publish it in our
online platform? »
«We are very interesting about this new profiles»

Closed the event was published a press release of the multiplier event in several media. Through
social networks have been made: 103,973 shipments, specifically to 86 web sites. (See in annex
2 the summary of the effects and, for more details, see “Dissemination Plan of CISOSS
project.pdf” and the original report: “Informe Nota de prensa feb 2018.pdf”).
For evidence photos were took and the entire event was recorded.


In this section, the set of multiplier events organized by HIOF is explained. It contains the
description of the events, the discussions among the participants and the results.

Reports of Multiplier Events organized by HIOF

Conducted events

Event 1: Oslo Metropolitan University, OsloMet campus Pilestredet, 25th January 2018, 10 AM
Event 2: Molde University College - HiMolde campus, 1st February 2018, 1 PM
Attendees: 39


In order to meet the need to develop a set events to present the project to different
communities inside the country, in this case, Norway, two different meetings were organized.
Initially, it was planned just one multiplier event organized in Østfold and more precisely in
Fredrikstad hosted by Fredrikstad municipality, alternatively, Halden municipality was the
backup plan. The issue in Østfold region is the low concentration of population and reaching a
set of persons (no students) in a good amount is not easy at all.

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Multiplier events

In order to tackle the problem and with the aim to perform multiplier events, two events were
scheduled in Universities outside Østfold and Østfold University College
In what follows, the main aspects of these meetings are presented.

Multiplier event 1. Oslo Metropolitan University

OsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University is the
evolution of the Oslo and Akershus University College
and was largest state university college in Norway from
its establishment in 2011 until 2018, when it was
transformed into Oslo Metropolitan University, the
youngest of Norway's new universities. It had more
than 20,000 students and 2,100 employees. HiOA had
higher education programs at bachelor's, master's and
PhD level. It offered studies and conducted research in
health professions, social sciences, engineering, liberal
arts, and other fields. Most of the university is located
in the city centre of Oslo along the Pilestredet street,
with subsidiary campuses in Sandvika and Kjeller in
The talk was prepared by Ricardo Colomo-Palacios who
contacted the Dean of the Computer Science Department, Laurence Marie Anna Habib as well
as Pernille Nesje from Computer Science Department to perform a talk on the CISOSS project to
students and academics alike. An invitation was sent by Dean to all community.

Multiplier event 2. Molde University College

Molde University College - Specialized University in
Logistics is a Norwegian specialized university. It is
located in the town of Molde in Molde Municipality,
Møre og Romsdal county, Norway. Degrees are
offered both at Bachelor, Master of Science, and
PhD level. The institution belonged to the university
colleges until 1 January 2010, when it received its
new status as a specialized university in logistics. It
is one of nine specialized universities in the
Norwegian higher education system. The main
campus is in Molde, but some study programs are
offered in Kristiansund. With enough 2800 students,
the university presents also around 300 employees.
The talk was prepared by Ricardo Colomo-Palacios
who contacted the Rector, Steinar Kristoffersen,
who contacted academic community and
announced the talk.
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Multiplier events


 CISOSS: Aims
 CISOSS: Trivia
 CISOSS: Modules
 CISOSS: Moodle Platform

Results of the Events

In what follows, the main results or both actions are depicted.

Multiplier event 1. Oslo Metropolitan University
The obvious result of the event is the dissemination of the project and its main output, the
course. Several discussions took place during and after the talk including aspects reported in
what follows:
 Availability of the MOOC. When the course will be open.
 Certification bodies. Audience was interested in the possibility to issue certificates and
their connection with certification made by fabricants.
 Extensibility of the projects to apply the approach in developing countries.
 Transformation of project results into academic publications
 Blended approaches for the course.

Multiplier event 2. Molde University College

Again, the evident result of the event is the dissemination of the project and its main output,
the course. Several discussions took place during and after the talk including aspects reported
in what follows:
 Possibility to develop more KA2 projects inspired by CISOSS in other specific functional
areas including logistics, for instance.
 Possible adaptations performed by current or future partners.
 Networking matters
 Possibility to develop more projects not under the Erasmus+ umbrella.

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Multiplier events


Report of Multiplier Events conducted by SRH Hochschule Berlin

Open Source und KMUs - CISOSS Multiplier Events

Conducted events:

Event 1: TU Berlin, Straße des 17. Juni 124, 10623 Berlin, 27.02.2018, 18:00
Event 2: Deutsches Herzzentrum, Augustenburger Pl. 1, 13353 Berlin, 28.02.2018, 16:30
Attendees: 60

Plans and Preparations

A first event was originally planned in January 2018. Due to low registration this is event was
cancelled and we postponed the events for February.
Event 1 was planned in collaboration with TU Berlin – the largest Technical University in Berlin
and the third-largest in Germany. Graduate students of the university were invited to the event
and a lecture hall in the C-Building of TU Berlin (Straße des 17. Juni 124) was booked. A suitable
catering was arranged. The event was announced with an invitational poster (s. documentation).
Event 2 was planned in collaboration with Deutsches Herzzentrum Berlin (German Hearth
Center Berlin) – an internationally leading cardiac healthcare institution in Germany.
Professionals from the SME and IT sector were invited and a conference room in the main
building of Deutsches Herzzentrum Berlin (Augustenburger Pl. 1) was booked. A suitable
catering was arranged. The event was announced with an invitational poster (s. documentation).
The day of Event 1
On February 27th the first multiplier event was
conducted at TU Berlin. More than 60 students
were attending (s. documentation), some came
without prior registration after the start of the
event and were therefore not included in the
documentation. The main aspects of the project
were presented (see documentation) and excerpts
from the content were demonstrated. In the
discussion participants were inquiring about the
international aspects of the project and the next steps.
The day of Event 2
On February 28th the second multiplier event was conducted at Deutsches Herzzentrum Berlin.
Eighteen representatives from Berlin’s SME sector were attending (s. documentation). The main
aspects of the project were presented (see documentation) and excerpts from the content were
demonstrated. In the discussion participants were inquiring about the problems that SMEs have
when applying FOSS, particularly questions about governance, support and liability.
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Multiplier events


*** HIS report about multiplier event ***

University of Skövde arranged a CISOSS multiplier event in Alingsås on Friday 9 February.
It was an appreciated event and an extended version of the English CISOSS presentation CFTIC
sent was used, giving examples of the CISOSS learning material and how it could be used. We
also informed specifically about the different intellectual outputs of the project (IO1, IO2, IO3,
and IO4).

Conducted event:

Date: Friday 9 February 09:00-12:00.

Location: Alingsås public library in Alingsås municipality.
Attendees: 8


The event was offered as competence

development regarding use and collaboration
for open source software projects and learning
material from the CISOSS project. During the
event the CISOSS project was introduced and
described in detail, giving specific examples of
the CISOSS learning material and its associated
open source tools for use in different
application scenarios. Overall, it was an
appreciated event that generated interesting
and intense discussions on various aspects of
open source software, open collaboration, and
beneficial use of different OSS in various usage
contexts for different organisations and

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Multiplier events

Specifically, the topic of content management systems in the CISOSS material raised discussions
on systems such as Drupal, which several of the participants have adopted and used in their
organisations. A different topic that was interesting for the participants was collaborative tools,
where the specific tool Etherpad was discussed as an alternative to proprietary tools such as
Google Docs for collaborating in real time in projects undertaken within organisations.
It was considered critical that hosting of an OSS tool for collaboration (and also other kinds of
tools) is local so that an organisation has control of its software and associated data. During the
event the importance of being able to control where the data is stored, processed, maintained,
and archived was extensively discussed. In connection with this, participants raised concern
related to the forthcoming General Data Protection Regulation.
Licensing and different types of licenses for both
software and content were also of interest for the
participants. This topic was discussed extensively
with a view to gain better understanding of how
different concepts of openness (open source
software, open standard, open access) interrelate
and enable for lock-in avoidance, interoperability,
and long-term maintenance of IT systems and
associated digital assets within organisations.
Further, an overarching issue, regardless of type
of open source tool, was that participants have questions about how to get help and support for
OSS tools. In connection to this, different types of communities and channels for communication
within and between open source projects related to different OSS tools were discussed.
Opportunities and challenges related to procurement and organisational adoption of OSS tools
was extensively discussed in connection with this.


The event generated interesting and intense discussions on various aspects of open source
software, open collaboration, and beneficial use of different OSS in various usage contexts for
different organisations and stakeholders.
Finally, participants expressed that they are keen to get access to the learning material from
CISOSS for further use in their associated organisations once it has been provided under an
appropriate open content license, something which was promised during the event.


Conducted event:

Date: 4th February 2018. 17:00-19:00 h.

Location: St Thomas Church, N4 2QE - London.
Attendees: 68

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The call was made through the business contacts that I have access to through my activity, also
through the contacts in London of the association and the IT students interested in
the subject.
The event finished with an invitation to a small briefing, as thanks for assistance.


The exhibition of the CISOSS project was followed with

interest by the attendees, as many were unaware that
the Erasmus + program also financed projects of
strategic associations. It was also interesting to check
the work carried out.
The agenda for the event was as follows:

Q&A Part of the speech

Some attendant asked different questions about the

project. The main were about:
 availability of the materials
 rights of the materials
 IT areas covered
 partners involved in this projects
 our (company) interest in this kind of activities

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We believe that all the partners have made an important effort to develop the multiplier events.
We have managed, among all, to give the opportunity to people and entities that were unaware
of the project, to have a direct knowledge of the work done and of the intellectual products so
interesting and novel that we have achieved.
We can feel proud that, overcoming the difficulties that have arisen, we have achieved, with the
collaboration of all, high quality results and have opened the way to continue expanding and
improving what has already been achieved.


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Annex 1

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Multiplier events

Annex 2




Data referring to the shipments and the distribution made
Total shipments: 104,684 shipments. Shipments Twitter: 103.973 shipments
Shipping emails: 648 shipments. Shipping RSS: 63 shipments

Data referring to the visual impacts that the press note has had within the
distribution channels.
Impacts: 111,143 impacts. Average Impacts: 6,946 impacts / day

Collection of data on the appearances of the press release in digital media.
Total mentions: 86 mentions. Estimated audience: 172,700 users

Analysis of the final repercussion that the press release and the amplification (ECO)
has achieved with the distribution.
Impact impact: 39.16%; Repercussion mentions: 60.84%; ECO: X2.55

Total Impact: 283,843 users

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