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What is Spirituality? Experience God as a close friend and ally.

want a God who knows them intimately,
Concerns to an aspect of the divine and someone who strengthens their esteem and
supernatural but is often times limited to the sense of purpose.
individual, with no need for any formal
organization. This is the search for meaning and A close personal relationship with a higher
direction in life and the ways by which one may power can provides a sense of safety, love
preserve these.
and security in a turbulent world where they are
What is Religion? besieged with peer pressure and feelings of
An organized system of ideas about the spiritual
or supernatural realm, that is accompanied by
rituals. Through rituals, people attempt to
influence things that they think are beyond their


The two are related – Although not separate
from one another, spirituality is much more
profound than religion. 2. INDIVIDUATIVE-REFLECTIVE STAGE

STAGES OF FAITH DEVELOPMENT The adolescent is able to critically reflect on the

stories, symbols, rituals and myths of one’s
traditions and translate them into conceptual
Youth begin to develop a capacity for meaning.
operational thinking.
Commit themselves to faith through conscious
Faith provides a unifying means of synthesizing choice rather than through unexamined
values and information and can serve as a basis acceptance.
of forming a stable identity.
Faith development is correlated to identity-
Faith is constructed through conformity to a set forming questions such as “why was I born?”,
of values and beliefs with deference to authority. “how can I find meaning in life?”, “where does
Their values and beliefs are typically life lead?” and “how can I find my purpose?”
Older teens and young adults begin to critically
This stage is characterized by a hunger for a examine their beliefs and gradually begin to
close, personal relationship with God. take responsibility for a worldview that they
themselves have chosen.
A clue that teens are beginning to move beyond
this stage is when they begin to question
authority and previously established beliefs and
1. ENDING – Saying goodbye to beliefs held
from childhood.
2. NEUTRAL ZONE – conflicted internally from
the abandonment of one’s self toembracing
a new one. From the old “ako” (I/me) to the
new “ako” (I/me). One reason why a
teenager undergoes crisis is that sometimes
he/she is not aware that he/she is
undergoing a kind of spiritual awakening.
There is sometimes full of hate, boredom,
rebellion and sadness.
3. NEW BEGINNING - Through trustworthy
friends, an individual discovers not only
himself/herself but also God who may be
trusted and may serve as companion
throughout life.

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