Fruitzone India Limited (B)

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Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad February 23, 2016

Fruitzone India Limited (B):

Designing the Research Questionnaire
FIL is contemplating the launch of a new type of packaged juice - natural sugarcane juice - and
had entrusted IMI with the market research study. IMI did extensive secondary research, held
focus group discussions and in-depth interviews. They had adequate information for designing
the questionnaire for conclusive research. However, they felt that the focus group discussions
and in depth interviews had not captured the top of mind (TOM) responses of the customers.
According to them, TOM responses reflect customer behaviour more accurately and hence
might be important in questionnaire design. In order to capture the TOM responses of
customers they decided to use some projective interviewing techniques.


Projective market research techniques use a disguised approach and involve asking questions
which prompt respondents to project underlying motivations, attitudes and feelings. They tap
into the subconscious mind to uncover deep-seated beliefs and associations for packaged juice
products, which could throw in new parameters to judge and position the product, and thus
identify a better targeting strategy. Two techniques, namely, word based association and
sentence completion were employed. In word association, a set of seven words, called test
words, was chosen and was presented to the respondent one by one and he was asked to say
the first thing which came to his mind on hearing the word. The test words and the objective
behind including them in the set are provided in Exhibit 1.

In sentence completion, a guided stimulus was used to help gain information about the
perception of and preference for juices in general and the scope for sugarcane juice in particular.
The consultants gave incomplete sentences to the respondents and asked them to complete
them with the words or phrases that came to their mind first. See Exhibit 2 for incomplete
sentences used in the test. The responses for both word association and sentence completion are
shown in Exhibits 3A and 3B respectively. All the respondents for these tests were obtained by
mall intercept and either a word association or sentence completion was conducted with them
at random without revealing the research motives, to avoid any inherent bias.


• A majority of the participants associated fruit juice with health.

• Juice form is preferred over fruits for convenience.

Prepared by Professor Sanjeev Tripathi, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad.

The author acknowledges the help and contribution of Kumaravel C (IIMA PGP 2015) and Vishwas
Raichur (Academic Associate, IIM Ahmedabad).
Cases of the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, are prepared as a basis for classroom
discussion. They are not designed to present illustrations of either correct or incorrect handling of
administrative problems.
© 2015 by the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad.
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• 60% of the respondents associated packed fruit juice with preservatives.

• Juice consumption predominantly happens in both retail outlets and juice shops.
• Freshness is associated with fruits and juice, but taste is not a TOM attribute of juices.
• The word sugarcane is mainly associated with juice, revealing that juice is the
predominant consumption form for sugarcane. Customers also associate ‘tasty’ and
‘energising’ to be TOM attributes for sugarcane.
• Tropiviva ranks only second amongst the participants, which suggests that despite its
highest market share, Tropiviva is possibly losing brand awareness/recall to its nearest

The consultants also prepared a justification for each research question and came up with a
document that clearly stated the reason for each research question.

1. What is the willingness to buy the product as compared to other fruit juices and soft
drinks in the market?
Reason: This will help us to gauge the potential among non-buyers of loose sugarcane
juice due to other concerns like hygiene, less availability etc.

2. What is the target segment for sugarcane juice?

Reason: For example, sugarcane juice has some health benefits like it fights cancer,
stabilises sugar level etc. so older people will be inclined towards the product. But
sugarcane juice also tastes very good so children and teenagers may also be inclined to
try it. So, we have to find which segment is more inclined towards the product and thus
position the product in that segment.

3. What is the price that customers are ready to pay for sugarcane juice?
Reason: Currently sugarcane juice is mainly available in unorganised small outlets at
low prices, so for such a product, what will be the price consumers would be willing to
pay if it is made available by an FMCG company like PepsiCo?

4. What are expectations from the packed sugarcane juice - health/energy/coolant/taste?

Reason: This question helps us to capture the perceived benefits of sugarcane juice in the
minds of consumers.

5. What is the level of satisfaction with the Tropiviva brand?

Reason: If customers already prefer the Tropiviva brand in fruit juices then we can
aggressively pursue our goal of introducing the product in the market as they will be
ready to purchase the product at least once.

6. What are the taste variants that customers prefer in sugarcane juice?
Reason: Currently sugarcane juice is available with some additions like masala, lime
juice etc. which customers prefer. So this question will help in finding out the best
flavour additions that need to be included in the product.

7. Which form would consumers prefer - can, tetra pack or bottle?

Reason: The price of the different forms will be different so this question will help us in
pricing. It will also help in determining packaging costs.

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After completing the projective studies and justifying the research questions, the consultants felt
that the customer segments for fruit juices could be better classified based on consumer buying
behaviour rather than on demographics or socio economic classification. They decided to
incorporate questions for classifying customers by behaviour and use that as their basis for
analysis of the data from conclusive research. Based on secondary research, the consultants
decided to classify the customers into five categories, Information Conscious (IC), Health
Conscious (HC), Price Conscious (PC), Convenience Conscious (CC) and Novelty Tryers (NT).
See Exhibit 4 for the classification questions.

The questionnaire for conclusive research was structured to have three sections.

Section 1: Survey respondent contact details and declaration by the survey collector

Section 2: Screening and basic details of respondents

It included questions that would screen non-consumers of packed fruit juice and people
associated with the media or beverages industry. Basic demographic details of the participants
and socio economic factors were also recorded in this section.

Section 3: This was the main section of the questionnaire and was subdivided as follows

Questions 1-3: Customer’s current brand awareness, brand and purchase location preferences

Question 4: Classification of customer buying behaviour into one of the five categories

Question 5-12: Customer preferences for brand, fruit juice flavours, package type, size, prices,
relative importance of juice attributes for packed fruit juices in general

Questions 13-23: Customer preferences for package type, size, prices, relative importance of
juice attributes, purchase locations and turnoffs for sugar cane juice. This section also included a
few pictorial questions that showed the potential product positioning for the customers.


Each of the questions in the conclusive research questionnaire was mapped to one of the
research questions. Some repetition in questions was done to check for consistency of the
responses. For example, brand and flavour preferences were tested both during oral screening
and also during the administration of the main section of the questionnaire. The questionnaire
was also translated into Hindi to give survey respondents the choice of their language.

IMI wanted to assess whether the intended question was getting across to the respondents in an
unambiguous manner, so a pretesting of the questionnaire was done. The procedure involved
administering the survey to three respondents and asking the respondent to think aloud as to
what he understood from the survey questions, and how exactly he had arrived at the response
for the particular question. The other point of focus was the set of alternatives provided for each
question and their mutual exclusiveness and collective exhaustiveness.

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For example, one of the questions asked about the point of purchase and had options Airports,
Railways etc. The respondent pointed out that options like railways and airports themselves
had retail outlets/stores within them, which resulted in their being no different from the retail
stores. They also said that once in a while visits to these places might not represent their day-to-
day buying behaviour. These options were done away with and the rest were consolidated.

Preeti asked IMI to include questions that would assess the reasons for potential concerns
among regular packaged juice consumers for sugarcane juice in a similar packaged form. She
felt that understanding the underlying concerns of consumers for packaged sugarcane juice was
critical in evaluating the feasibility of the product and also in developing marketing strategies
that addressed these concerns. This led to the incorporation of question number 15 which asked
the survey participants to rate the reasons for their non-preference for sugarcane juice on a 7-
point Likert scale. Incorporating suggestions from Preeti and also making the changes based on
the pretesting results, the conclusive research questionnaire was ready. Ideally, IMI would have
liked to test the revised survey questionnaire, but due to lack of time and the nature of changes
which were minimal, the consultants believed that the questionnaire was good for field

Preeti informed the consultants that she would like them to conduct the market research study
with a strong focus on Ahmedabad, the city where they were likely to do the test marketing and
only then take it for a pan India launch.


The consultants have to come up with a data analysis plan to derive meaningful
recommendations on whether to launch sugarcane juice and if yes, what should be the market
positioning of such a product. Preeti had asked the consultants to provide their
recommendations in a couple of days. The R&D division would start working on the sugarcane
juice project as soon as the consultants gave their recommendations.

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Exhibit 1: Word Association – Test Words with objective

Sr. No. Test words Objective

1. Healthy drink To find out which were the drinks people considered healthy.
2. Fresh This is a filler word and is meant to disguise the purpose of the study.
3. Tasty To learn whether people associate juices with being tasty or not.
4. Fruit To learn which fruit juice is preferred by people.
5. Juice To learn which kind of juice people prefer drinking.
6. Brand Since most of the previous words are related to juices or fruits, this word is
meant to learn which brands consumer associate with juices.
7. Sugarcane Since the aim is to launch packed sugarcane juice, the responses for this
word can help us to obtain an important attribute which can be
incorporated in our product.

Exhibit 2: Sentence Completion – Incomplete sentences

Sentences Guided Stimulus

1.A person who drinks juice is_____ Who drinks juice? Why do they drink it?
2.When I want a healthy drink, I buy___ Which drink is positioned as healthy?
3. You prefer drinking juice to eating fruit Reasons for choosing to drink juice over eating
because______ fruit and the scope for targeting fruit consumers.
4.I think sugarcane juice is good because_______ Perceived benefits of sugarcane juice.
5. Packed juice is______ Overall perception of packed juices.
6. Quality juice can be bought at______ Which place serves quality juice?
7. Juice should be drunk by_______ Which category of people does the juice drinker
recommend it to?

Exhibit 3A: Word Association Responses

Respondent 1 Respondent 2 Respondent 3 Respondent 4 Respondent 5 Respondent 6

Fruit Juice Fruit Juice Juice Glucon-D Juice Water
Kiosk Appy fruits coconut water fruits fruit juice
apple mango chocolates Coke chocolate Mango
apple apple mango water melon mango Grapes
mixed fruit orange sweet lime Mango frooti mixed fruit juice
real real tropiviva Tropiviva tropiviva minute maid
tasty energising too sweet Yummy tasty difficult to chew

Respondent 7 Respondent 8 Respondent 9 Respondent 10 Respondent 11

fresh juice, minute maid Red Bull, Real Horlicks, Boost butter milk, milk Tropiviva fresh
fresh food, fruits Tropiviva, Home made lime, powder fresh fruits Real Active
punjabi cuisine, street food Chocolates, fruits fruits, daal Wafers Sambhar, Curd
grapes, mangoes water melon, grapes mango, orange Apple Mango, Apricot
shake, orange juice tropiviva, Real lime, grape Orange Litchi, Strawberry
Google HUL Pepsi, Coca Cola apple, cake Pepsi Microsoft, Apple
Juice, Sugar Very tasty, calories sugar, pongal Juice Harvest, Water

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Respondent 12 Respondent 13 Respondent 14 Respondent 15

Orange fresh fruit juice Frooti Mosambi
Lemon fruit juice fruits Lime
Appy Frooti ice cream Appy
Guava Maaza apple Apple
Mango Frooti mango juice Sugarcane
Real Coke Adidas Tropiviva
Sweet Sugarcane juice juice Sweet

Exhbit 3B: Sentence Completion Responses

Respondent Respondent 2 Respondent Respondent Respondent 5 Respondent

1 3 4 6
smart health healthy Healthy health conscious Healthy
Real fruit juice fresh fruit juice fresh juice packed juice protein supplement /
convenience concentrated less effort don't don't don't
tasty source of tasty not good for refreshing Hydrating
energy diabetics
not natural trendy healthy Healthy not natural artificial
kiosk malls Falafaal Falafaal retail outlets Kiosks
(Fruit Stall) (Fruit Stall)
everyone everyone everyone Everyone Everyone Everyone

Respondent 7 Respondent 8 Respondent 9 Respondent 10 Respondent 11

supposed to be healthy awesome don't know healthy
fresh juice from falafal home made juice Horlicks buy orange juice
of convenience quench thrust It is easier more refreshing Tastier
full of carbs not good but tasty It is sweet
very low fruit content hygienic good not as healthy Artificial
From Modern retail fresh juice stores Falafal
Falafal @ Rs. 25 outlets Malls
@ Rs. 100 per L
every one, across everyone everyone Everyone
all age groups

Respondent 12 Respondent 13 Respondent 14 Respondent 15

health conscious healthy health conscious health conscious
any apple juice sweet lime fruits fresh fruit juice
It is easy to carry convenience It is easy easy to carry
quite natural healthy like the taste it has high
sucrose content
Preserved not as good as fresh juice better than cola preserved
super market/retail chains Falafal modern outlets malls
people with fast paced life all age groups any non diabetic everyone

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Exhibit 4: Questionnaire

Cover Letter
Project – Beverages / Fruit Date: / March /2014 Location:
Respondent Name: Address:

Mobile No: Email ID:

DATA SUPPLIER DECLARATION- I declare that the respondent, whose name and address appear
above, was unknown to me until the interview. I confirm that, before returning this questionnaire, I have
checked that it was carried out in accordance with the Market Research Society of India’s code of conduct
(MRSI Link) and instructions designed by our research study group. I understand that the information
given to me during the interview must be kept confidential.

Signature of the Interviewer

Form Verified By Verification Date Number of Tries

Form Coded By Coded Date

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Are you, or is any member of your immediate family employed in any of the
1a following? 
a. Market Research Company 
b. Beverages Company
c. News Media - Television, Radio, Newspaper
1b Do you prefer to drink packed juices? Yes No
Please tell me the level to which the Chief Wage Earner (Father / Mother / Husband) of your
household is educated? By Chief Wage Earner I mean the person who contributes the most to
2a the household expenditure. 

Education of Chief Wage Earner Graduate Postgraduate Other
(Father / Mother/ Husband)
Please tell me the current occupation of the Chief Wage Earner (Father / Mother / Husband)?
2b Occupationof Chief Wage Earner (Father / Business SalariedGovt. Salaried
Mother / Spouse)? Private
Age of the Below 18-20 yrs 21- 29 yrs 30-50 yrs 50 yrs +
4 Respondent 18 yrs
5 Gender Male Female
Respondent Salaried Business Home maker Student
Respondent Education Class VI Class XII Graduate Postgraduate
7 ( Tick the highest level
Family Annual Income 1-4 4-8 8-18 18+
level (lakhs)
10 Do you own a home Yes No

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1 When you think of juices, which brands are you aware of? (Tick all that apply)
Tropiviva Rael Second Maid Hravest
Froty Nimbhooz Slize Raasna
Gaterrade Taang Hussna Dulmontte
Apphy Others Maaasa Tsinga

2 What are the places from whereyou buy juices? (Tick all that apply)
Pharmacy Grocery Chains Juice bars Restaurants
Airports Movie theaters Railway Stations Fast Food Centers
Mall Food Courts Kirana Stores Bus Stations Road side vendor

For each of these brands how likely are you to buy them? Please rate on scale of 1 to 7
1 – Unlikely 7– Highly Likely
Froty 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Tropiviva 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Rael 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Second Maid 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Hravest 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Raasna 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Nimbhooz 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Slize 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Maaasa 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

agree nor


Please read the following statements carefully and indicate


4 the response that most nearly reflect your opinion



I read the ingredients mentioned on the pack

I try out new food joints very often
We use a lot of ready-to-eat foods in our household.
Frozen foods account for a large part of the food products I use
in our household.
I try to avoid food products with additives.
I take regular health check-ups.
I often choose food/beverage because they contribute to weight
I eat a lot of greens (spinach, methi) and vegetables
When I see a new brand on the shelf, I often buy it just to see
what it’s like.
I compare product information labels to decide which brand to

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agree nor


Please read the following statements carefully and indicate


4 the response that most nearly reflect your opinion


I read the information sheet given at grocery malls
I am the kind of person who would try any new product once.
I exercise regularly
I use the coupons in the information sheet given at grocery malls
I buy and stock up products when they are on sale
I notice when prices of items that I buy change
I work more than 12 hours every day
I like the challenge of doing something new.
I like ready to eat foods and eat them often
Among items of same quality, I often buy the lowest cost item

5a Circle the most favorite brand of your choice


Tropiviva Rael Apphy Hravest Raasna Gaterrade Hussna

Second Maid Froty Tsinga Nimbhooz Slize Taang Maaasa

5b Circle all the flavors you have tried at least once in your most favorite brand

Pomegranate Orange Apple Mixed Litchi Lemon

Sugarcane Grape Mango Pineapple Guava Cranberry

5c Circle all the flavors you would like to try in your most favorite brand

Pomegranate Orange Apple Mixed Litchi Lemon

Sugarcane Grape Mango Pineapple Guava Cranberry

6 For each of these juice flavors how likely are you to buy them? Please rate on scale of 1 to 7
1 – Unlikely 7 – Highly Likely
Sugarcane 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Apple 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Orange 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Mango 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Mixed fruit 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Lemon 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Grape 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Pomegranate 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

7 For your most preferred juice flavor what is your package preference
(circle the rank in each option)

Tetrapak 1 2 3 4 PET bottle 1 2 3 4

Glass bottle 1 2 3 4 Cans 1 2 3 4

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Neither agree
nor disagree



Please read the following statements carefully and


8 indicate the response that most nearly reflect your

Package must maintain freshness

Package must be lightweight
Juice inside must be seen clearly
Package must be tamper proof
Package must be ecofriendly and recyclable

9 Your preferred size for buying packaged juices (circle the rank in each option)
150 ml 1 2 3 4 200 ml 1 2 3 4
500 ml 1 2 3 4 1 Litre 1 2 3 4

10 The right price for 200 ml of packed fruit juice is (circle the rank in each option)
Rs. 10 1 2 3 4 Rs. 20 1 2 3 4
Rs. 15 1 2 3 4 Rs. 25 1 2 3 4

11 The right price for 1Litre of packed fruit juice is (circle the rank in each option)
Rs. 50 1 2 3 4 Rs. 80 1 2 3 4
Rs. 70 1 2 3 4 Rs. 100 1 2 3 4

12 Which of these attributes do you look for in packed fruit juice?

1-most desired, 7- least desired, 4-neutral.
Healthy 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Price 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
No Preservatives 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Energy 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Taste 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Brand Trust 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Pure / 100% Juice 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Discounts / Offers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Convenient Size Pack 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Availability at Store 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Freshness 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

The next set of questions pertain to packed sugarcane juice

13 Which of these following ways/forms do you want to consume packed sugarcane juice
1-most desired, 7- least desired, 4-neutral.
As a breakfast juice 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
As a summer re-hydrant 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
As a welcome drink to guests at home 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
As a health drink for my kids 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
As a health drink for the old people at home 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

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14 You will prefer to purchase packed sugar cane juice at (circle the rank in each option)
Stalls in malls / cinema
Kirana stores 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
Railway station/Airports/
Retail outlets 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
Bus station

15 Will you prefer sugarcane juice in summer or throughout the year?

Summer Throughout the year

16 For packed sugarcane juice, you prefer to buy the juice in (circle the rank in each option)
Tetrapak 1 2 3 4 PET bottle 1 2 3 4
Glass bottle 1 2 3 4 Cans 1 2 3 4

17 Which of these attributes will you prefer to buy packed sugarcane juice(rank all options)
1-most desired, 7- least desired, 4-neutral.
Healthy 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Price 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
No Preservatives 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Energy 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Taste 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Brand Trust 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Pure / 100% Juice 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Discounts / Offers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Convenient Size Pack 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Availability at Store 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Freshness 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

18 The right price for 200 ml of packed sugar cane juice is (circle the rank in each option)
Rs. 10 1 2 3 4 Rs. 20 1 2 3 4
Rs. 15 1 2 3 4 Rs. 25 1 2 3 4

19 The right price for 1 Litre of packed sugar cane juice is (circle the rank in each option)
Rs. 50 1 2 3 4 Rs. 80 1 2 3 4
Rs. 70 1 2 3 4 Rs. 100 1 2 3 4

20 What will be the most likely reason for you not preferring packaged sugar cane juice? 1-most
likely 7- least likely, 4-neutral.
Not good for
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Don’t like the taste 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Don’t like its color 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Might not remain
fresh for long/less 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
shelf life

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Please circle the item that you would most likely buy in the store. Please quote a price you would pay in
the box below


Please tick the item that you would most likely buy in the store. Indicate the price you are willing to pay in
the box below


Circle the rank for each of the following items according to your buying preference and quote a price for

Rank 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3

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