Acklam Richard, Crace Araminta. - Going For Gold Upper-Intermediate (Coursebook)

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Richard Acklam and Araminta Crace Upper Intermediate coursebook Poca eis Aone UA BEAD BAU age Pearson Education Limited Edinburgh Gate Harlow ssor C20 2IE Englana and Associated Companies throughout the world (© Pearson Education Limited 2003 ‘The ight of Richard Acklam and Araminta Crace to be identitied as ‘author ofthis Work has been asserted by them in accordance with ‘the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, ‘All ights reserved no part of this publication may be reproduced, Stored ina retrieval system, cx transmitted in any form or by any ‘means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, retarding, oF thenwse without the prior writen permission ofthe Publishers Fist published 2003, ISBN 0 582 529174 Set in 10713 Futger Printed by Grafica Estela, Spain Acknowledgements ‘The publeners an authors would ike to thank the follwing people forthe feedback nd comments during the development of the mater Nora Keermat ana Cesta Oana Vxgentia Carol Kiso, Antoula Zacharia-Gounai (Gree Patina Pelz, Louise Willan (tay Lisa Ging, Anne Alsande Span, Gulsune Afar Cure): Cisne Barker, Mer Gis, Helen Tod, hike Gutteridge (UK) ‘The pubes ae grate to the following for the pemson to epraduce ‘copyright photoraphs Adverting Archive page 46 mid lt, bottom cant Sayan & Chery ‘Alexander pages 8 tp le, 27 top and baton, 28; AP Polos page 39; Acad page 76 beta right (ex Bate, Art ects & TRP pages 12-op et ‘its 48 top ro, idle top let & right, mee, bottom ow I. 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The Scud of Earth” publied in The Readers Digest © 1990, “De You Know? The Bord Fac" pubtsed In The Readers bigest © 1990, and “Di You Kos Tyg Times" publsed in The Senoers Digest © rice Colemanadne uber We are ao rate t the flowing for sermsson to reproduce copight song bes MIG Music Publishing Ld, EM Mus Publishing Ld, International Music Publican Ud ond Music Sls 3 for the esto “Peus, Words and Music by Peter Vetere and Heather Sra © 1999 2M Musi ublehing La an EMI Misc Pblstng i. Alright esered EL Music Publishing Lid andl interrational Musi Publications Lid forthe 10 “Anhing i Posse”, Weds and Mic by Cathy Deas and Chestopher Dennis race © 200% Warner Chappell Muse Lid and EMI Mas Publnng ER Music Publihing Le ad International Rae Publations Lor the cs to “The Power of Goedye", Words and Music by Madonna Clone and Rick Nowe © 1998 Webe Gr: Pubishing ne, Future Furniture ne Wane Chapped rth Ameria Ud and EMM Muse Publaing Ud lights eer cure Research by Kevin Brown states by Martin Aston, Cis Sede Aran Barly. mand MPa Poul Dickinson, lke Spo, Sophie Joye and Cats Designers Musto Designed by Orford Desires @ Nuctatore Project Managed by Helena Gorm Richard Acklam and Araminta Crace going Gold Upper Intermediate coursebook 10 ft 12 13 14 is: Grammar reference p. 154 Contents Unit Grammar Changing werld Present simple and resent continuous pt Future forms Tum upthe Expressing purpose (jn order to musie soap pia {oestions (ubjecobect and sreevingiret) with fends Present perfect simle or since, evr lke these ust yet ateady) p24 So ana such Progress check Units 1-3 Dream on ike and as 236 Narrative tenses ‘ings that Time expressions (e.g. during, whl, by pas Gan, cou, be abe to, manage to Ny hero! ‘Countable and uncountable nouns and paz quanti Reported speech and reporting verbs Progress check Units 4-6 Maving on Used to eo) or be used to ona)? pet Making comparisons Land of Arties ‘he Pharaohs Relatwe causes p74 ‘lk tome Gling athice (present) and entice (past) pee Intestin Progress check Units 7-9 ‘More, nore, Obiaatn present and ast more Too and eraugh P95 Witer water Question toos evenpuhere Present perfect smple or contruous? p06 Give usa due Medals of deduction (presen) pie Modal of eden inst Progress check Units 10-12 ‘Along way Gerund or infinite? fromfome Future perfect and future continuous pie Just an act Comparative and supevatne aces p36 esses Giving Vers with wo objets (e.9. gite Something back something to someane) ar Unless as/ong asin case Progress check Units 13-15 Writing reference p. 169 Vocabulary ‘Word faies(nounsadctives) Looking after the envionment, recycing bank, ozone lye) Music Expressions with bring and take Relationships Describing personality ‘Making adjectives e., hopeful, useless) Interesting vocabulay fet glance, towanden ‘Word families (e.g. nent, avention frees) Mater (9, lather woe? ‘Making uncountable nouns countable (eg, pece of luggage) Body ana health ‘Verbs related to leaving (2.9, to st off, to save house) ‘etbs and expressions with ger (ea. get nowt Distances and dimensions (eg, tal arrow, dep) Pha eros Expressions about speaking (eg. speak tp tak shop) "Newspapers an tlevsion Money and shope na Prepostions wath nouns, verbs and adjectives (e. famous foc spend on) ‘Verbs and nouns of using Aagectves describing feelings CCeme and evidence (e.g. fingerprint, aspect ‘Word Tamils (ge ey eles) Travel Phrasal verbs and expressions with make 1, cinema and thease, auclance subttes) Conversatonal phases (9. Theres no pint, We may 2s welh Phrasal verbs and expressions with give Extveme adjectives (eg. tredlexhausted) Communication act Reading ‘Mach Pechu (mtiple matching headings! *Finging sniar words and phrases Is there music on Mars? (multiple choice) "nina to ansner questions before sina options A smal cicie of good trends (muitinle ‘matching: questions) *Scanning for spect information ‘A dream come tue? (gapped text) “eredcing content of masing sentences 100 years of gadgets (muliole marin questions. “Finding key words The rise ofthe superheroes (multiple chose) "Procedure for multiple-choice questions tes of passage (aapned text) *Focusng on words that eer backwards ‘and fonvards A resting place for the gods (mulcle matching: headings) "Predicting catent from headings How the camel goths hump (comprehension questions) 17,000 school students probably now ‘hate my nari! (ge0ped text) "Lniking expressions to show connections between eas ‘Shoo lve drop! (mute choice) ey word in questons and text The power of dolphins (gapped tex) ‘Focusing on diferent types of language inks ‘Chime scene (multiple matching headings "Predicting headings fom content Getaway fom i al! (multiple matching fuestons) Expressing statementsin diferent words Te te machine by H G Wells (eomprehenson questions) ‘man for atime (multiple matching headings *usnfying your choc from the text Spending 2 year abroad (ruitile matching questions) *Finging key words and parle ‘expressons sp. 175, | Listening Speaking Writing Use of English ‘Aatarcies (ule matcing) Working and non-working holidays Article (1) What can toursts see Word formation The Thames Barer “redting conten using Key words “Organising your ess find doin your ton or area? *ociing on nouns and agetvs, ‘Ways of comparing "Features ofa good arle : Pop ido (truettalse) Talking about yourself (general ‘Transactional etter (1) Key word transformations ‘aarting min afore toning cenveration Lester to a fend asking for "Test youre (smiororeferent Sona: Ayhing ws pasible (i Yeung) “Haking Geren ype of qurions rma, Pers “Features ofa wansactiona ter ( About 2 by (not takin) Ways of keeping in touch with Informa eter (1) (Open doze Likeness ofa person ‘Prediting mssng nfrmation people cision Liter fo a frend teling recent news "Procedure fr tinkng ofthe cect Feople cose to you multiple choke, "Ways of ging your opnion and. “Using informal language ‘word Unelted extract) “king forsoméone ese opinion i Dreams (multiple matching) Personal information (general Story) Error cortecton Hothouse chien *Precitng content tough pectures conversation) Linking expression of mee. “Focusing an type af words missing ‘taking forepetitonlrification finally afte hat) Famous scientists sentence completion) Thing that areimporeant te you Arle 2) coud't ve without! Word formation Ling te simple He *reciing missing words, (cotaborive ts *oragrpning “rocashg nt miosis, vs Yair vue simatic "Communiating nterecvely snd avers matching) "Predicting content Multiple coke unrestedexracs Hospital, est ad ard wheelchair Report (1) ls forthe dsabed —Mutpeechoee clze French Spier ‘Hosting your answers ‘cee (session) “Features of 3 goed repar Man’ reaches top of of HO Onstpher Reeve entence aking extended responses “Choosing between options campleten) SPredting rising information Sang: The Power of Goonye Savina goodbye leomparing photes) Transactional ete (2) key word transformations {Wadonna FOrganing your comments rst Lefer Toa fend Working out which suc ule ece rete evan) ger then Seo) *Faragraphing, eter aout and what being tested Stetina ene! neal tence Key word, The cae f the Pharaohs (uefa) sonal conversation Story 2 Story fom a tile Word formation “Focusing on key infomation “Expressing doubt and uncertainty Linking words of consequence ‘Stargate a revew the questions (Gg 0, thereto "Endings for nouns and adjectives prah Winey (nate takin) Mass medi (discussion ‘Article (3] Mast people dit ead Open caze *Presicing content om the notes *Wajs.of smmarsing and enough Irveractve television feporing a decison Sirreduction and concksion “Focus On what ind of word is ovaaraphs sing Fo Si rile matching) what makes you happy? Discursve comooston() Multichoice doze *Facusng onthe main message _(claboratve tsk) thats mporant ra happy ite? Name you nce "Gung yourslf time 1c think and “Linking prvaes fr organang your “Choosing between the four options racing fo your partner’ eas ideas (eg. fis ofall n concen) ater: fscnatng facts (multiple People eoyng themselves in water Sony (3) Error cretion choice (comparing photo). ‘Story ering wit the words Five Ohmpie Gols! Listening fr key words "Diflerent types of pectic comments *Time phases 9. Juin hs eerage "Ordering sages for desing with ter sports (mote matching) years only a year ter tee te “Pectin content The if and death of Marin Monroe Witness toa crime describing what Informa eter (2) Multiple choice doze (note ttn) yousae) Describing an unusual event Frozen n tine reciting missing formation _"Noteing elements in apcture “Linking words eg then eventual) “Choosing the cotectaternatve Multple- Grammar reference p. 154 WB) Nine of these sentences contain mistakes with the form of the verbs. Find the mistakes and correct them. 1 They are makeing a lot of exciting plans for the future. 2. Linda and Bob is staying with us for a few days, 3 The world’s climate is getting warmer. 4 He don’t believe anything | tell him, 5 More and more people is using cars these days, 6 Your town is clean or dirty? 7 I'm travelling around Europe for two weeks. 8 We are developing a new system for paying by credit card 9 His phone is no working at the moment 10 My brother studys for three hours every evening 11 My parents go to the cinema at least once a week. 12 What you are doing while you're in Lisbon? ® write each verb (in brackets) in the correct tense. Use the present simple or the present continuous. Deor Penny Thonks for your hear oll your news My life is a kkkle dF ferenk from ; a wsval at moment. I () ‘m..shudying.. = leber. Tk was really good to evenings and (3) - my fends ob the weekend. Buk I (4) Gok 6) Ok in the even ‘ Ge ngs ok on > qike boang bt I (S) : erpatert bo pase my exams, t Co} (sant) Eo go Eo univers next year : ia thing that is afferent. from usual is hat omg covsiny Daniel, is here. He's American bo. he vsily (7. (hve) in forks ord be (6) 5 em = aban He (9) mmanninn’ (Skew) sikh ee moment becouse he (10) ..... Gore) here Los Angeles for biso months. I (i). (eam) Tkaian so I (12) .... Tealion with him os mich as possible. Ewen, aw Please write again soon, Best wishes Seok WB Ask and answer these questions with a partner. What do you usually do in the evenings? Do you usually go out a lot at the weekend? Why?/Why ni Is anything in your life different from usual at the moment? Are there usually a lot of tourists in your town? Do you go to tourist places in your town? Where? How is your town changing? aunwns Vocabulary 1: word families (nouns/ adjectives) BH The highlighted words in each pair of sentences below are from the same word family. A The Andes mountains in Peru are over 4,000 metres ‘Gigh. At the ESI of the season, thousands of tourists come every day. B ‘We stayed in an @@latBB cottage in the countryside. Because of its iS6latiOn, the island developed its own culture Which of the highlighted words are: 1. nouns (words that are the name of a person, place, thing or idea)? 2 adjectives (words that describe a noun)? Copy the table below and write the words in the correct column. Noun Adjective 1H Look at the highlighted words in these sentences. Are they nouns or adjectives? Write them in the correct column in the table in Exercise 1. f 1 | think that Florence is a really le@atitifO city. 2 It was a (IRAE to meet you! 3 It's daiigenous to drive without a seatbelt. 4 She doesn't eat meat for f@ligi6US reasons. 5 | had great @iGUIEY opening the train window. 6 Don't eat those mushrooms. They are really ‘poisonous. 7 There are positive and negative things about fais. 8 | went to a really SMSRRGEAEM place on holiday last year. 9 Bringing a waterproof coat is an absolute messi. 10 | want to get married in Barbados, but it's WS) complete the table in Exercise 1 by writing in the missing adjectives and nouns. Use a good English-English dictionary (e.g. Longman Active Study Dictionary) to help you if necessary. UNIT 1. Changing world A complete this text with the correct words from the table in Exercise 1. We have great (1) requested for the Working Holidays scheme. ‘On a working holiday, you spend your time with a gro of people who you probably don't know. Instead of spenc your holiday doing nothing, however, you can spend your time doing something to look after the environment, suct in enclosing the information y picking up litter on beaches. You don't get pai in fact, yo have to pay for the holiday but it’s cheap and, more importantly extremely worthwhile The location where most of our holidays take place is @ as an area of outstanding natural ® However, the number of tourists in the ares 1s creating (4) such as increased litter and worn cout paths, Most of our participants work hard, make frien and have a (6) and worthwhile holiday You need to take care, however, because there are a number of potential (6) conditions and several species of (7) look at the enclosed list of things to bring. If you have an ® in buying ary of the (9) equipment, please do not hesitate to contact us. f you cannot eat certain foods for health or (10) These include severe weather snake, Plea clothes or reasons, please write the details on the application form. 1 Choose three pairs of words in the table in Exercise 1 that you would like to remember. Write a sentence for each word, writing only the first three letters of the noun or adjective. Example: She had dif in getting through to the travel agent on the phone. 2. Ask a partner to complete your sentences with the correct word. Example: She had difficulty. in getting theouigh to the travel agent on the phone. UNIT 1 Changing world Use of English: word formation Listening i HH Look at the photos and discuss these questions with 1 Look at the picture of the Thames Barrier on the River Thames in London. What do you think the Thames Barrier is for? eee 1. Where is Antarctica? 2. How would you describe Antarctica? 3. What animals do you associate with Antarctica? 4 Do you know how changes in Antarctica affect the world's climate? 4 2. Now read the paragraph quickly and check if your guess was correct. AMES BARRIER Recently, average annual (1) .... In England has increased by about 454. This Is probably because of (2) scene Warming. The River | Thames is, therefore, potentially very (3) for the (a)... of London. The last time it flooded was in 1953 when 300 people drowned. After this terrible (5) ... .. engineers began work on the (6) of the Thames Barrier, It has already been raised 31 times since its (7) cone iN 1982. It is made of huge walls which are the (8) .. of a five-storey building. The walls stop (9) ... amounts of water from flooding Soon it may become (10) ...« 10 raise it up to 30 times every yeart (1) RAINYIRAINFALL (2) GLOBALIGLOBE (3) DANGEROUS/DANGER, (4) POPULATED/POPULATION (5) TRAGIC/TRAGEDY (6) DEVELOPED/DEVELOPI (7) CREATIVE/CREAT @)HIGHHEIGHT (9) CONS SONSIDERATION (10) NECESSARY/NECESSITY eee 1 For each gap in the paragraph, decide if the missing word is a noun or an adjective. Read the whole sentence around each gap to help you. | | | 2. Now look at the key words under the paragraph and decide which word should go in each gap. 3 Read the whole paragraph again and check your answers with a partner. 1B) Discuss these questions with other students. 1 The Thames Barrier is a tourist attraction with thousands of visitors every year. Why do you think tourists like visting places like this? What do you think they can see? 2 Would you like to visit the Thames Barrier? Why?/Why not? 1 You will hear four people talking about different aspects of Antarctica. First, look at the list of subjects (AD) and the words in the box below. For each subject, which two words do you expect to hear? A Trips for tourists B Skiing in Antarctica C Eating enough D Accold but important place 2 Work with a partner. What do you think the speakers will say about A-D? (© BB) Listen and match each speaker (1-4) with the correct subject in the list (A-D). Use each letter once only. Speaker 1: ....2. Speaker 2: Speaker 3 Speaker 4: (©) W Listen again and answer these questions. 1 How many people live in Antarctica permanently? 2 In the winter, what can the lowest temperature be? What happens when the ice melts in Antarctica? 4 Whal aie wu dangers of falling into the sea in Antarctica? 5. How high is the highest mountain in Antarctica? 6 On the pyramid diet, how many calories should you start by eating? 7 On the pyramid diet, mostly what kind of food should you eat? 1B Discuss these questions with a partner. 1 Would you like to visit Antarctica? Why?/ Why not? 2. What do you think would be the most difficult thing about living in Antarctica? 3° Would you prefer to live in a very cold place or a very hot place? Why? 4 What's the coldest place you've ever been to? Did you enjoy it? Why?/Why not? UNIT 1 Changing world Grammar 2: future forms BER Look at the examples below and complete the rules in the box by writing will, going to, the present simple or the present continuous. Oh, | know! 1! buy him a book about Antarctica. Don't worry. 'm sure you'll have a great time. Her train arrives at 5.30 in the morning! (Oh no! Look! He's going to fall in the water. I'm going to get up early and pack my suitcase then, AAs soon as | arrive, I'l phone you. ‘We're meeting at 10.00 on Saturday morning, Nousuns Decisions, plans and arrangements A We use to talk about decisions made at the moment of speaking B We use to talk about decisions made before the moment of speaking. C We use: to talk about plans and arrangements. Predictions D We use to predict future events based on what we know or believe. E We use to predict future events based on what we can see or hear now. Timetables F We use when we are talking about timetables. After some time phrases G We use after some time phrases (when, as soon as, etc.). b> Grammar reference p. 154 1) choose the best verb form in each sentence. 1 I haver’m having a holiday in Antarctica next month. 2. He goes/'s going to go on a working holiday next year. 3 Look at the sky. It will snow's going to snow today! 4 In the next few years, the sea level rises/will rise faster and faster. 5. Would you like a drink? Oh yes, I'l haver'm going to have water with ice, please. 6 The next tour boat /eaves/will leave at 10 a.m. next Monday. UNIT 1 Changing world BB The numbered verbs in this interview are incorrect. Vocabulary 2: looking after the For each one, decide which form is better. environment Example: (1) /'l/ have ... is wrong. It should be Ihave = 1 Look at the highlighted words in these sentences. Match each sentence with the correct picture. Bo youde ae 1 People should use bicycles and BIE Caer sraispant more events Oger 2. Most aerosol cans don't contain @EGI@ases weekends? What ra classes do you do 3 Widower anc solarwewer are clean ‘and what time aro : ways of creating energy they? 4 WRRIRIgNnalidas are helping to improve "Yes (1) Fave the environment 5 In some cities, there are KeIRSGIBSInks. juitar lessons on e 6. PIBIAG trees and flowers in your garden is Mondays at 7.30. | 2) "Ido karate on Saturday mornings The class (3) is starting at 8.30 in the morning. As soon as | (4) get up, | have to go ~ usually without any breakfast!” Have you made any plans or arrangements. for this weekend? “Yes, I've arranged to see my best friend on Saturday. We (5) meet at 2 o'clock and then we (6) go to the cinema. After that I'm nat sure, we (7) probably go for something to eat * Have you decided what to do for your next holiday? ‘No. | haven't thought about it yet... umm | think | (@) 'm getting some information about different places. Perhaps | (8) go to my local travel agent later or maybe I (10) 'm going to ook on the internet.’ How do you think your life will be different in five years’ time? "I don’t know what job | (11) have then. | think | (12) 'm living in the same city and! (13) ‘m definitely stil playing football HB ci and answer the questions in the interview in Exercise 3 with a partner. 2. Match each sentence in the list (1-6) above with ‘the most appropriate sentence (A-F) below. ‘A We don’t have to use only @f) and eal. 8 E@6st6iifism is becoming more popular. C Don't throwaway glass bottles, cans or paper D We need plants to improve the alagillity. E This would reduce the amount of fumes produced by cars. F Sprays like these were damaging the oz@iigwlayer. BD) Ask and answer these questions with a partner. 1. What are two examples of public transport? 2. Why are CFC gases dangerous? 3. What kinds of things do you think you can do on a working holiday? 4. What things can you put in recycling banks? 5 What are four ways of producing electricity? 6 What things make air quality worse? 1 Try to memarice all the highlighted words and phrases in Exercise 1 in two minutes. 2. Use the correct form of the words and phrases you memorised to complete these sentences. 1 The council has street 2 Electricity is traditionally produced from and 3 Please keep the streets clean and all your rubbish in the bins provided. 4 Both aerosol cans and fridges sometimes contain trees all along my 5 can be used to make electricity anywhere, not just in sunny places, 6 is often cheap but not as convenient 8 your OWN car. 7 The air is very dirty because there are so many from cars. & Ihe sun’s rays ate becoming more dangerous because there are holes in the 9 I have breathing problems because the here is very poor. 10 I'll take those riewspapers to the new on the corner. 11 I'm bored with just lying on beaches. Next year I'm going on a 12 is about finding ways of having a holiday without spoiling the environment. UNIT 1 Changing world 1 Look at the two drawings below. Which phrases in Exercise 1 are they connected with? 2 Choose five phrases from Exercise 1, but don’t tell your partner which ones you've chosen. Draw a simple picture connected with each one, 3. Show each picture to your partner and ask them to guess the phrases. Try to guess the phrases your partner has drawn. 2 12 UNIT 1 Changing world Speaking | Photographs A and B show parts of two different cities. Listen to someone comparing and contrasting the photos and number these questions in the order she talks about them. a) Which place do you prefer? ) Which place is most similar to where you live? ©) What are the differences between the two places? d) What are the similarities between them? oo0o0 =i Listen again and complete these sentences with the correct word or phrase. Which ones are talking about similarities and which are talking about differences? 1. These photographs are 2 They are probably sure exactly where. = * 3 tis a very clean and attractive place it looks quite boring. 4 In picture B, busy, 5 It looks like there is quite a lot for young people to do, the place in picture A doesn’t look very lively at all of cities. in Europe but I'm not the street is quite lively and B) Photographs C and D show young people having two different kinds of holidays. Write four sentences about the similarities and differences using the words and phrases in the box. both but whereas on the other hand )_ Work with a partner. Take turns to compare and contrast the photos in Exercise 3. Use the questions in Exercise 1 and the sentences you wrote in Exercise 3 to help you. You should speak for about one minute. Writing: article (1) iscuss these questions with other students. 1 What is an ‘article’? Where would you usually read ‘articles’? 2. Which of the following do you think are features of a good article? a) an interesting title b) a range of interesting vocabulary ©) an informal style d) personal opinions and examples WD Read this task and the article on West Wales, which was written in response to it. Have all the features of a good article in Exercise 1 been included? > Writing reference p. 174 Task : ‘An international students’ magazine is asking for articles on the question: What can tourists see and do in your town or area? rite your article in 120-140 words. UNIT 1 Changing world West Wales - towist. heaven! Have you ever been Lo Wesk Wales? No Uilely wshakever you kke doing, iL’s aefinitely Lime Lo go, West Wales is famous for (ks beatif cOmbryside and cleon, likter-free beache One of the First Lhings you'l notice Ene Farkastic air quakty. In my Experiences Lhere 18 something for every in the combryside i climbing or aa nehing Waking fea (ht comeryside isn’t the onky abbractio iancns There ore some interesting citic eee atop Se David's wih ie Palace ond Tenby with ies opblife: There ore also numerove on = For examples you can go Loo muscu MSG On oguariom or just “iL in a café. Son iF yo sont clean sleony UnepOUie beaches inkeresking cities ond los of aifterent entertainment, then come Lo Wesk Wales, BB) Prepare to write your own article, using the questions below to help you. 1. Which town or area will you write about? 2 What topics will you include? (e.g. what to do in the countryside, different cities, nightlife, activities for children, museums, etc.) 3. What interesting vocabulary will you include? 4. What personal opinions or examples will you include? 5 What interesting ttle will you give your article? write your article in 120-140 words. (55) Read another student's finished article and look at the features of a good article again. Has he/she included all the features? Can you suggest any improvements? D> Unit test I:Teacher’s Book ON T 2 turn up the music i ZF BAND BLUR 1S GOING INTO: being on planet Fant The esr decided Reading SPACE. Their music, atleast i going © that We best way th caer Pejblant Mors The ea tame tom u's 2 aliens was wilh musles Tey Ceres 1 mranmit Dave Rowntree and bas player dsc of 87.5 minush Seni eised sAlex James. When they heard ‘about hit 1 Work with a partner. decd CERN, they ——Thete were a number of reasons. why What can you see in the ood MEPRWRLCSAOSETRENGM 130, music was chocen, ard rere BS hanks #0 project rect, Calin aw pltues Fy mie hast picture? Pillinger, they now are. and it is easy to analyse in mathematical linge Is ctecir ofthe Mars Express lms. Boise manatee * Theartile below i What fl Miso and' edt waanonges mM, feeue manatee ma the article below it. What ino Spec a par ofthe project. Beagles probably undewtan etis wehige te do you think the article curoee oe nace which & put down on the 4s music. Secondly he experts fet ther music Since of Mars to took for signs of lle. expressed umn fedlng, ievon aes Ee ebouty The cctentas (eargs back tw Earth 0 tell anything ele. It could alsorreprecen: ena Bethe scientists that it has arrived. human culture on Earth. Every society hag BI Read the article cepa anted thelr music to provide this ts own dlstincive misle @ copies ic quickly. According to the message and Pllinger was very pleased to 6 happiness, sadness and path banal nenag Cnet, the media interest in the Variety. was the main” cttesion for waiter when was musi ft choosing what music should Be ede sent into space? Meteled yp, Proieet, Blur wrotel and The commitice chose songs fem all ore Ae ic ak SSPeCially forthe project, the. world. Dilerent reheat pac fies Of Blur said thatthe music was as included, such as pipes sed arene, fee based On a mathematical sequence and a the Wester clasical wadinon Wore Gon Saki Nake fom Slurs 113" album, | music, bys Beebe, wat og including "No Distance Left to Run’ Stravinsky. Were these really Earth’s greatest Bris (or the first time that susie has” hits The answer is, of course, 6 Cee oe been sent into space. In 1977, the e opinion. They will at eae be the longest. syria launched spacecraft Voyager 1 lasting hits from Eanh, The dic nose son a8 ?. They wanted to send very strong metal so that it will Tor a 44 SSemeing nto space in order to help aliens extremely long time - probably vrte sO) understand what it was like to be a human million years 1. Read these questions and highlight or underline key words. The first one has been done for you as an example. What information do you need to look for in the text? 1 SREB did the two members of Blur (SEONG 2. What is Blur's music going to be used for? 3. Why did the Americans send music into space on Voyager 1 and Voyager 2? 4 Why did scientists choose music to send to aliens? 5 What does It refer to in line 47? 6 ; What does the writer say about the music an i disc? hlight or underline the parts of the text tHat give you the answers to the questions. The first one has been done for you as an example, Now read the questions and the options below. Which option matches the parts of the text that you highlighted? For each question, choose the correct answer, A, B, Cor D. 1. What did the two members of Blur want to do? A They wanted to go into space. B They wanted to send their music into space. C They wanted to become directors of a new space project. D They wanted to write a song called ‘Planet Mars’ 2. What is Blur's music going to be used for? A to tell scientists that the ‘lander’ has reached the planet B to entertain any life forms on the planet C to keep scientists happy D to create publicity material for the project 3. Why did the Americans send music into space on Voyager 1 and Voyager 2? A to create a friendly atmosphere for the aliens B to help locate any alien life forms C to communicate with life on other planets D to test how far away you can hear music 4 Why did scientists choose music to send to aliens? A because they thought they would like it B because it is easier to understand than maths C because they thought they could hear it better ‘than words D because it's probably the easiest way of communicating UNIT 2. Turn up the music 5 What does It refer to in line 472 ‘A human feeling B human culture C maths D music 6 What does the writer say about the music on the disc? A It definitely contains the greatest music on Earth B Different people will feel differently about the music. C Not enough different instruments were included, D It won't stay in space for long enough. [BB] Find these words in the text and choose the correct definition (a or b) for each one. 4 It is useful to be able to deduce the meaning of unknown words from context. Find the word in the text and try to guess the meaning by reading the whole sentence around the word. You may also want to read the sentences before and after. 1 track (noun) [lines 22 and 25) 2) one piece of music on a CD (or tape) containing many pieces of music b) a whole CD (or tape) of different pieces of music 2. to compile (verb) [line 35} a) to finish making something b) to make something using many different parts 3. to express (verb) [lines 46 and 49] 2) to show your feelings ) to talk about how you feel 4 distinctive (adjective) (line 49} a) traditional and old-fashioned ) unique and different from the others 5 criterion (noun) [line 51] 2) a group of people who make decisions b) the reason for deciding something B® With a partner, name one or two pieces of music that you think would represent your country. Is it easy or difficult to choose? ‘Charles! Would we be interested ina trip to Mars?” UNIT 2. Turn up the music Vocabulary 1: music 1 Match the musical instruments in the pictures with the words in the box. guitar drums piano keyboards violin saxophone 2 Work with a partner. How many other musical instruments can you name? WD Ask and answer these questions with a partner. 1. Do you play a musical instrument? often do you play? Who do you play with? 2. Would you like to learn a/another musical instrument? Which one? Why2Why not? 3. What is your favourite instrument to listen to? Why? WB) work with a partner and say which instruments from the box in Exercise 1 are often associated with the following types of music. What do you think about each type? jazz 2 dassical 3 rock W® match the definitions (1-6) with the correct word associated with the pop music industry in the box. album lead singer number one band single the charts 1 a musical CD with one or onit 2. a musical CD with a group of songs onit 3. the person at the front in a musical group 4 a group of musicians who play together 5 a list of the popular records every week 6 the song in the highest position in the list of popular records wo songs BS) Think of three bands that you like and discuss these questions with a partner. ‘What type of music do they play? Which instruments do they play? Who is the lead singer? How successful have they been in the charts? Have they had any number ones? How many albums have they made? What are they called? Be) NS Grammar 1: expressing purpose [BB Look at example sentences 1-5. Decide if each one is saying a) when somebody does something, b) where somebody does something, ord why somebody does something. 1 They send people into space to look for signs of life, 2 They sent music into space in order to help aliens understand humans. 3 L often borrow CDs from friends so as to save money. 4 The disc was made of strong metal so that it would last a long time. 5 | practise the piano every day in order that | can become a professional musician, 1 All the phrases in italics in the sentences in Exercise 1 express purpose or intention. Look at the words which follow each of the phrases in italics. Choose the correct alternatives (a or b) in the rules below. 1. to, in order to and sv a3 (u ave followed by. a) infinitive _b) clause (subject + verb) 2 so that and in order that are followed by: a) infinitive b) clause (subject + verb) 2. Which one of the following negative sentences is not possible? 1 I turned the music down in order not to disturb my neighbours 2 | turned the music down so as not to disturb my neighbours. 3 | turned the music down so that / wouldn't disturb my neighbours. 4 | turned the music down in order that | wouldn't disturb my neighbours. 5 | turned the music down not to disturb my neighbours. 3 Complete these rules using formal and informal. If necessary, look at the Grammar reference on page 155. 1 to and so that are generally used in situations 2 in order to, in order that and so as to are generally used in more... situations or in written form UNIT 2 Turn up the music HS) combine each pair of short sentences to make a longer sentence, using the words and phrases in brackets. You will need to make some sentences negative. Example: | always carry my mobile phone. | want to call people easily. (so that) J always carry my mobile phone so that | can call people easily. 1 I'm going to the music shop now. | want to buy that new CD. (to) 2 He drives carefully. He doesn’t want to have an accident. (50 25 to) 3 She studies very hard. She needs to improve her English quickly. (in order to) 4 You should use sun cream. You shouldn't get sunburnt. (in order that) 5. I'm going to bed early. | don’t want to be tired tomorrow. (so that) 6 I'm doing a computer course. I can learn how to'use computers better. (fo) 7 | wrote down his phone number. | didn’t want to forget it. (in order to) 8 She plays tennis every morning. She likes to keep fit. (50 as to) WH Ask and answer these questions with a partner. Use the ways of expressing purpose above to say what you want or intend to do. Example: A Why are you learning English? B Mostly to get a better job. Also, so that I can talk to people more easily when I'm travelling. 11 Why are you learning English? 2 What would you like to do this weekend? Why? 3 In what different situations do you like listening to music? Why? 4 What are you doing after this class? Why? UNIT 2 Turn up the music Use of English: key word transformations 1 Which of the pairs of sentences below are similar in meaning and which are different? 1 ‘Do you want to buy that CD, John?’ asked Marian. Marian asked John if he had bought that CD. 2. My friend says that it's necessary to get to the concert by 7 p.m. My friend says that we don’t have to get to the concert by 7 p.m. 3 started playing the guitar five years ago and | stil play it now. | played the guitar for five years 4 Their second album is better than their first one. Their first album isn’t as good as their second one. 5 Someone stole my CD player while | was sitting on the bus. My CD player was stolen while | was sitting on the bus, 6 | left the house early so that | wouldn’t be late. left the house early in order not to be late 7 ‘Are you coming to the party?’ Sally asked Mel. Sally asked Mel if she was coming to the party. 8 When | was a child, I played the violin every day. When | was a child, | used to play the violin every day. 2. Compare your answers with a partner. Do you agree? A complete the second sentence in each of these pairs so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use two words only, including the word given. Follow stages 1 and 2 below to help you. Stage 1: Look at the first sentence and the key word. Stage 2: Look at the words before and after the gap in the second sentence. Example: That CD player is too expensive for me. not That CD player is net cheap. for me. errouglt 1 “Wendy, have you been to Argentina?’ asked Mick. been Mick asked Wendy if she to Argentina 2. Its necessary to hand in your homework on Monday. have You hand in your homework on Monday. 3 | got this watch two years ago. have I this watch for two years 4 | think that chemistry is more difficult than biology, as I think that biology is difficult as chemistry. 5 Someone sent me these beautiful flowers for my birthday. sent These beautiful flowers to me for my birthday. 6 | took an umbrella so that | wouldn't get wet. not I took an umbrella in to get wet 7 ‘What are you doing this weekend?" Jack asked Emily, she Jack asked Emily what doing that weekend 8 | played football really well when I was younger, but now I don't. used I play football really well when I was younger. UNIT 2. Turn up the music (©) B® Listen to two people talking about the TV show Pop Idol. Answer the questions in Exercise 1. MBI Listen again and decide if these statements are true or false. 4 You will find it easier to listen for specific information if you read the questions carefully before you listen again, 1. Paul Mortimer works for a music magazine. 2 At first, not many people entered the competition. 3. People liked the show because they could do something 4 All the contestants were of a very high standard. 5. The judges were not always friendly and kind. 6 Will Young was very confident throughout the competition. 7 People thought Gareth Gates would win because fie hed 4 better voice. 8 Will's first single was an instant success A Discuss these questions with a partner. 1. What do you think about this way of finding a pop star? Do you think Will Young will continue to be successful? 2 Would you enter a competition on TV like Pop Idol? Why? Why not? 1. You will hear the song Anything is possible by Will Young. First, look at the lines from the song below. Match each first half (1-5) | with the correct second half (a-e). 1 Will Young (in the photo) was the winner of a Example: 1d competition on a TV show called Pop Idol. Look at the photos and read this definition. 1 You showed me a) ... in front of you 2 When you believe ..._b) ... my way again ¢ 3 Standing here Q ... inme (pop) idol 1 {C] someone or something that you 4 When you're d) ... Iwas not alone admire very much t 5 And tll never lose... e) ... by my side 2 Look again at the title of the song and the 2. Discuss these questions with a partner. lines from it. What do you think the song is about? 1 What do you think the contestants had to do? 2. Do you think it was a popular show? 3 What do you think the prize was? UNIT 2. Turn up the m [HG Read the words of the song below and decide where you think the lines in Exercise 5 should go. Then listen and check Anything is possible wu. younc never thought | could be feeling this way () This perfect day — no {es hard to imagine what tomorrow will be TI keep this moment in my heart For eternity Even through the rain, | kept my faith The will to follow through @) ‘And it’ all because of you I'm flying high like the wind Reaching the impossible Vil never doubt again Vm fying high "Cos your love's made me see That anything is possible @ Ina world full of strangers ‘You were my saving grace 4. i ‘Alone inthis place —no I never believed it That a dream could come true But if anyone has changed my mind Then baby, its you Is possible to spread my wings ‘And reach until the sky | believe that | could fly away (Jer tet This was will Young's first single after winning ‘the TV competition, Pop Idol. Listen again and then discuss the questions below. 1 Do you like the song (music and words)? Why?/Why not? 2 Would you buy it? Why?/Why not? 2 Do you think it would be a ‘number one’ in your country? Why2Why not? Vocabulary 2: expressions with bring and take HG) Match the expressions in italics in sentences 1-6 with the correct definitions (af). Example: 1 f 1. 10,000 people took part in the competition. 2 The judges took lots of things into account when they chose the winner. 3 I think he can take the pressures of being a pop star. 4. He took advantage of the free singing classes and went to them all 5 The competition brought out the best in him. 6 She was brought up in a family of musicians. a) to look after children until they are adults b) to use a situation for your benefit, ©) tobe able to accept difficult conditions )_ to make someone show the best part of their character/ability ) to consider particular facts when making a decision about something #) to do something together with other people (especially a competition, race, etc.) (work in pairs and take turns to test your partner. Say one of the definitions (2-f) in Exercise 1. Your partner should say the correct expression with bring or take. WB ask and answer these questions with a partner. Give details and examples. Example: A What was the last competition you took part in? B About two months ago, | took part in a football competition. There were six teams from different schools. We didn’t win, but we came second. 1. What was the last competition you took part in? 2 Do emergency situations bring out the best in you (or the worst)? Why? 3. What do you usually do to take advantage of sunny weather? 4 What things are usually taken into account in an English-speaking exam? 5 Do you think bringing up children is a difficult job? Why? 6 Are you the kind of person who can usually take the pressures of performing in public? Grammar 2: questions Subject questions and object questions 1 Look al the rules in the box. Subject questions Object questions Q: Which singer do Q: Who sings better, Ricky Martin or Enrique Iglesias? | you like best? ‘A: Enrique Iglesias sings |: I like Ricky Martin better. best The answer (Enrique iglesias) | The answer (Ricky is the subject Martin) ic the object. We don't use an auxiliary | We use an auxiliary verb (€g. do, has) in the | verb (e.g. do, has) in question, the question 2 Decide which of these questions are a) subject. questions, b) object questions. 1 What time did you get up this morning? 2 Who told you about the party? 3 What have you bought Simon for his birthday? 4 How many people took the exam? 5 6 ‘Where are you going now? ‘What happened at the end of the film? > Grammar reference p. 155. UNIT 2. Turn up the music WD Six of the questions below have mistakes in ‘them. Find the mistakes and correct them. Example: When you last bought a CD? When did you last buy a CD? hich of these albums you like best? ho ate the last biscuit? How many people did they go to the concert? ‘Where you went for your last holiday? ‘What did happen to Diane yesterday? Who you want to speak to? Which platform does the train go from? Who did gave you that great hag? miauauns Direct questions and indirect questions 1 The woman in the picture is interviewing a young man on a TV show to find out about his, music interests. Look at the picture and the questions she asks below. 1. Can 1 ask you who your favourite band is? 2. Could you tell me whether you go to pop concerts? 3 I'd also like to know if you listen to music on the radio. Would you mind telling me how much you spend ‘on CDs every month? 2. Rewrite the indirect questions above (1-4) as direct questions, starting with the words given. Who ../¢.your favourite band?, Do Do How much RUN UNIT 2. Turn up the music 1 Answer these questions with a partner. 1 Why does the woman use indirect questions in the interview? 2. Why do we not use a question mark (2) with ‘one of the phrases used to start indirect questions? 2 Look at the pairs of questions below. Which is correct, a), b) or both? Why? 1a) Could you tell me where do you usually buy your CDs? b) Could your tell me where you usually buy your CDs? 2 a) Cant ask you if you like latin music? b) Can ask you whether you like latin music? > Grammar reference p. 156 HB) write these questions as indirect questions, starting with the words in brackets. Example: Which of these albums do you like best? (Could you...) Could you tell me which of these albums you like best? 1. When did you last buy a single? (Can /...) 2. What do you think of The Corrs music? (Would yous...) 3 Do you play a musical instrument? (I'd also like ...) 4 Do you ever listen to classical music? (Could you ) 5 How often do you go to see live music? (Would you...) 6 What is your favourite song ever? (Can I...) Have you ever heard of All Saints? (’d also like ..) 8 What time of day do you listen to music mostly? (Could you ...) [Bl You are being interviewed for a IV show about your music interests. Take turns to be the interviewer, by asking the questions in Exercise 5. Remember if you want to be more formal or polite, you can use indirect questions. Example: ‘A Can | ask you when you last bought a single? B Last week. ! bought the new single by Jennifer Lopez. its really great! Speaking HH Listen to part of an interview between a teacher and a new student, Oliver. Which of these topics do they talk about? home town family work/study spare time/hobbies future plans B® Listen again and make notes in the table about Oliver's answers. Job in ten years’ Family Spare time Oliver You (2) HBB Listen again and for each pair of questions below, tick (V) the one that the teacher asks. 1a) What about your family? ) Gan | ask you about your family? 2 @)-Do you have a large or a small family? fh) Cail yous tell me if you have a large or a small family? 3a) How old is your brother? ) I'd like to know how old your brother is. 4a) What do you like doing in your spare time? b) Can | ask you what you like doing in your spare time? 5a). What kind of job do you hope to have in ten years’ time? ) Would you mind telling me what kind of job you hope to have in ten years’ time? complete the table in Exercise 2 with notes about you for each question. Include at least three pieces of information for each answer. WB) work with a partner and take turns to interview each other. Use your notes in Exercise 2 and some of the questions in Exercise 3. transactional letter (1) TR) Answer these questions with a partner by reading the task, the advertisement and the notes below. 1 In your letter will you be mostly a) suggesting something? b) complaining about something? ©) giving information? d) asking for information? 2 How many pieces of information do you need to ask about in your letter? You are interested in going to the concert in the advertisement. You know that your friend would like ‘to come to the concert with you but there are some details you're not sure about. You need to write a letter to your friend to check the details (in the The sample letter on this page has two sentences missing in each paragraph. Look at sentences A-F and match ‘them with the correct place in the letter. A Don't forget to write soon. 8 Which date would you prefer: the 14th, 15th or 16th? C [really hope you can come D Thanks very much for your letter. E Would you like to stay the night with me after the concert? F I'muwriting to tell you about a concert that I've seen advertised. b> Writing reference p. 170 UNIT 2. Turn up the musi Dear Sam D on TE was really good t0 he. all your news. (2) Lola Kennedy is playing and 1 know you really like her. There are a few things t need to check with you. First, she is ont doing three concerts. (5) : There are three Prices for the tickets: £15, £25 and £35. How much do You want to pay? Also, know that it might be aitficutt for you to get home. (4) 5) I'm sure. you would really enjoy it. (o) Best wishes Emily ee HEB Wiite o letter in 120-140 words using the task in Exercise 1 and the advertisement and notes below. eee a ee Un Lecce [> Unit test 2:Teacher's Book T Listening 1 =r 1 Read the quotations (1-5) below about friends and friendship. Decide which quotation is about: a) helping a friend b) making a new friend ) having an animal friend d) being jealous of a friend e) lending money to a friend d. 1 tr money and lose your frient ne (Proverb, 15th century) 2 AFOUR, “LEGGED FRIEND, A FOUR PLL NEVE LET Toe et ROURLEGGED Fenn, (Song by Roy Rogers, 1952) (Oh, 1 get by with a litle help from my friends (Song by John Lennon and Paul McCartney, 1967) 4 Whenever a friend succeeds, a little something in me dies. 5 through life, he will soon find himself lett alone. ames Boswell, 1791) 2 With a partner, explain what you think each quotation means. Which ones do you agree with? Which ones are true in your experience? 1D Listen to two people talking about a film about friendship. Look at the quotations in Exercise 1 again and tick (7) the one which is , _ dlosest to the theme of the film. With friends like these (Gore Vidal, 1973) Ifa man does not make new friends as he advances Cae aN re eS 15) Before you listen again, decide with a partner what kind of information is missing from the notes below, e.g. age, name, place, etc. Don't worry if you can’t remember the exact answers at this stage. of Fifm: (0 orginal book written by Nick Hornby Ist main character: wan cabled will aged in his (2) a Likes: watehi j, (3) » in the bate Dislikes: having, proper (4) -~ 2nd main character: ealted Marcus fives with his (5) se (6) sees marous is a¢ Wilt and it become friends. Will changes From 0 (7) (8) Pe person toa UNIT 3. With friends like these (| B® Listen again and complete the BS) complete the gaps in this paragraph with the correct notes in Exercise 3. word or phrase from Exercise 1 HS with a partner, think of one or two films, books or TV programmes about friends or friendship. Say why you liked or didn’t like them. You can use the notes in Exercise 3 to help you organise what you want to say. Vocabulary 1: relationships HH Look at the words in italics in each pair of sentences. What is the difference in meaning between each pair? Work with a partner and use a dictionary to help you if necessary. Example: a) Jenny is a really close friend of mine. {can tell her everything. b) He's just an acquaintance. We work in the same place but | don’t know him wel close friend = someone who you like very much and know well acquaintance = someone who you know, but not very well 1. a) Please discuss the question with your classmates. b) She waé the perfect flatmate. She was ‘Alisa and | are at school together. At first, we were really quiet and always did the (1) ~ | mean we had lessons together. We had friends in washing-up. common, but | hardly knew her really. We were just (2) 2a) My mum doesn’t get on with my Then we started playing tennis together and after about two gitifriend at all. months, we got to know each other very well. Now she is a really b) Rosie has been going out with her 8) and we do a lot of things together. We have talked boyfriend for six months. about the future and when we leave home, we'd like to be (4) | think it would be fun to share a flat with her, at 3a) [had an argument and fell out with least for a while! my parents last night. b) The moment I saw her | fel in Jove n (A) There is one incorrect word in each of the following 4-2) Antonkss-parenseei Taptiet tie sentences. Find the word and correct it. was five. b) | had an argument with my best She's always falling on love — three times already this year! iend yesterday, but we made it up My parents got married after getting out with each other for today. only six weeks. 3. Many more couples split off than ever before. work with a partner and don’t 4 I think I'm lucky because | go on with both my parents. look at Exercise 1. Write down as many 5 I've never fallen off with my best friend. of the words and phrases as you can 6 I'm always having arguments with my parents, but we always remember in one minute. make it on afterwards. UNIT 3. With friends like these [BBL Ask and answer these questions with a partner. 1. Who do you get on well with in your family? 2. Have you ever fallen out with a close friend? If so, what did you fall out about? Did you make it up afterwards? How long did it take to make it up? How did you make it up? 3. Can you imagine going out with someone who speaks a different language from you or comes from a different country from you? What problems do you think you might have? Grammar 1: present perfect simple Present perfect simple with for and since [EI choose the correct verb form: present perfect simple or past simple. 1. My best friend is Sally. | knew/have known her for three years. 2 When | was a child, | lived/have lived in Sicily. 3 | didn’t see/havén't seen my next-door neighbour since last weekend, 4. How long did you havelhave you had that watch? 5, My grandmother lives in our house. She fived/has lived with us since last year 6 Where did your go/have you been on holiday last year? 7. My brother has three dogs. He hadihas had them for seven years 8 | wasthave béen in this classroom since 9 o'clock ‘this morning 9 | started/have started playing the guitar when | ‘was eight. 10 I'm starving} | didn’t eatihaven’t eaten anything singe this morning. [HB Look again at the sentences in Exercise 1 and answer these questions. 1. Which tense do we use to talk about actions or situations that began and finished in the past: the past simple or the present perfect simple? 2. Which tense do we use to talk about actions or situations that continue from the past until now: the past simple or the present perfect simple? 3 With the present perfect, when do we use since? ‘4 With the present perfect, when do we use for? Pe Srammar reference p. 156 [HB Each of the following sentences has a mistake. Find the mistakes and correct them. Example: 1 My best friend is John. I've known him for two years. My best friend is John. | known him for two years. I've had this watch since three months. My family has lived at the same address since five years. haven't spoke to my next-door neighbours since last weekend. 5 | knew the person sitting next to me for nearly two weeks. My hair has being the same length for three years. | haven't been on holiday since a year. | had these shoes since January. s ase 1H Rewrite the sentences in Exercise 3 to make them true for you. Then compare your answers with a partner, Example: 1 My best friend is Pilar. 've known her for nearly five years. Present perfect simple with ever, just, yet and already 1B) For each dialogue below, write the verbs in brackets in the correct tense. Use the rules in the box to help you. 1. We use the present perfect simple to talk about an action or experience at an indefinite (or unknown) time in the past (we can use ever, just, yet and already). 2. We use the past simple to talk about an action at a definite time in the past. 1A (yoursee) that new horror film? B Yes, | ‘A When (yoursee) it? BI (ee) it last weekend 2A (your best friendiphone) you today? B No, she 3A When (you/buy) that jacket? BI (buy) it when | was on holiday last month [HG Look at these dialogues and answer the questions below. A Have you ever met someone from a different country? B Yes, I've just met a student from Mexico. C Have you made it up with your friend yet? D Yes, I've already bought her some chocolates to say sorry! 11 Which of the words in italics is used to talk about something that: ) has happened a short time ago (and comes before the main verb)? b) has happened sooner than expected (and comes before the main verb)? ©) has happened at any time in your life (and comes before the main verb, usually in questions)? d) hasn't happened until now and shows that the speaker expects something to happen (and comes at the end of the sentence, usually in questions and negative sentences)? 2 Complete these dialogues by writing the words in brackets in the correct place. A Have you'been to South America? (ever) B No, I haven't been there; but | might go next summer. (vet) C I've'seen a fantastic film - the new Harry Potter one. (just) D Oh, yes. I've'seen that. (already) b> Grammar reference p. 156 BH Ask and answer the following questions with a partner. 1 Whats the most exciting thing you've ever done? 2 Is there anything you'd like to do this year but you haven't done yet? 3 Has anyone ever given you a present which you've already got? 4 Have you thought about what to do on your next birthday yet? 5 Do you think it will be easy to remember the grammar you've just learned? UNIT 3. With friends like these Use of English: open cloze [BH These photos were taken in the Arctic area of northern Canada. Look at the list of possible answers below and discuss this question with a partner: Why do you think the people there made large constructions from pieces of rock as in the first picture? to help find their way to scare away dangerous people as symbols of friendship to remember people as part of their religion UNIT 3. With friends like these 1D) Read the text quickly. Which of the reasons in Exercise 1 are mentioned in the text? 4 You will find it easier to understand a text if you read it quickly ‘without worrying about the gaps when you first read it LIKENESS OF A PERSON 1 the cold Arctic landscape of northern Canada itis very common to see an inukshuk (of inukshuit in the plural). Inukshuk means ‘likeness of a person’ in the language of the Inuit people (1) Whe... ive there. They are built om piles of rocks which are often made into (2) .unuunm shape of a man ith (3) sum arms or legs outstretched. { he Inuit people make inukshuit for different purposes. They can be symbols } friendship or respect (4) nun Special people. They can also warn 5) savas possible dangers or serve as signposts for travellers. They are often it $0 that the ‘arms (6) smu pointing ‘ sii the best direction (7) oman 80 hen collecting food or hunting ribou!. ometimes the Inuit people build ukshuit in long lines on each side the tracks that the caribou wak ong, Because (8) sunnnn the inukshuit 100k (9) omen if there are many eople. This scares the caribou and hey run between the lines to the and of the track (10) san \unters catch and kill them. \ n places where there are manysser"— nukshuit standing together ke this, (11) .... remind he Inuit people of the importance sf friendship and dependence (12)... each other. Jearibou: a type of large anima! lke @ deer found in Canada andt North America BB) The missing words in the text are mostly grammar words. Some of them may be part of a phrase or expression (e.g. dependent on). Look at these stages and the answer for the first gap. 1 Read the sentence containing the gap carefully. 2. Look at the words before and after the gap and decide what type of word is missing (e.g. article, preposition, auxiliary verb, etc.) 3 Fill in the gap with one word. 1. The missing words from the text in Exercise 2 are in this box. Fill in all the gaps, following the stages in Exercise 3. 2 Compare your answers with a partner. If you have written a different word, read the sentence again and decide together which one is correct. Reading HEH Look quickly at the title and the headings in the text on page 29. Answer these questions. 1 How many sections does the text have? 2. Look at the types of friends in each heading (A-D). Can you predict what characteristics each kind of friend might have? Example: A The Party Partner might be a lively person who likes going out a lot. 1H Follow the stages below to help you answer this question. Which of these friends likes to do unplanned things? 1. Highlight or underline the key wordls) in the question. (unplanned) 2 Think of another word that means the same as the word you highlighted. (spontaneous) 3 Think of another word that means the opposite of the word you highlighted (planned) 4 Look quickly through the first section (A) to find words or phrases like the ones you thought of. Don't worry about reading everything. 5 When you've found the correct part of the text, read it carefully to check it answers the question correctly A small circle of good friends is better than one ‘The Party Partner is a time in most children’s lives when they have just one ‘best friend’. This is the only person they are interested in and the only person they need. But as we get older, most people realise that it’s actually much healthier to have a small circle of good friends with different personality types. Firstly, a ‘party partner’ is essential. You need at least one wild friend who encourages you to do spontaneous things like go tw a late night party or buy something, really expensive. This kind of friend will put interest back in your life. He or she will make you feel more energetic and relieve a lot of stress. B: Workmate \dly, you also need a ‘workmate’. This friend helps you with your schoolwork or your career. He or she advises you and discusses your progress. If you have a friend like this, you're in luck. This is someone who will help push you, support you and encourage you to do your best. It’s a good idea to find someone who is ata similar life stage or a bit older. But don't choose someone who is too competitive. You need someone self-configlent and generous for this kind of friend. ert ee tt erence 1S For questions 1-9, choose from the people (A-D), following the stages in Exercise 2. A The Party Partner B The Workmate The Hobby Sharer D The ‘Tell-anything’ Friend Which of these friends ... likes to do unplanned things? is the best for helping with homework? would help you in a desperate situation? is generally very different from you? is usually a lively and active person? may suddenly stop being your friend? is someone you probably wouldn't mind crying with? shouldn't be a very ambitious person? is usually a faithful and reliable person? wOoVauawne best friend C The Hobby Sharer lly, one Kind of friend who is to have is the ‘hobby sharer’. Thi: have absolutely nothing in common with, except that the moment you share the same interest or hobby. If y start a new hobby, like going to the gym, it is much m motivating to have someone to go with. This friendshi could collapse at any time but is very nice while it la ‘The great thing about this kind of fiend is that you e » with different hubby shaves He or she can help you move on to a new stage your life. D ‘The “Tell-anything’ Friend ly, almost the opposite of the ‘hobby sharer’ is th kind of friend known as the ‘tell-anything’ friend. He she could also be known as your ‘three-in-the-mornin friend. You might never have to wake this friend up because you're in a panic about something, but you k you could. This is perhaps the only friend who you sh your worst side to and with whom you ean truly be yourself. The key to being a ‘tell-anything’ friend i that even though you may not agree with your friend, are always loyal and always on their side. This, after: is what a true friend should be. is someone who yo ot tenn ep eee 1 Think about yourself. Which type or types of friend from the text do you think you are? Tell another student, giving reasons. 2 Do you agree with the title of the text: Assimall circle of good friends is better A than one best friend? Discuss with a partner, giving your reasons. UNIT 3. With friends like these Vocabulary 2: describing personality Hs ead the definitions below. Write the correct adjective from the box for each person. The first one has been done for you. “arrogant bossy competitive down-to-earth easygoing generous: ‘loyal self-confident sensitive sociable 1. David is kind and he often gives people presents and money. ..generous, 2 Manuela is always faithful to people she cares about. 3. Aya is able to understand people's feelings and problems 4, Costas is very friendly and likes to be with other people. 5. Danni is relaxed and not usually worried by things. 6 Paolo is practical and doesn’t have a dreamy approach to life 7. Jorge always wants to be more successful than other people. 8 Carolina believes that she is more important than other people. 9 Nacerdine always tells people what to do in an annoying way. 10. Fiona feels sure of her ability to be successful and she isn't nervous of other people. HEB wich adjectives in te box in Exercise 1 do you think have a negative meaning? 1 Look at the dictionary entry below. How many syllables are there and where is the main stress? arrogant /‘eragont/ adj believing that you are more important than anyone else 2 With a partner, decide how many syllables there are and where the main stress is for the adjectives in Exercise 1. Use a dictionary (e.g. Longman Active Study Dictionary) to check your answers. Don't forget to mark the stress on all new words you learn. B® work with a partner. Close your books and try to remember the adjectives in Exercise 1. Take turns to say all the adjectives with the correct word stress. WB) write the correct adjective for each question below. Try to remember the words without looking at the box in Exercise 1. The first one has been done for you. 1 Are you usually calm and relaxed? easygoing 2 Are you sure of your own abilities? 3 Are you usually faithful to your friends? 4 06 you like being with other people? 5 Do you often give people presents? 6 Do you have a practical approach to life? 7 Do you usually understand how people are feeling? 8 Do you want to be better than other people? 9 Do you think that other people are less important than you? 10 Do people think you are annoying when you tell them what to do? BB) Find out about another student’ personality. Ask a partner some of the questions in Exercise 4, Answer your partner's questions and give examples. Example: A Do you have a practical approach to life? B Yes, | think so. | think I'm quite down-to-earth. | like to make sure things are organised and | don’t usually forget things. Listening 2 (©) BEA Look at the list below of important people and animals in people’s lives. Listen to people talking in six different situations and number each cone in the list as you hear them. The first one has been done for you. a) parent a) teacher F b) grandparent WM ebos ) brother or sister f) pets oO (©) B® Listen again and try to answer the following questions. Make a note of one or two words which help you answer each question. 1. You hear part of a street survey. ‘What does the woman say is the best thing about her grandmother? 2 You hear two friends talking, How does the boy feel about maths lessons now? 3. While visiting a college, you hear a woman talking. What two things is the woman talking about? 4 You hear an advertisement on the radio. What is emphasised about the service? 5. You hear part of an interview on the radio. What does the woman say about her sister? 6 Inacafé, you hear a couple talking, ‘What is the man worried about? (& WB) Listen again and for each question in Exercise 2, choose the best answer A, B or C. 1A She is very interesting, She is very supportive, She always has lots of people around her. He hates them, He thinks they are unclear. He thinks they are very good. > AmP no ‘the cost of keeping pets and the reasons for keeping them the number of pets and the reasons for keeping them the number of pets and the cost of Keeping them the quality the price ‘the convenience 5 nampa UNIT 3. With friends like these 5 A Her sister is very lucky. B Her sister is often jealous. C Her sister has helped her a lot 6A that the woman might lose her job B that the wornan might nol get a job C that the woman might not finish the job she’s doing B® Look again at the list of people and animals in people's lives in Exercise 1. Choose three which are important to you. Work with another student and explain why each one is important. 30 and such Grammar (©) Hl Listen to the examples in the box below and answer this question. When we use so or such (instead of very or a lot of), are we: a) being more polite, or b) emphasising what we are saying? 1 a) He explains things very clearly. ) He explains things so clearly. 2 a) Maths is very boring. : ) Maths is so boring, 3 a) She's a very nice person b) She's such a nice person. 4. 8) She's got a lot of patience. ») She's got such patience. 5 a) She always gives me very good advice. b) She always gives me such good advice. (S31 Listen to the sentences with so and such again. Which word in each sentence has the main stress? (&)2 Repeat each sentence you hear with the correct main stress and intonation. UNIT 3 With friends like these 1B) Look at the examples with so and such in Exercise 1 again. Choose the correct alternatives for the rules below. More than one is possible. A We can use so before: an adjective/an adverb/a noun/ an adjective + noun B We can use such before: an adiective/an adverb/a noun! an adjective + noun > Grammar reference p. 157 ® complete the mini- $0, such or such a. jialogues with ‘A How was your weekend? B Oh, | went to (1) ...uch.a... fantastic party. The music was (2) good and there was (3) lot of food! a What does your best friend look like? D She's (4) beautiful. She's got (5) lovely hair and she's (6) tall. E Can you remember what you had for lunch? F Yes, | had a sandwich. It was 0) expensive - £8! | didn’t enjoy it much either because I had to eat it@) quickly, G What was your last holiday like? H Actually it was awful. We had (9) terrible weather and there was (10) little to do! (©) BB. Listen to the mini-dialogues and check your answers. Then, repeat each answer using appropriate stress and intonation. (HG) Work with a partner and ask each other the questions in Exercise 4. Speaking HE) Listen to two students, George and Susanna, talking to their teacher about communicating and kee} touch with people. Which of the following do they talk about? © writing letters © writing postcards @ speaking on the phone © sending emails © sending text messages @ talking face-to-face (©) WD Listen again and answer these questions. 1 What does George say is good about text messages? 2 What is the main reason he uses text messages for? 3. What does Susanna say is good about using email? 4 What is the main reason she uses the phone for? 5 What does George say about using English on the phone? (11 Listen again and complete the phrases in italics. Teacher What do these ways of keeping in ‘touch with people? ‘ George | use text messages a lot. | it's a very convenient and quick way of communicating, Teacher What » Susanna? Do you use text messages? George In . it's one of the hardest situations for using a foreign language because you can’t see the other person's face. What do , Susanna? 2 Which of the phrases above are used for: @) giving your opinion? b) asking for someone's opinion? WA Discuss these questions with two other students. Take tums to be the ‘teacher’. The ‘teacher’ should ask for opinions and the ‘students’ should give their opinions. 1. Do you think that people will stop writing letters and just use email and other electronic forms of communication? 2 How would you feel about using a videophone (a phone which includes a screen for seeing the person you are talking to)? Why? Writing: informal letter (1) g a letter to her friend who lives in a different country. She hasn’t seen her for three months. Which of these phrases/sentences would you expect to see in a letter to a friend? Which are inappropriate? Why? Starting the letter: 1 Hil 2 Dear Miki 3 Dear SirlMadam First paragraph: 4 I've got so much to tell you. 5 Sorry I've taken ages to write back. 6 Thank you for your recent letter which I received on Monday. Main part of letter: 7 You'll never believe what | did last weekend! 8 Would it be convenient if | visited you next month? 9 | bought some really cool trainers. You'd love them! Last paragraph: 10 I look forward to hearing from you soon. 11 Don't forget to write soon. 12 Say hello to your family from me. Ending the letter: 13 Lots of love 14 Yours faithfully 15 Best wishes 1 Read Trudi’s letter quickly. Which of the following things is she doing in her letter? ¢ inviting her friend to come and stay # apologising for something she did @ describing one good day she had recently ¢ telling her friend things she's done recently © complaining about something another friend did } Dear Miki | | | ages to write back but Tye ae bay Tve got so much to tell you! Tve seen some good Si ; ms recently, includin the new ‘Lord of the Bings’ im. T reall ‘ eajeyed it Have you seen it? ‘ ite a lot of shopping T went to sports shop and bought some really se ‘trainers. You'd love them! And never believe what I did last ey weekend. I went skiing in Scotland! Tt was great. I dich't know that there was such geod snow and skiing os My Family came over Srom Germany and we went together. We really good time Say hello to your family from ; Forget to write soon. t Be ae ue Lots of love Trudi 2 Underline any phrases from Exercise 1 that you can find in the letter. > Writing reference p. 169 BS work a partner and write notes about three things you've done recently. Use the list below to help you or think of your own ideas. « friends you've seen © things you've bought ¢ films you've seen © places you've visited @ evenings out you've had B® write a letter to a friend, telling him or her about three different things you've done recently. Write 120-140 words. Progress test I:Teacher’s Book HM Choose the best verb form for each sentence. 1 Next Saturday. | go/’m going to the zoo with Sue, 2 Look! The timetable says the next bus /eaves/vill leave in half an hour. 3 In the next few years, the world's population continues/will continue to increase. 4 My cousin staysis staying with us at the moment. 5 | thinki'm thinking that Sandra probably won't come today. 6 This museum opened five years ago. It gets/is going to get thousands of visitors every year. 7 Oh, is that the phone? I'm going to answer!'ll answer it 8 Look at him. I'm sure he'll belis going to be sick. 9 Do you usually go/Are you usually going abroad for your holidays? 10 Our cities get/are getting dirtier and dirtier. HQ) Choose the correct option (A, B or C) to complete each sentence. 1 Adean and efficient way of producing electricity is by using power. A sun B sunny C solar 2 | definitely wouldn’t be able to of being famous. A have B take C do 3 My town has a lot of recycling clothes and glass. ‘A bags B banks C benches 4 Lam taking in a sponsored swim this month. ‘A part B place C purpose 5 Do you know what the judges take into when they decide? ‘A daim B account C count 6 I prefer to. go on holidays, so I'm doing something useful ‘A making B helping © working 7 He really takes advantage your generosity. ‘A of B with C by 8 Don't throw that jacket. We can repair it. ‘A away Boff C down 9 Competitive sports sometimes bring out the in people. A bad B worse C* worst by my grandparents, the pressures for paper, 10 | was brought Aup Bon Ct 1B) Each of these questions has one mistake with grammar. Find the mistake and correct it. 1 What time the train arrives in Paris? 2 Can | ask you what is your favourite kind of film? 3 How many people did they go to Astrid’s party? 4 Would you mind to tell me how much it cost? 5 I'd also lke to know if would you'd like coffee. 6 You look terrible. What did happen to you? 7 Could you tell me where is the nearest post office? 8 Who you told my secret to? 9 You interested in coming with us tomorrow? 10 Who did take my new CD out of my bag? complete the second sentence in each pair so that it means the same as the first, using the word given. You should write between one and three words (including the word given). 1 | always write things in my diary because | don’t want to forget anything. so | always write things in my diary to forget anything. 2 She put her alarm clock on because she wanted to wake up early. that She put her alarm clock on she would wake up early. 3 | borrow CDs from friends because | want to save money. as borrow CDs from friends save money. 4 We buoked our holiday early because we wanted to be sure ofa place. in We booked our holiday early be sure of a place. 5 We took our own food and drink because we didn’t want to be hungry. so We took our own food and drink we wouldn't be hungry. 6 | bought a mobile phone because | want to contact people when | want. in I bought a mobile phone contact people when | want. 7 I've invited the whole class because | don't want to upset anyone, order Wve invited the whole class to upset anyone. 8 | have a cold shower every morning because | want to feel more awake. so Ihave a cold shower every morning feel more awake. BB Unjumble the words in these sentences. 1 | first started playing the livnio when | was seven : 2 There are some really good songs on 3 4 Revival has been number one in the shactr for the last nine weeks! 5 | love the sound of the pensaxoho in jazz music. s 6 Madonna’; latest mulab. | can’t stand listening to music. Its really boring, illcasca I went to a great club where they played eragga music all night. 7 What's the name of the dale singer in Oasis? 8 As well as playing the piano, he plays breakyods in a band 9 I think that Aretha Franklin is the HB] Complete the sentences with the greatest luso singer ever. 10 Will Young's first eligsn was called Anything is possible. correct verb form (present perfect simple or past simple) using the prompts in brackets. 1 2 3 4 5 6 I (justisee) the most incredible film! How long (yourhave) your new car? When (your sisterlstart) learning the guitar? (youtfinish) your essay yet? | (know) my English teacher for a long time Michaela (not/phone) me since last weekend. 7 You didn’t need to get any milk. Jon (alroadyfbuy) some. 8 We first 9 10 (Vsit) London five years ago. (youfeverimeet) a famous person? The train (notiarrivelyet) HH Complete the sentences by choosing the correct word or phrase from the box. There are two which you do not need to use. (You may need to make small changes to the verbs.) acquaintance arrogant bossy competitive down-to-earth easygoing sensitive fall out with get on with go out with make it up split up 1 My sister always understands how | feel. She's very 2 Jim is only an ....., I don't know him very well 3 hate having arguments and my friends, 4 You are so Please stop telling me what to dos all the time. 5 I'm very lucky because I've got three brothers and | all of them: 6 Sally is the opposite of me. I'm dreamy and she’s very and practical. 7 I don't like people, who think they are more important than anyone else. 8 Please go and with him. It5 silly to continue the argument. 9 They're engaged and they've only been each other for three weeks! 10 I like people, who are always relaxed and not worried about things. BB) Choose which sentence in each pair is correct. 1 a) She's such a patient teacher. b) She's such patient teacher. 2a) I can understand you so easily when you speak slowly b) I can understand you so much easily when you speak slowly. 3a) You can get such good information from the Internet. b) You can get such a good information from the Internet 4 a) It was so fantastic party last night. b) It was such a fantastic party last night. 5. a) My cousins have got such lot of animals. b) My cousins have got such a lot of animals. 6 -a) They gave ma suirh gond advice b) They gave me such a good advice. iE Dream on al Reading M2) Read the article about David and Victoria Beckham. Decide it it is mainly about: TP Discuss these questions with other students. 1 What dreams and ambitions do you have for the future? Why are they your dreams? 2 What can you do to achieve your dreams and ambitions? 3 Who are the people in the photos? Why are they famous? a) the problems they have had b) their lives until now Would you like lives like theirs? Why2/Why not? Y “A i hey are perhaps Britain’s most famous and glamorous couple and their story may sound like a fairy tale. But / David Beckham and Vietoria Adams claim that for them it ‘was love at first sight. And the fairy tale did not end there. 5 They say they are a couple perfectly in love with each other, and since the birth of their children, a completely happy family. So, how did they find each other and have their lives always ‘been so perfect? David 0 David Robert Joseph Beckham was born in Fast London on May 2, 1975 and was a Manchester United fan from a very early age. @).£. ‘The skinny teenager went from cleaning the first team’s boots, to making his league debuc in 1995, just a month before his. 5 twentieth birthday. Then, on the first day of the 1995-6 English football season he made everyone sit up and take notice when he scored an incredible 60-metre goal against London team, Wimbledon. And so a footballing phenomenon began, Victoria 0 The woman known as ‘Posh Spice’ burst onto the music scene in mid-1996 with Britain’s biggest girl group, the Spice Girls. Born Victoria Caroline Adams, she suffered constant bullying and acne problems as a teenager. (2) But, despite that, she always wanted to be famous and ended up auditioning for a 5 brand-new pop group, the Spice Girls. With her natural talent and beauty and much to her delight, Victoria was picked. The group went on to be Britain’s biggest international singing stars since ‘The Beatles: ©) the attitude of the public towards them d) how they feel about the future, come true i VY The relationship 30 Theie relationship started soon after David saw the Spice Gils perform on a well-known pop muse programme, (3) He Dut alot of effort into trying to meet her, including going tound London nightclubs hoping to bump into her Victoria had become interested in David after being shown his 35 picture by a journalist. When they did finally meet, in March 1997, ater a Manchester United match, they said they fel ike they had known each other forever. ‘I wanted to sound like I knew something about football and said something ike: “Good game, then?*’ sald Verora. He laughed, and that was it? 40 (4) ‘I started thinking about proposing a week after | ‘met her; David sai, In fct they got engaged after seeing each other fora year, sharing a love of shopping for expensive items including matching Carter watches, designer clothes ~ and cars including a £200,000 Ferrari 45 Tough times Everything seemed perfect until the 1998 England-Argentina match in France. (5) England lost the match and Beckham was blamed for losing England the World Cup. Following the match, David flew straight to New York where the Spice Girls 50 were on tour. (6) ‘She didn’t say anything, just gave me a big Aug. Four months later, the couple got married in front of 229 guests in a magnificent ceremony at Luttrelstown Castle in Dublin, Their wedding ~ like their relationship ~ was held in front of the 55 cameras. And whether they like it or not, the lives of this dream ‘couple are going ta cantinne ta he closely follawed hy millions of fans around the world

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