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Biology at Ease

Biology : Important Dates and Abbreviations QUIZ NEET 2021

1. In which year MTP became legalized in India?

A. 1951
B. 1961

C. 1871

D. 1971
Biology at Ease
Biology : Important Dates and Abbreviations QUIZ NEET 2021

2. What is the full form of ART?

A. Artificial Reproductive Technologies

B. Assisted Reproductive Technologies

C. Assisted Reproduction Technologies

D. Artificial Reproduction Technologies

Biology at Ease
Biology : Important Dates and Abbreviations QUIZ NEET 2021

3. Full form of IARI?

A. Indian Agriculture Research Institute

B. International Agriculture Research Institute

C. Indian Agro Research Institute

D. International Agro Research Institute

Biology at Ease
Biology : Important Dates and Abbreviations QUIZ NEET 2021

4. Transforming principle was performed by ________, in


A. Fredrick Griffith, 1958

B. Hershey and Chase, 1958

C. Fredrick Griffith, 1928

D. Hershey and Chase, 1928

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Biology : Important Dates and Abbreviations QUIZ NEET 2021

5. What is the full form of MOET?

A. Multiple Ovulatory Embryo Transfer Technology

B. Multiple Ovulation Embryo Technology

C. Multiple Ovulation Embryo Transfer Technology

D. None of the above

Biology at Ease
Biology : Important Dates and Abbreviations QUIZ NEET 2021

6. Universe is

A. 20 million years old

B. 20 billion years old

C. 200 million years old

D. 200 billion years old

Biology at Ease
Biology : Important Dates and Abbreviations QUIZ NEET 2021

7. GPP refers to -

A. Gross Primary Productivity

B. Gross Primary Production

C. Gross Particular Productivity

D. Gram Primary Productivity

Biology at Ease
Biology : Important Dates and Abbreviations QUIZ NEET 2021

8. About 2,000 million years ago:

A. First non-cellular life originated

B. First cellular form life originated

C. Jawless fishes evolved

D. Totipotency
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Biology : Important Dates and Abbreviations QUIZ NEET 2021

9. JFM refers to

A. Joint Forest Management

B. Joint Forest Monetary

C. Join Forest Management

D. Jawless Fish Management

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Biology : Important Dates and Abbreviations QUIZ NEET 2021

10. In _______ sequence of ______ was completed.

A. June 2008, chromosome 1

B. June 2006, chromosome 11

C. May 2008, chromosome 1

D. May 2006, chromosome 1

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Biology : Important Dates and Abbreviations QUIZ NEET 2021

11. Double helix structure of DNA was given in

A. 1958
B. 1853

C. 1953

D. 1858
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12. Who proposed chromosomal theory of inheritance?

A. T.H. Morgan
B. Langdon

C. Walter Sutton and Theodore Boveri

D. Gregor Mendel
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Biology : Important Dates and Abbreviations QUIZ NEET 2021

13. Which food chain begins with dead organic matter?



Biology at Ease
Biology : Important Dates and Abbreviations QUIZ NEET 2021

14. RNAi refers to _______ and takes place in _____ organisms.

A. RNA interference, few eukaryotic

B. RNA interference, all eukaryotic

C. RNA introns, few eukaryotic

D. RNA introns, all eukaryotic

Biology at Ease
Biology : Important Dates and Abbreviations QUIZ NEET 2021

15. MRI refers to

A. Magnetic Repeated Imaging

B. Magnitude Resonance Imaging

C. Magnetic Resonance Interference

D. Magnetic Resonance Imaging

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Biology : Important Dates and Abbreviations QUIZ NEET 2021

16. Mendel’s work remained unrecognized till

A. 1865
B. 1900

C. 1965

D. 2000
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Biology : Important Dates and Abbreviations QUIZ NEET 2021

17. The unequivocal proof that DNA is genetic material was given
by ________ in _______.

A. Hershey and Chase, 1958

B. Hershey and Chase, 1962

C. Hershey and Chase, 1952

D. Meselson and Stalh, 1952

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Biology : Important Dates and Abbreviations QUIZ NEET 2021

18. Age of earth:

A. 4.5 million years

B. 3.5 million years

C. 4.5 billion years

D. 3.5 billion years

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Biology : Important Dates and Abbreviations QUIZ NEET 2021

19. IUCN refers to

A. International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural

B. Indian Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural
C. International Union for Conserving Nature and Natural
D. Indian Union for Conserving Nature and Natural Resources
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Biology : Important Dates and Abbreviations QUIZ NEET 2021

20. The amount of dissolved oxygen needed by aerobic

biological organisms to break down organic material present
in a water at certain temperature is called
A. Biochemical oxygen demand
B. Biological oxygen demand

C. Biochemical ozone demand

D. Biochemical ozone depletion

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Biology : Important Dates and Abbreviations QUIZ NEET 2021

21. Dobson unit is for measuring

A. Ozone depletion
B. Oxygen concentration

C. Oxygen depletion

D. Ozone concentration
Biology at Ease
Biology : Important Dates and Abbreviations QUIZ NEET 2021

22. GMO refers to

A. Genetically modified organism

B. Genetically modification of organisms

C. Gene modified organism

D. Genetically modified organs

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Biology : Important Dates and Abbreviations QUIZ NEET 2021

23. ELISA refers to

A. Enzyme Linked Immuno-Sorbent Association

B. Enzyme Linked Immuno-Submerged Assay

C. Enzyme Linking Immuno-Sorbent Assay

D. Enzyme Linked Immuno-Sorbent Assay

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Biology : Important Dates and Abbreviations QUIZ NEET 2021

24. The term “Nuclein” was given by ______ in _______.

A. Friedrich Meischer, 1969

B. Fredrick Griffith, 1953

C. Friedrich Meischer, 1869

D. Fredrick Griffith, 1869

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Biology : Important Dates and Abbreviations QUIZ NEET 2021

25. Coelecanth was caught in ________ in _____.

A. South America, 1928

B. South Africa, 1938

C. South America, 1938

D. South Africa, 1928

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Biology : Important Dates and Abbreviations QUIZ NEET 2021

26. About _____ mya, Dinosaurs suddenly disappeared from


A. 65
B. 75

C. 85

D. 95
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Biology : Important Dates and Abbreviations QUIZ NEET 2021

27. A citizens group responsible for the upkeep and safeguarding

of an integrated waste-water treatment process in a town of
Arcata is


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Biology : Important Dates and Abbreviations QUIZ NEET 2021

28. CPCB refers to

A. Control Pollution Central Board

B. Central Pollution Control Board

C. Central Pollutants Control Board

D. Canadian Pollution Control Board

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Biology : Important Dates and Abbreviations QUIZ NEET 2021

29. Homo habilis originated

A. 5 mya
B. 2 mya

C. 50 mya

D. 200 mya
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Biology : Important Dates and Abbreviations QUIZ NEET 2021

30. AIDS was first reported in

A. 1891
B. 1981

C. 1991

D. 1881
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Biology : Important Dates and Abbreviations QUIZ NEET 2021

31. Green revolution lead to the increase in rice production from

A. 35 million tons to 89.5 million tons

B. 11 million tons to 75 million tons

C. 11 million tons to 35 million tons

D. 35 million tons to 75 million tons

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Biology : Important Dates and Abbreviations QUIZ NEET 2021

32. ______ commonly known as Java man, originated ______

A. Homo erectus, 1.4 mya

B. Homo habilis, 1.4 mya

C. Homo erectus, 1.5 mya

D. Homo habilis, 1.5 mya

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Biology : Important Dates and Abbreviations QUIZ NEET 2021

33. “The Earth summit” – Rio de Janeiro was held in

A. 1992
B. 1982

C. 1972

D. 1975
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Biology : Important Dates and Abbreviations QUIZ NEET 2021

34. The first transgenic cow, Rosie, developed in _______,

produced human protein-enriched milk________.

A. 1987, 2.4 grams per liter

B. 1997, 2.4 grams per liter

C. 1997, 2.5 grams per liter

D. 1987, 2.5 grams per liter

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Biology : Important Dates and Abbreviations QUIZ NEET 2021

35. PCR refers to ______, developed by _______.

A. Polymerase Chain Reaction, Paul Berg

B. Polymerase Chain Reaction, Kary Mullis

C. Polymerase Chain Reactants, Kary Mullis

D. Polymerase Chain Reactants, Paul Berg

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Biology : Important Dates and Abbreviations QUIZ NEET 2021

36. A face which corresponds to the interval between mitosis and

initiation of DNA replication refers to

A. G2 phase
B. G1 phase

C. G0 phase

D. S phase
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Biology : Important Dates and Abbreviations QUIZ NEET 2021

37. The contribution of CFCs to global warming is

A. 60%
B. 20%

C. 14%

D. 6%
Biology at Ease
Biology : Important Dates and Abbreviations QUIZ NEET 2021

38. Another name for Krebs cycle:

A. PGAL cycle
B. TCA cycle

C. ATP cycle

D. CJD cycle
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Biology : Important Dates and Abbreviations QUIZ NEET 2021

39. In ____ Delhi ranked ______ among the41 most polluted in

the world.

A. 1920s, 3rd
B. 1930s, 4th

C. 1990s, 4th

D. 1950s, 3rd
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Biology : Important Dates and Abbreviations QUIZ NEET 2021

40. Chipko movement was started in

A. 1974
B. 1984

C. 1994

D. 2004
Biology at Ease
Biology : Important Dates and Abbreviations QUIZ NEET 2021

41. Additional volume of air, a person can inspire by forcible

inspiration is called



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Biology : Important Dates and Abbreviations QUIZ NEET 2021

42. VC refers to

A. Maximum volume of air a person can breathe out, after a

forced inspiration
B. Maximum volume of air a person can breathe in, after a
forced inspiration
C. Additional volume of air a person can breathe in, after a
forced expiration
D. All of the above
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Biology : Important Dates and Abbreviations QUIZ NEET 2021

43. ANS refers to

A. Autonomic nervous system

B. Automatic nervous system

C. Automatic neural system

D. Autonomic neural system

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Biology : Important Dates and Abbreviations QUIZ NEET 2021

44. Who discovered viroids?

A. W.M. Stanley
B. Dimitri Ivanowsky

C. Theodore Schwann

D. T.O. Diener
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Biology : Important Dates and Abbreviations QUIZ NEET 2021

45. Golgi apparatus was discovered in

A. 1998
B. 1798

C. 1898

D. 2008
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Biology : Important Dates and Abbreviations QUIZ NEET 2021

46. The concept of “Omnis cellula-e cellula” was given by

________ in ______.
A. Rudolf Virchow, 1865
B. Rudolf Virchow, 1895

C. Rudolf Virchow, 1965

D. Rudolf Virchow, 1855

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Biology : Important Dates and Abbreviations QUIZ NEET 2021

47. Five kingdom classification was given in

A. 1979
B. 1971

C. 1969

D. 1898
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48. By the end of which year Delhi was converted to run on

A. 2008
B. 2002

C. 2005

D. 2010
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49. Water prevention and control of pollution Act

A. 1987
B. 1971

C. 1974

D. 1874
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50. The hormone involved in RAAS mechanism is


C. Aldosterone

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Biology : Important Dates and Abbreviations QUIZ NEET 2021

51. CAD refers to

A. Coronary Arterial Disease

B. Coronary Artery Disease

C. Coronary Artery Disorder

D. Corona Artery Disease

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Biology : Important Dates and Abbreviations QUIZ NEET 2021

52. Miller Urey was performed in

A. 1963
B. 1973

C. 1953

D. 1983
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Biology : Important Dates and Abbreviations QUIZ NEET 2021

53. HGP refers to ______, is a _______ year project.

A. Human Genome Project, 12

B. Human Genome Project, 13

C. Human Genomic Project, 12

D. Human Genomic Project, 13

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Biology : Important Dates and Abbreviations QUIZ NEET 2021

54. When was the first recombinant DNA constructed?

A. 1972
B. 1952

C. 1973

D. 1953
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Biology : Important Dates and Abbreviations QUIZ NEET 2021

55. GH is produced by

A. Anterior pituitary
B. Posterior pituitary

C. Pars Distalis

D. Both A and C
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Biology : Important Dates and Abbreviations QUIZ NEET 2021

56. TCT is produced by

A. Parathyroid gland
B. Thymus gland

C. Thyroid gland

D. Both A and C
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Biology : Important Dates and Abbreviations QUIZ NEET 2021

57. Montreal protocol was signed at Canada in

A. 1989
B. 1987

C. 1839

D. 1898
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Biology : Important Dates and Abbreviations QUIZ NEET 2021

58. Air Prevention and Control of Pollution Act came into force in

A. 1987
B. 1982

C. 1981

D. 1990
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Biology : Important Dates and Abbreviations QUIZ NEET 2021

59. Gibberellic acid was discovered by E. Kurosawa in

A. 1925
B. 1926

C. 1927

D. 1928
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Biology : Important Dates and Abbreviations QUIZ NEET 2021

60. Hydroponics was discovered in

A. 1960
B. 1860

C. 1770

D. 1854
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61. Select the odd one out:



D. 2,4-D
Biology at Ease
Biology : Important Dates and Abbreviations QUIZ NEET 2021
62. Match the following

A. Blackman’s law of limiting factor 1. 1910

B. Homo habilis 2. 1905
C. Age of Earth 3. 4.5 billion years
D. Discovery of ethylene 4. 2 mya

A. A – 2, B – 4, C – 3, D – 1
B. A – 4, B – 1, C – 3, D – 2
C. A – 1, B – 2, C – 3, D – 4
D. A – 3, B – 4, C – 2, D – 1
Biology at Ease
Biology : Important Dates and Abbreviations QUIZ NEET 2021

63. Who showed that virus could be crystallized?

A. T.O. Diener
B. Dimitri Ivanowsky

C. W.M. Stanley

D. Hershey and Chase

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Biology : Important Dates and Abbreviations QUIZ NEET 2021

64. MSH is produced by

A. Pineal gland
B. Pars intermedia

C. Adrenal gland

D. Both A and B
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Biology : Important Dates and Abbreviations QUIZ NEET 2021

65. ADH causes

A. Stimulates diuresis
B. Reduces diuresis

C. Reduces immunity

D. Stimulates immunity
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Biology : Important Dates and Abbreviations QUIZ NEET 2021

66. PTH is a ______ hormone.

A. Hypocalcemic
B. Hypercalcemic

C. Antidiuretic

D. Inhibitory
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Biology : Important Dates and Abbreviations QUIZ NEET 2021

67. Experimental proof for semi-conservative nature of DNA

replication was given in
A. 1953
B. 1963

C. 1958

D. 1974
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Biology : Important Dates and Abbreviations QUIZ NEET 2021

68. In which year concept of family planning introduced in India

A. 1973
B. 1951

C. 1971

D. 1961
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Biology : Important Dates and Abbreviations QUIZ NEET 2021

69. RTI refers to

A. Reproductive transfer insemination

B. Reproductive tract insemination

C. Reproduction tract infections

D. Reproductive tract infections

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70. TMV is a _____ virus.


C. Protein

D. None of the above

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Biology : Important Dates and Abbreviations QUIZ NEET 2021

71. PID refers to

A. Pelvic infection disorder

B. Pelvic infection diseases

C. Pelvic inflammatory disorder

D. Pelvic inflammatory diseases

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72. The most abundant RNA is



D. Both A and B
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Biology : Important Dates and Abbreviations QUIZ NEET 2021

73. Biochemical characterization of transforming principle was

given in
A. 1944-54
B. 1923-33

C. 1933-34

D. 1933-44
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Biology : Important Dates and Abbreviations QUIZ NEET 2021

74. Who discovered oxygen?

A. Julius von Sachs

B. Joseph Priestley

C. Camillo Golgi

D. Aristotle
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75. Down’s syndrome discovered in _____ refers to trisomy of

chromosome ______.
A. 1856, 21
B. 1866, 21

C. 1857, 17

D. 1857, 12
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Biology : Important Dates and Abbreviations QUIZ NEET 2021

76. MALT refers to

A. Mucosa-Associated Lymphoid Tissue

B. Mucosa-Associated Lymphatic Tissue

C. Mucosa-Associated Lymphatic Typhoid

D. Mucus-Associated Lymphoid Tissue

Biology at Ease
Biology : Important Dates and Abbreviations QUIZ NEET 2021

77. Which year is associated with green revolution?

A. Early 1960s
B. Mid 1960s

C. Late 1960s

D. Mid 1970s
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Biology : Important Dates and Abbreviations QUIZ NEET 2021

78. In _____, ______ was included as an air pollutant.

A. 1981, noise
B. 1987, smoke

C. 1987, noise

D. 1981, smoke
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Biology : Important Dates and Abbreviations QUIZ NEET 2021

79. Select the odd one out:



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Biology : Important Dates and Abbreviations QUIZ NEET 2021

80. UTR refers to

A. Untranscribed regions
B. Untranslated regions

C. Untranscribed repeats

D. Untranslated repeats
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Biology : Important Dates and Abbreviations QUIZ NEET 2021

81. In ________, cytokinins were discovered.

A. 1945
B. 1955

C. 1975

D. 1965
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Biology : Important Dates and Abbreviations QUIZ NEET 2021

82. IPM refers to

A. Integrated poultry management

B. International pest management

C. Integrated pest management

D. Indian pest management

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Biology : Important Dates and Abbreviations QUIZ NEET 2021

83. Who proposed semi-conservative nature of DNA replication?

A. Jacob and Monod

B. Meselson and Stalh

C. Watson and Crick

D. Fredrick Griffith
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Biology : Important Dates and Abbreviations QUIZ NEET 2021

84. Full form of SNPs:

A. Single Nucleoside polymorphism

B. Single Nucleus polymorphism

C. Saturated Nucleotide polymorphism

D. Single Nucleotide polymorphism

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Biology : Important Dates and Abbreviations QUIZ NEET 2021

85. Plants use _____ percentage of PAR.

A. 5-15%
B. 3-7%

C. 2-10%

D. 10-15%
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Biology : Important Dates and Abbreviations QUIZ NEET 2021

86. DDT refers to

A. Dichloro-diphenyl-trichloro-methane
B. Dichloro-diphenyl-trichloro-ethane

C. Dichloro-diethyl-trichloro-ethane

D. Dichloro-methyl-trichloro-ethane
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Biology : Important Dates and Abbreviations QUIZ NEET 2021

87. Rediscovery of Mendel’s results was done in

A. 1865
B. 1900

C. 2005

D. 1700
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88. The name virus was given in

A. 1982
B. 1892

C. 1935

D. 1838
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89. In _______, _________ revealed essential role of _______ in

the growth of green plant.
A. 1860, Joseph Priestly, soil
B. 1770, Joseph Priestly, soil

C. 1770, Joseph Priestly, air

D. 1860, Joseph Priestly, air

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Biology : Important Dates and Abbreviations QUIZ NEET 2021

90. Citokinins were crystallized by

A. E. Kurosawa
B. Miller et al.

C. H.H. Cousins

D. Rudolf Virchow
Biology at Ease
Biology : Important Dates and Abbreviations QUIZ NEET 2021
1) D : 1971 13) B : DFC 24) C : Friedrich Meischer, 1869
2) B : Assisted Reproductive 14) B : RNA interference, all 25) B : South Africa, 1938
Technologies eukaryotic
26) A : 65
3) A : Indian Agriculture Research 15) D : Magnetic Resonance
Institute Imaging 27) A : FOAM
4) C : Fredrick Griffith, 1928 16) B : 1900 28) B : Central Pollution Control
5) C : Multiple Ovulation Embryo 17) C : Hershey and Chase, 1952
Transfer Technology 29) B : 2 mya
18) C : 4.5 billion years
6) B : 20 billion years old 30) B : 1981
19) A : International Union for
31) A : 35 million tons to 89.5
7) A : Gross Primary Productivity Conservation of Nature and
million tons
8) B : First cellular form life Natural Resources
originated 20) A : Biochemical oxygen 32) C : Homo erectus, 1.5 mya
9) A : Joint Forest Management demand 33) A : 1992
10) D : May 2006, chromosome 1 21) D : Ozone concentration 34) B : 1997, 2.4 grams per liter
11) C : 1953 22) A : Genetically modified 35) B : Polymerase Chain
organism Reaction, Kary Mullis
12) C : Walter Sutton and
23) D : Enzyme Linked Immuno- 36) B : G1 phase
Theodore Boveri
Sorbent Assay
Biology at Ease
Biology : Important Dates and Abbreviations QUIZ NEET 2021
37) C : 14% 51) B : Coronary Artery Disease 65) B : Reduces diuresis
38) B : TCA cycle 52) C : 1953 66) B : Hypercalcemic
39) C : 1990s, 4th 53) B : Human Genome Project, 67) C : 1958
40) A : 1974 13 68) B : 1951
41) B : IRV 54) A : 1972 69) D : Reproductive tract
42) A : Maximum volume of air a 55) D : Both A and C infections
person can breathe out, after a 56) C : Thyroid gland 70) B : RNA
forced inspiration
57) B : 1987 71) D : Pelvic inflammatory
43) A : Autonomic nervous system diseases
58) C : 1981
44) D : T.O. Diener 72) B : rRNA
59) B : 1926
45) C : 1898 73) D : 1933-44
60) B : 1860
46) D : Rudolf Virchow, 1855 74) B : Joseph Priestley
61) C : ABA
47) C : 1969 75) B : 1866, 21
62) A : A – 2, B – 4, C – 3, D – 1
48) B : 2002 76) A : Mucosa-Associated
63) C : W.M. Stanley
49) C : 1974 Lymphoid Tissue
64) B : Pars intermedia
50) C : Aldosterone 77) B : Mid 1960s
Biology at Ease
Biology : Important Dates and Abbreviations QUIZ NEET 2021
78) C : 1987, noise
79) D : SER
80) B : Untranslated regions
81) B : 1955
82) C : Integrated pest management
83) C : Watson and Crick
84) D : Single Nucleotide polymorphism
85) C : 2-10%
86) B : Dichloro-diphenyl-trichloro-ethane
87) B : 1900
88) B : 1892
89) D : 1860, Joseph Priestly, air
90) B : Miller et al.

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