Quiz 1

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Manila Tytana Colleges

1st Semester, 2022-2023

NCM 114- Care of Older Adults



1. Who are the characters in the movie?

Jeremy Auntie Graciella
Mr. George Ashley Mrs. Thompson
Rosa Mrs. Margaret Simpson
Howard Clark Will Marshall
Henry Chapels Bill Reeves
Martin Zappatini
Alma Roger
Richards Marina
Sam Max
Roberto Dorothy Leverton
Mackay Gordon
Anne Robert
Julian Uncle Paul
Paul Brucy

2. Explain:
a. What you think about the movie?
The movie is about the lives of older people in the nursing home and how they deal with
stereotyping they often experience in society. It provides us an overview of how the elderly
perceive nursing homes as their last destination before death. The movie has a very good
plot as it portrays time for self-discovery and personal renewal. The story delivers the
wonderful reminder that life happens one day at a time, and each day gives back what you
put into it. The movie is not only beneficial to the young ones for us to understand how
elderly patients lived their lives and we need to show empathy and love for them. On the
other hand, it is also beneficial to elderly patients to understand that a nursing home is not a
storage for elderly patients waiting for their lives to end but a new opportunity to do what
they want which they were not able to do when they were in their own homes. Nursing
homes are freeing them at last from the stress they have experienced throughout life and to
find their true happiness.

b. How you feel about the movie?

To be honest I cried multiple times while watching the movie. I was trying to put myself
in a situation that whenever I graduated and started working would I ever do the same thing
as what their children have done to the characters in the movie which is sending them to the
nursing home if ever they have migrated abroad. A lot of emotions and what ifs came into
my mind but one thing is for sure that I will prioritize my parents rather than my career. I
don't want them to feel like what the older people feel in the movie (ex. anxiety,
hopelessness, loneliness, and anger). I am not an expressive type of person to my parents
and after watching the movie I’ve started longing for them wanting to say “I love you” and
wanting to kiss and hug them just to say how much I am thankful to have them. I have this
feeling that won’t fade even as I grew older that I will always be by their side supporting
them emotionally, physically, and financially. This movie touches my heart because I started
to realize while I am so busy doing tons of tasks in school that my mom and dad are getting
older and we should appreciate what we have, while we have it. I am also sad for those
parents being sent to a nursing home because their childrens weren’t able to take care of
them. However, I cannot blame them because they have their own lives and their own
reason why they come up with that decision. I also experienced sadness when one of the
characters died so suddenly, making me realize that life is too short and we should cherish
every moment. Our clock is ticking and we cannot predict what our future beholds. Indeed, I
felt a lot of emotions with this movie, making us realize that time is our ultimate enemy and
every moment should be used appropriately in terms of balancing our work, school, and
relationship with family and other people.

c. What you learn from the movie?

I have learned a lot from the movie and one thing is for sure time is gold and we need to
cherish every moment. Once the clock starts ticking we can no longer bring it back therefore,
if we want to do something that we want to pursue, go for it. We should treat elderly equally
and let them feel that they belong to the society even though there is a decline in their
physical and mental aspects. I have also learned from the movie that there are a lot of things
to do in just a day like what they did in the movie. We need not to just stress ourselves with
work or school but rather we need to discover our own happiness in every little way. Every
day is a new opportunity chasing what we want and what makes us happy. Indeed, I have
learned from the movie that life is too short. We, as the young ones, will soon get old and
we will also experience the process of aging. We should not waste time with nonsense things
because we do not know what our future beholds like the elder man who died in the movie
so suddenly. I have learned that even when people get old they still have capacity to love
and love sweeter the second time around. We should not limit them even though they are
old to what makes them happy. Thus, continue living life as if there is no tomorrow living our
own life with our own rules.

d. What phrase or sentence stated by the character/s struck you the most?
● “There’s nothing more in store for me”
This is the usual mindset of elders once they have been sent to the nursing
homes. Lack of awareness or coordination with their family is the root cause why elderly
patients tend to negatively see themselves as weak, frail, and dependent. It was too sad
that people think they are useless whenever they are sent to nursing homes when in fact
it has a brighter side to find true happiness, self-discovery, and personal renewal. We
might not know the true reason why they are there but positively thinking they are just
put into a right place where they can have their own lives without control of other

● “I thanked my lucky stars that I was free at last. Finally, I owned my own life”
People tend to spend their lives working to sustain themselves and their
families. Little did we know that throughout our lives we are constantly controlled by
external factors and as we grew old that is the only time when we feel the essence of
what it means to own our lives without thinking about work, just purely ourselves and
our happiness.

● “We should appreciate what we have while we have it”

We often complain about what we have right now especially when things don’t
come into place as we expect. This phrase really catches my attention to appreciate
every single thing we have and achievements that we conquer in our lives. We should
not complain about what we have rather to be thankful because not all of us are given
an opportunity to experience or to have it.

● “You know I was thinking happiness. You spend your whole life chasing after it”
It is true that throughout life sometimes we do things that do not make us
happy in a sense of just doing it because it is needed or essential for the survival of life.
We seldom neglect our happiness and as we grow old and whenever we are free of
stress in life that is the only time we see what makes us happy. We sometimes chase
after something that we thought would make us happy but in fact it is just a second of
happiness that will not last for a lifetime.

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